Honoring the Past
shaping the future
Dedication The LifeSource
Annual Report is dedicated to the 741 individuals, their families and friends who so generously gave the gift of life in 2008.
Vision We believe that life is a gift to share.
Mission We pledge to provide the bridge between the loss of life and the gift of life through organ and tissue donation and transplantation.
ng the Past shaping the future
“The best way to predict the future is
T Susan Gunderson Chief Executive Officer
he above quote has been attributed to both
are meeting their needs in the best possible way,
Abraham Lincoln, the father of our country,
and strengthened the organization’s governance
and Peter Drucker, an American management
by welcoming six new members to our Board of
expert. Both men were leaders with a drive for
Directors. Our work in the public continues to
excellence and a bold vision for the future. It is a
increase support for donation and has resulted in
most fitting statement for our organization as we
more people than ever before registering as organ
look back on 2008 – a year of purposeful planning
and tissue donors. We are shaping a future where
and dedication to improvement.
deaths on the transplant waiting list will be no
In 2008 we launched our Communication Center,
Brock Nelson Chair, Board of Directors
realizing our vision to streamline interactions
As we plan for the future we also honor the past.
and provide enhanced customer service by
2009 marks the 20th anniversary of LifeSource. Our
bringing this important function in-house. We
journey spans two decades and has set the stage for
also began a multi-year initiative to engage our
the amazing work we are accomplishing – more
customers in constructive feedback to ensure we
than 2.8 million registered donors in the Upper
s to create it.” Midwest and more than 75% of people or their families saying ‘yes’ to organ donation in the hospital. Our vision is – and always has been – that life is a gift to share. We look forward to the day when everyone registers their donation decision during their lifetime, allowing our role as stewards to simply be fulfilling those generous wishes to help end deaths on the transplant waiting list. With your partnership we are creating a community where this vision will become reality.
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2008 In Brief
of contents
LifeSource Launches New Communication Center The Collaboratives: Working Together to Save Lives Renew and Reinvent for Results Medical Examiner Partnerships Increase Donation Opportunities LifeSource Welcomes New Board of Directors Honoring the Past: 20 Years of Saving Lives Sharing the Message in the Digital Age South Dakota Governor Recognizes Donor Families Donor Families and Recipients Connect at Picnics The Impact of Media Barbershop Conversations: Clean Cut and to the Point LifeSource Volunteers in Action LifeSource Statistics Financial Information Regional Transplant Centers Board of Directors 2007 Contributors 2008 Contributors
In Brief
• More than 2.8 million people in Minnesota, • Presented the Donation Advocate of the North Dakota and South Dakota are Year Award to the State of North Dakota registered as organ and tissue donors for their support of the life-saving mission of donation • 75% of potential organ donors gave the gift of life to grateful recipients, meeting • Sponsored donor families to attend the US nationally set goals Transplant Games in Pittsburgh, PA and participate in the Donate Life Float in the • More families chose to give the gift of life Rose Parade in Pasadena, CA through organ donation after cardiac death; 13% of organ donors were donors after • The LifeSource Terri Opp Memorial cardiac death, compared with 8% in 2007 Golf Tournament exceeded $100,000 in proceeds, making 2008 the most successful • A record 654 generous people said ‘yes’ year in its history to tissue donation, providing life-saving and life-enhancing grafts to an estimated • LifeSource met all voluntary accreditation 30,000 people standards of the Charities Review Council • Hosted the annual conference of the American Society of Minority Health and Transplant Professionals (ASMHTP)
LifeSource Launches
N e w C o m m u n i c at i o n C e n t e r
n May LifeSource’s new in-house Communication Center opened, serving as the region’s triage center for organ,
tissue and eye donation referrals. Previously managed by an outside agency, the new Communication Center allows LifeSource to provide a higher level of customer service to hospitals, families and staff by streamlining operations. The Communication Center is expected to receive approximately 20,000 new referrals per year from regional hospitals, coroners, and medical centers and is the vital first link in providing the bridge between the loss of life and the gift of life. Because only a small percentage of referrals
also support families and offer the opportunity for tissue and
are for individuals who have the potential to be donors,
eye donation. “There is something special about people from
LifeSource and its partners have strong and consistent
our region connecting with families in our communities,”
processes in place to ensure that all opportunities for
says Julie Zabloski, Communication Center Manager. “This
donation are fully evaluated.
connection is resulting in more families saying ‘yes’ to tissue
In addition to working with medical professionals to begin
the donation process, LifeSource Communication Specialists
H o s p i ta l s who received t h e M e da l of Honor: Altru Health System Avera McKennan Hospital & University Health Center * Hennepin County Medical Center MeritCare Health System* North Memorial Medical Center
The Collaboratives:
Wo r k i n g T o g e t h e r t o S av e L i v e s
ince 2003 LifeSource has participated in national initiatives aimed at dramatically increasing the number of organs donated and transplanted in the United States. These Breakthrough Collaboratives have shown great success, with groundbreaking increases in the number of lives saved through donation. Organ procurement organizations, hospitals and transplant centers have all played a part in achieving these amazing results.
