Seduction For Guys In Relationships. 33 Year Old Electrical Engineer From Maryland Swears Under Oath That His 8 Secrets For Getting Your Wife In The Mood More Often (and More Consistently) Is Not… He’s also not claiming to be an unattractive guy that has The Magic Formula for seducing Victoria Secret Models within 90 seconds. He’s actually a Signal Processing Electrical Engineer with a passion for Persuasion Psychology (from a motivational standpoint). He was once contracted by the U.S. Army as a Signals Specialist to developed high-powered algorithms. He has a burning passion for coming up with original ideas that go against the grain. He really enjoys thinking beyond the scope of social conditioning. You might even be tired of reading the same stuff. You want something new and fresh. You just want to learn something that actually works! Instead of the same recycled information that keeps popping up in every sex-related book. Well, you can take a deep breath and relax because this is not like anything that is out there. Here’s what the creator of the system said about his discovery. The Instructor: The truth is I never really had a problem attracting women and taking things to the next level. But there was a major problem that I ran into: “How come my sex life takes a serious nose-dive when I’m in a relationship?” I was obsessed with figuring this out. “How could a (sexually healthy) woman who loved me and found me attractive, NOT be excited about having sex with me…” “In the beginning things are hot and steaming, why does it have to wear off…after all, some couples have steamy sex decade after decade…” Again, I was obsessed with figuring this out. After several months of being Mad-Scientist-Obsessed with finding the truth, something unexpected happened. And.. It just popped in my head… I started looking at everything differently… What I stumbled on was a formula that was so simple and so easy… It was crystal clear! And get this… Much of it was the OPPOSITE of what experts were teaching! Not to be dramatic, but I kept thinking: So I did. And it worked – but that wasn’t good enough. I had to test it out again and again and again. As an engineer (and more importantly a critical thinker, I have a concept of something “appearing” to work. I had to test it out again. So I did. And it kept working and working and working. For some reason it couldn’t fail! In case you’re not sure what I’m talking about, I’m saying that my “crazy formula” for making women crave sex was successful. And I was reaping the benefits! Here’s the difference: Before: Sex Quality was 70% (at best) and it took place every once in awhile After: Sex Quality increased to 95% and it took place very often! I never
expected for the results to be as successful as they were. I was merely looking for some type of an improvement, because I was fed up! Phase 2: I researched everywhere assuming that this discovery couldn’t have been original. But to my surprise I couldn’t find it anywhere. Wow! I couldn’t believe it. This is new stuff! Phase 3: Now, it was time to put it to the real test. It just so happened that I had two friends that were going through the same problem with their girlfriends. This was perfect. They’ll be my test subjects. LOL. I explained exactly what they needed to do… …while the whole time I’m thinking to myself how great it will feel to hear them thank me; telling me how it worked for them too. But it didn’t play out like that. To make a long story short, each of them had their unique way of telling me that they weren’t even willing to try it out. This baffled me more than my initial confusion with why I couldn’t get consistent sex in my loving relationship! I converted my “secret success diary” into a download-able book and shared my journey for anyone who was fed up with the ongoing rejections. I just wanted “one person” to say: “I tried it out CR James. And it worked for me, too!” I wasn’t asking for much. I just wanted ONE GUY to confirm that…
Seduction For Guys In Relationships.
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