The 2015 App Store Optimization Guide

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App Store Optimization Guide How to Get Noticed in the Apple App & Google Play Stores | 3036 Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55408 | (855)-403-5514


Getting started


App store optimization explained


Optimization differences between Apple and Google


Tactic 1: Keyword research, selection & placement


Where to place keywords in an Apple App Store listing


Where to place keywords in an Google Play Store listing


Tactic 2: Icon selection


Tactic 3: Strategically choose visuals


Tactic 4: Choose the right category


Make a splash. Get downloaded.


million apps in the Google Play Store

We all want to turn heads. Get noticed. Maybe it’s by making music, sharing ideas or excelling at a craft. Regardless of the method, the end goal is the same: Make an impact. The objective of an app in the Apple App or Google Play Stores is no different. But to make that impact, share that idea or provide that new moment of understanding, simplicity or efficiency, the apps must first face a rigorous test­— public opinion. It must be downloaded. That’s where this guide comes in. Competition is fierce. According to, as of July 2015, there were 1,600,000 apps in the Google Play Store and 1,500,000 in the Apple App Store.1 While there’s no magic bullet to stop users


million apps in the Apple App Store

scrolling through hundreds of search results in their tracks, app store optimization can help. 3

App store optimization explained


What is app store optimization?

Inbound marketers are charged with optimizing their websites for specific keywords so they rank highly in organic search. That’s SEO. App store optimization (ASO) is similar. One purpose is to increase the likelihood your mobile app will be found by users. Keywords help, but so too does the structure of your listing and even the design of the app icon. The second often-overlooked component is conversion optimization. You can rank first and still fail at ASO if no one chooses to

Low budget. High impact. App store optimization is particularly important because it allows creators low cost exposure compared to the large budgets integrated marketing campaigns can rack up. Research shows users interact with app stores frequently. According to one survey, 64% of people had downloaded an app in the past 7 days.2

download your app. 5

Breaking through the noise

How users find mobile apps

52% Family, friends and colleagues

40% How do users find mobile apps? According to

General browsing in an app store

Trademob, a mobile app advertising platform, approximately 100,000 installs will propel an app into the Apple App Store top 10. The installs needed are up 25% from 2013.3 As of September 2014, Statistica found recommendations from family and friends

27% Search engines

have the most influence over what users chose to download.4 6


Optimization differences between Apple and Google

Apple’s algorithm assesses the relevancy of the keywords and content in the title and 100 character description. It puts weight on download volume, reviews and the perceived positivity of those reviews. Any press or social awareness is helpful in driving traffic to the app but doesn’t directly impact rankings.

Google The Google Play Store takes a more holistic approach. The algorithm is more SEO-focused using the online app store listing, any associated web pages, links from blogs, press releases, articles and social proof to assign rankings. The correlation is a direct one between linked press, media or social signals like tweets, shares and +1s. Google sees this social proof as citations of popularity.

What the Apple and Google ranking systems value 6 High download rates aren’t the only factor driving

Download velocity: Number/time


high app store visibility. Changes to the Apple and


Keyword density

Google algorithms have placed a greater emphasis

Frequency of use

Social engagement

on reviews, ratings and meaning.5

Number of ratings

Number of backlinks

Quality of ratings

What are the differences between how the Apple App and Google Play Stores rank listed apps?

How do you rank higher in the app store? 7

Tactic 1: Keyword research, selection & placement


Choose your keywords wisely

Characters available in the Apple App Store 7 Name: ~25 recommended to display in search Keyword field: 100 Description: 255 before users must click Keywords are a ranking hunter’s best friend. And for those pursuing them, there’s no need to wear camouflage. They are the foundation of app store optimization, though their placement,

to read more

Characters available in the Google Play Store8

frequency of use and structural limitations of

Title: 30

the listings differ between the Apple App and

Keyword field: N/A

Google Play Stores.

Description: 4,000 9

Where to place keywords in an Apple App Store listing The title

Keyword field

Research has shown adding a keyword to your title

Unlike the Google Play Store, the Apple App Store

will result in a 10.3% increase in app store search

has a keyword field. Keywords are placed here.

rankings.9 The best way to incorporate this is to

The caveat? There are only 100 characters, so don’t

use the following formula, “App Name - Keyword.”

waste time with spaces. Add your keywords using the

Technically the title can be 255 characters long.

formula word,word,word,etc.

