south kilworth news

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SOUTH KILWORTH NEWS January 2011 DIARY Mon Thur Fri Sat Sun Mon

3rd 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

Tue Tue Wed Thur Sun Mon

11th 12th 13th 16th 17th



Thurs Sat Sun Mon

20th 22nd 23rd 24th

Tue Wed Thur Sun Mon

25th 26th 27th 30th 31st

No. 404 19.00 19.00 19.00 20.30 09.45 18.30 20.45 09.30 10.00

Parish Council Meeting, Village Hall Art Club, Village Hall First Friday, White Hart Quiz Night, White Hart Family Service, St Nicolas Church Football, Village Hall

Weekday Holy Communion, St Nicholas Church MaMites, Village Hall Mobile Library (School 12.00, Leys Crescent 12.30, North Road 12.50) 19.00 Art Club, Village Hall 09.45 2nd of Epiphany, Holy Communion, St Nicholas Church 18.30 - Football, Village Hall 20.45 09.30 Group Weekday Holy Communion (BCP), St Nicholas Church 10.00 MaMites, Village Hall 19.30 W.I. Village Hall 19.00 Art Club, Village Hall 20.30 Quiz Night, White Hart 10.30 3rd of Epiphany, Avon Swift Group Holy Communion at Gilmorton 18.30 - Football, Village Hall 20.45 10.00 MaMites, Village Hall Mobile Library (School 12.00, Leys Crescent 12.30, North Road 12.50) 19.00 Art Club, Village Hall 09.45 4th of Epiphany, St Nicolas Church 18.30 - Football, Village Hall 20.45

ADVANCE NOTICE Friday 18th March Friday TBA April Thursday 5th May Friday 13th May Saturday TBA May Saturday 5th November Saturday 11th November Saturday 17th December

St Patrick’s Evening Fish Supper Polling Day Andrew Garnier MP 10 year Village Hall Celebrations Bonfire Night Safari Supper Children’s Party

Village Hall Village Hall Village Hall Village Hall Village Hall Village Hall / Playing Field Village Hall

VILLAGE HALL BOOKINGS Contact Michael Murphy on 01788 861877 or 0777 6065385 The South Kilworth News is edited by Ann Saunders Please send copy for the February edition by 23rd January to Ann Saunders Smithy House, Welford Road Tel: 575 338


The South Kilworth News is printed by Colin Ollie. Advertising enquiries to Colin Olle Croft Acre, The Belt Tel: 575 791 Email:

TEAM RECTOR’S LETTER Dear Friends I take this opportunity of thanking the Churchwardens, Officers, Church Councils and Parishioners for all their excellent work and support which has been freely given to enable a very successful group of Parishes during my time with you. We set up our own Mission Partnership in 2001, with ten rural parishes now eleven and we are now in a much larger Mission Partnership known as Guthlaxton South, demonstrating commitment and dedication. It is also a good time to remind us of our Mission Statement: “We the parishes of the Avon-Swift Group commit ourselves to God and to one another, seeking to become a community that is centred on Christ and inspired by the Spirit to respond to the love of the Father and share it with others.” The rural Church continues to be strong and that includes our Group. The rural Churches are uniquely placed to offer to God the life and work of the rural community of which they are part. Rural churchgoers, even in the smallest of congregations, are part of a living witness; to go to church and to make a public statement of Christian faith. This is a proclamation, which is explaining why your faith is so important. The quality of that life and witness, in both good and bad times means that anyone who worships in the countryside can be an ambassador for the Kingdom of God. Rural communities, and we are no exception, are places where people meet each other and look out for each other’s needs in times of difficult situations. The strength of that loving service is a tremendous witness to the countryside. This is a time of change, challenge and pressure for the Christian Church in the world and within our Diocese. It is also a time of great opportunity to renew a vision of and re-engage with the mission that is God’s not ours. Discerning what God is doing in his world offers us the opportunity to reshape the church for Mission. It means Christians working together on God’s Mission, sharing his gifts, resources and ministries. As we already know Mission Partnerships offer the opportunity for a wide vision on mission, the strengths of partnerships, enhanced ministry teams, both ordained and lay giving us a new way of organising ministry and a more flexible church. The picture of a healthy, mission shaped church is an attractive one, and we all love to be part of a church which is firing on all four cylinders. We need to continue with our renewing and inspiring worship, outreach and service to our communities, in particular the smaller parishes. The latter parishes benefit from good partnerships. The really exciting thing is that the evidence is there already, that where there is a focus on mission, where there is confidence in God and the Gospel, where Christians work together across the Group and share gifts then there is new life, outward looking ministry, growth, both in quality and quantity. Whilst we were the front runner with Mission Partnership, we must continue to ensure that we consolidate and build on our Mission programme. I am pleased that Emma has joined the Group to lead us to pastures new. Emma has already demonstrated her many skills across the Group and will prove to be an asset as you face change and challenge. On a personal note Dorothy and I would like to thank you all for your outstanding support over many years, and wish you every success with your mission and Christian faith. Your friend in Christ.

