Gay Betzer Children’s Fund Supports Education TEACHER, LIBRARIAN, CULTURE LOVER,
enjoyable service was activity involving
children, including serving as a Casa and
Museum tour guide for childrens’ groups.
GAY BETZER understands the immensely valuable education museums provide. The Gay Betzer Children’s Fund is a new
"We are so grateful to the Betzer family for their support of both the Albuquerque Museum and our Foundation over the
initiative, dedicated to Gay, that will broadly
years,” says Andrew Rodgers, executive
support the Museum’s education programs
director and CEO of the Albuquerque
over the next decade. The Betzer family
Museum Foundation. “Gay’s impact has
has donated $50,000 to the Albuquerque
been vital to both organizations.”
Museum Foundation, pledging an additional
The pandemic has increased demand
CHILDREN’S FUND are 100 percent tax-deductible.
$50,000 as match to any other contributions
for the Museum’s youth education
There are a variety of convenient
received for the fund.
programs exponentially. Teachers
payment methods available,
Gay became active with the Albuquerque Museum as a docent in 1987, as a way to
increasingly look to the Museum to provide resources and opportunities—both in-
learn about the history of New Mexico after
person and virtual—to expand the horizons
the family relocated to Albuquerque from
of their students.
including: with a check (payable to the Albuquerque Museum Foundation), through your Donor-Advised Fund, via
Oklahoma. The docent training, she wrote
This gift from the
our website (www.albuquerque
in a personal biography, greatly enriched
Betzer family allows the, or
her experience in Albuquerque and with
Foundation, through
the Museum. Later, Gay served on the
education program
by calling the Foundation 505-677-8500.
Albuquerque Museum Board of Directors
funding, to serve more
If you have questions,
for two terms and was one of the first group
students, and continue
email info@albuquerque
of docents trained for Casa San Ysidro when
to use the Museum’s
the city acquired it. She has served on the
collection, exhibitions,
Casa Advisory Committee, the Batten House
and programs to
Committee, and has given countless hours
reach children.
to Museum service through volunteering.
“We couldn’t
“One of the nicest honors I received was the
think of a more
Foundation’s Honor of Distinction in 1998-
fitting tribute for
1999,” she wrote. The family directed the
Gay’s passion,"
donation to education because her most
Rodgers says.
Gay Betzer