SK News

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No. 419

DIARY Sun Mon Wed Thur

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09.30 19.00 19.00 19.30 14.00 19.30 10.00 09.30 10.00 18.30 19.00 19.30 09.45 18.30 10.30 19.00 12.00 19.00 10.30 18.30 19.30 10.00 19.00 16.00 09.30 18.30

Palm Sunday, Holy Communion, Stanford-on-Avon Parish Council Meeting, Village Hall Mobile Library (School 12.00, Leys Crescent 12.30, North Road 12.50) Art Club, Village Hall Maundy Thursday, Holy Communion, Ashby Magna Good Friday readings & Meditation, St Nicholas Church First Friday, White Hart Easter Day Family Service, St Nicholas Church Weekday Holy Communion, St Nicholas Church MaMites, Village Hall Bowls Pre-Season Meeting, Village Hall Art Club, Village Hall Fish Supper, Village Hall Joint Holy Communion, North Kilworth Football, Playing Field MaMites, Village Hall W.I., Village Hall Mobile Library (School 12.00, Leys Crescent 12.30, North Road 12.50) Luncheon Club Art Club, Village Hall Avon Swift Group Holy Communion, Peatling Parva Football, Playing Field St Georges Quiz Night, Village Hall MaMites, Village Hall Art Club, Village Hall Edward Garnier MP Surgery, Village Hall Joint Holy Communion, St Nicholas Church Football, Playing Field

ADVANCE NOTICE Monday 1st May Monday 4th June

Saturday 22nd September Saturday 3rd November Saturday 17th November Saturday 1st December Saturday 15th December

Parish Council Meeting AGM Jubilee Party NGS Open Gardens Italian Evening Bonfire Night Safari Supper Annual Church Bazaar Children’s Christmas Party

The South Kilworth News is edited by Ann Saunders Please send copy for the May edition by 23rd April to Ann Saunders Smithy House, Welford Road Tel: 575 338

Village Hall Village Hall Croft Acre & Oak Tree Village Hall Village Hall Village Hall Village Hall Village Hall


The South Kilworth News is printed by Colin Olle. Advertising enquiries to Colin Olle Croft Acre, The Belt Tel: 575 791 Email:

VILLAGE HALL BOOKINGS Contact Michael Murphy on 01788 861877 or 0777 6065385

Team Vicar’s Letter Being Fools for Christ, the One who brings Life April begins with April Fools' Day, an international day of trying to catch people out as fools. It's a day of fun of course but as we live in a culture which prizes individual success and achievement I imagine most of us would prefer not to be labelled a fool! However, to some in our culture, putting trust in God is viewed as an inherently foolish thing to do. This year April Fools' Day coincides with Palm Sunday, the day when we tell the story again of Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey. This faintly ridiculous spectacle had been foretold by Zechariah some 500 years before: 'Lo, your king comes to you; triumphant and victorious is he, humble and riding on a donkey' (Zech. 9.9). Therefore the crowds hail him as God's long-awaited king, the one who has come to save his people. They expect Jesus to wage war on the Roman authorities of the day and to sit on an earthly throne. The story that unfolds over the next days goes in an entirely different direction. Jesus refuses to take power and authority in a worldly sense but instead he takes the road of complete humility leading to his self-sacrifice on the cross. This is unthinkable to the people of his time, and Jesus is written off by many as a fool and a fraud. Two days later a still more unthinkable thing happens: people claim to have seen Jesus alive. It is an event which brings new perspective and new life to all who believe. Here is a new understanding of God, where Jesus' death is not the foolishness of self-destruction but the wisdom of self-offering: God offering himself for us. Deep within this story is the bedrock of love and the flowing water of life itself. True love offers itself for the sake of others. True life comes when we let go of ourselves, when we stop doing things in our own strength and through our own limited vision, when we are open to that greater life offered freely by God. Through God's self-offering on the cross he shows his love; through his resurrection we have access to his life always. God indeed did come in Jesus to save people - and the people he came to save include us, our families, and those who are as yet unborn. Not all could see God's wisdom in the events that unfolded in Jerusalem 2000 years ago. In today's age many call us fools because of our Christian faith. But as St. Paul understood, 'God's foolishness is wiser than human wisdom' (1 Cor. 1.25). Let's stand up for the wisdom of God's love and life this Eastertide and be proud to be fools for Christ. On behalf of the Avon Swift ministry team I wish you all a very happy Easter and the assurance of God's life and love now and always. Alleluia! Revd Emma Davies

All enquiries regarding Church matters should be directed to:Revd Canon Chris Oxley, The Rectory, Kilworth Road, Swinford, Telephone: 01788 860445 Revd Emma Davies, The Vicarage, 5 Church Lane, Gilmorton, Telephone: 01455 556573

EASTER SERVICES Our own 10am service is a Family Service. For those wanting a Holy Communion service, there are Communion services at North Kilworth at 9.30am and Shawell at 11.15am. We will attend the latter and have room in the car for three more. If interested please contact me on 575 937. Sam Lloyd.

