The Universal Truth About Men

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The Universal Truth About Men You may have heard about it, but now you have actually found the Top Secret Universal Truth About Men. It is so underground, so black ops that the author can’t reveal his true identity. NO women knows the all the Secrets of the Universal Truth About Men! We just call it, “The UTAM”. And very few women know ANY of the truths that men are just completely unwilling to divulge. Absolutely NO Woman knows! But every woman NEEDS to know what drives men. They NEED to know the closest held secrets that a man will NEVER tell a woman. If you find out the inner workings of the male brain when it comes to how we think about women, it will forever change how you perceive men. It will give you a peek under the hood of the male psyche. And I guarantee you, this is the very FIRST TIME this information has been made available to women. All men know this stuff, but would NEVER reveal it to a woman. You don’t HAVE to know these secrets. You don’t have to ever find out what really makes a man tick. But those women who do read the UTAM will know. And I’m not sure they will tell you either once they learn. They may want to keep it for themselves in order to have a leg up on other women. Why won’t men tell you about the UTAM? In the first place, it is somewhat embarrassing that we are so conniving and devious. It’s not the kind of information you go around telling people about yourself. You have NO IDEA about some of the tactics men use to seduce women, as well as other ploys. And secondly, if we told you all the secrets of the UTAM, obviously it would be more difficult to employ its tactics. Are you searching for a way of Understanding Men? Are you looking for some of the secrets about men that will help you with dating men? Although the UTAM does contain dating advice, and relationship advice for women, it focuses mainly on what men are thinking about when they are around women. Do you really want to know What Men Want? Within the Universal Truth About Men are the secrets that almost all men know, but NEVER reveal or discuss except when talking with their absolute best buddies. And some men won’t even admit these concepts to anyone but themselves, being a bit ashamed to admit to anyone how they really feel. ALL women want to know this information about men. But NO man wants women to discover these deepest, darkest secrets about themselves and their fellow males. However, no less than 90% of all men use these Universal Truths tactics, but would NEVER explain them to a woman. If you’re talking to your girlfriends trying to get relationship advice, or dating advice about men, obviously you’re not getting the best advice you can get. It needs to come from a man. One who is willing to tell you the TRUTH ABOUT MEN. But those guys don’t exist. You’ll only find that kind of frank, to-the-point information in this little ebook. Almost everything in this eBook will be denied and possibly ridiculed by some men as untrue fantasy. But rest assured, that is only an attempt to keep the curtain up and not let you look


behind it to see what the UTAM really is. I KNOW what I am talking about! I have lived it. I have discussed its concepts and tactics with many of my male friends and colleagues. I’ve been able to have a lot of experience with the UTAM and with other men who understand it and have been willing to actually verbalize its concepts during my many years on board US Navy ships. That’s how I can confidently call it UNIVERSAL. When asked certain questions for which they know they won’t be held accountable, most men will, independently of each other, readily admit they operate under the concepts of the UTAM. Admittedly, this evidence is anecdotal and not discovered via a scientific study. But it comes from hundreds of candid conversations with men of all ages and from all backgrounds over a period of…

The Universal Truth About Men

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