12 minute read
Annual Donor Report
We extend our sincerest gratitude to our wonderful donors. Every gift makes a difference at Snow College. The Snow College Donor Report is produced by the Snow College Foundation in conjunction with the Snow College Office of Advancement. Every effort has been made to present an accurate donor listing from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. If your name has been omitted or erroneously listed, we sincerely apologize and ask that you advise us so we may correct our records. You can contact the Snow College Foundation at 435-283-7060.
Alan and Jeanne Hall Foundation Anonymous (3) Mr. & Mrs. Don & Teriko Barker Mr. & Mrs. Eric & Chandra Bergeson Mr. & Mrs. Carl & Elaine Blackham Mr. & Mrs. Roland & Julia Christensen Community College Initiative Community Energy Solar, LLC Estate of Glen S. Larson Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. Jason Fletcher I.J. and Jeanné Wagner Charitable Foundation Dr. Claudia P. Jarrett Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey & Charleen Kahn U.S. Department of Education U.S. Small Business Administration USA Wrestling Utah - USAWA Western Center for Risk Management Education Wright Healing Solutions Foundation
Anonymous (3) Mr. Jonathan Atkin Charles & Marjorie Atkinson C. Scott & Dorothy E. Watkins Charitable Foundation Canyonlands Natural History Association Michael & Linda Carlston Family Randy & Claudean Cox Paul & Tonita Crookston Dennis and Joan Norton Family Foundation Dominion Energy Educational Foundation Federal Emergency Management Agency Ms. Cecelia H. Foxley Mr. & Mrs. John R. & Merrilin Gassman Dr. & Mrs. Matthew L. & Lisa M. Hansen Mr. Tom Heal Mark J. Howard Intermountain Power Agency Mrs. Rachel T. Jensen Keys to Success, Success in Education Foundation LaMar R. & Gwen T. Monroe Family Mountain Dell Ranch My Brother's Keeper Foundation Trust National Science Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Keith & Beverly Nielsen Mr. & Mrs. Waldemar E. & Harriet Rasmussen Rocky Mountain Power Foundation Sapa Investment Group Snow College Emeriti Constitution
Bruce & Cindy Snow Mr. & Mrs. Joe & Mari Strain Swinerton Renewable Energy Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. & Margaret Taylor Dr. & Mrs. Brent & Janis Thorne University of Utah Utah SBDC Network (USU Small Business Development Center) Utah Valley Home Builders Association Utah Valley University Utah Weed Supervisors Association Victims of Crime Act The West Family Foundation
Anonymous (1) Mr. & Mrs. Keith & Nina Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. and Marjorie Bennion Mr. & Mrs. Leonard M. & Laura Blackham Mr. & Mrs. Jerry & Portia Boggess Mr. Jay W. Bosshardt Neal & Marcia Bosshardt Brigham Young University Mr. & Mrs. Scott Bushnell Cache Valley Bank Mr. R. Steven Call CentraCom Mr. & Mrs. Kay & Diane Christensen Brad & Jen Cook Mr. Gilbert E. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Karla Coombs Chad Martin & Abigail Cox Mr. & Mrs. Jon & Ellie Cox DP Curtis Trucking Ms. Nicole L. Draper Mr. Scott Dyreng Ephraim Lions Club Ms. Kennedy Eskelson Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Evans Don & Janet Fiesinger Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Florence Mr. Kevin Green Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Gubeli Mr. Dane Harmon Mr. & Mrs. Jake & Lindsey Hinkins Mr. Michael Huff In Between Days Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. James U. Jensen Mr. & Mrs. Steven K. & Teresa Jensen Mr. R. Kent Johnson Jones & DeMille Engineering, Inc. Jorgensen's, Inc. Keeler Holdings, LLC Mrs. Leslie C. Keisel Mr. Carl Kem Mr. Laken Kennington Kenworth Sales Company Ms. Mindy Lambert Vance Larsen Mr. Matthew March MBI Distributing, Inc. Melvin Adams Livestock LTD Mercedes-Benz of Draper MBD Mountain America Credit Union Mrs. Myrtle Fitzgerald Munk J. Bart & Barbara Nelson Bonnie L. & Richard Nielson Mr. Dean O'Driscoll PacifiCorp Rocky Mountain Power Quality Inn Mr. Rick Robinson Rotary District 5420 Snow, Christensen & Martineau Foundation South China Restaurant State of Utah Franklin C. & Nancy Stewart Richard G. & LaPrele Olsen Sumsion Dr. Edgar J. Thompson Mr. Roger H. Thompson Ms. Jane Thorpe Trula Foundation United Way of Columbia-Willamette Utah FFA Foundation Utah State Libraries Utah State University Mrs. Julie VanderToolen Ms. Gail Washington Western AgCredit Mr. Monte J. Willardsen William P. Newman Foundation, Inc. Wingers Mr. & Mrs. Scott & Kathy Wyatt Mr. Jared Young
Dr. Ashley Aardsma ACT Aerospace Ms. Amy Adams Chris & Becky Adams Ms. Denise Aguilar Mr. & Mrs. Carl & Gail Albrecht Cindy Alder Mardee Allen Anonymous (44) Mr. Bodrey Allred Mr. & Mrs. Douglas V. Allred Phillip M. Allred Mr. & Mrs. Billy & Toni Anders Mrs. Kerry Anderson Lynn & Pam Anderson Margie O. Anderson Ms. Melissa Anderson Ms. Teresa Anderson April Anderton Mrs. Dixie Andrews Mr. Joseph Andrews Apex Store-All Mr. & Mrs. Karl J. Armstrong Ms. Kari Arnoldsen Mr. Kevin A. Arrington Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Ashton Mr. David B. Bailey Ms. Pam Baker Rex & Tamra Baker Mr. Kaden Barnard Barrett's Food Town Gena Oberg Barton Ms. Sheridan Barton Mr. Steven Bash Aspen Bashford Mr. Rusty T. Bastian Mr. Gregery Baum David N. Beck Nathan Beck Mr. & Mrs. Burt & Sadie Bedford Mr. & Mrs. Jason & Tammy Benson Ms. Karen Bergeson Big Rock Engraving Ms. Alison Bingham Mr. & Mrs. Mike & Megan Bird Ms. Sharron Bird Mr. Steven Bird Ms. Melody Bishop Mrs. Ashley T. Blackham Max A. & Mary Lou* Blackham Mr. & Mrs. Rob Blair Mr. Thomas Bore Dr. & Mrs. Greg M. Bosshardt Mr. & Mrs. Ronald & Ellen Bosshardt Mr. & Mrs. Glen & Colleen Bowers Mr. Sterling Bowers Ms. Connie R. Boyd Zöe Bramwell Mr. Jared Breakall Michael Brenchley Mr. Larry Brewer Mr. & Mrs. Keith H. Brimhall English Brooks Katherine Brough Ms. Melissa Brown Paul & Michelle Brown Ms. Kylie Brunner Perry S. Bruno Mr. Shaun Bryant Mrs. Braylee Buchanan Ms. Billie Jean Buck Ms. Elise Buckner Ms. Penny Bunch Mr. Brian Burrows Mr. Mike Cafarelli Ms. Bobbi