Loving a Sagittarius Man

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Loving a Sagittarius Man

var seo_sids = new Array();var seo_osids = new Array(); If you’re dating a man that lavishes you with love and admiration of the silent variety, you’re most likely dating a Sagittarian. He’s not going to volunteer a lot about what he’s feeling and why he chose to be with you. If you really want to know why he’s with you and not someone else, you’ll probably have to question him closely. You’re probably going to get the answers you want to hear. A Sagittarius man is more of a closed book when it comes to his feelings. You’ll have to get that book opened and then turn it one page at a time. As all Zodiac signs possess individual traits, the Sagittarius man is no different. He has a set of qualities that make him the unique individual that he is. He’s charming, affectionate, loving and a free spirit. Being with this man will make you feel as if you’re part of a special circle. The two important parts of a Sagittarius man are his optimism and his freedom. Don’t try to tie down this man or you’ll never see him again once he escapes. He also doesn’t take well to being strung along. His desire for the best of both worlds will present a challenge to you if you want a relationship with him. He’s practical but never hopeless. Most men that believe in practicality don’t believe in waiting for good things to come to them. The Sagittarius man is a bit different on this. While being practical, he’ll also carry fervent hope and always see his glass as half full rather than half empty. Something you can count on from a Sagittarius man is complete fidelity and love. Once he’s decided he’s in love with you, he’s totally yours. If you’re the woman that can turn your flirtatious and lazy Sagittarius man into a devoted lover and motivated individual, you’ve got a man for life. He won’t do this because you made him a changed man, but more because he’s fallen truly and completely in love with you. When you’re not sure where the relationship is going with your Sagittarius man, you may want to consult a third party and get an expert opinion. Many times, it’s necessary to make some tough choices. But if you can truly see a future with this man, dig your heels in and stay put. If you don’t see a real future with him, go ahead and have some fun and then move on. You can do so without feeling guilty because a Sagittarius man is quite the flirt when he’s single and he won’t be alone for very long. If you throw him back into the dating sea, he’ll move on quite quickly from you and be with someone else before you know it. Due to his flirtatious nature, women are intensely attracted to him. However, he’s quite immune to what they may expect from him. This is the biggest reason that you must tread carefully when


you choose to get involved with a Sagittarius man.

Loving a Sagittarius Man

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