A-Z Project: Emily Sutton

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A-Z Project​ ! Emily Sutton Ms. Britt January 7, 2016

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” –John Muir http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/j/john_muir.html http://www.wallpaperup.com/24059/nature_landscapes_trees_forest_autumn_fall_seasons_hills_colors.html

A-Albedo Effect​ !

`This diagram demonstrates how the Albedo Effect takes place. On light colored surfaces, like snow, the albedo effect is high, causing sunlight to bounce off of the surface.

The Albedo Effect plays a huge role in the process of Global Warming. Because of the Albedo Effect, not as much sunlight absorbs into Earth, letting energy bounce back into space. With global temperatures increasing, more ice is melting on Earth’s surface. This melting ice is causing the sea levels on Earth to rise. Water is much more heat absorbent than ice, so the Albedo Effect will become much lower as the sea level rises. Since North Carolina is a coastal state, the Albedo Effect towards our coast is low. http://www.npolar.no/en/facts/albedo­effect.html https://www.esr.org/outreach/glossary/albedo.html

​ B-Beach​ !

During the summer of 2015, I spent time on Topsail Island with friends like Tristen Holloman and Maggie Langston; sand dunes, which protect the beach, can be seen in the background.

North Carolina is known for having so many great beaches, like Topsail Island pictured above. These many beaches attract a large number of tourists to the Coastal Plain region each year. A beach is the accumulation of sediment found along the shore of a lake or ocean. The waves from the ocean erode the sand on the beaches, while also transporting and depositing the sediment. The sediment making up a beach can also be moved by currents and tides. Because of this movement of sand, beaches change daily. Information from notes

C-Coriolis Effect​ !

The diagram demonstrates how under the Coriolis Effect an object can be thrown straight, but it will turn due to the rotation of Earth.

The Earth is constantly rotating on its tilted axis. It takes twenty­four hours for the Earth to make a complete rotation. The Coriolis Effect was devised by French mathematician, Gustave Coriolis, in 1835. Coriolis created a set of equations to explain how objects in the Northern Hemisphere are deflected to the right, and objects in the Southern Hemisphere are deflected to the left. The only objects that are truly affected by the Coriolis Effect are very fast moving, like planes and rockets. The Coriolis Effect does affect smaller objects, but not as strongly. The lesser effect on smaller objects is due to Earth’s rotation being so slow.

https://climate.ncsu.edu/edu/k12/.coriolis Information from notes

D-Divergent Boundary​ !

Pictured above are two plates moving away from each other; this is known as a divergent boundary.

Divergent boundaries are when two plates move apart. Divergent boundaries are also known as spreading centers. Magma rises up in a divergent boundary from the mantle. This magma will then cool and create new seafloor. An example of this would be a mid­ocean ridge. Oceanic crust is constantly being recycled, therefore our planet is not growing larger with the addition of new lithosphere at oceanic ridges. https://sites.google.com/a/clovisusd.k12.ca.us/benjamin­science/online­lab Information from notes

E-El Niño​ ! The map above from WCBI News shows the effects of El Niño on different regions in the United States. North Carolina is in the region that will experience a cold and wet winter this year.

El Niño occurs every few years around Christmas time. During El Niño, waters in the Pacific Ocean are warmer than normal. This meteorological event is not predictable, and will bring warmer weather to places like western Canada and southern Alaska. However, for places like North Carolina, the southeastern states will experience a more wet and cold winter. Following El Niño, La Niña will occur. La Niña is when that same area of water that warmed during El Niño becomes cooler than normal. La Niña usually brings with it a more active hurricane season for the Atlantic. http://www.wcbi.com/local­news/el­nino­pattern­strengthening­cool­winter­for­southeast­us/ Morock, Niki. "El Nino Could Mean Cool, Wet Winter." ​ The News and Observer​ [Raleigh, NC] 10 July 2015: n. pag. Print.

F-Food Chain​ ! Above is a simple food chain made up of a producer (grass), a primary consumer (rabbit), and a secondary consumer (fox). The arrows point towards what is eating the previous plant/animal.

A food chain is a map that shows what eats what in a particular environment. The arrows within a food chain point towards what eats the organism before it. The chain starts with producers, which are usually plants that gain their energy from the sun. Following the producer is the primary consumer, secondary consumer, tertiary consumer, and then the quaternary consumer. When there are many food chains put together a food web is formed. If one part of the chain is removed, the whole environment is affected. http://ed101.bu.edu/StudentDoc/Archives/ED101fa09/tje50/ Information from notes

!​ G-Green Revolution​ !

