2017 handbook

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issuu Employee Handbook

An Equal Opportunity Employer

issuu, Inc.

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Table of Contents Introduction Welcome and Purpose Welcome Purpose Working at issuu Equal Employment Opportunity Disability and Accommodation I-9 Immigration Reform Policy Employee Classification Employment at Will Open Door Policy Employment Policies Workplace Respect Non-Discrimination/Non-Harassment Harassment Defined Discrimination Defined What is Sexual Harassment? What to do if you have a complaint Disciplinary Action Drug-Free Workplace Prescription/Over-the-Counter Drugs Reasonable Suspicion / Accident Testing Testing results Searches and Workplace Security Violence-Free Workplace Time Away From Work Flexible Paid Time-Off Policy Time Off Guidelines Paid Sick Leave Policy Holidays Leaves of Absence Crime Victims Leave Domestic Violence Leave Jury Duty Witness Leave Military Leave Voting Leave School Visitation Leave Rehabilitation Leave Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL) and Paid Parental Leave Policies issuu, Inc.

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Paid Parental Leave policy for new parents Abuse of Leave Policies General Practices Confidential Information and Company Property Computer Usage Policy Conflicts of Interest Reimbursement Policy Guidelines Lodging Transportation Communication Per Diem Rates for Meals / Incidentals Travel Guidelines Trips Over 30 Days Getting Reimbursed Get Set Up on Expensify How to Send receipts into Expensify How to Create an Expense Reimbursement Report How to Match Receipts to your Credit Card Statement Improper Payment and Gifts Solicitations / Distributions / Bulletin Boards Personnel Records Performance Evaluations Attendance Meal Periods and Rest Breaks Meal Periods Waiver of Meal Period On Duty Meal Period Rest Breaks Expression of Breast Milk Pay Practices Time Record Regulations Phone Calls Devices Privacy Safety / On The Job Injuries On-The-Job Accidents Workers’ Compensation Smoke-Free Environment Dress Code

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Introduction Welcome and Purpose Welcome It is a pleasure to welcome you as an employee to the issuu team! We believe that each of our employees contributes directly to the organization’s growth and success, and we hope you will take pride in being a member of our team. This handbook was developed to describe some of the expectations of our employees and to outline the policies, programs, and benefits available to eligible employees. We hope that your experience here will be challenging, enjoyable and rewarding. Again, welcome!

Purpose This Handbook is designed to acquaint you with issuu and provide you with general information about working conditions, benefits, and policies affecting your employment. It is not intended to be comprehensive or address all the possible applications of, or exceptions to, the general policies and procedures described. Except for the policy of Employment-at-Will (which can only be modified by the CEO of the Company or its Board of Directors in a specific, written employment agreement), issuu may modify, add or delete any policies or benefits in its discretion, and will advise employees of any such changes, either by revising the Handbook or otherwise. Keep this handbook, become familiar with its contents, and do not hesitate to ask any questions you have about it or your employment in general.

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Working at issuu Equal Employment Opportunity We are committed to a diverse workforce and it is our policy and practice to provide equal employment opportunity to all individuals. We value all employees’ talents and support an environment that is inclusive and respectful. We are strongly committed to this policy, and believe in the concept and spirit of state and federal equal opportunity law. We are committed to ensuring that: ● All recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, compensation, and other employment related programs are provided fairly to all persons on an equal opportunity basis; ● Employment decisions are based on the principles of equal opportunity. All personnel actions such as compensation, benefits, transfers, training, discipline, termination and participation in social and recreational programs are administered without regard to any characteristic protected by state, federal or local law; and ● Employees and applicants will not be subjected to harassment, intimidation, threats, bullying, retaliation, coercion or discrimination because they have exercised any right protected by law. We believe in and practice equal opportunity. All employees are responsible for supporting the concept of equal opportunity and diversity and assisting our Company in meeting its objectives.

Disability and Accommodation In accordance with state and federal law, the Company will make reasonable accommodations if you have a disability that impacts your ability to perform the essential functions of your job. All employees must be able to properly perform all essential functions of their job with or without reasonable accommodation that does not cause undue hardship to the Company. If you have a disability that affects your ability to work and you need an accommodation, you must discuss your circumstances with your manager or Human Resources as soon as you are aware of your disability and the need for accommodation. Employees will not be discriminated against or retaliated against for requesting that the Company make reasonable accommodations to allow them to perform the essential functions of their job.

I-9 Immigration Reform Policy issuu complies with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 by employing only United States citizens and non-citizens who are legally authorized to work in the United States. All applicants are asked on or before their first day of employment to provide original documents verifying the legal right to work in the United States and to sign a verification form required by issuu, Inc.

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federal law (INS Form I-9). If an individual cannot verify his/her right to work within three days of hire, issuu must rescind its offer of employment.

Employee Classification Employees are classified as either exempt or non-exempt for pay administration purposes, as determined by the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and California law. The definitions of the most common worker classification categories can be summarized as follows: Exempt​: Management, supervisory, professional, sales and certain computer professionals and administrative employees, whose positions meet FLSA and California standards, are exempt from overtime pay requirements. Non-exempt​: Employees whose positions do not meet the FLSA and California exemption standards are eligible for overtime pay. Employees classified as non-exempt generally work in non-supervisory, non-professional or non-administrative capacities. Overtime work, however, is prohibited without specific, written supervisor authorization in advance. Off-the-clock work is strictly prohibited and grounds for discipline up to and including termination of employment. In addition, each employee’s status is defined as one of the following: Full-time​: Employees who are regularly scheduled to work a minimum of 30 hours per week are considered to be full-time. Such full-time employees are eligible for benefits after applicable requirements for length of service have been met, along with any other criteria specific to the benefit plan provider. Part-time​: Employees scheduled to work less than 30 hours per week are considered to be part-time. Employees who work less than 30 hours per week, or who work on a temporary project basis, will receive all legally mandated benefits (such as workers’ compensation and Social Security benefits), but are not eligible for other benefit programs. Temporary​: Temporary employees are those engaged to work either part-time or full-time on issuu’s payroll, but have been hired with the understanding that their employment will be terminated no later than upon their completion of a specific assignment. Such employees may be either “exempt” or “non-exempt” but are not eligible for issuu’s benefits except as mandated by law. Independent Contractors​: Consultants, freelancers or independent contractors are not employees of issuu. The distinction between employees and independent contractors is important because employees may be entitled to participate in the Company’s benefits programs, while independent contractors are not. In addition, issuu is not required to withhold income taxes, withhold and pay Social Security and Medicare taxes, or pay unemployment tax on payments made to an independent contractor.

Employment at Will issuu and its employees share a working relationship defined as “Employment-at-Will.” Simply stated, employment-at-will means that in the absence of a specific written employment issuu, Inc.

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agreement signed by the CEO or Board of Directors, you are free to resign at any time, and the Company reserves the right to terminate your employment for any reason (which does not violate any applicable law) with or without cause or prior notice. If you wish to resign, you are requested to notify your supervisor of your last day. Of course, as much notice as possible, generally two-weeks’ notice, is appreciated.

