To find ways to help the polar bear

Even if we can not stop global warming ( because man has sent too much pollution in the atmosphere) but it is still possible to slow down the process to allow time for nature to adapt . To do this, we must drastically reduce our production of greenhouse gas emissions (mainly CO2). That's why that was established Kyoto Treaty . All countries that have approved the treaty committed themselves to reduce their CO2 emissions. How ? Using less fossil fuels that produce a lot of CO2 by burning , but rather clean energy such as solar, wind ( the wind) ... These solutions are the responsibility of governments. But each of us may already be: if you put all of this could slow down the process . To better understand what the greenhouse effect , click the "greenhouse effect " tab. To find ways to help the polar bear to keep its habitat , here is the list of small daily actions to be considered in the " help the bear ."