Carry Mr. Richard Casperson Central Valley Medical Center Chamberlain Associates Lindsay Chaney Ms. Rebecca Chappell Ms. Rebecca Chase Mr. & Mrs. David A. Christensen Mr. & Mrs. Kevin & Tristy Christensen Mrs. Marcia B. Christensen Mrs. Staci Christensen Todd & Leanna Christensen Ms. Lisa-Michele Church Mrs. Jessica Clare Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Clark Classic Motors Mrs. Sheryl Clawson Mr. & Mrs. Ken & Heather Clegg Clegg's Car Care, Inc. Mrs. Chaily Cleveland Coldwell Banker Preferred Properties Mr. & Mrs. Kerry Von & Carol Collings Leslee Cook Mr. Gavin Cox Mr. & Mrs. Kelly & Rochelle Crane Gary E. Craner Ms. Cassandra Cranney Mr. Jonathan Crockett Mike Cross Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Cuff Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Cuff Mr. Darrell Cunningham Ms. Katie Cunningham Brady Curtis Mr. Braden Czarnecki Ms. Jenna Czarnecki Mr. Kirk L. Dahlke Ms. Jessica Daniel Mike Daniels Mr. & Mrs. Stephen & Patsy Daniels Mr. & Mrs. Dale & Renae Darling Mr. Matt Davies Mrs. Gracie L. Davis Ms. Mykel Davis Davis Classic Detailing Gerald J. & LuAnn Day Mr. Jady Day Dr. Lynn* Cutler & Dianne Dean Ameerah Del Sol Payton Desmond Chad Dewey Sannali Dittli Mr. Jeff Dobson Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Doolittle Mr. Bruce Douglas Mr. Cade Douglas Mr. Kenneth Downing Mr. & Mrs. David Drommond Mr. Randi Dunyon Christian Durrant Mr. John H. Durrant Lawrence & Denise Durtschi Ms. Ashlee Edwards Ms. Brenda Edwards Mr. Caleb Edwards Mr. Nathan Edwards Mrs. Annette Egbert Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Cynthia Ellsworth Ephraim Co-op Equipment Sales, Inc. Mr. Chris Erickson Ms. Jane Erickson Mr. John Erickson Ms. Julie K. Erickson Ms. Denae Eskelson Dr. Chris Evensen Renee M. Faatz Mrs. TaLeah Faumui Mrs. Kaylie Fausett Mrs. Melissa Fife Ms. Kennedy Fordham Carlie Brotherson Fowles Mrs. Kim Francis Armando & Adriana Frutos Mr. Jay Gahan
Mrs. Amy Garff Mr. Nathan D. Garff Ms. Tamas Geczy Mrs. Elizabeth E. Gilbert Givinga Foundation, Inc. Ms. Alicia Gleave Mr. Todd Gleave Mrs. Amanda Godfrey Ms. Melissa Golden Sara Golding Ms. Jamee Gramley Kay Buchanan Greene Ms. Heather Groom Ms. Heidi Gutierrez Joshua & Brandi Hales Newell & Tammy Hales Ms. Annette Hall Mr. Richard L. Hampton Gracia Hancock Mr. John B. Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Chris Harding Michael D. Hare Hark'n Technologies, Inc. Harmon Tire Company Tyler & Janie Harris Marc Hebbert Ms. Brynn Hepworth Beckie Hermansen Mr. Antonio Herrera Ms. Dee Hinckley Mr. David Hinkins Rachelle Holbrook Ms. Deborah Holm Mr. Carl M. Holmes Ms. Tiffany Holmes Ms. Claudia Holmstead Mr. Carson Howell Ms. Angela Howell Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Howell Mr. & Mrs. Eric & Amberlee Howes Mr. Bradly Huff Mr. & Mrs. Keith L. & Priscilla B. Huff Mr. & Mrs. Dale B. & Renee H. Hull Mrs. Carolyn Hutchings Ms. Candis Hyde Ms. Elizabeth Hyde IFA Salt Lake City Info West, Inc. Ms. Kristy M. Inglish Angela Ison Mr. Robert Jahries