Open Door Policy You are encouraged to discuss any questions you may have regarding Company policies and programs or any concerns you may have, with your Manager or Human Resources. These discussions should help you to understand your job better and to help the Company clearly understand your concerns. Our objective is to listen, discuss and resolve problems, complaints or questions, but we can only do so if they are brought to our attention.

Employment Policies Workplace Respect issuu expects all employees to create an atmosphere free of discrimination and harassment, and to respect the rights of their coworkers. In the event an employee experiences any job-related discrimination or harassment based on race, color, creed, ethnicity, sex, gender (including gender nonconformity and status as a transgender or transsexual individual), religion, marital status, age, national origin or ancestry, physical or mental disability, citizenship, past, current or prospective service in the uniformed services, genetic information, medical condition including cancer and genetic characteristics, sexual orientation, gender identification, or any other protected classes, characteristic, or consideration made unlawful under applicable federal, state, or local laws, or believe they have been treated in an unlawful, discriminatory manner or have been unlawfully harassed, they should promptly report the incident, either orally or in writing, in accordance with issuu’s Non-Discrimination/Non-Harassment policy below. If an employee believes it inappropriate to discuss the matter with their manager, it should be directly reported to Human Resources or the CEO. Once made aware of your complaint, issuu is committed to commence a thorough investigation of the allegations. Complaints will be kept confidential to the extent possible. If, at the completion of an investigation, issuu determines that an employee’s behavior was discriminatory or harassing in nature, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against the offending employee. issuu prohibits any form of retaliation against any employee for filing a bona fide complaint under this or the following policy, or for assisting in the complaint investigation. However, if, after investigating any complaint of unlawful discrimination or harassment, issuu determines that an employee intentionally provided false information regarding the complaint, disciplinary action will be taken against the one who gave the false information. issuu, Inc.

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Non-Discrimination/Non-Harassment issuu has a zero tolerance policy and is committed to providing all employees and applicants with a work environment free of discrimination or harassment of any kind, including harassment from or to customers, vendors and other third-parties. The purpose of this policy statement is to reaffirm our commitment to equal employment opportunity and to provide a harassment-free work environment for all employees and applicants. Harassment or discriminatory conduct of any kind, whether physical or verbal, committed by third-parties, supervisors, managers or non-supervisory personnel, is prohibited. Prevention of discriminatory or harassing activities must be practiced at all times, especially by supervisors. In those cases where discrimination or harassment can be established, disciplinary action up to and including dismissal may be taken. Taking reprisal action against any employee because he or she has filed a discrimination or harassment complaint, furnished information or participated in any manner in an investigation, compliance review or hearing is prohibited.

Harassment Defined Harassment based on race, color, creed, ethnicity, sex, gender (including gender nonconformity and status as a transgender or transsexual individual), religion, marital status, age, national origin or ancestry, physical or mental disability, citizenship, past, current or prospective service in the uniformed services, genetic information, medical condition including cancer and genetic characteristics, sexual orientation, gender identification, or any other protected classes, characteristic, or consideration made unlawful under applicable federal, state, or local laws, is prohibited. Harassment is behavior perceived by the receiver as unwelcome and includes, but is not limited to, the use of verbal or practical jokes, unwelcome touching, bullying, offensive emails, texts, verbal remarks or put-downs, displays of pornographic or offensive objects and materials, which create a hostile or offensive environment. Actions such as these are prohibited, and if sufficiently severe or pervasive, are also unlawful.

Discrimination Defined Treating any employee or individual differently or unfairly because of his or her race, color, creed, ethnicity, sex, gender (including gender nonconformity and status as a transgender or transsexual individual), religion, marital status, age, national origin or ancestry, physical or mental disability, citizenship, past, current or prospective service in the uniformed services, genetic information, medical condition including cancer and genetic characteristics, sexual orientation, gender identification, or any other protected classes, characteristic, or consideration made unlawful under applicable federal, state, or local laws, is prohibited. Unlawful discrimination also includes conduct that is based on the perception that anyone has any of those characteristics, or is associated with a person who has or is perceived as having any of those characteristics. All Company employees, other workers, and representatives are prohibited from engaging in unlawful discrimination. This policy applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including, but not limited to, recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, discipline, compensation, benefits, and termination of employment. issuu, Inc.

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This is by no means an exhaustive list of conduct which is considered inappropriate and which will not be tolerated in the workplace.

What is Sexual Harassment? Sexual harassment is considered a form of gender discrimination not only because of the sexual nature of the conduct to which the victim is subjected but also because the harasser may treat a member or members of one sex differently from members of the opposite sex. Sexual harassment is ​not limited to verbal, written or physical conduct involving sexual desire, and is not​ limited to harassment by a member of one sex perpetrated against the opposite sex. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature may constitute unlawful sexual harassment when: 1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment; or 2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for employment decisions affecting such individuals; or 3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creating a hostile or offensive work environment.

What to do if you have a complaint If you believe that you are being subjected to workplace harassment, you should: 1. Tell the harasser that his or her actions are not welcome and they must stop, if you feel comfortable enough to do so. 2. Report the incident immediately to your supervisor/manager, another management employee with whom you feel comfortable (including the CEO) or Human Resources. 3. Report any additional incidents or retaliation that may occur to one of the above resources. Any manager or supervisor who observes any form of unlawful discrimination, harassment or retaliation for conduct protected by this policy, must report the conduct to Human Resources so that an investigation can be made and remedial action taken, if appropriate. Any reported incident will be investigated by qualified personnel in a fair, impartial, timely and thorough manner that provides all parties with appropriate due process and reaches reasonable conclusions based on the evidence collected. Complaints and actions taken to resolve complaints will be handled as confidentially as possible, given issuu’s obligation to investigate and act upon reports of such harassment. Appropriate actions will be taken by the Company to stop and remedy any and all such conduct, including interim measures during a period of investigation, such as documentation and tracking for reasonable progress. You may find more information regarding harassment, retaliation or discrimination by contacting the offices of the California Department of Fair Employment & Housing or the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The nearest offices can be found at www.dfeh.ca.gov​ and ​www.eeoc.gov​. issuu, Inc.

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issuu does not tolerate any form of retaliation toward individual(s) making a good faith complaint or participating in an investigation of harassment/discrimination.

Disciplinary Action issuu reserves the right to terminate an employee at any time for any lawful reason with or without prior disciplinary counseling or notice. Nothing in this Handbook or any other issuu document or policy is intended to: ● Modify this “at-will” employment, ● Promise progressive discipline or disciplinary counseling, ● Promise notice in circumstances where issuu considers immediate termination or discipline to be appropriate. Disciplinary actions may entail verbal, written, final warnings, suspension, or termination. All of these actions may not be followed in some instances. issuu reserves the right to exercise discretion in discipline. Prior warning is not a requirement for termination. If you are disciplined in writing, copies of your warnings are placed in your personnel file. issuu reserves the right to take any disciplinary action it considers appropriate, including termination, at any time. In addition to those situations discussed elsewhere in this handbook, listed below are some other examples where immediate termination could result. This list is general in nature and is not intended to be all-inclusive: ● Discourtesy to a customer, vendor, or the general public. ● Refusal or failure to follow directives from a supervisor or manager ● Breach of confidentiality relating to employer, employee, customer, or provider or other company information of a private, confidential or proprietary nature. ● Removal of Company property from the premises without permission from management. ● Altering, damaging, or destroying Company, customer or vendor property or records, or another employee’s property. ● Dishonesty. ● Providing false or misleading information to any representative or on any records including the employment application, benefit forms, time cards, expense reimbursement forms, etc. ● Threats or fighting or engaging in disorderly conduct on issuu premises. ● Violations of any of issuu employment policies. ● Conduct or performance issues. ● Unauthorized absence from duty during regularly scheduled work hours. ● Failure to call or directly contact your supervisor if you will be late or absent from work. ● Failure of a drug or alcohol test. ● Any violation of policies, rules or procedures.