Rev Canon Kenneth W Baker.

All enquiries regarding Church matters should be directed to:The Revd Canon Kenneth Baker, Homestead, The Green, Lilbourne, Nr Rugby, Telephone: 01788 860 409 The Revd. Emma Davies, The Vicarage, 5 Church Lane, Gilmorton, Telephone:-01455 556 573 The Revd Jane Kennedy, 17 Cromwell Close, Walcote, Lutterworth, Telephone: 01455 554 065

CHURCHWARDEN’S NOTES You will have noticed that our old and dilapidated church notice board has recently reappeared bright, shiny and totally restored after some weeks in hospital. The kind surgeon who has devoted much time and expertise to the task is Jeff Rogers to whom we are all most grateful. Thank you Jeff! I am delighted to begin the New Year by announcing that we have received a Faculty from the Diocesan Consistory Court for the installation of a toilet and a servery at the West end of the church where the vestry is presently located. Work is planned to begin in March and is expected to take about two months to complete. More about this nearer the time.

CHRISTMAS BAZAAR 2010 THANK YOU to everyone who supported the bazaar, in any way. The magnificent sum of £1,105.98 was raised, and will be used towards the maintenance of our parish church. Jackie Harrison

SOUTH KILWORTH LUNCHEON CLUB The annual Christmas lunch was held at the Manor Farm Shop at Catthorpe. Owing to the threat of the return of a second cold snap with possible snow showers a three line whip organized by Elaine ensured we were all seated by 12.30pm. This was to allow people with travelling from a distance to beat the weather. Soon the festive spirit ensued and an excellent lunch was enjoyed by all. The main course of traditional turkey plus trimmings was supplemented by alternatives of salmon fillet or vegetable crumble for those not partaking of turkey. A wide range of desserts included Christmas pudding, white chocolate trifle, apple and blackberry crumble, raspberry roulade and cheese and biscuits. Tea and coffee rounded off this very special meal. Congratulations to the staff at Manor Farm and the friendly and efficient service given. Our thoughts and wishes for a speedy recovery go to Evelyn and Rita Hallam who could not join us. Thanks to the ladies who look after us and best wishes to all for a Happy 2011. David Burd

HAPPY NEW YEAR Apologies to all for not getting my Christmas cards out. Hoping to be out and about again soon. Happy New Year to you all. Rita Hallam

SILENT NIGHT The school Christmas play told the story of the writing (by the Austrian pastor) and the first singing (to the accompaniment of the schoolmasters’ guitar - the mice had chewed through the organ bellows) of the carol Silent Night. It was a wonderful musical occasion (enjoyed by capacity audiences at all four performances) which included the telling of the nativity story and concluded with the children singing Silent Night in English and then in German. Congratulations to all the children and staff at the school on their accomplished performance. Rita Hallam and Ann Saunders

NEWS FROM THE SCHOOL The school has had a busy, productive and enjoyable term. We will include some of the children’s work in February’s SK News. Coinciding with the school Christmas production was the Ofsted inspection. We are pleased to have achieved a good Ofsted report. This has been issued to parents but will be available on the Ofsted website in January. The closing date for applications for children to start at South Kilworth School in September 2011 is 15th January 2011. Applications need to have been received by Leicestershire County Council by this date. Application forms can be obtained from South Kilworth school, by telephoning 0116 3056684 or on-line at\admissions The Ragtex clothes and toy collection will be on Tuesday 25th January. As we do not have space to store these items could you please deliver items to the school either at close of school on Monday 24th January or before 9am on Tuesday 25th January. Angela Dewes