Though, it is worth noting Apple penalizes apps with titles “stuffed” full of keywords. Twenty-five characters is the recommended number, but some of the top apps average 50 characters in the title.10 10

Pro tips for ranking in the Apple App Store Don’t bother adding multi-word keyword phrases or spaces to the keywords field in the App Store. Use single words Don’t bother adding multi-word keyword phrases or spaces to the keywords field in the App Store. For example, if you’re targeting the phrase “mobile conference app” you would want to add the keywords individually like this: mobile, conference,app. Keywords should not be repeated. 11

Write a human description

Since keywords in the Apple App Store description field have no impact on your rankings, make sure you use it purely to market your app to potential users and highlight its value proposition. Keep it short, concise and impactful. Choose your words wisely to capture and convey your app’s brand

Title don’ts Repeat keywords Include categories Type out numbers Include filler words (a, the, and)

personality in the limited space. 12

Where to place keywords in the Google Play Store listing

The title


Similar to the Apple App Store, placing a keyword in the

Google Play doesn’t offer a keywords field like the

title can only help to improve the optimization of your

Apple App Store does. This means it’s important to

listing in the Google Play Store. Avoid common terms.

write your 4,000 character description so it appeals to

Instead look to reinforce what your app is about. Try to

humans and robots. What does this mean? Your

keep your title focused and as short as possible while

description should repeat important keywords five

conveying meaning. Depending on the size of the form

times each, but should also not feel like SEO bait.11

factor the viewer is using, the title may be truncated.


Pro tips for ranking in the Google Play Store

Link to your Google Play App listing As you enter characters in the Apple App or Google Play Stores, it will recommend queries based on the characters you have entered. Do this to brainstorm good keyword ideas for your app. If this isn’t yielding enough results for your app, try Google’s Suggested Search results instead.

Leverage Google+ Put some effort into getting as many +1’s as you can on Google+. Post about your app in relevant Google+ communities, and get your coworkers and friends to help promote it on their Google+ profiles. 14

Keyword placement




Highest impact on rankings


Highest impact on rankings


Impacts rankings

Impacts rankings


No keyword field

Impacts rankings


Impacts rankings

No impact on rankings


Impacts rankings

No impact on rankings


How to choose your keywords

Know your target demographic To jumpstart your brainstorm session have a solid understanding of your target audience and precisely how your app benefits them. This can provide parameters for choosing your keywords or even knowing where to start. Begin by anticipating the need your audience is trying to solve. Are they satisfying their urge for fun, organization or maybe both? Put yourself in your Now you know where to place your keywords in an

users’ shoes and anticipate how they might

Apple App or Google Play Store listing. Choosing

search for it. Assume the vernacular of your

them is a completely different ball game. It’s a

audience. How a 60+ business man searches

little intuition, a lot of research and a good dose of

for an app could vary markedly from a 16-year-old

time. Yes, time. Proper placing and spacing of your

athlete. Ask yourself—is my query searchable and

keywords won’t matter if they aren’t the right ones.

is it sensible? 16

Tools that can guide your search

Google Trends Best for checking the popularity of keywords Use Google Trends to identify keyword phrases that have a lot of interest and seem likely to trend upwards in interest in the immediate future.

SEMRush Best for comparing the keywords competitors are targeting If a similar app has a website, scan its website with

Google Suggested Search Best for brainstorming keywords As you enter characters in the Apple App or Google Play Stores, it will recommend queries based on the characters you have entered. Do this to brainstorm good keyword ideas for your app.

SEMRush to see the kinds of keywords it’s ranking for. Then assess their popularity and value.

SensorTower Best for checking the uniqueness of your app title

If this isn’t yielding enough results, try Google’s

Type your app’s name into SensorTower to see

Suggested Search results instead.

whether apps with competitive names exist. 17


Considering the emergence of the “long tail” in mobile app keyword selection

What is the “long tail”? Chris Anderson, former editor-in-chief of Wired Magazine first wrote about the long tail in an October 2004 article. He later released a book on the same topic in 2006. The idea of the long tail is one of fragmented consumerism. In today’s age, Anderson argues mainstream products and markers are less important. They have been replaced with niche products. If this holds true, it’s good news for app developers.14

Head Long Tail Products

Apple App and Google Play Store users aren’t afraid to explore. It’s important to note general browsing in the app stores isn’t far behind recommendations from friends and family as an impetus to download. This could indicate the “long tail” as noted by research firm Nielsen is playing an increasing role in user behavior navigating both app stores.13

The long tail in the world of app listings For our purpose, the short and long tails relate to the specificity of targeting. A keyword that could be considered part of the short tail is popular with high search volume. By comparison, a keyword that falls into the long tail is highly specific. When choosing a short or long tail keyword, consider the potential search volume. Analyze whether the high traffic of a short tail keyword will be more impactful than what could be a highly specific or motivated audience searching for a long tail keyword. Best case scenario? Find a happy medium, a golden zone keyword where the competition is low enough and the search volume is high enough to provide the desired download rate. 18

