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No. 424 13th after Trinity, Holy Communion, Stanford-on-Avon Football, Playing Field Parish Council Meeting, Village Hall MaMites, Village Hall Mobile Library (School 12.00, Leys Crescent 12.30, North Road 12.50) Art Club, Village Hall Kilworth Korks, Rounders & Picnic, Village Hall First Friday, White Hart 14th after Trinity, Family Service, St Nicholas Church Football, Playing Field Weekday Holy Communion, St Nicholas Church MaMites, Village Hall Art Club, Village Hall 15th after Trinity, Holy Communion, St Nicholas Church Football, Playing Field MaMites, Village Hall W.I. Village Hall Mobile Library (School 12.00, Leys Crescent 12.30, North Road 12.50) Luncheon Club, Kilworth Springs Art Club, Village Hall Avon Swift Group Holy Communion, for Harvest, Ashby Magna Football, Playing Field MaMites, Village Hall Art Club, Village Hall WASoSK, Glebe House Italian Evening, Village Hall 17th after Trinity, Holy Communion, St Nicholas Church
ADVANCE NOTICE Tuesday 9th October Monday 15th October Saturday 3rd November Saturday 17th November Saturday 1st December Saturday 15th December
Wind Farm Money Open Meeting Bowls Club AGM Bonfire Night Safari Supper Annual Church Bazaar Children’s Christmas Party
Village Hall Village Hall Village Hall Village Hall Village Hall Village Hall
Fireworks: Please note that there will be fireworks at Kilworth House Hotel on Saturday 1st September at 10:45pm. for approx. 10 minutes. The South Kilworth News is edited by Ann Saunders Please send copy for the October edition by 23rd September to Ann Saunders Smithy House, Welford Road Tel: 575 338
The South Kilworth News is printed by Colin Olle. Advertising enquiries to Colin Olle Croft Acre, The Belt Tel: 575 791 Email:
VILLAGE HALL BOOKINGS Contact Michael Murphy on 01788 861877 or 0777 6065385
LETTER FROM CANON OXLEY In a pastoral conversation recently, someone was telling me that their partner doesn’t have any problems with “God and spirituality and prayer and stuff” but that institutional religion really is a no-go-area: it’s positively harmful. Apparently, this person was commending their ideal of the hermit: someone who could be alone with God and not have to deal with other people. There are moments in parish life, perhaps, when there can be sympathy with that view! One special visit during a holiday in Ireland does however challenge the view that the hermits were able to live in some tranquil solitary state. Like the Desert Fathers, hermits would certainly retreat to desolate places in order to rely only on their personal walk with God. Maybe a personal walk, but not exactly private! People would travel miles to receive their ministry and to receive spiritual direction: there would even be queues! St. Kevin at his cell near Glendalough is reported to have pushed one woman into the lake when she was far too insistent about needing his ministry… resonances with parish life again? …let’s move on! There is something here about our need to lavish time on God, to be prepared to meet Him in all His majesty in the desert places. It has often been said by spiritual directors however that we are unlikely to find God in the empty desert place if we aren’t open to meeting him in the busyness of our lives. How can we ensure that there is enough silence and space in our lives so as to be attentive to God’s presence and open to where He is calling us in His world? In 2013 we shall be focussing on prayer at the centre of our individual lives and of our congregations, as we seek to serve God in this part of Leicestershire. Let’s journey together into that exploration of prayer. Chris Oxley Enquiries regarding Church matters should be addressed to:The Rev’d Canon Chris Oxley, The Rectory, Kilworth Road, Swinford. Telephone: 01788 860445 The Rev’d Emma Davies, The Vicarage, 5 Church Lane, Gilmorton, Telephone: 01455 556573 The Rev’d Jane Kennedy, 17 Cromwell Close, Walcote, Telephone: 01455 554065
CHURCHWARDEN’S NOTE: Following our last 5-yearly inspection, a number of minor repairs and improvements are being undertaken, both inside the church and to its exterior. During this period, expected to last until about midSeptember, the church is being kept locked for safety reasons when personnel are not on site. We apologise for this inconvenience and our church will be open again every day as soon as this work is completed. Scheduled Services will not be affected. Sam Lloyd
MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL This will restart on Monday 3rd September.
Mark Tottman
ART CLUB Next meeting Thursday 6th September.
