History, Vocabulary, and Ethics of Administering, Scoring and Interpreting Assessment By Emilio Aponte, M.Ed. Artist & Guidance Counselor Professor EDUC 583 EDUC 583:Instruments and Techniques for Diagnosis and Appraisal
Ana G. Mendez University System Feb 2014
Referenced Tests
History, Vocabulary, and Ethics of Administering, Scoring and Interpreting Assessment By Emilio Aponte, M.Ed. Artist & Guidance Counselor | Professor EDUC 583| AGMUS| Feb 2014
Norm Referenced 1920 World War I - IQ Screening
Based on “the Bell Curve” Use standardized tests Comparing students to students Want to create a spread ◦ Item analysis ◦ Distinguish items: High achievers get correct and low achievers get wrong Used for screening people in and out
History, Vocabulary, and Ethics of Administering, Scoring and Interpreting Assessment By Emilio Aponte, M.Ed. Artist & Guidance Counselor | Professor EDUC 583| AGMUS| Feb 2014
Examples of Norm Referenced
Many college entrance exams and nationally used school tests use normreferenced tests. Their compare individual student performance to the performance of a normative sample. SAT Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC)
History, Vocabulary, and Ethics of Administering, Scoring and Interpreting Assessment By Emilio Aponte, M.Ed. Artist & Guidance Counselor | Professor EDUC 583| AGMUS| Feb 2014
Criterion Referenced 1920
1970 Criterion Referenced Testing Began
Specific standards established Certain information/learning is necessary to continue the next steps of learning. Students learning is compared to the criteria or standards (NOT to each other) Assumption: If students do not reach standards, find other means of teaching students
History, Vocabulary, and Ethics of Administering, Scoring and Interpreting Assessment By Emilio Aponte, M.Ed. Artist & Guidance Counselor | Professor EDUC 583| AGMUS| Feb 2014
Examples of Criterion Referenced Driving tests. Their goal is to see whether the test taker is skilled enough to be granted a driver's license, not to see whether one test taker is more skilled than another test taker. Citizenship tests. Their goal is to see whether the test taker is sufficiently familiar with the new country's history and government, not to see whether one test taker is more knowledgeable than another test taker.
History, Vocabulary, and Ethics of Administering, Scoring and Interpreting Assessment By Emilio Aponte, M.Ed. Artist & Guidance Counselor | Professor EDUC 583| AGMUS| Feb 2014
Authentic Assessment 1920
Authentic Assessment
Not all of what we teach can be assessed by paper and pencil tests nor by multiple choice items
Students need to demonstrate what they learned: performance based (based on constructivist learning theory)
Assessment is different than testing or grading (closer to diagnosis)
History, Vocabulary, and Ethics of Administering, Scoring and Interpreting Assessment By Emilio Aponte, M.Ed. Artist & Guidance Counselor | Professor EDUC 583| AGMUS| Feb 2014
Examples of Authentic Assessment
Rubrics (specific criteria—teaching is planned around criteria)
Includes attention to non-academic or difficult to assess ◦ Cooperative learning ◦ Critical thinking skills ◦ Social learning
Differentiates summative vs. formative assessment
More examples here: http://jfmueller.faculty.noctrl.edu/toolbox/examples.htm
History, Vocabulary, and Ethics of Administering, Scoring and Interpreting Assessment By Emilio Aponte, M.Ed. Artist & Guidance Counselor | Professor EDUC 583| AGMUS| Feb 2014
Psychological Assessment
Integration of information Multiple sources- Psychological tests, personal and medical history, description of current symptoms and problems by either self or others Collateral information -interviews with other persons about the person being assessed.
All psychologists do some level of assessment when providing services to clients or patients. May use simple checklists to assess some traits or symptoms, but psychological assessment is a more complex, detailed, in-depth process. History, Vocabulary, and Ethics of Administering, Scoring and Interpreting Assessment By Emilio Aponte, M.Ed. Artist & Guidance Counselor | Professor EDUC 583| AGMUS| Feb 2014
Psychological Assessment Continuation
Typical types of focus for psychological assessment are to provided a diagnosis, assess level of function or disability, help direct treatment, and assess treatment outcome.
