3 minute read
5. Conclusion & Recommendations ……………………………………………… 18
from Investigating the Business Strategies and Effectiveness of Approach for Farfetch and Revolve
by Emily Freund
expertise in social media to create online events and promote their offline events, like RevolveFestival and the Revolve Social Club pop-up store. Farfetch takes on a more minimal marketing approach to align with their luxury branding, however brand recognition is important for success and a big factor to consumers when purchasing from premium/luxury brands. Farfetch could create a better omnichannel marketing approach, similar to Revolve, in a way that still suits their values.
Despite Revolve’s notable marketing strategy, it is not as innovative as the direction of the fashion industry, with immersive experiences using advanced technology. While Farfetch has minimal marketing, the retailer blends innovative technology, like AR/VR virtual try-on filters and interactive mirrors, with their offerings, creating a revolutionary approach to shopping luxury. Farfetch uses interactive filters on Instagram and Snapchat to create an immersive shopping experience. Revolve’s largest marketing strategy takes place on social platforms, like Instagram, so it would be beneficial for the company to execute an innovative approach to that strategy, similar to Farfetch.
Both retailers saw growth during the pandemic and even in the post-pandemic era because of their unique business models. However, they should continue to innovate their offerings, like enhanced marketing for Farfetch and an improved sustainability and technology strategy for Revolve, in order to develop a more engaged customer. To achieve the retailers’ goals of profitability, increased market share, and satisfied consumers, such recommendations should be executed to offset the ever-changing nature and risks of the fashion industry.
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