"Blind Date" Review

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It's a Date With the cooperation of one brave and daring man, Ordway’s new play, 'Blind Date,' provides a realistic look at the foibles of dating By: Emily Cain

Oh, the foibles of dating.

Rebecca Northan, the creator, actress, and director of the Ordway’s new play, 'Blind Date,' puts the awkardness of dating on full display.

For those who have been long coupled-up, the misadventures of the dating world may seem “cute” or even “funny.” However, for those deep in the trenches of searching for Mr. or Ms. Right there is a heightened awareness of how utterly painful, awkward, and PDFmyURL.com

Ima g e c re dit: O rdwa y Ce nte r fo r the Pe rfo rming Arts

awkward, and nerve-wracking first dates,

especially blind dates, can be. Tackling this subject head-on in a refreshingly – and sometimes painfully – realistic way is Rebecca Northan, the creator, actress, and director of the Ordway’s new play, Blind Date . Possessing an effortless knack for bringing out the humor and universalities in the shared human experience that is dating, Northan presents a sassy, endearing, and true-to-life representation of dating. The show opens with Mimi (Northan), a charming French woman, sitting alone at a restaurant, coming to the realiz ation that she was stood up by her blind date. After polling the audience for their advice, she decides to search for a replacement blind date. She strolls through the 280-seat theater and ultimately plucks an unsuspecting male from the comfort and safety of the dark theater, thrusting him into the spotlight, for a fun, 90-minute, surprise improv session. If the thought of being on stage in front of an audience makes you a little bit queasy, imagine being on a blind date, on stage, in front of 280 people. You might sweat, laugh nervously, talk too much – you know, standard first date behavior.

Fo rt Snelling : All Bo arded Up with No where to Go What to do with Fort Snelling

With the brave and daring man on board, the play begins. But first a few ground rules are established. For example both parties are allowed to call timeout. If either one needs a breather, they can say the word, retreat to the side of the stage, and catch their breath. The blind date is encouraged be himself as much as possible. Getting-to-know-you questions, going back to Mimi’s place, and first kisses are not off limits. Anything that might actually happen on a real date is a possibility at Blind Date . Supported by Mimi’s charm, wit, and masterful improvisational skills, the date never falls flat. Her spontaneity keeps the show moving forward and never lets things stall for too long in awkward blind dates-ville. Although, the truth is, dates can be awkward. You might cringe, sweat, laugh nervously. But that’s the beauty of Blind Date . The play is so realistic, you almost feel like you’re on the blind date yourself—and if you’re one lucky/unlucky audience member, you will be.

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+ Blind Date continues at the Ordway Center for the Performing Arts through April 1. For more information visit ordway.org. Categories: Theater

achievement gap will plague our future.


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