A useful psychological measure must be both valid (i.e., actually measures what it claims to measure) and reliable (i.e., internally consistent or give consistent results over time).
Psychological testing o Field characterized by the use of samples of behavior in order to infer generalizations about a given individual. o The technical term for the science behind psychological testing is psychometrics. History, Vocabulary, and Ethics of Administering, Scoring and Interpreting Assessment By Emilio Aponte, M.Ed. Artist & Guidance Counselor | Professor EDUC 583| AGMUS| Feb 2014
Vocabulary • Rubric is a scoring tool for subjective assessments. It is a set of criteria and standards linked to learning objectives that is used to assess a student's performance on papers, projects, essays, and other assignments. Rubrics allow for standardized evaluation according to specified criteria, making grading simpler and more transparent. • Criteria is the plural form of Criterion. Criterion validity, in psychometrics, a measure of how well one variable or set of variables predicts an outcome. • Criterion-referenced test, translates a test score into a statement about the behavior to be expected of a person
History, Vocabulary, and Ethics of Administering, Scoring and Interpreting Assessment By Emilio Aponte, M.Ed. Artist & Guidance Counselor | Professor EDUC 583| AGMUS| Feb 2014
Vocabulary • Psychological tests is one of the sources of data used within the process of assessment; usually more than one test is used. • Validity is important because it can help determine what types of tests to use, and help to make sure researchers are using methods that are not only ethical, and cost-effective, but also a method that truly measures the idea or construct in question. • Reliability is the overall consistency of a measure. A measure is said to have a high reliability if it produces similar results under consistent conditions. For example, measurements of people’s height and weight are often extremely reliable. History, Vocabulary, and Ethics of Administering, Scoring and Interpreting Assessment By Emilio Aponte, M.Ed. Artist & Guidance Counselor | Professor EDUC 583| AGMUS| Feb 2014
Vocabulary • By samples of behavior, one means observations over time of an individual performing tasks that have usually been prescribed beforehand. These responses are often compiled into statistical tables that allow the evaluator to compare the behavior of the individual being tested to the responses of a norm group. • Norm group consists of a carefully constructed sample of the intended testing population which is intended to mirror the demographic composition of that population (e.g., sixth-graders in Massachusetts, or sixthgraders across the United States -- be specific). The performance of individuals in the norm group is the benchmark against which scores on a norm-referenced test are compared. History, Vocabulary, and Ethics of Administering, Scoring and Interpreting Assessment By Emilio Aponte, M.Ed. Artist & Guidance Counselor | Professor EDUC 583| AGMUS| Feb 2014
Vocabulary • Norm-referenced test: An objective test that is standardized on a group of individuals whose performance is evaluated in relation to the performance of others; contrasted with criterion-referenced test. Most standardized achievement tests are referred to as normreferenced.
• Psychometrics is the field of study concerned with the theory and technique of psychological measurement, which includes the measurement of knowledge, abilities, attitudes, personality traits, and educational measurement. The field is primarily concerned with the construction and validation of measurement instruments such as questionnaires, tests, and personality assessments History, Vocabulary, and Ethics of Administering, Scoring and Interpreting Assessment By Emilio Aponte, M.Ed. Artist & Guidance Counselor | Professor EDUC 583| AGMUS| Feb 2014
What I have learned? Summary I learned that Assessment is not a test; it is a process that involves the integration of information from different sources. I also learned that World War I and World War II contributed in the development of Assessment. World War I serves as a boon to the testing movement, since thousands of recruits had to be quickly screened for intellectual functioning and emotional fitness. By the time World War II rolled around the psychologist Hathaway and the psychiatrist McKinley collaborated on the development of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). I also learned the basic differences between the three types of assessments. The Norm Referenced (NR); the Criterion Referenced (CR); and Authentic Assessment (AA). NR is based on “the Bell curve� or IQ screening, using standardized tests and student to student comparison. CR has a specific standard established; students learning is compared to the standards and in AA students need to demonstrate what they learned e.g. the portfolio used by the Ana G. Mendez University. History, Vocabulary, and Ethics of Administering, Scoring and Interpreting Assessment By Emilio Aponte, M.Ed. Artist & Guidance Counselor | Professor EDUC 583| AGMUS| Feb 2014