Keep an eye on the competition Approximate difficulty ranking for keywords If X number of apps exist in the competitive space, A large part of keyword research is understanding

how hard will it be to rank for those keywords?12

the landscape and where your competitors have decided to play. So, make a list and note how they’re ranking. Look to determine how popular they are. Use downloads and the positivity of their reviews as your guide posts. Begin to determine

• Easy - 25 apps • Medium - 25-100 • Competitive - Keywords used in 100+ apps

where your app would rank in the list. Although these numbers provide a good Competitive listings can also provide inspiration.

benchmark, it’s all relative. If all 25 of the apps

You may see important keywords in their listings

in a given competitive space are optimizing their

that you hadn’t thought of yourself. Also consider

listings really well, it could be more difficult to

looking at competitor’s reviews to see what their

break through then in a category where 100 app

users are talking about. This can be helpful for

lists are optimized very poorly. It’s also entirely

keyword selection, as well as crafting a compelling

possible that ranking eighth for a competitive

app description (based on what users are calling

keyword could serve your interests better than

out and talking about the most).

ranking first for a keyword no one is querying. 19

Tactic 2: Icon selection


Pay attention to conversion optimization

Make a good first impression

Conversion optimization differs from rank optimization and is measured by how likely users are to actually download the app after they view it. A more polished icon with a more concise title might attract users to convert and download your app compared to a more highly ranked option.

A/B test your icon options

Besides your title and category, the icon you

Create a few different visual styles to test and release them as paid social promotion via Twitter and Facebook. Also consider Google Ads. Target the same keywords you are planning for your app store listing and see what performs best. Then use that intelligence to make your icon selection. You only have a few seconds to entice users to download you app. Make them count.15

choose to represent your app is one of the first ways users assign credibility. The cleaner, more unique and more impactful your icon is, the more visual credibility it conveys. So don’t leave your icon selection up to intuition. Test it. There are a variety of ways you can assess whether your icon choice is a good one. The most common is to leverage social, search or banner advertisements to see how potential users are reacting to the visual identity system and how effectively the icon you choose drives conversion action.

Icon pro-tips • Consider omitting text • Ensure consistency between your icon, app and

corresponding website • Create a border within your icon, so no matter

the user’s phone background, it stands out 21

)x1( IPDM

Icon size guide Apple App Store16 iPhone 6 Plus (@3x)

iPhone 6, 5, and 4 (@2x)

iPad & iPad mini (@2x)

iPad 2 & iPad mini (@1x)

App Store Icon (@1x)

180 x 180px

120 x 120px

150 x 150px

76 x 76px

1024 x 1024px

Google Play Store The short answer: 512Ă—512 pixels, PNG format. The long answer: Different screen displays require different display densities marked as dots per inch. The table below captures the size variety needed.17


MDPI (1x) 160 DPI

HDPI (1.5x) 240 DPI

XHDPI (2x) 320 DPI

XXHDPI (3x) 480 DPI

XXXHDPI (4x) 640 DPI







Action Bar



















Tactic 3: Strategically choose visuals


Get visual with your listing

Apple19 • 5 screenshot maximum • 1 screenshot minimum • 72 dpi, RGB, flattened, no transparency • High-quality JPEG or PNG image file format Create your screenshots in any of the following sizes: • 640 x 920 pixels for hi-res portrait (without status bar) minimum • 640 x 960 pixels for hi-res portrait

Beyond the app icon, screenshots are the next best way to help users connect with your app visually. Better yet — it gives them more insight into the experience. The first two screenshots are the most important. These appear in search.18

(full screen) maximum • 960 x 600 pixels for hi-res landscape (without status bar) minimum • 960 x 640 pixels for hi-res landscape (full screen) maximum

Pro tip: Add additional information to your screenshots Think beyond a screen capture. This is your chance to communicate information to users in a small amount of time and using a small amount of real estate. Consider adding additional text or overlays to explain the functionality of your app.

Google20 • 8 screenshots allowed for each supported device • 2 screenshots required at a minimum • Minimum dimension: 320 pixels • Maximum dimension: 3840 pixels 24

Extra visual considerations Considering a video? Adding an informative video to your listing that shows your app in action can be a very good thing, enticing potential users to convert and download. There’s no question a video shows an app’s capabilities better than five or eight screenshots ever could. On the other hand, if it’s not wellexecuted, users will be able to tell, and with a swipe of the finger they’re on to the next thing. Only include this if you have the dedicated creative and financial resources to create media that offers an informational or visual wow-factor.