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Drug-Free Workplace We recognize alcohol and drug abuse as potential health, safety and security problems. It is expected that all employees will assist in maintaining a work environment free from the harmful effects of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicating substances. Compliance with this substance abuse policy is made a condition of employment. Employees are prohibited from the following when reporting for work, while on the job, on Company premises or surrounding areas, or in any vehicle used for Company business: ● The unlawful use, possession, transportation, manufacture, sale, dispensation or other distribution of an illegal or controlled substance or drug paraphernalia; ● The unauthorized use, possession, transportation, manufacture, sale, dispensation or other distribution of alcohol; and ● Being under the influence of or impaired by alcohol or having a detectable amount of an illegal or controlled substance in the blood or urine (“controlled substance” means a drug or other substance as defined in applicable federal laws on drug abuse prevention). Any employee violating these prohibitions will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. In the event the Company hosts offsite events, or events where alcohol is present, the Company does not take any responsibility for any actions or consequences that may arise from the employee participating in the events. The Company will provide free transportation (by, e.g., taxicab, Uber or Lyft) to or from these events to any employee who asks. Any employee convicted under any criminal drug statute for a violation must notify the Company no later than 5 days after such a conviction. A conviction includes any finding of guilt or plea of no contest and/or imposition of a fine, jail or suspended sentence, probation or other penalty.

Prescription/Over-the-Counter Drugs If you are taking prescription or over the counter drugs which could cause injury to yourself or others, you must inform your supervisor prior to beginning work in writing of the possible effects of such medication regarding job performance and physical/mental capabilities or safety of yourself or others. All prescription drugs must be kept in their original container. All medical information will be kept confidential.

Reasonable Suspicion / Accident Testing If you appear to be under the influence of, or impaired by, a controlled substance or alcoholic beverage, the Company at its discretion may require you to submit to appropriate tests to determine the existence of a prohibited substance in your system. issuu may also conduct a drug or alcohol screening test on any employee involved in an accident or incident on the job, regardless if physical or property damage exists as a result of issuu, Inc.

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the accident or incident. Failure to submit to testing, may result in immediate termination of employment. Minor injuries requiring only onsite minimal medical care may be exempted from testing at management’s discretion.

Testing results The employee's test results and the fact that a test was performed will be disclosed only to those who have a need to know. Documentation will be kept in a separate medical-only file for the employee and protected from disclosure to unauthorized persons. Positive test results will be considered together with medical and other evidence to determine whether any personnel action is to be taken.

Searches and Workplace Security The Company reserves the right to conduct searches or inspections of an employee's person or personal effects including (without limitation) purses, briefcases, and motor vehicles located on company property, based on reasonable cause, as well as company property used by an employee, including (without limitation) lockers, desks, and offices whether secured, unsecured or secured by a lock or locking device provided by the employee, based on reasonable suspicion. Any item believed to be an illegal drug or drug paraphernalia or alcohol, or other contraband found during a search, will be confiscated by the Company. The individual from whom the item or substance has been confiscated will be given a written receipt listing the item or substances seized. In the administration of these search provisions, personal privacy will be considered to the maximum extent practicable. To protect Company property and enhance the safety and security of our workplace, issuu has installed cameras and recording devices at certain places within the office space. Employees should have no expectation of privacy within the Company’s offices and common area.

Violence-Free Workplace It is issuu’s policy to provide a workplace that is safe and free from all threatening and intimidating conduct. Therefore, issuu will not tolerate bullying, violence or threats of violence of any form in the workplace, at work-related functions, or outside of work if it affects the workplace. This policy applies to issuu employees, clients, customers, guests, vendors, and persons doing business with issuu. It will be a violation of this policy for any individual to engage in any conduct, verbal or physical, which intimidates, endangers, or creates the perception of intent to harm persons or property. Examples include but are not limited to: ● Physical assaults or threats of physical assault, whether made in person or by other means (i.e., in writing, by phone, fax, or email). issuu, Inc.

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Verbal or physical conduct that is intimidating and has the purpose or effect of threatening the health or safety of a co-worker. ● Possession of firearms or any other weapon on Company property, in a vehicle being used on Company business, in any Company owned or leased parking facility, at a customer or other worksite, or at a work-related function. ● Any other conduct or acts which management believes represents an imminent or potential danger to work place safety/security. Anyone with questions or complaints about workplace behaviors which fall under this policy may discuss them with a supervisor, Human Resources or the CEO. issuu will promptly and thoroughly investigate any reported occurrences or threats of violence. Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination of employees. Where appropriate and/or necessary, issuu will also take whatever legal actions are available and necessary to stop the conduct and protect issuu employees and property. ●

Time Away From Work Flexible Paid Time-Off Policy issuu does not have a paid time off or vacation accrual policy. Thus, paid time-off and vacation do not carry over from year-to-year and are not paid out at termination. All full-time employees are eligible for Flexible Paid Time-Off immediately following their date of hire. Part-time employees are not eligible for Flexible Paid Time Off. However, all regular employees are eligible for unpaid time off and paid sick leave as described below.

Time Off Guidelines issuu encourages employees to take time off responsibly, and whenever possible, to schedule it in advance. issuu understands there may be occasions when you may not be able to give sufficient advance notice. In those situations, however, be sure to inform your manager as soon as possible. Requests for planned time off or for non-illness or non-emergency situations require four weeks’ advance notice and may not be authorized if this notice requirement is not met, or if issuu’s business requires your presence. Time off should be requested via the HRIS platform. issuu is not responsible for lost travel expenses if the time off is not approved. It is recommended to book any travel after the approval has been given through the HRIS platform. Planned time off or non-illness or non-emergency situations that are more than two weeks at a time are not ordinarily taken, and require a 45-day advance written approval of your supervisor and CFO. Time off also includes unexpected emergencies, but is not to be used to cover time missed from work due to tardiness, except in the case of inclement weather. issuu, Inc.

