The Angel Eyes Inner Circle
“Two crazed fitness experts discover the amazing secret of ancient Greek sculptors that transforms your body into it’s most pleasing state… … now, it’s up to YOU to capitalize on the results” Dear Friend, I hate writing… but if you give me a few of your valuable seconds… I’ll tell you what’s literally glued my hands to the keyboard to create what might be the most interesting and informative message you’ve read this year. And here’s why: You see, my name’s Brad Howard and I’ve just recently came across two men that have made such an exciting discovery that I can barely contain myself. Apparently, these two smart guys, John Barban and Brad Pilon, have actually discovered a proven way to transmogrify your body into the mold deemed MOST VISUALLY PLEASING to women based on scientific research. Isn’t it every man’s dream to actually know what a woman wants? After all, over 90% of men would agree that understanding a woman’s wants and needs ranks right up there with feats that are say… impossible. I don’t know how you feel about this, but one would think that knowing just ONE way to push a woman’s erotic buttons without even knowing her name seems like a great thing to know… if it’s true… If you’re like me, you’re probably a bit of a skeptic whenever a new type of product comes out touting the “magic formula” for… well… anything. And, when it comes to fitness and getting in shape, you’ve probably read or tried just about everything under the sun to try to get in some sort of respectible shape. Creatine, powerlifting, endless bouts of long term steady state cardio… hell… you may have even tried steroids… So, I understand how you feel. After all, it seems as if every single fitness magazine and resource out there is touting the “bigger is better” mantra… when they hint at improving your
body for the sake of physical attraction. And… make no mistake about it, the underlying message from each of these sources is that… the bigger you get… the more action you get from the ladies… plain and simple. FACT: Studies show that the average Playgirl model displays dramatically more muscle tone and lower body fact levels now than in years past… But here’s something interesting… that even I didn’t know: Did you know that because of this widespread commercial message, 99.4% men have no IDEA what women are attracted to when it comes to physical attractiveness. In fact, studies show that most men OVERESTIMATE the amount of muscle that they think is necessary to spark attraction in a woman by an EYE POPPING 30%… and that false information stems directly from the health and fitness industry’s “bigger is better” formula. Also, here are a few other research facts that you might want to know about: Here’s more interesting news… According to research, most men are only a few SMALL changes away from entering the “attraction zone”… This photo shows the body shapes and the relative physical “attractiveness” of the subjects, as judged by women. If you’ll notice from the above, this graph isn’t necessarily a “bell curve”… in fact, it’s almost like a cliff on both sides! Listen, have you ever REALLY wondered what makes a body look beautiful… and why certain things just look ‘right’ or ‘good’? To put it another way, do you know how you can always tell when something just doesn’t quite look right… and what you use to subconsciously, yet accurately, determine what looks right and what looks ‘off’. Well, after doing a little digging, John and Brad not only discovered the answer… but they…read more
The Angel Eyes Inner Circle
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