Humiliating Relationship Mistakes Women Make Meeting an awesome guy is a reason for most women to throw a parade or celebrate in some other, more sensible, way. Yet, so many of these new connections don’t make it very far out of the gate because of some awful mistakes that women tend to make with these guys. That’s why you need to know what these mistakes are so that you can turn your budding relationship into something much more. Have a look at these common, but humiliating, mistakes that women make in relationships: Sharing feelings too soon: Never, ever share you feelings about him too soon in the relationship. Women tend to be more emotional than men and can’t wait to have conversations about their feelings with their men. That’s why you need to remember that men just aren’t typically into sharing feelings. So if you share how you feel about a man while it’s still in the beginning stages of the relationship, you may very well send him running for the hills. Men aren’t ready to deal with that too soon in the relationship. It takes a while to bond with a man, so if you want to keep a man’s interest, keep your feelings to yourself for a while. Don’t make excuses for him: Simply put, if a man is being a jerk, don’t make excuses for that kind of behavior. Most men will actually respect women that call him out on his actions. If you don’t let his jerk-like behavior slide, he’ll see that you’re a woman that he’s got to work to get, and that you’re not someone he can treat any way he wants. Don’t give up too much of yourself too fast: This also includes having sex. Now, while men DO stay around after the first sexual encounter, they won’t stay forever if they feel like it was too easy to get you into bed. He might keep telling you what you want to hear for a while just for sex, but he’s going to get bored eventually and move on. Women typically bond emotionally when they have sex. Men use the emotions of women to keep having sex before they feel a bond. Knowing how to keep a man’s interest translates to knowing how to make him want more. Don’t tell him everything about yourself all at once. A bit of mystery is good. Don’t be his mother: While it’s fine to be nurturing in a relationship, you certainly don’t want him looking at you as a mother figure. Avoid offering advice on things about what he should or shouldn’t do. Men tend to want to be men so they don’t like being interrogated about where they’ve been, what they were doing and with whom. If you turn into his mother, you may actually be driving him away and straight to another woman. Keep these things in mind when you’ve got a chance at a new relationship. If you can avoid making these relationship mistakes, you just may get what you want.
Humiliating Relationship Mistakes Women Make
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