Regions Hospital St. Cloud Hospital St. Luke's Hospital, Duluth St. Mary's Medical Center, Duluth* Saint Marys Hospital, Mayo Clinic* University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview
*Denotes four-time award winner
Each year, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) presents a Medal of Honor to hospitals that achieve a life-saving organ donation rate of 75% or more for a sustained 12-month period. This prestigious award was bestowed upon 11 of LifeSource’s hospital partners in 2008, with
four hospitals receiving the award for the fourth year in a row. Cheryl Anderson is the Manager, Critical Care Services, at MeritCare Hospital in Fargo, ND. Cheryl states, “We are committed to saving lives through donation and transplantation and are proud of our partnership with LifeSource. Donation at MeritCare is seen as a natural step in the end of life process and is embraced as part of our culture and mission.” In 2008 LifeSource also continued its participation in this national initiative through the Transplant Management and Growth Collaborative, aimed at saving and enhancing thousands of lives each year by working with transplant centers to maximize the number of organs transplanted. Five transplant centers in the Upper Midwest have joined LifeSource on this journey of improvement, including University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview; Mayo Clinic; MeritCare; Avera McKennan; and Medcenter One.
Renew and Reinvent
ifeSource embarked on a detailed exploration of customer
feedback in 2008 through a long-term initiative aimed at creating
more value for customers and infusing quality into work processes and interactions. The Renew and Reinvent for Results initiative engaged 50 hospital customers and more than 40 LifeSource staff in a process to solicit feedback and better understand how expectations are being met. Based on feedback from the first phase, LifeSource is collaborating with its partners to strengthen processes and identify opportunities for improvement. “This is a significant and exciting opportunity for LifeSource to design and implement changes to the way we do our work based on feedback from our customers,” says Brenda Welsch, Director of Quality and Regulatory Affairs. “From the first referral call to the recovery of organs and tissues, we are creating efficiencies, improving outcomes, and increasing satisfaction for those who work so closely with us in our lifesaving mission.”
f o r R e s u lt s
re renew
Medical Examiner Partnerships I n c r e a s e D o n at i o n O p p o rt u n i t i e s
edical examiners
Medical Examiner Advisory Committee and post-
and coroners
donation follow-up, LifeSource has improved tissue
are vital partners in the
donation processes to ensure that medical examiners
life-saving mission of
and coroners have well-documented tools that help
donation. A commitment
them in their role of determining cause of death
to zero denials on the part
and protecting public health and consumer safety. In
of medical examiners and
2008, referrals from medical examiners and coroners
coroners means that more
increased by 39 percent.
people have the opportunity to save and heal lives through organ and tissue donation.
One hundred fifty referrals came from the Ramsey County Medical Examiner office last year, representing a 44% increase. “It has been an honor to work with Dr. McGee and the dedicated team at
LifeSource has also been collaborating with regional
RCME. They are strong advocates for donation and
medical examiners and coroners to offer the
we are grateful for their partnership and support,”
opportunity of donation to families served by these
said Mike Burakowski, Medical Examiner/Funeral
offices. Unlike hospitals, medical examiners and
Director Liaison. In recognition of RCME’s
coroners are not required to refer potential donors
commitment to donation, LifeSource presented Dr.
to their local donation agency. Through LifeSource's
Michael McGee with an award (pictured left).
LifeSource Welcomes
N e w B oa r d o f D i r e c t o r s
n July, LifeSource welcomed six new members
The new members of the Board include Brock
to its Board of Directors to help govern the
Nelson, President and CEO, Regions Hospital;
organization’s life-saving business. The Board of
Keith Fahnhorst, Transplant Recipient and Sr.
Directors is comprised of fourteen Directors and
Vice-President-Investments, UBS Financial; Scott
includes hospital and transplant representatives;
Anderson, Chairman, Mirabelle Management;
community members; transplant recipients;
Judge Gail Hagerty, Presiding District Judge,
transplant recipient family members; and donor
North Dakota Judicial System; Brandyn Herbold,
family members. “We are thrilled to have such a
Transplant Recipient; and Bruce King, Transplant
dedicated group of leaders join us on this journey of
Recipient and Assistant to the President for
persistent and continual improvement,” says Susan
Institutional Diversity, St. Olaf College.
Gunderson, Chief Executive Officer.
LifeSource hires its first employee, Susan Gunderson, and is granted full membership in the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) as an organ procurement organization.
LifeSource coordinators work with the families of 109 organ donors.
LifeSource averages four lives saved per organ donor, the highest rate in the country.
LifeSource begins its Donor Family Services program to provide ongoing grief support to donor families.
LifeSource expands donation options for the families it serves, offering the opportunity to donate tissue. During the first year of the tissue recovery program, LifeSource worked with the families of 27 generous tissue donors.
honoring 20 years
1989-2009 “I
t’s been more than twenty years, and I’m doing really well,” Marisa begins with a smile. “My transplant gave me a life I might not otherwise have.”
That life includes working full-time, attending school, coaching a Special Olympics team, mentoring children awaiting a liver transplant, competing in a combined 12 US and World Transplant Games since 1996, and recently purchasing her first home. Meeting Marisa today, you’d be hard-pressed to see any effects of the liver disease that plagued her as a child. Marisa was born with a rare condition called biliary atresia which eventually caused her to have liver failure. A diagnosis at just a few months old prompted her first surgery to try and control the progressive disease. Nearly a decade 12
Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota pass legislation allowing a person’s lifetime decision to be a donor to be honored.
LifeSource joins the Organ Donation Breakthrough Collaborative, a national initiative aimed at ending deaths on the transplant waiting list.
LifeSource honors the donation wishes of a record 654 tissue donors, and more than 2.8 million people in the Upper Midwest are registered organ and tissue donors.