BOWLS CLUB NEWS The green is being prepared and the South Kilworth Bowls Club “Pre-Season Meeting” is due to take place on Wednesday 11th April 2012 at 7pm in the Village Hall. This is the time to come and join a happy band of bowlers for exercise in the fresh air, team spirit and socialising. The Season runs throughout the summer months and the cost for this season is excellent value at £40.00. Please ring Jenny McGuire on 01788 576818 if you have any queries. New members and beginners are always very welcome.


Following the Committee Meeting on 6th March 2012, the administration of the Bowls Club Tote was handed over to Maggy Roberts of 2 Grange Gardens, South Kilworth. A special thank you was given to Rita Pickard and her daughter Julie for all their hard work running the Tote for the last few years. The cost to join the Tote is £1 per week. The number of members of the Tote cannot exceed 100 and there are still 40 numbers available. As the membership increases, the prize fund will also rise. So, if you would like to have a little “flutter” and at the same time help support the Bowls Club, please contact Maggy Roberts on 01858 571238 or email: March 2012 winners £50 Mick Mayhew £40 Amy Tottman £30 Keith Rickhuss £20 Rita Rogerson

No. 18 No. 74 No. 33 No. 4

The April draw is due to take place on Monday 2nd April at 1pm. Maggy Roberts

LUNCHEON CLUB On Thursday 15th March we were treated to a very special lunch provided by Eileen Burd. This special occasion was to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. The main course of Gammon, boiled potatoes and cabbage cooked in the Gammon water was thoroughly enjoyed. Owing to depleted numbers many of us readily accepted second helpings. To follow Eileen had made a Guinness pudding which was served with ice cream. Irish coffee and chocolates rounded this wonderful luncheon which was much appreciated by all. Commiserations to all those absent due to illness and holidays for missing out. Apologies to Rachel for missing out on the chocolates. Our next meeting is on 19th April in the Village Hall. David Burd

IT’S BEEN SAID “YOU BOTH MUST BE MAD”…….. …. and they might just be right!! We are trying to raise some money for Macmillan Cancer Relief. In a moment of staggering weakness thought it would be a good idea to do it by running the London Marathon together, in April. If you feel you can help by sponsoring us we would be immensely grateful, however small the donation. You can either donate by going to or Alternatively cheques made to Macmillan Cancer Support dropped in to The Granary, Walcote Road, South Kilworth Many thanks

Mike & Hazel Tebbutt

WASoSKs REPORT Friday 24th February 2012 Meeting hosted by Tim Holmes Tim hosted the event and provided very welcome bacon and egg sandwiches, together with a fine cheeseboard. Ernie Roberts joined as a new member; Matt Scot and Chris Seaton also joined us as guests for part of the evening. Much of the evening was taken up with a debrief of the Burns supper event which was deemed to be a success and a commitment was made that we shall put on a similar event next year. Suggestions were made on how the event could be improved or changed but I suspect we will stick to a winning format for next year. It is now a full year that the group has been meeting and our popularity appears to be extending with new members joining at each meeting to date. This raises the dreaded question of communication! The WASoSK pride it self on its informality and democracy, but I guess 1 problem of being too laid back is that on occasions we may not know what we are doing! Perhaps reluctantly a plan for the forth-coming year was laid down with the following meetings confirmed….I think! March 23rd April 20th May June July

Mark Tottman Paul Atkin Tutored tasting date tbc Michael Langman date tbc twinning meeting/ Matt Rogers date tbc

As our fame has spread we are now receiving whisky from non-members, our thanks goes to Phil Alcock for the following Bunnahabhain 12 yrs old A rather confected vanilla, caramel grassy note on the nose with an explosion of toffee vodka in the mouth. Described as ‘stonewashed jeans’ a reflection of crafted age rather than one for the builders This whisky donated by Tim was introduced by memories of David Burd who went to school close by the distillery and described the effect of the neat liquor on the distillery workers. Clynelish 14yrs old Citrus and verbena notes on the nose giving way to a delicate but firm approach in the mouth leading to a creamy heather and honey fullness at the back of the throat. One for the ladies possibly. On a final note the society’s first suspension notice was awarded to Mr Timms, for dereliction of duty. It should be noted that members should not only appear to be present but should BE present for future meetings.