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Paid Sick Leave Policy Eligibility:​ Paid sick leave benefits are available to all employees after they have worked for issuu for 30 days within a year of commencing employment. Use:​ Sick leave benefits may be used for an absence for the employee’s own health care or to care for a family member. In general, sick leave may be used for the following purposes: ● Diagnosis, care, or treatment of an existing health condition of, or preventive care for, an employee or an employee’s family member. ● For an employee who is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, to seek treatment or otherwise get help. Benefits: ● On July 1, 2015, and on January 1st ​ of each subsequent year, all eligible employees will receive 24 hours or three days of paid sick leave to use in that calendar year. ● Since paid sick leave is a benefit reserved for certain conditions described above, unused sick leave time does not carry over from year to year. ● Unused sick leave cannot be paid out at any time, including at the end of employment. ● If an employee separates from employment and is rehired within one year from the date of separation, previously unused sick leave will be reinstated. Details: ● Regardless of paid sick leave eligibility, if you are unable to report to work for health-related reasons, you should notify your direct supervisor before the scheduled start of your workday, if possible. ● Your direct supervisor should also be contacted on each additional day of absence. ● If you are absent for three or more consecutive days due to illness or injury, issuu may ask for a physician's statement that verifies the condition and its beginning and expected ending dates. ● Before returning to work from a sick leave absence of five calendar days or more, issuu may require a physician's verification that you may safely return to work. ● Non-exempt and exempt employees must take paid sick leave in minimum two-hour increments. ● Time taken off for sick leave, including Doctor’s appointments, must be entered on employee timesheets (non-exempt). ● Sick leave pay is ordinarily calculated based on the employee's base pay rate at the time of absence. However, if the employee in the 90 days of employment before taking sick leave had different hourly pay rates, was paid by commission or piece rate, or was a nonexempt salaried employee, then the rate of pay is calculated by dividing the employee’s total wages, not including any overtime premium pay, by the employee’s total non-overtime hours worked in the full pay periods of the prior 90 days of employment. An employee on an extended absence should apply for any other available compensation and benefits, such as workers' compensation or Paid Family Leave. issuu, Inc.

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issuu supervisors and managers reserve the right to ask employees to leave the work place and take any available paid sick leave if an employee is sick. While discrimination or retaliation against an employee who requests paid sick leave under this policy is strictly prohibited, if there is reason to believe that sick leave has been misused, disciplinary action may be taken, up to and including termination of employment.

Holidays issuu recognizes the following holidays: New Years’ Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day After Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Eve. When a holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, the holiday will be observed on the day designated by management.

Leaves of Absence Crime Victims Leave Employees who are the victim of a crime (or whose immediate family member is the victim of a crime) may be eligible for leave in order to assist in the prosecution and trial of the accused. This leave is unpaid leave. However, employees taking qualifying Crime Victims’ Leave may be eligible for paid sick leave in certain instances described in (2) above. Employees should provide as much notice as possible of the intention to take leave to attend a court hearing or other process. The employee must also provide a copy of any hearing notice to the Company prior to taking the leave.

Domestic Violence Leave Employees may be eligible for leave for the following purposes: To seek legal or law enforcement remedies to ensure the employee’s (or their minor child’s) health and safety. The employee must be the victim of the domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking (or the parent/guardian of a minor child who is a victim). This includes preparing for and participating in protective order proceedings or other civil or criminal legal proceedings related to domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking or to seek medical treatment or to recover from injuries caused by domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking; ● To obtain counseling related to domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking; ● To obtain services from a victim services provider; or ● To relocate or secure their existing home to ensure the employee’s (or their child’s) health and safety. This leave is unpaid leave. However, employees taking qualifying Domestic Violence Leave may be eligible for paid sick leave during this leave. Employees must provide reasonable notice of the intention to take leave. We may require the employee to provide certification that he/she is the victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking and that the leave is for one of the purposes outlined above (i.e. a police report, a issuu, Inc.

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protective order, or documentation from an attorney, police, counselor, clergy member, etc. that the employee or their child was undergoing treatment, counseling, or relocating as a result of domestic violence.)

Jury Duty The Company acknowledges that employees should fulfill their civic responsibilities by reporting for jury duty when they receive a Jury Summons. Employees must show the jury duty summons to their manager as soon as possible so that the manager may make suitable arrangements. Employees will be provided time off with pay when necessary to comply with state and federal wage and hour laws. You must contact your supervisor both: (a) if you are selected to serve on a trial jury, and (b) within 24 hours after your jury service ends, for instructions regarding reporting to work. You may be expected to report or perform work during breaks in jury duty, if time allows, or if you are excused early.

Witness Leave Employees are given the necessary time off to attend or participate in a court proceeding in accordance with state law. We ask that you notify your supervisor of the need to take witness leave as far in advance as possible. Employees will be provided time off with pay when necessary to comply with state and federal wage and hour laws.

Military Leave Employees who are required to fulfill military obligations in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States or in state military service will be given the necessary time off and reinstated in accordance with federal and state law. Employees will be provided time off with pay when necessary to comply with state and federal wage and hour laws. Military orders should be presented to your supervisor and arrangements for leave made as early as possible before a departure. Employees are required to give 30-day advance written notice of their service obligations to the Company unless military necessity makes this impossible. You must notify your supervisor of your intent to return to employment based on requirements of the law. Your benefits may continue to accrue during the period of leave in accordance with state and federal law. An employee who works an average of 20 or more hours per week whose spouse or registered domestic partner is a member of the Armed Forces, National Guard, or Reserves that has been deployed during a period of military conflict is eligible to receive up to 10 unpaid days off when their spouse is on leave from military deployment. You must provide your supervisor with notice of your intention to take leave within two business days of receiving official notice that your spouse or registered domestic partner will be on leave from deployment. Employees taking family military leave must also provide the Company with written documentation certifying their spouse will be on leave from deployment. issuu, Inc.

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Voting Leave We believe that every employee should have the opportunity to vote in any state or federal election, general primary, or special primary. Any employee who does not have sufficient time outside of working hours to vote in a statewide election may request up to two paid hours off in order to vote. We reserve the right to select the hours you are excused to vote. Please notify your supervisor of the need for voting leave as soon as possible.

School Visitation Leave Unpaid time off, up to a maximum of forty hours (40) hours each year and eight (8) hours per calendar month (not including emergency usage for the latter limit) is available to eligible employees (described below) for attending school conferences and activities, and activities related to licensed child care facilities, which cannot be scheduled during non-working hours. This time off is available for the purpose of attending school activities if you are the parent, guardian, grandparent, stepparent, foster parent or person standing ​in loco parentis to a child. When leave cannot be scheduled during non-working hours and the need for the leave is foreseeable, you must provide reasonable prior notice of the leave and make a reasonable effort to schedule the leave so as not to disrupt unduly the operations of the Company.

Rehabilitation Leave Any employee who wishes to voluntarily enter and participate in an alcohol and/or drug rehabilitation program may be granted a reasonable accommodation by the Company and up to 30 days of paid leave. The time period and accommodation will be decided on a case by case basis by the Company, considering business conditions and circumstances, provided the employee gives reasonable advance notice previous to entering the alcohol and/or drug rehabilitation program. The Company shall take reasonable steps to safeguard the privacy of any employee as to the fact that he or she has enrolled in an alcohol or drug rehabilitation program. This policy does not prevent the Company from refusing to hire or disciplining, up to and including discharge, an employee who, because of the current use of alcohol or drugs, is unable to perform his or her duties or cannot perform the duties in a manner which would not endanger his or her health or safety or the health or safety of others.

Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL) and Paid Parental Leave Policies PDL: Female employees are eligible for an unpaid leave of absence of up to four (4) months (i.e., the working days you would normally work in one-third of a year or 17 1/3 weeks, unless your hours vary from month to month, in which case the Company will use a monthly four-month average of the hours worked prior to commencing leave) for disabilities relating to pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions per pregnancy. issuu, Inc.

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Leave may include, but is not limited to, additional or more frequent breaks, time for prenatal or postnatal medical appointments, doctor-ordered bed rest, severe morning sickness, gestational diabetes, pregnancy-induced hypertension, preeclampsia, recovery from childbirth or loss or end of pregnancy, and/or postpartum depression. Leave may be taken consecutively or intermittently. The amount of leave needed is determined by your healthcare provider’s recommendation. We require that you use any available sick leave during your pregnancy disability leave. The substitution of any paid leave will not extend the duration of your pregnancy disability leave. Employees who are granted leaves for pregnancy will be returned to their same or similar position to the extent required by state law. Upon the advice of your healthcare provider, you may also be entitled to reasonable accommodation, to the extent required by law, for conditions related to pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions. You should promptly notify the Company of the need for a reasonable accommodation. In addition, a transfer to a less strenuous or hazardous position or to less strenuous or hazardous duties may be available pursuant to your request, if such a transfer is medically advisable. You must give the Company at least 30 days’ written advance notice if your need for pregnancy-related disability leave, reasonable accommodation, or transfer is foreseeable. Otherwise, please give the Company notice as soon as is practicable if the need is an emergency or unforeseeable. Prior to the start of the leave, the Company will require a written medical certification indicating that you are disabled because of pregnancy or that it is medically advisable for you to be transferred to a less strenuous or hazardous position or duties or otherwise to be reasonably accommodated. The certification should include an anticipated date when you will be able to return to your job or job duties. In the event your leave exceeds the anticipated date of return, it is your responsibility to provide further certification from your healthcare provider that you are unable to perform your job or job duties and the revised anticipated date of return. Depending on your eligibility, medical insurance will be continued during the leave in accordance with the applicable plan document, COBRA, or provisions of federal/state law relating to unpaid medical leave. Employees who choose not to return from leave may be required to refund premium payments made by the Company on their behalf, when permitted by state law.

Paid Parental Leave policy for new parents The eligibility to participate in this policy is as follows: ● Date of hire to 6 months after hire: issuu will top off six (6) weeks for the allocated Paid Family Leave available from California to give the employee full salary for the six (6) weeks taken. ● 6 months after hire: issuu will top off salary for twelve (12) weeks, six (6) weeks for the allocated Paid Family Leave available from California plus an additional six (6) weeks of pay to give the employee full salary for twelve (12) weeks.

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Abuse of Leave Policies We expect employees to exercise good judgment and discretion at all times, including when on an authorized leave of absence for any reason. Any abuse of these leave policies may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. The taking of another job while on any authorized leave may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

General Practices Confidential Information and Company Property Upon being hired by issuu, you will be required to sign issuu’s Proprietary Information & Inventions Assignment Agreement. During your employment by issuu, you may have access to confidential and proprietary data which is not known by competitors, others in the industry, or the public generally. This information (hereinafter referred to as “Confidential Information”) includes, but is not limited to, data relating to the Company’s marketing and servicing programs, procedures and techniques; the criteria and formulae used by the Company in pricing its products and services; the structure and pricing of special packages that the Company has negotiated; lists of customers and prospects; the identity, authority, and responsibility of key contacts at Company accounts; the composition and organization of accounts’ businesses; the peculiar risks inherent in their operations; sensitive details concerning the structure, conditions, and extent of their existing products and services; contract expiration dates; commission rates; service arrangements; proprietary software, Web applications and analysis tools; and other data showing the particularized requirements and preferences of the accounts. This Confidential information constitutes a valuable asset of the Company, developed over a long period of time and at substantial expense. To protect the Company’s interest in these valuable assets, you must (a) not use or disclose any such Confidential Information except as necessary to perform your job, and (b) use your best efforts to limit access to such Confidential Information to those who have a need to know it for the business purposes of the Company. In addition, you should minimize those occasions on which you take documents, computer disks, drives, tapes or other external storage devices, or a laptop containing such confidential information outside the office. ​On those occasions where is it necessary, consistent with the best interests of the Company and doing your job effectively, to take documents, a computer disk, storage device or a laptop containing Confidential Information outside the office, all appropriate precautionary and security measure should be taken to protect the confidentiality of the information. During the course of your employment with the Company, you will be provided and/or will generate correspondence, memoranda, literature, reports, summaries, manual, proposals, contracts, customer lists, prospect lists, and other documents and data concerning the business of the Company. Any and all such records and data, whether maintained in hard copy or on a issuu, Inc.

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computer disk, the computer hard drive, computer tape, or other medium is the property of the Company, regardless of whether it is or contains Confidential Information. Upon termination of your employment at the Company, you are required to return and/or delete all such records, including Confidential Information and any property belonging to the Company, to the Company and may not retain any copy of any such records or make any notes regarding any such records on personal devices. You will also be required to sign issuu’s Termination Certification confirming such return of property. Any personal files may not be copied and removed from any computers, computer disks, drives, tapes or other external storage devices without authorization from Human Resources. We reserve the right to search for such information and property in personal items while on Company premises such as vehicles, purses, briefcase, flash drives, external hard drives, etc.

Computer Usage Policy issuu requires a General Computer Usage Policy to accomplish its business objectives in a secure and timely manner. Instituting such a policy demonstrates the commitment issuu has to safeguard corporate information assets. That commitment must extend from every individual involved in business operations. ● All data on information systems at or controlled by issuu (including cloud or co-located storage) is classified as Company proprietary information. ● Any attempt to circumvent issuu’s security procedures is strictly prohibited. ● Unauthorized use, destruction, modification, and/or distribution of issuu’s information or information systems are strictly prohibited. ● All issuu’s information systems (including Internet, email and voicemail) will be subject to monitoring and auditing at all times. ​Users acknowledge that they have no expectation of privacy with regard to their activity on issuu’s information systems. ● Use of issuu’s information systems or dissemination of information in violation of any issuu policies, including confidential information and sexual harassment/discrimination, is not authorized. ● Except for issuu system administrators and those with a business need-to-know, individual passwords must be kept strictly confidential by employees. In no situation should you give a username and password to another individual. ● Misuse, as defined in this policy, will be handled directly with the offender and could include disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. ● The Company may monitor usage or search all computer and voicemail records that contain issuu’s proprietary, confidential or trade secret information at any time, whether that information is stored on issuu’s or personally-owned systems or devices. Internet usage is provided to issuu employees to conduct work-related business. Incidental and occasional personal use is permitted. This privilege should not be abused and must not affect a user’s performance of employment related activities. E-mail accounts are provided to issuu employees to conduct work-related business. While this resource is to be used primarily for business, the Company realizes that employees may occasionally use this privilege for personal matters, and therefore permits limited personal email use, preferably during non-working hours. issuu, Inc.