Since its inception, LifeSource has worked with the families of more than 4,900 generous donors, providing more than 10,000 organs for transplant and more than 100,000 tissue grafts for those in need.
later, after one of the first successful pediatric liver transplants was performed at the University of Minnesota, transplantation proved to be a viable option for Marisa. Marisa was about ten years old at the time, and the side effects from her previous surgery were starting to weigh on her. Her abdomen was uncomfortable and protruded due to an enlarged spleen, and she couldn’t play contact sports. “It was hard to sit and watch, when I really wanted to play,” she says. Waiting for a liver transplant at such a young age was difficult, although she admits that the wait was probably harder on her parents. “I wasn’t really scared at first,” shares Marisa. “Then one day I looked at my mom with tears in my eyes and said, ‘I’m going to die.’ That’s when I realized how serious it was.”
In 1988, Marisa received the gift of a liver transplant from a seven year-old boy named Jeremiah. Nine years later, Marisa met her donor’s family and has stayed in touch. She hopes that one day they’ll be able to see her compete in her favorite Transplant Games sport – swimming. “That would be really cool.”
“Organ donation has given me life.” Marisa McFate, Liver Recipient
Sharing the Message
in the Digital Age
ore and more people are turning to the internet
funeral professionals are instrumental in supporting
as a way to connect with one another. Social
patients and families through end of life experiences,”
media, like Facebook and blogs, continue to gain ground
said Kathy Hicks, Education Coordinator. “Our hope is
as a tool for connecting people with a shared purpose.
that this site will provide resources to assist professionals
Organ and tissue donation is perfectly suited to this
in helping us make donation opportunities a reality for
medium, as it brings together powerful stories of hope,
grieving families.”
love and life. In August, LifeSource launched its new public education blog, The Source (http://donatelife.wordpress.com). Filling the virtual pages with information about donation, interactions at public events and messages from donor families and recipients, The Source is proving to be a wonderful vehicle for connecting with the public and increasing support for donation. Later in the year, LifeSource built on the success of The Source by launching MyDonationResource.org, a site with information and education for healthcare professionals and funeral directors. “Healthcare and 14
South Dakota Governor R e c o g n i z e s D o n o r Fa m i l i e s
n May, Governor Michael Rounds and his wife, First Lady Jean Rounds, honored the families of organ and tissue donors in a special recognition
ceremony in Pierre, South Dakota. Governor Rounds called each of the families who were present onstage to personally thank them for their generosity and compassion and present them with a donor medal of honor. Pictured are donor parents Charles and Marilyn Bruner with the governor and first lady. Nearly 90 people were present, representing generous individuals from around the state who extended the gift of life through organ and tissue donation. “It was a powerful event,” said John LeMay, Family Services Coordinator. “Donor families truly connected, sharing tears and laughter, gaining strength from one another as they were recognized by the highest office in the state for the generosity of their loved ones.”
Donor Families and
r e c i p i e n t s C o n n e c t at P i c n i c s
n 2008 LifeSource hosted its first donor family and transplant recipient picnics in
Duluth, Minnesota and Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The picnics were an opportunity for donor families and transplant recipients to share their experiences and learn from one another. More than 280 people attended the two picnics and a local television station and a newspaper in Duluth covered the inspiring event, sharing the story of one donor mom who attended with her son's heart recipient. "Having never held such an event before, we were pleasantly surprised to gather with so many people who have been impacted by donation and transplantation," said Jill Halimi, Family Services Coordinator. In 2009, LifeSource is planning picnics in Fargo, North Dakota; Rapid City, South Dakota; and the Twin Cities metro area. 16
The Impact
of Media
onor mom Beth Sandstrom's sixteen year-old son,
out to her donor’s family
Mark, died in April of 2003. Upon his death,
in the 20 years since her
Mark gave the gift of life to four grateful recipients,
transplant. She had been
including Vern Iverson. Vern received the gift of Mark’s
told that her donor was
heart. "We thought it was something that Mark would
a 10 year-old little boy
want us to do," said Beth. "He was such a giving person."
and had felt great guilt
Beth and Vern met one another in 2008, first during the summer and then again at LifeSource’s donor family and transplant recipient picnic in Duluth (pictured at right). Their story was covered by a local television station and newspaper. Shortly after the stories about the picnic were published, one of LifeSource’s Family Services Coordinators, Jill Halimi, received a call from a kidney transplant recipient named Susan who lives in California and received her gift of life in 1988. Susan’s cousin, who lives in the Duluth area, had read the article about Vern and Beth and forwarded it to her. Susan was deeply touched by the article and went on to share that she had never reached
about this. Receiving the article about Vern and Beth prompted her to contact LifeSource to learn how she could write to her donor family. The recipient and donor family wrote to one another through LifeSource and shortly thereafter decided to have direct contact with one another. The two families have exchanged photos, letters and have spoken on the phone. "This is a wonderful outcome to an already magnificent event," shared Jill.
Barbershop Conversations:
Clean Cut and To the Point
here is an important need to increase the
and wellness. The program seeks to promote
number of African-American men who
health and increase organ donation in the
are organ donors. Unfortunately they have a low likelihood of being registered donors while experiencing high rates of diabetes, high
clean cut and to the point
blood pressure, stress and obesity – conditions which may lead to needing a kidney transplant. The result is a disparity between the number of African-American men who need a transplant and the number who donate. To address this disparity, LifeSource is once again partnering with Q Health Connections (formerly Southside Community Outreach) to share the life-saving message of donation with the Twin Cities African American community. Barbershop Conversations is a community-based
barbershop conversations
education program with African-American barbers serving as trusted messengers, engaging clients in a dialogue about health
African-American community. "Barbers are trusted opinion leaders who have a high degree of credibility, respect, and influence in the community," says Clarence Jones, Community Outreach Director at Q Health Connections. "Barbers are therefore in a unique position to improve the health of their community by providing education directly to clients." Barbers throughout the Twin cities have agreed to participate in the program, have gone through training to learn about health issues and donation, and have been trained on motivational interviewing techniques. The barbers are now engaged in conversations with their clients about these important health issues.