Ethics* Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Assessment Ethical Issues in Assessment Ethical Codes Standards Ethical Decision Making Ethical Codes: Highlights of APA and ACA • Choose appropriate instruments • Competence • Cross-cultural sensitivity • Obtain Informed consent • Invasion of privacy • Proper diagnosis • Release of test data • Test administration o Test security o Test scoring and interpretation
* http://faculty.mansfield.edu/mlaunius/Psy2201/Powerpoint/Psy%202201%20Ch%202%20Ethics.ppt
History, Vocabulary, and Ethics of Administering, Scoring and Interpreting Assessment By Emilio Aponte, M.Ed. Artist & Guidance Counselor | Professor EDUC 583| AGMUS| Feb 2014
Ethics Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Assessment Standards The following standards speak to the proper administration and interpretation of tests: • The Standards for the Qualifications of Tests Users (ACA, 2003)
• Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education (JCTP, 2002) (Appendix B) • Responsibilities of Users of Standardized Tests (RUST) (AACE, 2003)
History, Vocabulary, and Ethics of Administering, Scoring and Interpreting Assessment By Emilio Aponte, M.Ed. Artist & Guidance Counselor | Professor EDUC 583| AGMUS| Feb 2014
Ethics Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Assessment Standards Standards of the Qualifications of Test Users • Knowledge of theory relevant to the testing context • Understanding of testing theory, techniques of test construction, and test worthiness • Knowledge of test sampling and statistics • Ability to review and select appropriate tests • Skill in administration and interpretation • Knowledge of the impact of diversity on testing • Responsible use of assessment and evaluation practice. History, Vocabulary, and Ethics of Administering, Scoring and Interpreting Assessment By Emilio Aponte, M.Ed. Artist & Guidance Counselor | Professor EDUC 583| AGMUS| Feb 2014
Ethics Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Assessment
Standards Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education • For education in following areas: admissions, educational assessment, educational diagnosis, and student placement • Provides guidance for developing and selecting appropriate tests, administering and scoring tests, reporting and interpreting test results, and informing test taker (see Appendix B)
History, Vocabulary, and Ethics of Administering, Scoring and Interpreting Assessment By Emilio Aponte, M.Ed. Artist & Guidance Counselor | Professor EDUC 583| AGMUS| Feb 2014
Ethics Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Assessment
Standards Responsibilities of Users of Standardized Tests (RUST) • Expands on the ACA’s Code of Ethics (1995) and on the Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education • Speaks to qualifications of examiners in following areas: qualifications needed, technical knowledge, test selection, test administration, test scoring, interpreting test results, and communicating test results.
History, Vocabulary, and Ethics of Administering, Scoring and Interpreting Assessment By Emilio Aponte, M.Ed. Artist & Guidance Counselor | Professor EDUC 583| AGMUS| Feb 2014
Ethics Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Assessment
Making Ethical Decisions Kitchener’s Moral Model • Autonomy • Beneficence • Nonmaleficence • Justice or fairness • Fidelity (loyalty) Corey, Corey, and Callanan’s (2003) Model 1. Identify problem 2. Identify potential issues involved 3. Review relevant ethical guidelines 4. Know relevant laws and regulations 5. Obtain consultation 6. Consider possible courses of action 7. List consequences of various decisions 8. Decide best course of action. History, Vocabulary, and Ethics of Administering, Scoring and Interpreting Assessment By Emilio Aponte, M.Ed. Artist & Guidance Counselor | Professor EDUC 583| AGMUS| Feb 2014
Ethics Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Assessment
Making Ethical Decisions Ethical Decision-Making and Cognitive Development. • Cognitive development probably affects how one makes a decision • People on a continuum from: o rigid, non-reflective manner of looking at decision making, to o open, deeply reflective decisionmaking process • People can become more relativistic (less dualistic) over time
History, Vocabulary, and Ethics of Administering, Scoring and Interpreting Assessment By Emilio Aponte, M.Ed. Artist & Guidance Counselor | Professor EDUC 583| AGMUS| Feb 2014