Plan what to show above the fold When writing your app descriptions, think about what should go above-the-fold versus below-thefold (where you need to click to reveal). 25

Tactic 4: Choose the right category


App store category selection

Most popular apps in the Apple App Store, July 2015 22 Games






Lifestyle Entertainment Utilities Travel

8.57% 6.5% 5.05% 4.42%





Health & Fitness






Food & Drink


Photo & Video






a great idea gathering dust. Apps can be listed in



two categories in the Apple App Store, and three





Picking the right category to classify your app can also spell the difference between high visibility and

categories if it’s a game. The Google Play Store allows only one category to be assigned.21


1.16% 27

Manage your reputation

Recipe to successfully collect reviews 1. After a certain threshold of engagement (maybe opening your app five times), add a Since both of the app stores factor the positivity

prompt asking users to rate/review your app.

of reviews into their algorithms, reputation

Only display this once.

management is key to boosting the visibility of your app. The best way to do this? Mitigate

2. If the user responds, “Yes,” link them to provide

negative reviews and nurture highly-engaged

a review. If the user responds no, direct them to a

users. One way to accomplish this is using your

form where they can offer constructive criticism.

app for two-way communication with users and building review collection into the experience. That

Using this process you’re helping to gate the

way it’s easy for the most highly engaged users

reviews your app receives, encouraging positive

to add their input and help boost your scores.

reviews and deflecting the negative user feedback

However, don’t be too aggressive.

that can harm the visibility of your app. 28

Parting tips

1. We all need a “take-two” sometimes. Let’s say you release your app and it becomes apparent that another set of keywords would fit your app and target audience better. Know that when you release an update, you can replace or add keywords.23

2. Expand your reach. Translate your app. If users can’t understand your app, how can they use it? That’s why only apps in the user’s language will show up in their search. By investing the resources to translate your app, you open up usage to a whole new population. Think of the potential to earn a leg up over the competition. 29

Talk with an expert Ready to innovate? Contact us to learn more about App Store Optimization. We’re all ears. 855-403-5514

MobCon developed by MentorMate MentorMate has designed, delivered and staffed digital experiences since 2001. Along the way we’ve learned a lot. Now it’s time to share. That’s why we founded MobCon in 2012 and MobCon Digital Health in 2015. Each year we host conferences for the top minds in mobile and digital strategy to do just that. Be part of what’s next and dive deep into the trends and technologies revolutionizing engagement in today’s business landscape. Connect. Listen. Grow. We’ve taken the leap. Have you? Register for our next event at | 3036 Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55408 | (855)-403-5514

References 1



Statistica. (2015, July). Number of apps available in leading app stores as of July 2015. number-of-apps-available-in-leading-appstores/

Developer. (Accessed 2015, July). App Store product page.

Perez, Sarah . (2014, October 3). Roughly half of users are finding apps via app store search, says study.

2 Tune. (Accessed 2015, August). How users find apps. 3 Chou, Jacky. 2015, Jun 11. Extensive guide to app store optimization (aso) in 2015 – part 1: apple app store. 4 Statistica. (2014, September) Smartphone app awareness and discovery channels of users in the United States as of September 2014. find-smartphone-apps-for-download/ 5 See Chou. 6 Walz, Alex. (2015, May 27). Deconstructing the app store rankings formula with a little mad science.

8 Saccomani, Pietro. (2015, March 10). App store optimization in 9 steps. app-store-optimization-9-steps/ 9 See Tune. 10 Urban, Diana. (2015, February 6). How to name your app to get more downloads. 11 Parrish, Adam. (Accessed: 2015, August). Simple Android icon size guide for Lollipop 5.1. 12 Kissmetrics. (2013, June). App store optimization – a crucial piece of the mobile app marketing puzzle

14 Anderson, Chris. (Accessed: 2015, August). About me. 15 Johnson, Robin.(2015, March 17). Actionable tips for app store optimization [infographic]. actionable-tips-for-app-store-optimization-infographic/ 16 iOS Developer Library. (Accessed: 2015, August). Icon and image sizes. documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/ MobileHIG/IconMatrix.html 17 See Galazzo. 18 Galazzo, Laurie. (2015, March 6). Apple App Store vs. Google Play Store: 3 major ASO differences.

References 19 iOS Developer Library. (Accessed: 2015, August). iTunes connect app properties. iTunesConnect_Guide/Appendices/Properties. html 20 Google Play Developer Console Help. (Accessed: 2015, August). Graphic assets, screenshots, & video. 21 See Leeflang. 22 Statistica. (2015, June). Most popular Apple App Store categories in June 2015, by share of available apps. popular-categories-in-the-app-store/ 23 Rossi, Evaldo. (2014, September 19). How to discover if apple have blacklisted your keywords.

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