LifeSource Volunteers
i n Ac t i o n
ifeSource volunteers share the life-saving message of donation and transplantation within their communities and are a vital component
of our public education program. Donor families, recipients and those waiting for transplant share their powerful and emotional stories, putting a face on the need for more donors. From health and driver’s education to community fairs and church groups, more than 500 volunteers work tirelessly to encourage people in our communities to register as donors. In 2008, LifeSource volunteers contributed over 1,500 hours. For six days each August, LifeSource volunteers share the message of donation with 250,000 fairgoers at the largest fair in South Dakota - the Sioux Empire Fair in Sioux Falls. Close to 20 volunteers help staff the LifeSource booth for the 72 hours of the fair, encouraging people to register as an organ and tissue donor, sharing their personal story and providing accurate information about donation and transplantation.
LifeSource Statistics L i f e S o u rc e D o n o r s , 2 0 0 8 Tissue Donors Organ Donors
Organ Transplants from LifeSource Donors 0
L i f e S o u rc e D o n o r s , 1 9 8 9 – 2 0 0 8 Tissue Donors Organ Donors
Organs Transplanted from LifeSource Donors
Potential Tissue Recipients Total LifeSource Donors 0
More than 100,000* 4,911**
**Some organ donors were also tissue donors; therefore, the total is different than the sum
L i f e S o u rc e O rg a n D o n at i o n R at e s v s . N at i o n a l O rg a n D o n at i o n R at e s
Number of registered donors in Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota
LifeSource National
Percentage of driver’s who are registered donors
3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000
D o n o r D e s i g n at i o n
67 %
67 %
1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000
Designated Donors
0 2006
I n f o r m at i o n
LifeSource takes seriously its role as steward of the gifts of donation. As a not-for-profit [501(c)(3)] corporation, all revenue is re-invested in the organization and supports the life-saving mission of donation. LifeSource is accredited by the Association of Organ Procurement Organizations and the American Association of Tissue Banks, and undergoes a rigorous independent financial audit each year.
2 0 0 8 S o u rc e s o f R e v e n u e
2008 Uses of Revenue
Total Revenue $28,681,571
Total Expenditures $27,317,888
75.3% Organ procurement services
52% Clinical costs & medical testing
23.0% Tissue procurement services
24% Organs imported from other geographic regions
0.4% Research related services
5% Medical transportation
1.2% Contributions and grants
9% Donor family support; Professional and Public Education
0.6% Investment income 0.8% Other income
10% Administration and overhead <1% Fundraising
Transplant Centers
• Abbott Northwestern Hospital Minneapolis, Minnesota
• Avera McKennan Transplant Institute Sioux Falls, South Dakota
• University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview Minneapolis, Minnesota
• Medcenter One Health Systems Bismarck, North Dakota
• Hennepin County Medical Center Minneapolis, Minnesota
• MeritCare Kidney Services – Transplant Department Fargo, North Dakota
• Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minnesota
• Sanford Transplant Center Sioux Falls, South Dakota
of Directors The LifeSource Board of Directors is comprised of medical professionals, transplant recipients, donor family members and community representatives committed to guiding our mission of providing the bridge between the loss of life and the gift of life through organ and tissue donation and transplantation.
Brock Nelson Chair President and Chief Executive Officer, Regions Hospital Marsha A. Shotley Vice-Chair Vice President, Board and Community Relations BCBSM President, Blue Cross Foundation Recipient Family Member Keith Fahnhorst Secretary/Treasurer Senior Vice President-Investments, UBS Financial Services Transplant Recipient Susan Gunderson, M.H.A. Ex Officio Chief Executive Officer, LifeSource
Scott R. Anderson
Chad Richardson, M.D.
Chairman, Mirabelle Management, LLC
Hennepin County Medical Center
Brandyn Herbold
Judge Gail Hagerty
Transplant Recipient
District Judge, North Dakota District Court
Reverend C. John Steer
Frazier Eales, M.D.
