FOUNDATION NEWS Acquisition and Care Fund
WAYS TO GIVE There are many ways to
At the same time, caring for the items
support the Museum and many
in the collection is also part of a museum’s
benefits we provide as we
A LIVING THING. The curators are tasked
mandate. For instance, outdoor sculptures
recognize your enthusiasm and
with growing and nurturing the artworks
need particular care given their exposure
and history objects in their care while
to weather. For example, patina sometimes
keeping an eye toward the future.
needs to be reapplied to bronze
In 2020, Museum curators performed
sculptures. Additionally, history objects,
an analysis of its collection. The gaps
such as bultos and retablos, are made
uncovered now lead the curators in their
of wood and need their own specialized
efforts to seek out important objects and
attention. “Every object in the collection,
artworks that enhance and broaden areas
including ceramics, textiles, garments, and
of curatorial focus. And while the Museum
sculptures, has specific needs,” says Steve
receives many donated artworks and
Pettit, curator of collections. “There are
history objects, the curators often want to
33,000 objects to consider, from abacus
purchase items to expand the collection
beads to zither strings.”
in a specific way, for which there is a limited budget.
Andrew Rodgers, CEO of the Museum
• Make a direct, unrestricted contribution. • Contribute to Magic Bus, which provides virtual and in-person tours, art activity kits, and curriculum resources for students and their teachers. The Magic Bus brings the world of art, history, and culture to our schools. Suggested donation, $175
Foundation, says that devoting assets
• Donate to the Acquisitions
to acquiring artwork and artifacts, and
and Care Fund (see related
caring for the collection is a critical need.
story) which empowers
“The Museum often approaches us about
the Museum to grow and
acquiring new items, and with our newly
preserve its collection for
created Acquisitions and Care Fund, if the
future generations.
Museum wants to purchase something or
• Become a Masterworks
needs help with a restoration, there will be
Sponsor and support the
a pool of money for the collection.”
world-class exhibitions at the
Please contact us at info@albuquerque
Museum. Your name is placed if you would like
next to the sponsored work,
to help the Museum grow and care for
and you’ll receive special
its collection!
event invitations. • Leave a legacy by joining the aM Society and including the Albuquerque Museum Foundation in your
Allan Houser, Chiricahua Apache, 1914. Apache, Oklahoma – 1994 Santa Fe, New Mexico Prayer 1994 bronze, ed. 1/8. Albuquerque Museum, museum purchase, 1997 General Obligation Bonds PC1999.1.1
estate plans. • Invite friends and family to become members of the Museum Foundation