Signs That Your Relationship is Over var seo_sids = new Array();var seo_osids = new Array(); There are many relationships that start fast. Some of these end as fast as they start. Others tend to drag on for a while even after they should have ended. Sometimes relationships take hold and even last. Those are the lucky couples and they get their happily ever after ending. For the not so lucky ones, there are signs that foretell the ending of a relationship. All you have to do is look for them. Once some fatal errors are made in a relationship, it’s usually the beginning of the end. While things might not feel totally dead, they’ll at least feel different. That subtle feeling of something not being right can slowly but surely turn into the end of a relationship. If you feel that your relationship may be headed for the end of the line, following are some signs to watch for: Suddenly you’re always the one that calls, sends the first instant message or the first text. He never initiates contact with you anymore. Your partner stops doing favors or sweet things for you. He now expects you to start paying your own way when you go out. Both of you have stopped using terms of endearment. Where it used to be “Baby” this and “Sweetheart” that, now it’s more like “HEY.” When you do decide to spend an evening together, you pick things to do where you won’t have to talk to each other, such as seeing a movie. You’re more relieved than upset when plans are postponed or cancelled. You stop having sex. This one has got to be the most obvious one of all the signs, but it still counts as one. When you think about the future, your partner isn’t there with you. In fact, you’ve started wondering why you ever thought there might be a future with this person. You spend more time with your friends and he spends more time with his friends. The two of you rarely go out with friends together any longer. It’s actually fun when you go out dancing at clubs by yourself. There is cheating involved by you, him or both of you. This sounds like an obvious sign that the relationship is done, but many people choose to remain in unfaithful relationships every day. If you’re experiencing any of these signs in your relationship, then things are over whether either of you has acknowledged it or not. No one can deny that there are problems when you or your partner prefers to be anywhere that doesn’t involve being together. Two people that really love each other and have a strong relationship are going to look forward to spending time together. They’ll both contact each other equally and there won’t be any third people involved in the relationship. The kicker, though, seems to be the one about seeing a future with your partner. If you can’t imagine being with this person five years from now, or even one year in the future, you’re done with the relationship even if you haven’t admitted it.
About Emily Hintern
Emily specializes in individual and couples therapy and relationship and dating advice.
Signs That Your Relationship is Over
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