Senior Pastor, Autumn Ridge Church Donor Family Member
Minneapolis Cardiothoracic Surgery Consultants
Bruce King Assistant to the President for Institutional Diversity, St. Olaf College Transplant Recipient Kent Peterson Managing Partner, Mediation One LLC Donor Family Member
Marjorie A. Nelson Recipient Family Member Charles B. Rosen, M.D. Mayo Clinic William D. Payne, M.D. LifeSource Medical Director University of Minnesota Medical Center, Fairview
2007 Contributions PILLARS $50,000 OR MORE LifeSource Terri Opp Memorial Golf Tournament CHAMPIONS $10,000 OR MORE Hansen Family Foundation CHAMPIONS $1,000 OR MORE 3M Foundation Allina Health System AlloSource AMBR, Inc. Anonymous Aviation Charter Best and Flanagan Carey Worldwide Chauffeured Services Cryolife Ernest I. Fink Agency First Fiduciary Investment Counsel, Inc. Greiner Construction HH Brown Shoe Company Highland Bank Helene Houle International Institute for the Advancement of Medicine Leonard, Street & Deinard LifeNet Midwest Aviation Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation John Nasseff Organ Recovery Systems Parameters RBC Dain Rauscher Roche RSM McGladrey The Saint Paul Foundation Sharing Life (Laura Newmann Foundation)
Robert & Shelley Shutes Statline Swett and Crawford Mike Thielen Thompson Insurance Agency Transplant GPS, Inc. BELIEVERS $500 OR MORE Robert Benson Integrated Healthcare Strategies Michael Ebertz, MD Essential Pharmaceuticals, LLC Robert Garrison Kathy Jolly & Family Kurt Koehler Tom Kornegor The Barbara McGraw Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Cindy Michalak Minnesota Osteopathic Medical Society The Cody K. Nelson Memorial Trust Marjorie Owen Timothy & Susan Palmer Cathy Rosvold Mark Steenberg Timothy Sullivan Technical Services for Electronics, Inc. Andrea Tighe ADVOCATES $100 OR MORE David & Janet Abbott Abbott Northwestern Hospital All City Cab Angelo’s Italian Restaurant Tracie Bell Matthew Berdahl Brian Bergie
Dale Bohnert Daniel Boxrud John Brady Leslie Brown-Witt Hal Broxey John Callahan Richard Carpenter Dawn Caruso Center for Diagnostic Imaging Coldwell Banker Vincent Coleman Robyn Corson Peter Davis John DeMarco Cesar Donayre Doyle’s Yellow Checker Cab, Inc. Deb & Pat Drummer Justin Edwards Robert & Carole Egge M. Fahe Peter Farstad Agnes Fitzgibbons Michael Fleischhacker John Frautschi Roger Gage Terrence Glarner Wayne Goiffon John & Judith Gozola Denis Grande The Grove Law Firm, PLLC Guidant Foundation Michael Guilday Susan Gunderson Valerie Habicht Hagen, Graves & Company, LTD Dan Hames Stephan Hanson Heartland Aviation, Inc. Stephen Henderson Henderson Global Investers Kim Howard ICI Paints Donna, Craig, Cathy & Kyle Ishii Island View Golf Club
Daniel Jamison Jeri Jorgenson James & Gloria Joyce Richard Kasel Robert Klas Cheryl Klein Kori Building Company William & Sherry Kozitza Mary Pat LaBoda Louis Langer Eric & Amy Lennartson Leonard, Street & Deinard Jeff & Molly LeVoir Dennis Liudahl David Lobben Brian Love M. Vincent & Associates, Ltd Brian Maciej Kim Magner Kelly & Peter Matejcek Eleanor McNutt Michael Meyer Minnesota Society for Respiratory Case Talya Minsberg Moorhead Chapter #164, Order of the Eastern Star Ann Morgan Kim & Kevin Morsching James Nelson Julie & David Oliver John Opp James & Marilyn Opp Deborah Opp-Staedt Pat Ryan Golf Products Galen & Karen Pate Timothy & Amy Pearce Prism Plastics Inc. Pro Staff Carol Raichert Ridgeview Medical Center Robert & Roxanne Rydland Doug Salmela Beverly Saunders Scandia - Marine Lions Club School of Public Health Debra Schulze
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schulze Kelly & Peter Shelquist Evelyn Siebenaler Sarene Silver Silvercrest Properties, LLC Scott & Melissa Sjerven Philip & Margie Slingsby Jay Smith Dawn Staedt Vaughn Stai Michelle & Anthony Stocker Marcy Strauss Patti & Richard Sulentic Gordon Town Lewis Trumper Carl Urbania Steven & Heidel Van Slooten Vista Technologies, LLC Stephanie Wechsler Robert & Sherry Wechsler Ron Wenaas Basil & Mary Jane Wissner Thomas Yetter Zumbrota Combined Charities FRIENDS - UP TO $100 Peggy Acker Joseph Adams Beverly & James Adams Richard & Marietta Altman Deidra Anderson Joel Anderson David & Caroline Andre Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Andring Darlene Askegaard James Atchison Kurt & Amy Atkinson Walter & Kristine Awada Michelle Bahr Walter & Ann Baillon Clark & Michele Baker Ervin & Beverly Barrett Jerrice Barrett John Barsness Donald & Cynthia Bauerfeld Anne Peterson Bauers