The photo above is of a new strand of wheat, which helped feed many hungry people in the world, created by Norman Borlaug during the Green Revolution in the 1940s.

The Green Revolution occurred between the 1940s and the 1960s. During this time, new technologies were created that caused crop yields to increase. This increase in crop yields helped to increase agricultural production all over the world. During this era, Norman Borlaug created a new strain of wheat. Borlaug’s wheat was disease resistant and could produce very high yields. Because of this new strain of wheat, many countries on the verge of starvation were saved. http://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/green­revolution/short­notes­on­the­main­features­of­green­revolution­in­india/1 2356/ What Is the Green Revolution? ​ By Margaret Cunningham. Study.com, n.d. Online Video.

H-Humus​ !

Humus is organic material that is very dark in color and can be found in the O horizon.

Humus is a dark colored organic material. Humus is made up of leaf litter, animal dung, and decaying organisms. The O horizon is made up of this organic material. The humus acts like a sponge in the ground, increasing soil’s ability to hold water. Humus is created by decomposition. When organisms die they are broken down by bacteria, then becoming humus. http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/H/AE_humus.html Information from notes

I-Igneous Rocks​ !

Above is a photograph of granite, a type of igneous rock. Igneous rocks are formed when magma reaches the surface, cools and hardens.

Igneous rocks are formed when magma reaches the Earth as lava and then cools and hardens. This type of rock typically forms near volcanoes. Within the igneous rock family there are two basic types: intrusive and extrusive. Intrusive igneous rock solidify underneath Earth’s surface. Oppositely, extrusive igneous rocks become solid on Earth’s surface. North Carolina’s official state rock is granite, which is a type of intrusive igneous rock. https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC2A23R_the­gems­of­schoolhouse­beach?guid=4cd91edc­a8ae­4400­ad0 a­914ee56a1a07 http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/lr/mineralresources

!​ J-John Muir​ !

John Muir, founder of the Sierra Club, sits outside taking in the beauty of nature.

John Muir was a preservationist and colleague of President Theodore Roosevelt. He has been called the “Father of our National Parks,” being one of the first to advocate for the creation of National Parks. Muir is also the founder of the Sierra Club, an environmental group. Sampson County is a part of the Capital group in the North Carolina Chapter of the Sierra Club. John Muir was also a part of the battle to protect Hetch Hetchy Valley. Muir, however, lost the battle against a dam being built in the valley.

http://www.pbs.org/nationalparks/people/historical/muir/ http://nc.sierraclub.org/groups

!​ K-Keystone Pipeline​ !

The Keystone Pipeline, pictured above, runs through the Great Plains of the United States. The pipe begins in Canada, where oil is distributed to several refineries in the United States.

Canada is home to the third largest oil reserve in the world. The Keystone Pipeline was built in order to transport oil from the oil sands in Canada to several refineries in the United States. This pipe goes through the Great Plains of America. Advantages of building the pipeline include a source of jobs, boosting the American economy, and also lessening our dependence on the Middle East for oil. On the other hand though, if the pipeline leaked it would cause much damage to the lands it covers. Because of President Obama’s veto towards the Keystone Pipeline, the project is currently stalled.

http://www.greenoptimistic.com/keystone­xl­pipeline­could­get­renewable­energy­along­the­way­20130606/#.Vo5­ q7YrIdU Information from notes

!​ L-Levee​ !

This photo is from the devastating time the levees broke during Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, Louisiana in 2005.

Levees are built parallel to bodies of water in order to protect the things behind them from becoming damaged. Even though it is nice to think levees can stop flooding completely, it is not realistic. Over time, levees can decay and can even be overtoppled as water levels rise. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, Louisiana, a town that has levees. Because these levees had not been properly taken care of they broke, causing the city to flood. 80% of New Orleans was flooded that day, and 1,600 lives were taken. http://science.howstuffworks.com/engineering/structural/levee1.htm Information from notes

!​ M-Montreal Protocol​ !

The Montreal Protocol was created in Montreal, Canada when many leaders of the world came together to stop the use of CFCs, which were depleting the Ozone Layer.

In 1962 people came to the realization through Rachel Carson’s ​ Silent Spring​ that CFCs, chlorofluorocarbons, were harming our environment. Once thought of as “miracle substances,” CFCs have no natural removal process and were destroying the ozone layer. In 1987 a group of representatives from around the world met in Montreal, Canada to discuss the depletion of the ozone layer. While there, the representatives created the Montreal Protocol. The Montreal Protocol was an international treaty to protect the ozone layer by putting an end to CFC creation. Since then, the ozone layer has not become any thinner, but it is not expected to return to its normal state until 2050 .​ http://tammiesclimatechangeportfolio.blogspot.com/2013/05/montreal­protocol­vs­kyoto­protocol.html

!​ N-Northern Lights​ !

The Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis, were pictured in Michigan. The auroras take place in the atmospheric level called the Thermosphere.

The Northern Lights are also known as Aurora Borealis. This “light show” is a part of the thermosphere. The Northern Lights can best be seen in Canada and Alaska, but as seen in the photograph, they can also be seen in Michigan. There are also Southern Lights, or Aurora Australis. The Southern Lights are best seen in Australia. Neither of these phenomenons, however, can be viewed in North Carolina. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/25/aurora­borealis­northern­lights­michigan­upper­peninsula_n_4110982.h tml http://www.northernlightscentre.ca/northernlights.html

!​ O-Ozone Layer​ !

Above is a diagram of the atmospheric layer called the stratosphere, and also the troposphere. The ozone layer is found in the stratosphere, in which it protects the Earth from harmful UV rays.

The ozone layer is located in the stratosphere, which is the second layer of the atmosphere. Its main goal is to protect life on Earth from harmful UV rays. Before the Montreal Protocol was created the ozone layer was being depleted by the use of CFCs. The ozone layer contains the ozone molecule, O​ , which is good up high, but bad nearby. Today, like in the late 1900s, people 3​ are still concerned about the quality of the ozone layer. Instead of CFCs though, the main concern for ozone depletion is the burning of fossil fuels. http://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/education/resources/highschool/chemmatters/past­issues/archive­2012­2013/ozon e­layer­our­global­sunscreen.html

!​ P-Precipitation​ !

While supporting our Wildcats at a soccer game this season, Maggie Langston, Brittany Escalera and I stood in the rain, which is a form of precipitation.

Precipitation, just like all other forms of weather, takes place in the troposphere. The different types of precipitation include rain, snow, hail, and sleet. Rain is simply droplets of liquid water that fall from clouds once the water vapor has been condensed. Snow and hail are both forms of precipitation that fall as ice; hail normally falls in the shape of a ball. Sleet is a mixture of water and ice slush that falls from the sky. Precipitation is usually seen in low pressure systems. Information from notes

!​ Q-Quartz​ !

Quartz is one of the most common minerals, and can also be found in all types of rocks, igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary.

Quartz is a mineral that can be found in all types of rocks. Quartz is also the most common mineral, coming in many different colors and forms. In order to enhance the colors of several types of Quartz, the minerals must be heat treated. A common type of Quartz is an Amethyst. Quartz can be found in the Spruce Pine district of North Carolina. Computer chips around the world use the Quartz found in the Spruce Pine area during their manufacturing. http://www.healingwithcrystals.net.au/quartz.html http://www.minerals.net/mineral/quartz.aspx http://www.blueridgeheritage.com/attractions­destinations/gems­minerals

!​ R-Rainforest​ !

The photo above is of a tropical rainforest biome in South America. Tropical rainforests have the greatest biodiversity, and are also sources to many medicinal supplies.

Rainforests can be found in South America, Africa, Asia, and Australia along the equator. This biome is very warm year­round and receives large amounts of precipitation. The rainforest is home to the greatest biodiversity on Earth. The water cycle is regulated with the help of rainforests due to the large amounts of rainfall in this biome. Medicinal advancements are made with the help of the rainforest’s amount of diverse plants. The rainforest is threatened, however, mainly by deforestation. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article­2891432/Carbon­dioxide­emissions­help­tropical­rainforests­grow­f aster­Study­shows­trees­absorb­greenhouse­gas­expected.html Champion, Neil. ​ Tropical Rain Forests​ . North Mankato, Minn.: Smart Apple Media, 2007. Print.

S-Saltwater Intrusion

The diagram above demonstrates how digging a well to deep in a coastal area can cause saltwater to enter the fresh water being pumped by the well.

Saltwater intrusion occurs in coastal communities. Saltwater intrusion usually takes place when digging wells. If a well is dug so deep it will eventually come into contact with salt water. When pumping the well the salt water will move inland and eventually rise upward. This happens in North Carolina due its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. With the rate of settling on the coast increasing, saltwater intrusion rates will also rise. http://www.lenntech.com/groundwater/seawater­intrusions.htm Information from notes

!​ T-Tragedy of the​ ! !​ Commons​ !

The table shows different stages of “the Commons”. When the Commons becomes a resource to many people, the resource will eventually become fully depleted.