Mr. Dix Jarman Janalee R. Jeffery Mr. & Mrs. Cary & Lori Jenkins Melanie Jenkins Mrs. Lynette Jenkins Mr. Franklin R. Jensen Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Jensen Mr. Riley Sventzer Jensen Ms. Dennise Johnson Mr. Dustin Johnson Mrs. Harlee M. Johnson Heidi & Tracy Johnson Mr. Michael Johnson Mr. Riley Johnson Mr. Scott T. Johnson Mr. Aaron Jones Lisa Jones Ms. Tylie Jones Mrs. Jan Jonson Michael Jorgensen Mr. Chad Jorgenson Justin Hill Plumbing, Inc. Mr. Jordan Kahn Chin-Hsun Kao Mr. & Mrs. Cory & Brittany Kartchner Ms. Terree Kay Ms. McKardy Kelly Mr. Ryan Kirkham Mrs. Jean Kleinhans Jon Knudsen Ms. Lisbeth K. Knutzen Ms. Laura Kolterman Mr. Richard A. Korth Reina Kropf Laird-Rhodes Family Laird Norton Wealth Management Mrs. Cassie Lalli Ms. Lisa Langell Larry Cox CPA, Inc. Ms. Candice P. Larsen Mrs. Holly Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Larsen Karl & Marci Larsen Ms. Karree Larsen Ms. Serin Y. Leary Leavitt Insurance Agency Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Leetham Lenny's Richfield Family Pharmacy Matthew Shawn Lindow Mr. & Mrs. Bill Lindsey Mrs. Erica Liti Ms. Allecia Lowe Cortney Lunt Mr. & Mrs. Marvin J. Mackey Mr. & Mrs. John S. Maclean Hannah MacLeod Mrs. Lucy MacMahon Ms. Natasha Madsen Mr. Lance E. Maki Mr. Blake Mangum Ms. Aliyah Mann Maple Mountain Construction, Inc. Nick Marsing Ms. Lucile Martin Sarah H. Martin Russell & Teri Mason Vikki Masters Mrs. Erma Kaye May Roy & Carol Maynes Family Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D. Maynes Mrs. Joan McAllister Ms. Alison M. McCrady Mr. Murray McDonnel Mr. Calvin McHenry Mr. & Mrs. E. Bruce McIff Stacee & Mark McIff Gary McKenzie Mr. Breckin McMillan Mr. Forrest McNeill Michael Medley Laura Medrano Ms. Dayna Meier Mr. Rodney Brett Merchant Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Meredith Mr. Brad Mertz Ms. Jennie Messervy Michel Foundation Ms. Abby Miller Ms. Kathy Miller Ms. Jana Miller-Jefferson Ms. Kami Millett Mr. Nathan A. Millett Mr. Eric Millsap Mr. & Mrs. Jason & Keri Miner Fernando Montaño Mr. Manuel Montenegro Keily Isabel Monzon De Leon Mr. Preston Moon Ms. Alison Morris Mr. Mark Morris Ms. April Morrison Mountain Country Equipment Mr. & Mrs. Justin & Diana Naser Mr. Colton Nay Mr. Jacob H. Nelson Nephi Sixth Ward YM/YW Mr. & Mrs. David & Peggy Neville Mr. Ammon Newby Robert & Kathleen Nielson Sherry Nielson Dennis & Marcelle Nordfelt
Northrop Grumman Ms. Victoria Norton-Strong Mr. David C. Ogden Ms. Diana Ogden Dr. Jon Ogden Mr. & Mrs. Merrill & Diane Ogden Ms. Cindi Oliver Mr. Jay Olsen Ms. Jenni Oman Ms. Jene Omer Mr. Dan V. Orton Mr. & Mrs. Todd L. Ostergaard Ms. Caitlin Owens Senator Derrin R. Owens Paradise Press Mr. & Mrs. John Paras Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Parker Ms. Katie Parker Kade & Katrina Parry Ms. Jani Pearson Ms. Kylie Peasley Mrs. Julie Peery Mr. Rodney C. Petersen Alexander Peterson Eric & Emily Peterson Landon & Cassey Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Wayne & Ardith* Peterson