Ethics Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Assessment Legal Issues in Assessment
Americans with Disabilities Act Accommodations must be made for individuals with disabilities who take tests for employment Testing must be relevant to job in question The Buckley Amendment (FERPA) People have right to educational records, including test records Carl Perkins Act Assures rights of select disenfranchised groups to access vocational assessment, counseling, and placement
History, Vocabulary, and Ethics of Administering, Scoring and Interpreting Assessment By Emilio Aponte, M.Ed. Artist & Guidance Counselor | Professor EDUC 583| AGMUS| Feb 2014
Ethics Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Assessment Legal Issues in Assessment Civil Rights Acts (1964 and amendments) Tests used for employment or promotion must be shown to be suitable and valid for the job in question Freedom of Information Act Allows access to federal records States have adopted similar laws. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Restricts info shared without client consent Allows clients access to their records except for process notes used in counseling History, Vocabulary, and Ethics of Administering, Scoring and Interpreting Assessment By Emilio Aponte, M.Ed. Artist & Guidance Counselor | Professor EDUC 583| AGMUS| Feb 2014
Ethics Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Assessment Legal Issues in Assessment Privileged communication laws Licensed professional has right to keep info confidential Jaffee v. Redmond Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act Testing for federally funded programs must be a reflection of individual’s ability, not disability. Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) and PL94-142 Children 2 to 21 suspected of having disability must be tested at school’s expense Child Study Team: Individuals Education Plan (IEP) History, Vocabulary, and Ethics of Administering, Scoring and Interpreting Assessment By Emilio Aponte, M.Ed. Artist & Guidance Counselor | Professor EDUC 583| AGMUS| Feb 2014
Ethics Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Assessment Professional Issues in Testing: Associations Professional Associations ACA Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education (AACE) APA Division 5: Evaluation, Measurement, and Statistics Professional Issues in Testing: Testing as a Holistic Process Professional Associations A good assessment involves a number of different kinds of instruments Assessment is only a snapshot in time People change over their lifespan History, Vocabulary, and Ethics of Administering, Scoring and Interpreting Assessment By Emilio Aponte, M.Ed. Artist & Guidance Counselor | Professor EDUC 583| AGMUS| Feb 2014
Ethics Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Assessment
Professional Issues in Testing: Cross Cultural Issues in Assessment Codes and standards help us 1. understand the cultural bias inherent in tests, 2. know when a test should not be used because of bias, and 3. know what to do when test does not predict well for minorities Laws have impacted on assessment relative to cross-cultural issues There have been great changes made on the construction of assessment instruments.
History, Vocabulary, and Ethics of Administering, Scoring and Interpreting Assessment By Emilio Aponte, M.Ed. Artist & Guidance Counselor | Professor EDUC 583| AGMUS| Feb 2014
References Department of Defense of U.S. (2005). Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. Groth, G. (2003). Hand Book of Psychological Assessment. Fourth edition New Jersey Hashway, R. (1998. Assessment and evaluation of developmental learning:qualitative individual assessment and evaluation models. Westpor, CT: Greenwood publisher group. Hearne, J. (2001). Assessment as a Tool for Learning. Article retrieved on October 1, 2009. http://www.newhorizons.org/strategies/assess/hearne.htm
The free online Medical dictionary. (2009). The Medical Dictionary. Thesaurus and encyclopedic. Retrieved Oct 1 2009. http://medical-dictionary.com Mansfield University. Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in testing. Retrieved on Feb 2014 from http://faculty.mansfield.edu/mlaunius/Psy2201/Powerpoint/Psy%202 201%20Ch%202%20Ethics.ppt
McDaniel, R. (2009). What is Assessment: Assessing Student Learning. Article retrieved on October 1, 2009 http://educationalissues.suite101.com/article.cfm/what_is_assessment#ixzz0Ss RY0rDE Rossi, P; Lipsey, M; and Freedman, H. (2004). EVALUATION: A Systematic Approach. California, Sage Publications, Inc 2004.
History, Vocabulary, and Ethics of Administering, Scoring and Interpreting Assessment By Emilio Aponte, M.Ed. Artist & Guidance Counselor | Professor EDUC 583| AGMUS| Feb 2014