Emily Christie - Design Manifesto

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a visual form of my manifesto it is intended to inspire the reader (who i really hope is a creative person)


a quote by me sometimes im even influenced by my love of cats. mostly its other kinds of art like films or paintings or whatever.


a quote by me coz putting type and image together doesnt have to be a drag, right!?


a quote by yoda (the empire strikes back) stop saying youre gonna do something and just DO IT. get involved.


a quote by me not only does mixing media look awesome but it is also REALLY FREAKING FUN I SWEAR. the results are cool as hell.


a quote by ron swanson (parks and recreation) if you dont already watch this show, you totally should. basically put all your god damn effort into your project.


a quote by me its way easier to get your initial ideas down with pen and paper and then go digital later on. nothing beats a sketchbook.


a quote by me design shouldnt have to be plain and boring switch it up by using new techniques


a quote by me take breaks from your work every so often staring at your work too long isnt good for you

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