Bruce & Marianne Baumann Stuart Bear Kenneth Beckman Charles & Virginia Berg Christine & Michael Berthiaume Irene Best Bethel University Bethlehem Lutheran Church Betsey Jeans Inc. Theresa Bilse-Kraft Burdette & Grace Bjorklund Shannon & Bayard Black JoAnne Blockey Joan Blum Nancy Boas Cindy Boerner Alice Boland Greg Boleen David & Margaret Bolles Michael & Susan Bozivich Carol Braunwarth Patricia Bremner Rosemary& Don Brever Wally Buetow Michael & Gail Burns James & Suzanne Burton Mary Callahan Dorothy Callahan Ann & Robert Callahan, Jr. Dale Cameron Rebecca & Jerome Capecchi Dr. Donald & Lois Casey Daniel & Dolores Casey Mona Ceniceros Joann & Steve Clemens Community Solutions Fund Barbara & John Conway Patrick Corcoran Lewis & Sandra Coronis Mary Cowley Gary Cummings William Cunningham James Curran Robert Curry Richard Dahl
Darlene Daily Jack Francis Daly Margaret Daly Nancy Daniels P.J. & Judy Dooley Debbie Dovenmuehler Jill Dutcher Laura Dvorak Education Minnesota Hawley John & Roberta Enderby Earl Erickson Gerald & Joan Ernster Cynthia Eyunni Michael & Susan Faust Thomas & Susan Focke Shirley & Dick Frane Ann Freemire Barbara Fritz Darlene Fry John Fuller Cynthia & John Fuller I.K. Gagliardi Gary Geister Linda Geldert Mark & Dianne Gibbs Gift of Life, Inc. Allan & Mary Gitzen Jerry & Patricia Glisky Marilyn & John Goetzke Pauline & Norman Goetzke Robert Gozola Andrea & Scott Gruber Cliff Guggisberg Joel Guscetti Jacquelyn Hafiz Robert & Barbara Hafiz Robert Hafiz, Jr. Sue & Jack Halvorson David & Elizabeth Haney Tim Hanson Beth Hanson Carol Haugsness Jane and Lester Hazlett Carol & John Heitzinger Marion Henry Michael Hermes
Dr. Robert & Jeanne Hesse Robert & Sandra Heuer David & Debra Heymans William & Georgetta Hickey Kelly Hicks Joseph & Mary Janet Hiller William & Patricia Hilpisch Joseph Hinterthuer Fran Hinterthuer Armin & Cindy Hoffman M. Janice Hogan-Schiltgen Rodney & Kathleen Holle Kerry & Cara Holloway Kim Horn William & Susannah Huffstutler Karen & Fred Hulting Theresa Hultman Jack & Lana Hurley Donna & Matt Isaac Fr. David Janes M. Therese Jasper Wyman & Marna Johnson Kurt & Connie Johnson David & Connie Jungwirth Melvin & Alice Kachel Christine & Joseph Kammerer Dorothy & Richard Kaufenberg Serge & Beverly Kaufenberg Joseph & Gloria Keating Danielle & Edward Kebadjian Geraldine & Joseph Keis Berton & Lavonne Kettler Linda & James Kilander Daniel & Karen Kilduff Graham & Sheila Kimble Dianne & Lenard Kindem Todd & Maria King Marilyn Kispert Katharina & Kevin Klanderud Robert & Linda Klas Nancy Klocow Joel & Janet Knoepfler Jane B. Koger Sylvia Kohls Andrew & Emily Kolars
Jack & Jane Kolars Phil & Jeanette Kormann Betty Kowalski Molly Kraft Daniel & Brenda Kragt Kristi Krause Dean & Cynthia Kuhlman G.J. & Betty Kunik John & Sandra Landmeyer Joan Latchaw Dorothy Latuff Jim & Joan Learn David & Gloria Lee Nancy & Hans Lee Leivermann Partners John LeMay Nancy Lenczewski Julianne Lenertz Ronald R. Leslie Lori & Thomas Liesenfelt Jim Lindberg Amy Marie Powers Locke Linda & Gordon Lofgren Shelly & William Lofgren David & Pat Loken Theodore & Kathleen Long Diana Luciani Joseph & Carol Lucio, Jr. Cheri Luhmann Randall & Susan Lundell Daniel Lundell Donna & Jerome Magin Donald & Marie Mallinger Antoinette & Wayne Malone Richard Malone Mary Ann Mansur Jeffrey Marthaler Robert Mayer Coleen Mc Mahon Joyce McCahey John & Rita McCarthy Jeffrey & Gayle McGary Duane & Harriet McGee Gerald & Donna McKoskey Lorraine McSherry Donald & Lorraine Meyer
Nancy Meyer Tony & Jill Michel Elizabeth & Bruce Miller Georgine Misukanis Robert Monson Catherine Moris Eve Mosow Thomas & Lissa Muellner James & Patricia Munsen Sharon & Warren Murray Diane Myers R.D. & Joan Myhrman Dorothy Napier Cheryl & Richard Narum Heather Neis David & Katherine Ness Marilyn Newstrum Richard & Karen Nystrom Rick & Laurie Oberg Susan O’Brien Leland & Constance Ohren Holger & Florence Olson Linda Olson Bryan Olson Brian & Carole Olson A. S. Olson Sandra Olson Ervin & Ellen Pasch Richard & Lori Pearce Donald & Dorothy Perron Sheri Peterson Gary & Paulette Peterson Steven & Joanne Peterson Matthew Pierson Gregory Pierson Stuart & Margery Pihlstrom Calvin & Rowena Pope Ralph & Mary Post Thomas & Margaret Pothen Patrick Pothen Peter & Mary Prestrud Jim & Jeanne Prittinen Lois Pullen Kelly Quamme Hollis & Beverly Quamme Vera Raaum
