DONUT A 3D Donut was designed in Maya, constructed into a 2D net with Pepakura, and assebled into a 3D object. The 2D net was designed using a single sheet of cardstock glued together by tabs within the sculpture. Beggining with a 3D model of the donut, a texture map was applied using UV spherical mapping. The donut was lit with an ambient light and three area lights. After rendering and exporting as an object file in Maya, the donut was opened into Pepakura and transformed into a 2D net. Tabs were reaarranged so that the net was assembled with all the parts connected into one sheet. The 2D net was then printed on a tabloid size piece of paper and cut out with an exacto knife. The tabs were scored with the exacto knife and the object was folded into its designed donut shape, with the tabs glued together as each folded. Two donuts were created using this process, one with blank cardstock and one with the printed donut texture map.