Ms. Cindy Pfeifer Mr. Ronald Pisaturo Ms. Cami Platt Ms. Joellen Plehn Mr. Brad Plowman Megan R. Pomeroy Mr. & Mrs. David S. Porter Mr. Chad Price Ms. Blanche Pritchard Mr. Andres Quevedo Mr. Paul F. Ramoneda Ms. Madison Randall Mr. Bryan Rasmussen Mr. & Mrs. Scott & Ruth Rawlings Chrissy & Steven Ray Mr. Chase Reaveley James & Suzanne Reeve Mr. De Reitz Ms. Glenda Reitz Ms. Passion Reitz Mrs. EmmaLee Rhoton Mrs. Abigail Richards Allen T. Riggs Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Ringer Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Ringer Mr. & Mrs. Dan R. Robinson Ms. Devanae Robinson Mrs. Bianca Rodrigues Judith A. & Ronald Rodriguez Mr. David Rogers Ms. Mikylee Rose Jackson Rowley Mr. Boedon Royce Mr. Brent L. Rushton Ms. Saige Sagers Mr. Larry Sandberg Sanpete County Farm Bureau Mrs. Linda M. Sargeant Mrs. Vanessa Schmidt Mr. Tom Schriever Mrs. Brooklyn R. Searle Mr. K. Michael Seibt Ms. Nanette S. Simkins Ms. Erica E. Sirrine Mr. Weston Sleight Smart Scents Larry Smith Megan Smith Renelle Smith Smith and Edwards Co., Inc. Smith's Food & Drug Mr. & Mrs. Scott Snitker Mrs. Kaitlyn Snyder Mrs. Karen Soper Ms. Marlene I. Sorbe Garth & Jacque Sorenson Dr. & Mrs. Jesse & Lindy Spencer Ms. Sara Stackaruk Mr. Randell Stansfield Sam & Wendy Steed Allan R. Stevens Mrs. Abbie Stocking Mr. Lance Stott Micah N. Strait Mr. Stephan Strong Rachelle Stubbs Mr. & Mrs. Todd Stubbs Supreme West Car Wash Mr. & Mrs. Scott & Nobue Swenson Ms. Leslie Swenson Ed Swidey Dr. James A. & Kristine Tatton Mr. & Mrs. Brigham Taylor Mrs. Heather Taylor Mr. Landen Taylor Nicole Taylor Ruth O. & Richard Tempest Mr. Paul Tew Mr. Ryan Thalman Think Swish Mr. Derek Thomas Jacob & Melissa Thomas Ms. Judy Thomas Mrs. Kim Thomas Ms. Terri Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Don & Lynda Thompson Ms. Janna Thompson Ms. Sheri Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Thomson Mr. Theodore Thomson Ms. Beverlee Thorson Mr. Robert M. Tibbs Mr. Jack D. Topham Mr. & Mrs. Jim L. Torgerson Anabella Torres Mr. Corey Trail Mr. William Trail Tri-Grace Ministries, Inc. Ms. Jeanne Tripp Mr. Andy Unsicker Kellyanne Ure Mr. & Mrs. Chris Van Orden Ms. Ashley Vandolah Ms. Lorraine Vankomen Vector Structural Engineers of Layton Julian Verdugo Senator Evan J. Vickers Mr. Richard Waddoups Ms. Elisabeth Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Tony & Tyna Waitman Mr. Bob Walker Blair N. & Mary Jane Warner Wasatch Moving Company Mr. & Mrs. Marcus & Elizabeth Watkins Becky Welch Mr. & Mrs. Steve Weller Mr. Michael Wells Ms. Angelina Werner Mrs. Lisa Wheeler John D. & Becky P. Whetten Mrs. Wendy Whipp Mr. & Mrs. Fred & Ada White Mr. Morgan White Zeb & Meagan White Mr. & Mrs. Max & Susan Whiting Mrs. Iola E. Whittaker Mr. Caleb Wightman Mr. Joshua Wilkey Dr. & Mrs. H. James & Janet Williams Jessica Willmore Mrs. Sarah A. Willmore Mrs. Alison Wilson Ms. Kayla Winn Mr. Josh Witkowski Amanda Wood Ms. Vicki Wren Ms. Ashlee Yardley Ms. Teresa Yeung Mr. Robert M. Young Mr. Steven Zollinger