Steve Agar
LUNCHEON CLUB Once again with numbers reduced to 15 the Luncheon Club enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon at Kilworth Springs. The tasty main course of Chicken Chasseur was served with potatoes, broccoli and carrots. The dessert, a Sherry Trifle was followed by coffee or tea and mints. The very quiet and peaceful surroundings indicated a mass exodus for the Bank Holiday weekend which added to a very relaxing atmosphere for us. The September meeting is scheduled for Thursday 20th at Kilworth Springs and the October meeting for Thursday 18th in the Village Hall. David Burd
THE SOUTH KILWORTH BOWLS CLUB The date for the Bowls Club AGM has been set as Monday 15th October in the Village Hall at 7.00pm For details about how to join the bowls club, or any general information, please contact the Secretary, Keith Rickhuss on 01858 575792. Email: TOTE NEWS August 2012 Winners £50 Rita Rogerson £40 Mable Hutt £30 Steve Tallis £20 Pam Green
No 4 No 62 No 39 No 60
The September Tote Draw will be on Monday 3rd September 2012 - 1pm at the Kilworth Springs Golf Club. Tote members, bowlers, partners and friends are welcome to attend the draws. The cost to join the Tote is £1 per week and new members are welcome as there are still several numbers available. For more details, please contact Maggy Roberts - 01858 571238. email: Thank you for your continuing support. Maggy Roberts
WEDDING THANKS Paul and Beccy Atkin would like to thank friends and neighbours for joining them for their wedding celebrations recently. Thanks also for all the lovely gifts, cards and well wishes. They hope a good time was had by all.
SK NEWS SMALL ADS ALLOTMENT: For rental, with immediate effect, one [church] allotment in centre of village. Contact Jacky Harrison, 01858 575 257 MIDDAY SUPERVISOR: South Kilworth Primary School require a midday supervisor 11.50am to 1.20pm Monday to Friday, term time only, Grade 4 £6.83- £7.28 per hr. The post is subject to an enhanced CRB check. For further details please telephone 01858 575307 or email ; Closing date Monday 10th September.
BENCHES Do you use the benches in the village? Do you know if anyone uses them? They are in need of repair and refurbishment, and this is going to cost several hundred pounds, so the question has been asked, should we go ahead with the repairs, or simply remove them. Please let us know what you think –
September 18th we have a visit from a Leicester cheese maker, in the village hall at 7.30, visitors welcome. Louise Boffey
DIARY OF EVENTS FOR 2012 18th September 16th October 20th November 11th December
David Clarke, Sparkenhoe Farm Leicestershire Cheeses Nila Lodia. Lets experience India, its culture, food and traditions Janet Courtney's Victorian Lady at Christmas Christmas Party
Gilmorton Garden Club Bunny Guinness Lecture The famous garden designer is giving a talk at Walton Village Hall on Thursday 11th October 2012 starting at 7.30pm. Tickets £12. Payment by cheque (to Gilmorton Garden Club). Send to: Pam Shave Oak Tree House, North Road, South Kilworth, LE17 6DU PLEASE ENCLOSE A SAE!
LITTLE BONES ED Now that the SK News is available on the World Wide Web I receive some emails asking for information about ex-villagers and houses, generally from people researching their ancestors. John Keal has helped with a number of these. Mary Guppy has provided me with the correspondence arising from a request to know about Little Bones. Email from Nial Reynolds …… I spent many school holidays at my grandparents' home on the Welford Road, South Kilworth during and after WW11. I am particularly interested in the house known at the time as "Lisranall" but which later became "Little Bones" after my grandparents left the area in the late 1940s. My grandparents were Dr and Mrs Henry Reynolds and their home was situated on the Welford Road a short distance past Dog Lane on the other side of the road. Their property comprised of about 3 acres which were given over to raising day old chicks and hens' eggs. Google Earth shows that the property has been completely rebuilt and it is now almost impossible to recognise even the original plot of land. The neighbouring property was owned by Mr and Mrs Smart who kept goats and their neighbours were the Treagers, thought to be of German decent. This letter may be of absolutely no interest to you but it might just be possible that someone within your readership has some knowledge of the area at the time. Certainly Morris the Butchers was already well established and one of the sons was known to some of the Reynolds sons whose names were John, Fergus, Donal (my father), Ivar and Nial. The story I have, and it may well be apocryphal, is that the Morris boy accidentally cut his throat and my uncles held the wound together until help arrived. Any assistance you or your readers might be able to give, in particular images of the original house, would be of immense interest to me as I now live in the United States and visit England only rarely. Reply from Mary Guppy How lovely to hear from you! We are the present owners of Little Bones and have lived here since 1986. It was so interesting to hear of your experiences here during the 1930s and 40s. I come from a local farming family so know that the Morris Family Butchers was established by Joe Morris and his wife Octavia,and they were friends of my grandfather George Hill. The present owner is David, and it would have been either David or his brother Reg who cut his throat. Will ask him to confirm which one it was! It's strange that your grandfather was a doctor as my husband John is a doctor too! In fact about 12 years ago we were visited by a Mr and Mrs Reynolds. Would this be your father or grandfather?