DIAMOND JUBILEE COMMEMORATION I have been reading about the Queens Diamond Jubilee on Directgov and think it would be a good idea to put an item in the Village News about it. We had a red hawthorn tree planted for the Silver Jubilee in 1977 by the old Village Hall, this unfortunately died and there was nothing replaced to mark the event. I do not know if anything was done for the Golden Jubilee in 2022. On a recent visit to the Parish meeting it was evident that not much thought had yet been given to this event, which has only happened once before, in the reign of Queen Victoria. I would like to suggest that Villagers put forward ideas to mark this event which could eventually be decided upon by the Parish Council. To start this, my suggestion is a display of yellow crocus in the form of ERII 2012 and a diamond on the green as one approaches the village on Rugby Road. Mary Knibbs

WHAT’S ON AT THE HART Monday Night Ladies Skittles Wednesday Night Men’s Skittles Thursday Night Pool

Tuesday Night’s Curry Night Lol’s Homemade Indian Curries ST. GEORGE’S DAY rd

Monday 23 APRIL Bangers ,mash ,Peas, and Gravy Choose from a selection of Joseph Morris’s Homemade Sausages


The Big Lunch Sunday 3rd June Special Sunday Lunch At no extra cost to our Normal Sunday Lunch Just more choice Book Early to avoid disappointment Eat inside or outside weather permitting NEW SPRING MENU STARTS IN APRIL Traditional Village Pub, Three Real Ales, HD Sky Sports and ESPN Recommended in CAMRA 2012 Good Pub Guide All major credit cards accepted TEL O1858 575416

W.I. At WI this month we where given an insight into Kilworth House Theatre. The dream of Celia Mackay who was herself a singer and dancer. Taking two years to build with 30ft footings of concrete the theatre opened in 2007. The Pirates of Penzance was the first show with an audience of 8,500. Gaining worldwide recognition with their own "Opera Show", which has even been to Italy. This year they have sold 45,000 tickets for Me and My Girl. It takes 3-4 years to get the rights to a show and costs up to £28,000 for performing rights. Auditions take place in London with three weeks of rehearsals before the cast come to Kilworth for more rehearsals. A huge team of set builders, electricians, light and sound engineers make the sets, costumes are made for each show. Having a staff of 160 throughout the season. The Sound of Music will be the second show this year and hopefully My Fair Lady and West Side Story next year. Louise Boffey W.I. Diary of events for 2012 17th April Music Hall Goes To The Seaside with Janet Courtney 15th May Resolutions Meeting 19th June Sallie Hooper, Leicestershire Food Links. A look at local foods 17th July Armchair Yoga with Sue Winstanley 21st August Outing 18th September David Clarke, Sparkenhoe Farm Leicestershire Cheeses 16th October Nila Lodia. Lets experience India, its culture, food and traditions 20th November Janet Courtney's Victorian Lady at Christmas 11th December Christmas Party

WASoSKs REPORT MARCH 2012 Friday 23rd March 2012 “Return of the breakfast loaf” at Mark Tottman’s The one-year anniversary of the society was marked by a return to Marks’, the venue of our inaugural meeting. A relatively small but obviously select group enjoyed a range of new whiskies together with Marks’ now infamous breakfast loaf. It is difficult to believe that it took the society members a whole year to discover the delights of popping corks. From the deep throated whoompf of the Jura superstition, through the distant booming Bittern from the Dalmore to the high resonant plunk of the Dalwhinnie; music was made. The consensus was that short and thick did the trick, when popping your cork. New whiskies celebrated were The 1999 Arran malt The Glen Grant single malt And two offerings from the Tobermory distillery, the 10yr old Tobermory and the “Ledaig” single malt We offer tasting notes for two of these The Arran malt: A fresh spring grassy note with hints of lemon and liquorice on the nose led to a warm caramel and nut palate with an almost soft doughy fullness and a hint of dark chocolate to finish. Ledaig: The tequila slammer of whisky! The salty, smoky honeyed nut nose led to…………… of our members saying, “Why don’t we just drink it!! So we did. Looking back over this past year it has been great to have seen so many faces from all quarters of the village, and a real privilege to have tasted so many whiskies. Highlights of the year have been the Balvenie “Golden Cask”, the Auchentoshen and the Bruichladdich “The Rocks”. To cap it all the society ran the first SK Burns supper, which was very well received with calls for a repeat next year The next meeting is planned for Friday April 20th at Paul Atkins, 1 The Sycamores 8.30 for 9.00pm Rob Burd

AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE SCHOOL Following the Government’s policy to encourage all eligible schools to become academies, our Local Authority has asked all Leicestershire schools’ Governing bodies to consider the pros and cons of conversion to academy status. South Kilworth’s Governing Body is committed to making a full and detailed analysis of the potential opportunities and risks of becoming an academy. As part of the required consultation process we want to ensure that the school’s community are given the opportunity to find out about this important issue and make the appropriate comment. When it feels it has all the information required, after consultation has taken place, governors will make a final decision on conversion. You are invited to send comments and questions by letter or email to the Headteacher and Chair of Governors. Emails should be sent to and letters to the school office. On Thursday April 19th 2012 at 7pm parents, staff, members of the community and Parish council are invited to an academy consultation meeting at the school. It would be helpful if you could please send in all your thoughts and questions by Friday 13th April so that we can plan an effective meeting. The consultation period will officially end on Friday 27th April. The Governing Body is committed to ensuring that whatever decision is reached it is in the best interest of the school and its present and future pupils. Further information can be found on the DFE website Kind Regards Angela Dewes Headteacher


Dr. Melanie Aram Chair of Governors




Friday 27th April

DIY – Bring a plate!

Pay £2 (for village hall hire etc) and provide your own food, drink & entertainment. Detailed email being sent to Korks.

Friday 18th May June July August Sept Friday 12th Oct

Greyhound Racing Pub Walk Ladies Day – Races Clay Pigeon Shooting Rounders & Picnic Supper Night @ Lynton, North Road Nov / Dec Party Night If any more ladies would like to join the Kilworth Korks please e-mail Claire Hubbard (Email to so that you can be included in future Kilworth Kork communications. Email addresses will only be shared amongst other Kilworth Kork members.

MA-MITES AT EASTER Ma-Mites will be closed on Tuesday April 3rd, but will be open as normal (10am-11.30am) on Tuesday April 10th. We may even have a few Easter eggs, so do come along!


Football will resume after the Easter holidays on Monday 16th April. Michael Murphy

MINUTES OF SOUTH KILWORTH NEWS AGM – 14TH MARCH 2012 Present: Jacky Harrison, Hilary Craig, Steve Agar, Ann Saunders, Verena and Colin Olle Apologies: Rita Hallam, Pat Connor, Judy Agar, Claire Hubbard, Margaret Roberts The minutes of last year’s meeting were circulated and approved. Ann will continue as Editor and Colin as Treasurer. New members to join the team would be welcome, so that the long term production is safeguarded. Colin presented the Year End accounts for 2011, which show a net increase in funds of £347.79 over 2010. Expenses have increased and copier costs are significantly higher. Thanks go to aptDESIGN for ongoing media sponsorship. Donations increased, as did advertisement revenue which was primarily due to increased charges now that the News is uploaded to the South Kilworth website. Advertising rates are unchanged for 2012 with the charge for a standard (“business card”) sized advert at £1.50 per month. In addition regular larger adverts can be taken out at £10 per month for a full page, £7.50 per month for two thirds of a page and £5 per month for half a page. We have lost three advertisers, and expect that a couple more may depart; hence we will have 25, covering 5 pages. Payments are outstanding from 7, and a polite reminder has been issued. Despite the reduced number of advertisers, the forecast is funds to increase by over £200. The facility for “small ads” will be made available for villagers, copy should be sent to Ann by the copy deadline. There will be no charge, and the Editor’s discretion on suitability will be final. During the year a review of copier costs was conducted and these were discussed with a view to replacement. There have been problems at each month end which, although resolved under our contract, have caused delays for each of the last 4 editions. As the copier is coming to the end of its planned 10 year life and a new machine will be far cheaper to run (saving approx £160 per year), the decision to purchase a replacement was unanimous. Longer term location for the copier should be considered. We continue to print 220 copies per month, of which 4 are posted. The remainder are delivered to villagers, with the spares placed at the school. It was agreed that we should continue to print the News, but would review the longer term “on-line” alternative at future AGM’s. Thanks were extended to the SK News from the Parochial Church Council for publishing their news and information. Thanks for contributing to the running costs go to Joseph Morris, aptDESIGN, those who receive post copies and our advertisers. The meeting closed by thanking all those involved in making the News happen, especially to Steve, Judy, Rita, Elaine Morris, Christine Berry, Claire Hubbard and Margaret Roberts, who deliver copies to all village households. 21/3/12 Colin Olle


The Parish Council Annual General Meeting has been re-arranged to Monday 1st May 2012.