Elizabeth Rademacher Dale & Jeanette Ratzlaff Larry & Mary Reese Regions Hospital Trauma Center Steven & Nikki Resset Elaine Rhode Allan & Gladys Richards Marjorie & Richard Riemenschneider Rodney Ritter Roebke Bratsch Ldt. Jacklyn Rosendahl Sandy Ruberg James & Christine Rued Robert & Kristine Ruminsky James & Kathleen Russell Ivory Ruud Robert & Virginia Sack Susan Saenz Brian & Marcy Salisbury Craig & Julie Sandstrom James Saylor Charles & Phyllis Schamens Peter & Muriel Schiltgen Richard & Carol Schirber Steven & Susan Schmitt John & Ann Marie Schmitz Daniel & Mary Jeanne Schneeman Richard & Valerie Schoenert Glenn & Linda Schreiner Dave & Pat Schultz Jay & Susan Scott D.D. Seefeldt Robert & Karin Sefkar John & Mary Frances Seidl Marianne & Robert Seng Mr. & Mrs. Richard Serres Kathleen Setzke Mary Shaughnessy Susan Shereck Donald & Bernice Shipley Joan & James Shoberg Dennis & Barbara Shoener Tom & Kristine Simon Linda & James Sipprell
Kenneth Sitzman Sjoberg & Tebelius, PA Thelma Smith Elaine Spurr SSM Health Care of Wisconsin John & Charlotte St. Martin Arthur Staples Juie Starkson Elizabeth Stebbing Arnold Steffes, Jr. Anne Stevens Roger & Bonnie Stockmo Mary Storms William & Jean Strong Marjorie Sullivan Sunshine Fund Virgil & Patricia Swanson Michele Swanson Tony & Laura Teichert Toby Tyler Barbara & Dennis Vanguilder Nick & Myrle Voynovich Hendrik Vroege Bill & Sally Wacker I. Carol Wahl Lois Wallner Robert & Theresa Ware Donald & Mitzi Weber Scott & Kathy Wenger Mary Werner Eric Werwie J. Greg Wilson Mary & Tim Wisser David & Mandy Wittenberg Gary & Helen Wood Gary & Patricia Woodford Kelly & Tracy Woods Bartley & Joanne Zehnder Laura Zevnick David Ziebarth Zumbrota Combined Charities
2008 Contributions PILLARS $50,000 OR MORE LifeSource Terri Opp Memorial Golf Tournament CHAMPIONS $10,000 OR MORE 3M Foundation Hats & Mittens Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation The St. Paul Foundation CHAMPIONS $1,000 OR MORE Abbott Northwestern Hospital AMBR Best & Flanagan LLP Kathleen Boxmeyer Braun Intertec Corporation Bruce A. Sellner Memorial Charitable Fund Carey Worldwide Chauffeured Services Cryolife Donor Awareness Softball Tournament Ernest I. Fink Agency Essential Pharmaceuticals Aviation Charter First Fiduciary Investment Counsel, Inc. Greiner Construction, Inc. Highland Bank IIAM Leonard, Street and Deinard LifeNet Health Organ Recovery Systems Parameters Midwest Aviation Roche Dr. Richard Rooker RSM McGladrey
Lloyd & Marilyn Schreiner Shelley & Robert Shutes Swett & Crawford The Ament Group of Smith Barney The Transplant Foundation Thompson Insurance Agency Transplant GPS, Inc. Wachovia Foundation Matching Gifts Program Joseph & Patty Wirth Basil & Mary Jane Wissner BELIEVERS $500 OR MORE Anonymous Integrated Healthcare Strategies Mayo Foundation McKesson Medical Surgical ADVOCATES $100 OR MORE Tina Abdelnour All City Cab Arlen & Vicky Anderson Joel Anderson Scott & Jennifer Anderson ASMHTP Alan Beal Jeffrey Berg Mary Berg Richard & Cathleen Bernard Janet & Edward Brownell Dale Cameron Dawn Caruso Vincent Coleman Community Shares of Minnesota Roberta Corson Margaret Daly James Wilson David Erickson Peter Davis Peter H Berge Debra A. Sit Mark Dunker
Robert & Carole Egge ERA Muske Company Community Support Foundation Joel & Stephanie Fagerhaug M. Fahey Peter Farstad Jerome & Deborah Filla Shannon Foster John Frautschi Carter Freeman David & Ann Fuller Harry & Colleen Garberg Kathy Geist Chad Glover GOL Lutheran Church Women Christopher & Norah Gondeck Timothy Grande Todd & Lisa Gray Tom Griffin Hagen, Graves & Company LTD Stephan Hanson Hauer, Fargione & Love Heartland Aviation Henderson Global Hennepin Faculty Associates J. Donald & Jeanne Hensler Troy & Kristin Heuermann Kristin Hodsdon Renee Jans Joel & Mary Lee Jennings Tracy Johnson Kathy Jolly Joanne and Daniel Jorgenson Richard Kasel Key Cadillac Kristin Klein George Kluempke Tom Kornegor Janet Koskela Mark & Lynda Lackner Dennis Liudahl Jonathan Loftgren
Mr & Mrs. William Lund Lutheran Community Foundation M&I Bank M. Vincent & Associates, Ltd. Mackall, Croinse & Moore Macy’s Foundation Suzanne Martin Shirley Merschman Sara Meslow Michael Meyer Cindy Michalak Montgomery Dental Care Thomas Morgan Kim & Kevin Morsching Vicki Morton Eileen Moses Garnet Ninke James Opp John Opp Kath Oslund Marjorie Owen Timothy & Susan Palmer Tim Palmer Lu Ann Parnell Dr. William Payne Audrey Perske Vernon Peterson Q Foundation David Radosevich Carol Raichert Karen Rice Joseph & Margaret Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rosenkoetter Mary Roy Dianne Ruppert Safeco Insurance Your Gifts Plus Program Scandia - Marine Lions Club Schadegg Mechanical, Inc. Thomas Scheirer, Sr. Rollie Schlichting Joel Schwartz