We love living here! Many years ago as a small child I rode past here on my pony with my Mother and thought that Little Bones was a strange name for a house, little knowing that years later it would be my home! Perhaps it is an apt name for a member of the medical profession! We use the land around the house for my horses. We also had a herd of dexter cows which we used to show, but they have now been sold apart from one cow who is just a pet. When you next visit the U.K. we would be delighted to meet you! Response from Nial Reynolds Almost unbelievably you are the third person to contact me this a week on the subject of old South Kilworth; first Ann Saunders to whom I made my initial enquiry then John Keal who introduced himself as the South Kilworth Archivist and now the present owners of "Little Bones". Your letter is very interesting and I thank you kindly for taking the trouble to respond so promptly. However there are one or two points that I would like to clarify. My grandfather Henry Reynolds was a PhD in physics, I believe, and rejoiced in the title Doctor because I suppose he was entitled to do so plus the fact he was thus addressed differentially by any villager he might pass on the Welford Road on his way into South Kilworth!! The origin of the name Little Bones, and I am guessing here, probably has more relevance to the use to which the smallholding was put in its early days ie the raising of chickens. I vividly remember the farm worker burying or burning any number of young chicks which had not survived the cold winter night despite the provision of adequate paraffin heaters. Maybe the new owners, who must have arrived in the late 1940s, dug up the remains during the course of their garden reorganisations? Who knows? My father, who died in 1994, told me the story about the incident of the Morris boy and the throat wound which is borne out by John Keal. However I am puzzled by Mr Keal's comment that the "wounded" Morris is still around and that the scars are still visible!! I imagine the original episode took place when my father was a lad ie he was born in 1910 and so it must relate to the 1920s. Maybe we have skipped a generation somewhere unless the "victim" is in his late nineties! I do have a number of male first cousins any of whom might have visited you. However I am the eldest of that generation, born in 1935, and the first of my Reynolds cousins was not born until about 1945 hence he would hardly have had time to become familiar with "Lisranall" as the house was then called. Incidentally "Lisranall" means the "Home of the Reynolds" in Gaelic. The Fergus Reynolds boys used to live in South Kilworth in one of the then new council houses until his whole family moved to Bilton near Rugby. My memories of your home or rather the original version of it are precious and I am anxious to find any information about it because the Google Earth view now indicates, sadly, that the house has been completely rebuilt and has no obvious relevance to the property of some seventy years ago. We still have family in England and in fact we visited this year in May/June but did not find the time to travel around Leicestershire and the weather was miserable. Nevertheless I would be delighted to take up your very kind offer to call when we come over to England next year which we anticipate will be in the late Spring or early Summer. The old property had a kitchen garden planted with soft fruit bushes and there was a large barn to the East of the property which housed laying hens and there were several purpose-built chicken runs which ran from the back of the house at 90 degrees to the Welford Road. There was also an orchard with apple and pear trees which seemed enormous and very bounteous! They had just one cow whose shed was about 20 yards to the right of the main entrance pathway where it bent to the left towards the back of the house. The cow shed was hidden from the road by a tall bushy holly tree. Sorry to ramble on so. Thank you again for your very friendly and informative letter and I hope to keep in touch with you until next year.
OTHER NEWS! Congratulations to Lucy Hall for her amazing feat in the triathlon. She led all the way in the swimming and also did extremely well in cycling. We should be very proud of her and all the effort she and her family have put in over the years to get to this point. Very well done! Am sure we will be hearing more of her in the future! Having been lucky enough to attend the games it will be something I remember for rest of my life. Never have I felt such a wonderful atmosphere of goodwill in the capital. Long may it last after the games are finished. Mary Guppy
ANOTHER PIECE OF GOOD NEWS! Mary Sandercock has become a great grand mother! Mary is a tremendous example to us all! Still leading a very active life both on the farm and in the community, and always there in the hour of need. I am sure she will be baby sitting very soon! Mary Guppy
WASoSK’s Looking forward to the second half of the year, our next few meetings have been planned • August 31st Ian Weightman, at 3 Tanser Cottage • September 28th Mr Murphy and the “Burds” at Glebe House • October 26th venue tbc • November 30th The elder Burd, Mount Pleasant And finally please remember to put a note in your diary for January 25th 2013 when we plan to hold our 2nd Burns supper. Rob Burd
Event Rounders & Picnic
Friday 12th Oct
Supper Night @ Lynton, North Road
Nov / Dec
Party Night
Details South Kilworth Village Hall Kilworth Korks v Swinford Skirts! Get involved as much or as little as you want … Cooking, demonstrations or just sample home made dishes made on the night with Tina (Cook in Kilworth)
If any more ladies would like to join the Kilworth Korks please e-mail Claire Hubbard (Email to or ‘phone 571156, so that you can be included in future Kilworth Kork communications. E-mail addresses will only be shared amongst other Kilworth Kork members
SOUTH KILWORTH BIRDS Things continue to be quiet on the bird front around the village and reservoir, although I was fortunate enough to add a new bird to my garden and South Kilworth list this month. On 28th July 3 birds flew over the garden (quite low and heading along the house line towards the Belt). The birds were calling and I instantly recognised the call and structure as a crossbill.