LPG AND OIL - UPDATE LPG Please let us know if you use LPG and would like to know more about the fixed rate deal with Calor. Oil A great deal has happened since our last update in January. We hit the 100-member mark shortly after the January edition came out – David Hinchley (below) and his family, of South Kilworth, enjoyed a home made banana cake, courtesy of Amanda, for joining at just the right time. Perhaps we can persuade her to do something for the 200th member?! At the time of writing, we’ve got 118 members and still growing so keep spreading the word!

Also since our last report we’ve placed 3 orders, saving up to 9p per litre, 5p per litre and 3.5p per litre respectively, based on ordering 1,000 litres. Those who topped up with 500 litres saved significantly more than this. We plan to hold a KOIL AGM in July where we’d encourage you to come to South Kilworth and give us feedback on how it’s gone for you. Amanda & I have so far assumed that “no news is good news” but we’re keen to hear what’s worked for you this winter and how we can make it even better. I might even be able to persuade Amanda to do some baking! Thank you to everyone who is supporting us – your membership to KOIL benefits everyone buying through us, as every penny saved goes to its members and nowhere else. We have slightly revised the order schedule, so please see below for the new dates and remember to email us by 5pm the day before the scheduled order if you want to be included: 11/05/2012 22/06/2012 17/08/2012 Many thanks Sarah Langeveld & Amanda Edge Email: / Tel: 575227

HOT CROSS BUNS ORDERS Orders for hot cross buns (priced at 15p each) , until 21.00hrs on Wednesday 4th April 2012. To place orders phone 01858575416 or Lol on 07867586315.

EDWARD GARNIER MP SURGERY Edward Garnier’s MP surgery has been rearranged and is now scheduled for Friday 27th April at the Village Hall, starting at 4pm.

EDITORIAL Another large issue of the SK News. Thanks to all contributors. Especial dedication displayed by Michael Murphy in providing his football item by telephone from his hospital bed. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and being able to call in with his articles as usual. As you will have read in the SK News AGM minutes, we have decided to include village small ads for sale and wanted items and the first of these appear below. Ann Saunders

SK SMALL ADS FOR SALE:-Wooden 5 Bar Gate (3.6m/12ft wide)- £125 ono. Complete with all posts and "furniture". If interested, come and inspect? Call 575 791 FOR SALE:- US Kids golf clubs 51-35 to suit child height range 122 – 137cm. Includes bag, 3 fairway driver, 5 iron, 6 iron, 8 iron, pitching wedge and sand iron (putter has gone missing). £25. Call 575332 FOR SALE:- 3-bike rack to fix on hatchback type car. £5. Call 575332

SOUTH KILWORTH BIRDS Birds Galore – in and around the garden The birdlife we have on our doorstep never ceases to amaze me. I am currently waiting to start a new job so have found myself spending some time working through the garden job list. To add a little interest to this, I decided to keep a check on the number of bird species that I saw or heard over a few days. This was the result: Jackdaw Song thrush House Sparrow Nuthatch Coal tit Reed bunting Collared dove Kestrel Pied wagtail Chaffinch Mistle thrush Green woodpecker Skylark Chiffchaff

Rook Robin Goldfinch Blue tit Long tailed tit Wood pigeon Greenfinch Oystercatcher Tawny owl Magpie Greylag goose Canada goose Carrion crow Sparrowhawk

Blackbird Dunnock Goldcrest Great tit Great spt woodpecker Pheasant Buzzard Yellowhammer Black headed gull Wren Fieldfare Starling Red legged partridge

So a total of 41 species seen or heard in or over the garden in just a few days! A notable bird from the above list was the oystercatcher. I heard this first and then saw it as it flew over heading towards the reservoir. Interestingly there are two present at the moment so this was probably one of these birds. The tawny owl was heard calling (but not seen) throughout the day. This was the same for the skylark although technically this wasn't in the garden but above it somewhere. At the reservoir A few trips to the reservoir have yielded some quality birds in the last couple of weeks. Of particular note have been a black tailed godwit (a long billed wading bird almost certainly en route to its breeding grounds), a stunning red kite and 2 oystercatchers. Oystercatchers are a relatively common bird along the coastline of the UK. However, it always feels a little weird to me when you see them probing the mud of a land locked reservoir!! They are an unmistakable large, stocky, black and white wading bird. They have a long, orange-red bill and reddish-pink legs. On the coast they eat mussels and cockles but at Stanford Reservoir they will be eating mainly worms and perhaps a fresh water mussel or two! Chris Hubbard

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