Emily Threadgill Architecture Portfolio

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Architecture Portfolio

“You have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that you meet it with courage and with the best that you have to give.� -Eleanor Roosevelt

Selected Works: Bridging the Gap

Heritage Center for Clay County, Kentucky

Cabin in the Trees

Cabins for 4H Camp in West Tennessee

Erosion: the Break Away Professor housing at Georgetown University

Discovery Resident Hall at Georgetown University

Other Media

Photography and Artwork

Bridging the Gap

Heritage Center for Clay County, Kentucky Spring 2014, 372 Professor W. Martella Objective: To create a place the community of Manchester could use as a gallery, research center, educational facility, and multipurpose space.

Downtown Manchester consists of many city buildings and offices. Other buildings are abandoned and in bad condition. With the addition of the Heritage Center, hopes to revitalize the downtown begin.

The plans above show the programmatic pieces connecting with one another and bridging program elements of each space. The project was designed using revit and refined using photoshop.

Left: Exterior perspective of the proposed Clay County Heritage Center Right: West entry elevation and section Below: Main Street elevation of Manchester

Cabin in the Trees

4H cabins at Lone Oak Farm in Hardeman County, Tennessee Spring 201, 371 Professor R. French Objective: To design a cabin allowing campers to be immersed in camp life and activities by surrounding them with nature.

The site plan for the 4H cabins is centered around a core, like that of a tree. This core contains a fire pit and gathering space for the use of the cabin cluster. From this core the cabins act as branches of a tree shooting off from the central piece.






Counselor Room


Gathering Space







The plan of each cabin also reflects the idea of a centralized core. The core of the cabin is the fireplace. Each major part of the program then acts as a branch extending away from the core.

The cabin is constructed using a 5 foot on center grid for the column structure.

The foundation for the piers calls for timber to be resting on the concrete footing.

In the bunk beds, sliding panels allow for each camper to control the amount of privacy or sunlight.

The walls are constructed by timber and wooden panels allowing the structure to show.

The roof is made from the timber beams with a tin roof resting on top.

Erosion: the Break Away

Professor housing at Georgetown University Spring 2013, 272 Professor A. Godwin Objective: To create housing for a geology professor showing the effects of erosion.

On the scale of the site plan, the effects of erosion are expressed like a riverbed. The natural topography of the site leading down allows river walkways to access each home. Gardens were also added to help with natural erosion and the ability to grow their own food.

Copper roof showing the effects of water drainage

Skylight breaks apart roof

Compressed entry between earth and house

Personal office completely broken off

The following perspectives walk through the building to show the effects of erosion.


Resident Hall at Georgetown University Spring 2013, 272 Professor A. Godwin Objective: To create a residential hall continually looking around the corner to discover something new.

5th Floor

3rd Floor

The site of the residence hall is located on the south side of the university’s library and east of the existing residential apartments. Large oak trees line the sidewalk and hug the building. A cafeteria is located in the dormitory to accommodate residents as well as other students of the university.

Ground Floor

Entry perspective showing the variation in elevation.

Bridge circulation connecting the lobbies of each floor.

Hallway perspective showing how each room is revealed.

Other Media

Photography and Artwork

Reclaiming Elkmont

Streets of Pompeii

Golden Gate Bridge


Alley of Pompeii

Travel sketches from various cities

A Crushing Force

Forming Lines

with gratitude,

Emily Threadgill

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