male crossbill
Crossbills are chunky finches that as the name suggests have an overlapping upper and lower part to their bill. They do breed in Leicestershire (typically towards the north of the county) and in Northamptonshire. One of the challenges of seeing them is that they often are high in conifer trees, feeding on cones. Their unique bill structure enables them to wrench open the cones and extract the seeds. This is a really good addition to the garden / fly over list taking it to a total of 73 different species. As we approach September I am hoping that the reservoir produces some interesting migratory birds. That said, it probably won’t be as good as last year as the water levels will still be very high……but you never know! Chris Hubbard
Tickets for the Italian Evening at the Village Hall on Saturday 29th September can be obtained from Eileen Burd tel 575514. Tickets cost £20 and include a glass of Prosecco on arrival, bruschetta, lasagne and salad, an Italian dessert and 5/6 wines to taste. Tasted wines will be available to buy on the night.
WINDFARM COMMUNITY FUND Now that the construction phase of the wind farm is nearing completion, and the substantial amount of money that will be made available to the village as a result, via the Community Fund will soon start to flow. I think that we should all consider how we think that this money should be best used, as I for one am disappointed that the only subject / use that keeps cropping up again and again is traffic calming (Parish council minutes). There is a debate to be had, as to whether traffic calming is a priority for the village, and if it is, how it can be successfully delivered. Including whether this is something that the Community Fund should be used for, or whether it should come from our taxes? My personal view is that the fund presents a one off opportunity to the village, and should be used primarily to either mitigate any negative effects of the windfarm, or on long term projects to enhance the life of the villagers, and as such presents us with an opportunity to shape our village over the next few years. While I am sure that there are some great ideas out there, some examples could be: •
Strategic tree planting in the village, in order to reduce the visual impact of the windmills, and hence counter concerns about properties being devalued. It may be possible to arrange to lease small amounts of land in and around the village to allow this. It may be, that other grants and appropriate advice may also be available to assist with this. It is also the sort of project the whole village could become involved with e.g. with planting and maintenance etc. keen gardeners, the school ... (PS I am fortunate that we cannot see them from our house, but can understand the concerns of those that can). Improved facilities in or for the village (it may be that we choose to work with say North Kilworth etc): o Bike park / skate park. o Outdoor exercise equipment for senior members of the community, as they have in northern europe. o Tackle the broadband issue, allowing more residents to work from home, and hence reduce the dormitory effect of people travelling to work. If we are serious about traffic calming, then investigate speed sensitive traffic lights at appropriate locations i.e. they only go to Red if motorists are speeding. Although, I'm not sure how many people would want these outside their houses, or how they would be enforced.
Overall, before any commitments are made, and the funds appropriated to specific projects, I would like to see the village have a formal vote. Otherwise there is a danger that we’ll never see any obvious benefit from the money received, as it gets used on the latest issue, rather than as part of a longer term plan. Let’s hear your ideas, so that the Parish councillors are aware of what the villagers would like. John Seaton
SAFARI SUPPER Would you like to meet more neighbours? .... and eat with 22 different people in the village over good food? Join the village safari safari supper on Saturday November 17th Starts 7:30pm (prompt) at the village hall : return at 11:45pm for coffee and cheese Can you cook for 8 people? ( or do you know where Fosse Park M&S is?) Tickets; £15: one free to main course cooks: half price for starters starters and puddings Wine from £8 a bottle on the night. Open to singles and couples Please complete form below by October 20th at latest IN AID OF VILLAGE HALL FUNDS Further information contact - Hannah 571148, Michael 07776065385
REPLY SLIP Please reserve me ........................ tickets for the safari supper (cheques payable to ‘South Kilworth Village hall’, Cost £15 per person (or £7.50 if cooking a starter or pudding or one free ticket if doing a main) Please state if vegetation or any dietary requirements
.......................................................................................................................................................... I will cook for 8 people (including myself and partner):Starter
Main course
Sorry can’t cook this year
Don’t mind which we do
(If it is your first time you are not expected to cook)
Name:________________________ Tel No____________________________ Address:_____________________________ Email: ________________________
Please drop this slip off at Woodbank, North Road (Hannah)