W.I. REPORT December was a busy month for us as we hosted the group's carol service. On 7th Dec 40 members joined us for a service of carols and nine lessons. The weather outside was freezing cold but we soon warmed up singing and then had hot coffee and mince pies. £80 was collected, which has gone to the Air Ambulance as our chosen charity. For our Christmas Evening we went to Catthorpe Tea Rooms. Gail of Pink Peony demonstrated 3 lovely seasonal flower arrangements. The 1st was a small arrangement to go on a mantle shelf. The 2nd was a table center piece which consisted of different types of greenery in sections with 2 red candles and red spray carnations. The final was a huge arrangement, using white sparkly twigs and green/grey foliage for a frosted look. Gail finished by putting in silver baubles and a big star on the top. These were then raffled off, and I didn't get one! But I am inspired to attempt to have a go. We then went into the Wheel Room for a delicious meal, drinkies and merriment! Louise Boffey

W. I. CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 2011 January 18th - A Family Fortunes Evening February 15th - Talk by Tracy Green on the Youth Offenders Scheme March 15th - Join us for an evening of straw work and corn dollies April 19th - We are diving with the British Sub Aqua Club! Just kidding Alex Bullard is coming to tell us of their activities May 17th - We shall be joining Swinford for the Resolutions meeting June 21st - visiting Toft Alpaca Farm Dunchurch July 19th - James Perrone will be telling us tales of Peace Time Submarine Accidents August 16th - TBA usually a meal or BBQ September 20th - making quick Christmas Cards October 18th - The W.I.Garland Dancers are coming to see us November 15th - AGM December 15th - Party Time You don’t have to be a member to come to any of our meetings which start at 7.30. Louise Boffey Secretary 571030

LADIES NETBALL The All Weather Area, North Kilworth 7.00pm- 8.00pm (weather permitting) We will start again on Thursday 6th Jan with a determination to lose the excess weight put on over Christmas! All Welcome. Contact Julie Fish (880304)


This will re-start on Monday 10th January with 3 groups:Group 1 18.30 – 19.15 Y1 – Y4 Group 2 19.15 – 20.00 Y5 – Y9 Group 3 20.00 – 20.45 Y10 + Until the weather improves and the grass is fit for purpose to play football, the sessions will be in the Hall. Trainers are preferable for this session. Michael Murphy


The School will be having another collection on Tuesday 25th January 2011 to raise further funds for the re-development of the Peace Garden. Clothing, paired shoes, sheets and duvet covers and soft toys should be bagged and left in the school playground early on the Tuesday morning for collection be Ragtex. We are paid by the ton so items do not have to be in pristine condition. Unfortunately the school has no facility to store items in advance of this date so please do not bring bags to the school before the Tuesday morning. It’s a win-win-win situation! Recycling these items prevents usable goods going to landfill. The good quality items are reused and some are distributed to families in developing countries. The rest is used in rag-rugs, insulation material etc. Funds are raised for the school. Thank you for your support.

CALOR GAS PRICES I know a number of houses in the village have the 1200litre tanks for LPG. I have recently received an extortionate increase in our price per litre from Calor Gas to 44p per litre. Unfortunately I suspect everyone is paying different prices for gas, unaware if it is a good or above average charge. Therefore, when we query it we are not sure of comparison prices to back up our case. If anyone is interested in contacting me to compare prices so that as a group we could drive down the price. It could benefit us all. My email is or telephone 575691

BOOK RECOMMENDATION You may not be aware that Graham Johnson of Johnsons Caterers has written a most amusing book called Food for Thought - a very good read about life and adventures in the catering industry. You may even be mentioned as a lot of locals are!!! Anyone who attended his talk at the W.I. meeting this year will vouch for how amusing he can be!! All proceeds are going to a cancer charity called Hope against Cancer - Price £10 per book and available from Graham on O1455 55 2991. I can well recommend it!! Mary Guppy

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