Feel Good Drinks - 5 Boards

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BRAND / PRODUCT INFORMATION THE FEEL GOOD DRINKS COMPANY - Set up in 2002 by 3 previous Coca Cola Employees - They create sugar free, 100% natural fruit drinks that are 1 of your 5 a day. - There are 5 different varieties of the drink sold in large supermarkets across the UK such as Sainsburys, Tesco, Waitrose, ASDA and cafe’s such as Costa Coffee. For this brief we have been asked to concentrate on the Plastic 400 ml botttle flavours that are; - Orange and Mango - Apple & Blue Berry - Cloudy Lemon PRICE AVERAGE; £1.35 This is affortable on a student budget (the bottle of fruit juice in the Mosaic Cafe are £1.20)

INGREDIENTS - Cloudy Lemon 60% natural Fruit Juice Fruit - Grape, Lemon, Lime, Acerola 30% Water and Fruit extracts

TARGET AUDIENCE WHO - 20 to 30 year olds - Men and Women - Students and Proffessionals LIFESTYLE - Busy, on the move every day - Health Concious - chosing food / drink that has less perservatives - Potential Gym Membership - Part - Time or Full Time Job - Use public transport HOW & WHERE TO TARGET THEM - Large / Major towns and Cities (CBD ‘s) where the jobs and Universitites are located. - Public Transport Advertising - stations; bus, train, taxi, tube - Car Owners - service stations - Billboards - Local Cafe’s, shops, University Unions and eating areas TONE OF VOICE - Fun, LIght hearted, cheeky and playful that will catch their attention and ‘make them smile’.

PRODUCT PROPOSAL PART 1; The Campaign to ‘Make them Famous’ (Advertising) PRINT - Billboards - Posters - Flyers - Magazines / Newpapers - Stickers - Logo Stamped Napkins

DIGITAL - Viral Videos (Youtube adverts) - Update Website - Update Facebook / Blog / Twitter - Viral Advertising

We are focusing on these flavour bottles

PART 2; Encourage People to chose these drinks over their Competitors. PRINT; - Update Labels - Design Packaging - Bottle Accessories - Posters in specific locations

Blockhead Blackface

DIGITAL - Phone App - alerting customers when they are near a shop that sells the drinks and encouridges them to go buy one (also has fun / useless health fact of the day

Blockhead Unplugged


Berlin Sans

Black Pantone 046


Recycled Napkins with Logo and Product information sold in Local Sandwich shops

Bus Shelter / Billboard

Smart Phone App

We will be re-designing and improving the bottle label to make them stand out as at the moment their labels are the same as their cometitors


COMPETITION Innocent Smoothie are their main competitors as Feel Good Drinks are also advertising themselves as ‘sugar-free’ and one of your 1 of your 5 a day,

Currently these are some of Feel Good Drinks advertising campaigns. We feel that at the moment they either have too much colour and are over crowded, or they dont have enough clear information about the product and where to purchase it.

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