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All email on the issuu information systems, including personal email and voicemail, is the property of issuu. As such, all email and voicemail can and may be monitored and searched.

Conflicts of Interest All employees have a duty to further the Company’s aims and goals, and to work on behalf of its best interest. Employees should not place themselves in a position where the employee’s actions or personal interests may be in conflict with those of the Company. Examples include soliciting or profiting from the Company’s client/prospect base or other Company asset for personal gain, acting on behalf of the Company in servicing or obtaining a client and limiting the best solution for the client/prospect for personal financial gain, and acting as director, officer, employee, or otherwise for any business or institution with which the Company has a competitive or significant business relationship without the written approval of the CEO. Employees should report to Human Resources any situation or position (including outside employment by the employee or any member of the employee’s immediate household) which may create a conflict of interest with the Company.

Reimbursement Policy Guidelines Assuming a reasonable level of safety and convenience for the individual, every effort should be made to keep business and travel expenses to a minimum. Submission of expenses does not guarantee a payment of all expenses, and approval will be at the discretion of the management and in accordance with Company policy. The Company will reimburse the employee’s documented reasonable and necessary business expenditures. Employees must submit all travel expenses via Expensify with accompanying legible receipts. The business purposes (lunch or dinner meetings, etc.) must be referenced for all expense line items (with whom - deal/project/campaign).

Lodging Lodging for business travel is purchased by issuu. If the employee pays for the lodging up front, the employee will be reimbursed for room and tax only. If there is any business related change, issuu will pay any penalties associated with the change. If employees make changes to travel for personal reasons, they are responsible for the financial repercussions of the change.

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Transportation Flights for business travel are purchased by issuu. If there is any business related change, issuu will pay any penalties associated with the change. If employees make changes to the travel for personal reasons, they are responsible for the financial repercussions of the change. Transportation to and from all airports are covered, and should be submitted as an expense on Expensify, along with the cab/Uber fare receipt. Transportation to and from issuu-related events are also covered, and should be submitted as an expense on Expensify, along with the cab/Uber fare receipt. Employees driving their personal vehicle for business related travel will be reimbursed for mileage at IRS rate. This reimbursement rate is intended to encompass all car-related expenses, including, but not limited to, gas, maintenance, and insurance. issuu makes a good faith assumption that employees possess valid drivers’ licenses and adequate insurance coverage. issuu will not pay for fines for traffic or parking violations.

Communication Employees who purchase phone cards or SIM cards to use in either the CPH or the Berlin offices will be reimbursed for the costs of those cards, as long as the employees use it for work calls, emails, and other work-related activities.

Per Diem Rates for Meals / Incidentals Per diem rates can be found on the ​Dept. of State recommended guidelines​. Reimbursement requests above the allotted per diem amount will require pre-approval from your manager and documentation of said approval submitted to the Office Manager. As a general rule, travelers are expected to incur no additional cost for meals which are provided as part of a fee for attendance at conferences, workshops, hotel cost, company sponsored events etc., or which are provided by an airline while en route to their destinations. When meals are provided in this way, the daily meal per diem must be reduced accordingly. Incidentals include but are not limited to snacks, over-the-counter medication, first aid kits (bandages), and other needs. However, if the incidental item is offered within the office, it will not be reimbursed. It is at the discretion of the CFO to approve all final incidental expenses according to Company policy. Travel to CPH/Berlin or other place from Palo Alto: $96/day ● Breakfast: $19 issuu, Inc.

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Lunch: $32 (Only reimbursed if lunch not given in the office you are traveling to) Dinner: $51 Incidentals: $26

Travel Guidelines Assuming a reasonable level of safety and convenience for the individual, every effort should be made to keep business and travel expenses to a minimum. For Domestic Travel U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) periodically revises the per diem rates based on the costs of meals and lodging. Employees must use the per diem rates in effect at the time of travel. The per diem rates used must comply with those listed on the GSA website at: http://www.gsa.gov/perdiem/ For International Travel Per diem rates can be found on the ​Dept. of State recommended guidelines​. Reimbursement requests above the allotted per diem amount, will require pre-approval from your manager, and documentation. As a general rule, travelers are expected to incur no additional cost for meals which are provided as part of a fee for attendance at conferences, workshops, hotel cost, company sponsored events etc., or which are provided by an airline while en route to their destination. When meals are provided in this way, the daily meal per diem must be reduced accordingly.

Trips Over 30 Days When travel is expected to occur for more than 30 consecutive days in one location, or when the circumstances of the travel are such that the traveler can reasonably be expected to incur expenses comparable to those arising from the use of establishments catering to the long term visitor or from the use of non-commercial facilities, the traveler may be reimbursed either for the actual and reasonable costs incurred or with a per-diem allowance equal to 60% of the standard rate for the appropriate geographic area. The reduced rate begins with the first day of travel. Employees who are eligible to receive per diem reimbursement do not need to submit receipts for the meals covered by a per diem. However, recipients of per diem must submit documentation (e.g., airline and conference itineraries) confirming the dates they have been in a travel status. In addition to per diem, employees may be reimbursed for certain other travel and business expenses. These expenses may include the costs of business transportation (including local transportation), business telephone calls, and other miscellaneous business expenses; all of the latter must be reimbursed on an actual basis, with appropriate receipts.

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Getting Reimbursed Below is a summary on how to use Expensify to submit expense reimbursement requests. All purchases submitted for reimbursement will require a receipt. All reimbursements should be submitted within 30 days of returning back home. Here’s a how-to-guide to add receipts to your credit card statements, add notes, and submit the report. If you have questions, want a quick tutorial, just ask Michelle.

Get Set Up on Expensify Step 1 - Register your credit card online and save your username and password. Step 2 - ​Create an Expensify account​ using your issuu email address Step 3 - Login to Expensify click ‘Import Card / Bank’ select Your Card / Bank name enter username and password select account, click done Your credit card is now connected to Expensify. Step 4 - Wait a moment for your credit card statement to populate in ‘Expenses’

How to Send receipts into Expensify ● ●

Download the Expensify App for your mobile phone, and take photos of your receipts as you get them using the “SmartScan” feature You can also forward receipts from the email address you used to set-up your account to receipts@expensify.com​, and it will add it to “Receipts” on Expensify. ​More info here

How to Create an Expense Reimbursement Report 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Go to Receipts Select receipts you want to add to a report Click Add to Report, create a name for your report Click Create Report and Add Expense to report Click Reports, find your newly created Expense report In the upper right, check that the Report Policy is under ‘Team Reimbursement policy’ Add comments as to the purpose of the transaction for each item If there are additional receipts under “Attachments”, please click each receipt, add a Merchant Name, Amount, and Assign a category manually. Click Save. 9. When done, click Submit; the “To” field should have your manager’s email.

How to Match Receipts to your Credit Card Statement 1. 2. 3. 4.