Tragedy of the Commons is the theory of everyone looking to benefit themselves without caring for the “commons.” The commons is an area that is shared by all. This area has not been claimed by anyone, but will be settled by many. In hoping to make a profit for themselves, many people come to the commons with the same idea. The carrying capacity will be exceeded, and the resource will eventually become depleted. As seen in the picture, the carrying capacity of cows on the land was reached, and the resource then became depleted after more cows were added to the land. https://www.flickr.com/photos/ricstephens/8752892340 http://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/tragedy­of­the­commons.asp

!​ U-Urban Heat Island​ !

This past summer my sister and I visited Chicago, Illinois, which could be considered an urban heat island. Compared to the surrounding rural areas in Illinois, Chicago is much warmer due to the dark asphalt covering the city.

Urban heat islands are large cities, like Chicago pictured above. With less vegetation available in the city there is less shade available , helping to increase the temperatures. There is also dark colored asphalt all over cities. The dark coloring of the asphalt has a low albedo, causing the heat to be absorbed. The temperature difference between the urban areas and the rural areas surrounding them range from four to eleven degrees different. The burning of fossil fuels in cities also contribute to the hotter temperatures because they increase the greenhouse effect on the area. "High Heat." ​ National Geographic Magazine ​ 1 Nov. 2015. Print.

!​ V-Vegetation​ !

While visiting Valle Crucis in early fall, I captured this photo of the green vegetation along a river before the leaves would start changing colors later in the fall.

Vegetation is considered any plant growth. Plants have several important jobs in the environment. Plant roots hold down dirt, helping stop erosion. Forests filled with trees also in act as carbon sinks. Plants also play the main role in the process of photosynthesis. North Carolina’s state flower is the Dogwood. ​ http://www.statesymbolsusa.org/states/united­states/north­carolina

!​ W-Water Cycle​ !

The diagram above shows the different steps in the water cycle; all of the water apart of the water cycle is continuously recycled through the process.

The water cycle is the continuous recycling of water on Earth. The water cycle is made up of the main steps of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. Other steps include transpiration and infiltration. The water cycle is driven by energy from the sun, and has been using the same water forever. The end of the process is when precipitation falls into the ocean. Some water becomes groundwater though, seeping into the ground to form pockets of water. https://www.thinglink.com/scene/665944832799145985

!​ X-Xylem ​ !

The photo demonstrates how the xylem and phloem work together in order to give plants the things they need in order to live.

The xylem is a part of the vascular system in a plant. The xylem of a plant transports water the plant needs. The water within the xylem is distributed to the plant’s leaves. The vessels in the xylem are connected vertically on top of each other in order to maximize the water movement. Old xylem tissue is visible in trees when they are cut down. Because the xylem dies every year, a new ring is formed within the tree trunk yearly. http://plantcellbiology.masters.grkraj.org/html/Plant_Cellular_Physiology5­Translocation_Of_Water_And_Nutrient s.htm http://www.biology4kids.com/files/plants_xylemphloem.html

!​ Y-Yucca Mountain​ !

Pictured above is an entrance to Yucca Mountain in Nevada. The mountain is the home to used nuclear fuel and other radioactive waste.

Yucca Mountain is located in Nevada near its border with California. Yucca Mountain is used to store used nuclear fuel and radioactive waste. It is on land owned by the federal government, but is not necessarily supported by the government. The mountain has a five mile long tunnel built through it. In 2014, Yucca Mountain was featured in the movie ​ Godzilla. ​ North Carolina is home to several nuclear power plants, including Shearon Harris and the Brunswick Nuclear Plant. http://yuccamountain.org/leg06.htm http://www.nei.org/News­Media/News/News­Archives/Top­10­Facts­About­Yucca­Mountain

!​ Z-Zebra Mussel​ !

In the photo above, zebra mussels, an invasive species, have covered a boat propeller that was in water.

Native to Russia, zebra mussels were brought to the United States to the Great Lakes region in 1985. Since then, zebra mussels have joined the list of non­native invasive species. Invasive species cause harm to the new environment they are introduced to. Zebra mussels not only attach themselves to hard surfaces, but they also attach to native mussels. By attaching to the native mussels, the zebra mussels are killing the natives and are taking over their new habitat. Zebra mussels are not currently found in North Carolina, but can be found in surrounding states like Tennessee. http://boundarysentinel.com/news/clss­works­prevent­mussel­invasion­cl­24970#.Vo_RhLYrIdU http://www.protectyourwaters.net/hitchhikers/mollusks_zebra_mussel.php

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