Sharon Shonka Sarene Silver E. Keith Smelser Marie Sorensen Dick & Dawn Staedt Vaughn Stai Marcy Strauss Kirk Stubbee Timothy Sullivan Superior Communications Michael Tierney Lew & Mary Trumper University of Minnesota Carl Urbania US Corrugated Juanita von Wald Linda & John Watson Stephanie Wechsler Robert & Sherry Wechsler Deneen Wielenga FRIENDS - UP TO $100 Glenn & Rachel Adams Marjorie Adamsick Donald & Phyllis Ahern Sharon Marie Alder Sharon Alder Shirley Aleckson Rev. Sharon Anderson Marion & Charles Anderson Robert & Deidra Anderson Norma Anderson Wayne Anderson Dianne Anderson Barbara Anderson John Anderson Margaret & Harold Anderson Anonymous Rodney & Peggy Bacheller Amy Barker James & Anna Baumgartner
Julie Berg Richard & Patricia Berg Rita & Lewis Berge Kenneth & Jean Beyer Ann & Jim Boulay Deborah & Randall Bowman Lester & Susan Breuer Simone Brovege and Family Brian & Kathleen Brush Roger & Cynthia Buoen Leslie & Ardelle Burt John Callahan Corey Carney Catherine Cashman Vivian Christopherson Geoffrey & Joy Cline Sheryl Clouse Charlotte Coan Concordia College Curtis & Karen Cordt Linda Cotterell Karen Dahlen Jane & James Daly Nancy Daniels Maxwell Dawn Degree of Honor - R&R Service Club #511 MN Virginia Doyle Patricia & Steven Dye Kristin Eager Margaret Eickhoff Verdie & Norma Ellingson Bernett & Mary Elrod Michael & Joanne Engler Earl Erickson Mr & Mrs. Philip Ernst Carol & Paul Evavold Bernard & Rita Fabeck Debra Fastner Marie & Robert Feely Stephen & Susan Finden Julie & Peter Fischer
Chris Follese Mary & Michael Fox Adam Friedman Rebecca Fruechte Timothy & Carol Gallivan GE Foundation Matching Gifts Program Linda Geldert Juli & Robert Goerend Marvin & Margaret Gonnerman Marilyn Gottas Melanie & David Gough Paul & Jeanmarie Grassl Marcia Groth Susan Gunderson Charles Hallman Florence & Carter Hedeen Katherine & Joel Helzer Michael Hermes David Hoiland James Hommen Kim Elraye Horn Alexa & John Horoshak Theresa Hoxmeier Ruth Hubbling Susannah Huffstutler Charles Hulse Jr. Ruby Hunt Jeffrey Huxford Rudolph & Marion Jaeger Sue Jahn Jamestown High School Speech & Debate Class Dr. Steven & Julie Jeppson Mary Johnson Jerry & Sue Johnson George & Lesley Johnstone Trust Kathy Jolly Kathy Jolly & Family Stephen Kavan Roberta Keller Jerome & Sharon Kelly
Robert & Anne King John & Debra Kirk Michael Kluznik Steven & Deana Koehnen Mary Kokernot Ronald & Judith Krei Janice Kruize Joanne Kubala Kummet Larson Bluth & Co. Mark & Lynda Lackner Elizabeth Laing William & Joy Leininger Margo Leslie Ronald Leslie James Lindberg Amy Marie Powers Locke Daniel & Faye Lowry Keith & Betty Luethje Timothy & Anne Maetzold David & Marie Main Beth Maracotta Linda Maras James & Margaret Marino Mark’s Barber Shop Leroy & Alice Marple Marjorie Matthiae Gerald Mc Guire Joy McConnell Christopher & Anna McCullough Phillip & Catherine McFate Coleen McMahon Jeffrey & Joanie Meehan David Mesaros Nancy Meyer Walt & Yvonne Miller Bob & Yvonne Momsen Dennis & susan Moore Alice King Moormann John & Ronda Morin Pamela Mork Sandra Mork Margaret Movold
NCW Education Association Peter & Carol Susan Nelson Ronald & Marie Nelson Julianne Newberg Marilyn Newstrum Kathleen Hanson Noel Carolyn Nordby Charles Nordin Carolyn Nuahn Robert & Diane Oebser John & Kathleen Patrek Stephanie Pearson Vicki Peterson Iva Pierson Gretchen Piper Peter Prestrud James & Mary Sue Raber William & Susan Ramsey Robert & Carol Rathje Samuel & Michelle Rogers David & Carol Rowan James & Janice Rude James & Marjorie Sandfort Nick Sattler Charles & Phyllis Schamens Melvin & Margaret Scheirer Paul & Lisa Scheirer John & Kathleen Schmidt Susan Schmitt Edward & Kathleen Schoenecker Gene & Kory Schowalter Lloyd & Marilyn Schreiner Gordon & Susan Schulte Denny Seefeldt Dale & Ione Sette Janet & James Shannon Margaret & Roger Sorensen Janice Lee Sowieja Star of the Union No. 11 Mary Strode Bradley & Kristine Sweet Paul & Linda Taber
Raymond & Catherine Tegelman The Sunshine Club Advance Corporation Janet & Rodney Thiel Russell & Ronda Thielke Thomson West Timber Lodge Steakhouse Hen & John Timmer Susan Toffanetti William & Joanne Turcotte United Way US Bancorp Foundation Patricia Vankuiken Julia Warner Susan Weberg Sally Webster Gayl Werner Eric Werwie Richard & Donna Wilson Dave & Penny Winter WSB & Associates Julie & Steve Wuger We have made every effort to ensure accuracy and apologize for any errors or omissions.
2550 University Avenue West Suite 315 South St. Paul, MN 55114-1904 Tel: 651.603.7800 Toll-Free: 1.888.5.DONATE Fax: 651.603.7801 www.life-source.org
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