Go to Expenses Check that the credit card account is only your credit card Select all expenses by clicking the upper left box. It will checkmark all expenses. Click ‘Add to New Report’

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5. Add Description, i.e. “August 2014 in CPH” 6. Click “Create Report and add expenses” 7. Go to “Reports” and click on the description you just created 8. In the upper right, check that the Report Policy is under ‘Team Reimbursement policy’ 9. Add receipts where there is a + sign 10. Add comments as to the purpose of the transaction (ie: gift for client, taxi from sfo to home, etc) 11. When done, click Submit; the “To” field should have your manager’s email. You do not need to do this in one session, it will automatically save as you go. Once you have created a report, and want to add additional receipts to the report from ‘Receipts’, you can do so by going to Receipts and adding it to the report. It will add the receipt to the report, and you can fill in the fields. If you need to go back and fix something, you can go back to Reports, click Retract, and it will be an Open report again. When you’re done editing your report, click Submit again.

Improper Payment and Gifts We prohibit the solicitation, acceptance, offer or payment to any person or organization of any bribe, kickback or similar consideration of any kind, including but not limited to money, services or goods or favors (other than goods or favors which are nominal in amount and not prohibited by and federal, state or local law). Do not accept or give gifts, gratuities, entertainment or favors of such value or significance that their receipt might reasonably be expected to interfere with the exercise of independent and objective judgment in making or participating in the business decisions of issuu or the party with whom issuu is dealing.

Solicitations / Distributions / Bulletin Boards In order to minimize work interruptions, solicitation by one employee of another is prohibited if either employee is on work time, or if it interrupts others who are working. “Work time” is defined, but is not limited to, all times when your duties require you to be engaged in work tasks. Solicitation includes such activities as requests for signatures, contributions for charities, support of political organizing activities, merchandise purchases and donations. ​If you would like to solicit within the office for a local fundraiser or charitable cause, please see the CEO for advance written approval before posting or sending a notice.

Personnel Records Personnel records are maintained on a current basis. Please notify us immediately of any change of name, address, telephone number, marital, dependent or tax status. Personnel records are kept highly confidential, and are not available to anyone outside of the Company unless you have authorized the release, or release is to an authorized governmental agency, or is required by law. To request access to your records, contact Human Resources. ​Current and former employees may inspect their own personnel files at a mutually agreeable time, on issuu, Inc.

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Company premises in the presence of a Company official. You will be permitted to see any records regarding your qualification for employment, promotion, wage increases, earnings and deductions, or discipline. The Company will make the records available within 21 days after receipt of a request. Exceptions include records regarding criminal investigation and any letters of reference maintained by the Company. You will be allowed to have a copy of any document you have signed relating to your employment.

Performance Evaluations issuu is committed to providing you with feedback both formal and informal about your performance on the job. Managers are responsible for on-going performance feedback. In addition, your manager has the responsibility to formally discuss and document your performance on a regular basis. An initial performance review may be conducted within three to six months after an employee begins a new job. Your performance appraisal discussion may include a review of your strengths, identify any areas needing improvement, and goals and objectives that need to be achieved. Specific performance problems may be addressed outside the performance appraisal cycle through either informal discussions or formal disciplinary action. The performance evaluation will not always necessarily result in a promotion and/or salary adjustment. Formal performance feedback becomes a permanent part of your personnel files.

Attendance issuu expects that every employee will be regular and punctual in attendance. This means being on premises, ready to work, at your starting time each day. Please discuss your schedule with your supervisor or manager carefully as it is your responsibility to know when you are scheduled to work. Any problems with your schedule should be brought to the manager’s attention immediately. When you are unable to work owing to illness or an accident, you must notify your supervisor at least two hours prior to the start of your shift when practical. In the event your immediate supervisor is unavailable, you must leave a voicemail for your supervisor including the time you are calling in, the reason for your absence and how your supervisor may contact you if necessary. If you do not report for work and issuu is not notified of your status, it will be assumed after three business days of absence that you have resigned, and you will be removed from the payroll. If you become ill at work or must leave for some other reason before the end of your shift, you must inform your supervisor of the situation prior to leaving.

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Failure to call in prior to the scheduled start of your shift, excessive unexcused absences, no-call no show, tardiness, or incomplete shifts, are not acceptable. It is solely within the discretion of the Company to determine what is excessive.

Meal Periods and Rest Breaks The Company provides non-exempt employees with meal periods and rest breaks in compliance with California Law.

Meal Periods Employees who work five or more hours in a day are required to take an uninterrupted 30-minute unpaid duty-free meal period to commence no later than the end of the fifth hour of work and a second uninterrupted 30-minute meal period free from all duty to commence no later than the end of the tenth hour, should an employee work that many hours in any given day. Only in limited circumstances, discussed below, can meal periods be waived. For this reason, unless there is a written agreement for an on-duty meal period approved by the Company, employees ​must record the beginning and ending time of their meal period in the timekeeping system every day. It is also our policy to relieve such employees of all duty during their meal periods, with the employee being at liberty to use the meal period time as the employee wishes. The Company schedules all work assignments with the expectation that all employees will take their duty-free meal periods and we encourage you to do so. Employees may be asked to confirm in writing that they have been relieved of all duty and otherwise provided all of their daily meal periods during the pertinent pay period, or in the alternative, identify any meal periods they missed. At no time may any employee perform off-the-clock work or otherwise alter, falsify, or manipulate any aspect of their timekeeping records to inaccurately reflect or hide meal periods or time spent working during meal periods. No company manager or supervisor is authorized to instruct an employee how to spend his or her personal time during a meal or rest period. Employees should immediately report a manager’s or supervisor’s instruction to skip or work during a meal period to your supervisor.

Waiver of Meal Period Employees may waive their meal periods only under the following circumstances. If an employee will complete their workday in six hours or less, the employee may waive their meal period. Additionally, employees who work over ten hours in a day may be able to waive their second meal period, but only if they take their first meal period and they do not work more than 12 hours that day. Speak to your supervisor for clarification on whether you are entitled to waive your second meal period. Any time an employee elects to waive a meal period they must submit a written request and receive prior written authorization from your supervisor. Employees may not waive meal periods to shorten their workday or to accumulate meal periods for any other purpose.

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On Duty Meal Period In limited situations, certain designated employees may be required to work an on-duty meal period due to the nature of the employee’s duties. Only if the nature of your job duties requires it, and you and the Company have agreed to an on-duty meal period in writing, will you be permitted to take an on-duty meal period. In this situation, your on-duty meal period will be paid and treated as hours worked.

Rest Breaks Employees will receive one, 10-minute paid break for every four hours worked or major portion thereof. Rest periods will occur as close to the middle of a four-hour (or major portion thereof) work period as is practicable. Employees are expected to schedule their rest periods at their own discretion unless instructed otherwise by a supervisor. Rest periods are counted as hours worked, and thus, employees are not required to record their rest periods on their timesheets or time cards. However, no supervisor is authorized or allowed to instruct or allow an employee to waive a rest period, and they cannot be used to shorten the workday or be accumulated for any other purpose. Employees may be required to confirm that they have been provided an opportunity to take all of their rest periods during the pertinent pay period.

Expression of Breast Milk Rest periods in reasonable increments of time will be provided to accommodate an employee who needs to express milk. Insofar as feasible, the rest period should be taken approximately midway through the four-hour work period and at the same time as the rest or meal breaks otherwise provided to the employee. If you need a private place to express milk, please see your supervisor.

