Healthy You – Healthy Love

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Healthy You – Healthy Love Allow me to share with you exactly who I am, and why this video to you will be the most important one you will EVER see. I’m a healthy love and breakup recovery expert. I am about to show you how you can turn your non existent, or messy relationships into TWO fulfilling, loving relationships. One with a current or future partner and one with yourself. If I could do this, you definitely can as well! You see, over the last decade or so I’ve been on a whirlwind of a journey that has reshaped my entire life and the way I experience love and relationships. I am certainly no different to you or anybody else – I have had some of the most outrageous, disastrous and painful dating and relationship experiences. The funny thing is that my married girlfriends would get a great kick out of hearing about my dating escapades, yet I was exhausted, losing faith and OVER IT! I was sick of the same never ending cycle of meeting someone that seemed great, only to have my hopes and fantasies shattered over and over again. I realized that most of the men were either trying to get into my pants, borderline alcoholics, or blatant liars. Some were still flirting with their ex’s or were even married! These men were not emotionally healthy or AVAILABLE, but then again, NEITHER was I! I thought that I was special and they would come to their senses! What a load of rubbish! One particular relationship was the icing on the cake; it was the relationship that hit me so hard that I was physically a total mess – sobbing uncontrollably, in the foetal position in emotional agony and shock. On the first date I was in heaven, and until then I had never met a man that I thought I could see myself marrying. I couldn’t sleep with the excitement and I thought I was the luckiest girl in the world. He was the whole package… well, so I thought. The time we spent together was electrifying. He was smart, funny and was as sexy as they come, oh and ridiculously successful. It really couldn’t have gotten any better. I had fallen for someone who actually had a girlfriend (in another state). Not only was he a compulsive liar, he was super smooth and knew exactly what to say to make me believe every lie that came out of his mouth. What made things even worse was that a couple of years later, I fell for it again! I gave him another chance, which took me right back to the most painful place I have ever been and I vowed to NEVER be in a relationship like this again.


You have probably heard the saying Fool me once, shame on you Fool me twice, shame on me. Well, that is what it felt like. I was so mad with myself the first time around and I just walked straight into it again, with arms wide open. How stupid! On top of all of that relationship mess, my health was suffering, which made dealing with all of those ups and downs even more of a challenge. This was one of the most difficult times of my life and also the most fantastic and freeing time of my life. Along my journey I met some extraordinary experts who showed me the side of self-help and love I had no idea about. And over this time I grew a passion for psychology, which lead me to study with the world-renowned Coach U International, the Australian Mentoring Institute, and other respected organizations. Once I became clear about who I was and I what I valued in my life and relationships, then my approach to love and dating became SIMPLE, SUCCESSFUL and REWARDING! I started to be turned-on and attracted to more genuine and stable guys. Where as, in the past they simply did nothing for me. I finally GOT IT. This gift of new found awareness gave me something remarkable, the silver lining in my dating debacles was simply this A truly satisfying relationship is understanding the difference between being alone and being lonely When you realize that, you become aware that many people are in relationships to fill a void in themselves. I’m sure you’ve…

Healthy You – Healthy Love

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