Pay Practices Employees will be paid semi-monthly on the 15th ​ and last day of each month. If these dates fall on a non-work day or holiday, employees will be paid on the work day preceding the non-work day or holiday. Employees are strongly encouraged to sign up for the Company’s Direct Deposit program. If an employee does not elect direct deposit and is absent on the date of paycheck distribution, his/her check will be held until his/her return. Paychecks will only be released to the individual whose name appears on the check or an individual who the employee has designated and approved through written consent. You may periodically be scheduled to work overtime in order to meet our customer needs. We will attempt to give you as much advance notice as possible, and we expect that all employees who are scheduled to work overtime will be at work, unless excused by their supervisor. All overtime work must be preapproved by management. Working overtime without management’s approval is not permitted. issuu, Inc.

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Please notify us immediately of any change of name, address, telephone number, marital, dependent or tax status.

Time Record Regulations All hourly nonexempt employees are required to use a weekly timesheet. You may not report early or stay later without the specific advance approval of your supervisor. You must not work off-the-clock. Each employee must use his/her own timesheet only. If an employee records information for another employee, both are subject to disciplinary action. Accurate records of the hours you work ensure that you will be paid correctly and you will receive full credit for the work you do. All hours worked and meal periods taken must be recorded – no exceptions. Any additions, corrections or changes to your timesheet must be approved by your supervisor. You are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information on your timesheet. The timesheets are the property of the Company. Removal of a timesheet from the facility or alteration of the timesheet will invalidate it and require that the employee verify the time worked to the satisfaction of the supervisor or department head. No one may enter time for another employee.

Phone Calls In order to provide exceptional customer service, employees are expected to have cell phones turned off or placed on vibrate during meetings. Ringing cell phones are a distraction to other coworkers and customers. Cell phones are allowed in the workplace for the primary purpose of conducting business, but may occasionally be used for personal use.

Devices Privacy The use of picture phones or other recording of visual images is specifically prohibited in restrooms or any other area where members of the public or coworkers would enjoy a reasonable expectation of privacy and in any areas in which sensitive or closely guarded corporate or business materials are used or housed. Any employee found in violation of this policy will be subject to discipline up to, and including, termination of employment and may also be subject to prosecution to the fullest extent permitted under the law.

Safety / On The Job Injuries issuu wants to ensure that our employees remain safe and injury-free when accidents are preventable. We expect our employees to refrain from horseplay, careless behavior and negligent actions. It is issuu’s policy to maintain a safe and secure working environment for all employees and clients. issuu, Inc.

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While working, employees must observe safety precautions for their safety and the safety of others. All work areas must be kept clean and free from clutter and debris. Report all unsafe conditions, hazards, accidents or injuries to your supervisor immediately or at your first opportunity. Learn the safe way to do your job! If in doubt about your job, a procedure, or the safe way to do something, ask your supervisor!

On-The-Job Accidents Employee Responsibilities Regarding On-the-Job Injuries/Accidents: 1. Report all accident/injuries, no matter how slight, to your supervisor and Human Resources immediately. Reporting on your next work shift is not acceptable. If medical treatment is necessary, medical treatment will be called for you or you will be sent to an appropriate facility. 2. If you are injured, complete the “Employee” portion of the State Workers’ Compensation Claim Form (DWC 1). Human Resources will give you the form and, if needed, help you complete the form. 3. You may be provided with return-to-work information that you will take to your physician if you will be unable to return to regular work. You need to have your physician complete this information at the time of your visit. 4. Report your physician’s findings immediately following your visit. A ​Return-to-Work Evaluation must be completed by your physician at each visit and returned immediately to your administrator. 5. When an on the job accident or safety incident occurs employees are subject to drug and/or alcohol testing. 6. You must report to your next scheduled shift (​part-time, temporary, modified or regular work) once the doctor releases you to work. 7. If you are unable to return to work, it is your responsibility to contact your supervisor on a weekly basis. 8. We want to work with you to help you get better. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your claim or medical care, please contact your supervisor.

Workers’ Compensation issuu provides workers’ compensation insurance, a type of accident and injury insurance, for those who suffer a job-related injury or illness. Employees returning to work will be required to provide proof of rehabilitation or treatment from a licensed physician and verification that they are able to complete all job-related tasks with or without reasonable accommodation. In the event that the employee cannot complete some of the tasks as ordered by the physician, issuu may modify his/her job load if the accommodation is reasonable and does not cause an undue hardship on the employer.

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Smoke-Free Environment Our goal is to have a smoke-free environment. Smoking is not permitted at any time on issuu property except in designated smoking areas. In addition, California law specifically prohibits smoking in the workplace and within 20 feet of all entrances, exits, windows and air intake vents. Smokers should be considerate of coworkers, customers, and members of the public and refrain from smoking on neighboring businesses properties as well. Help to maintain a clean workplace by depositing cigarettes in appropriate containers. Employees who smoke must observe the same guidelines as non-smokers for the frequency and length of break periods.

Dress Code Please maintain standards of dress and appearance appropriate to the Company as a whole and your individual position responsibilities. Dress, grooming, personal cleanliness, and professional behavior standards contribute to the professional image we present to our customers.

Violation of the policies in this section and/or any issuu policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination of your employment.

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Receipt and Understanding of Employee Handbook The Employee Handbook is a compilation of personnel policies, practices and procedures currently in effect at issuu, an equal opportunity employer. This Handbook is designed to introduce employees to the organization, familiarize you with Company policies as they pertain to you as an employee, provide general guidelines on work rules, disciplinary procedures and other issues related to your employment, and to help answer many of the questions that may arise in connection with your employment. This Handbook and any other provisions contained herein do not constitute a guarantee of employment or an employment contract, express or implied. You understand that your employment is “at-will” and that your employment may be terminated for any reason, with or without cause, and with or without notice. Only the CEO or Board of Directors of issuu has the authority to enter into a signed written employment agreement. This Handbook is intended solely to describe the present policies and working conditions at issuu. This Handbook does not purport to include every conceivable situation; it is merely meant as a guideline and the Company reserves discretion to handle individual situations as the circumstances call for. Of course, Federal, State, and/or local laws will take precedence over issuu policies, where applicable. Personnel Policies are applied at the discretion of issuu. issuu reserves the right to change, withdraw, apply, or amend any of our policies or benefits, including those covered in this Handbook, at any time. issuu may notify you of such changes via email, posting on the Company’s Website, or via a printed memo, notice, amendment to or reprinting of this Handbook, but may, in its discretion make such changes at any time, with or without notice and without a written revision of this Handbook. By signing below, you acknowledge that you have received a copy of issuu’s Employee Handbook, and understand that it is your responsibility to read and comply with the policies contained therein and any revisions made to it. You acknowledge that you understand and will comply with issuu’s policies on Workplace Respect and Non-Discrimination/Non-Harassment. Furthermore, you acknowledge that you are employed “at-will” and that this Handbook is not a contract of employment. Please sign and date one copy of this notice and return it to Human Resources. Retain a second copy for your reference. Print Full Name:




Date: _____________________________

Last 4 digits of SSN: _______________

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