Slow Food West Michigan
Problem There is not enough community support for beginning farmers in Michigan. Ethical farming practices are expensive to maintain yet essential to sustaining a healthy life.
Solution To create a restaurant dependent on produce from beginning farmers while promoting a healthy lifestyle and encouragProject Name  connected Materials ing a community through great food and great company.
A Single Seed Experience Design
When Was the last time you sat doWn and truly enjoyed a fresh meal With the people you love? if it hasn’t been in the last Week, then We can help.
DOWNTOWN TO THE COUNTRYSIDE A fresh food market in Rosa Parks Circle, billboards throughout Downtown Grand Rapids and a poster series are brand touchpoints that get the word out about A Single Seed. Each touchpoint acknowledges A Single Seed’s values of community support, family and a healthy lifestyle.
Get off the highway and turn onto the tw0 tracks. You’ll find us there. A memorable, delicious restaurant experience is just off the beaten path.
A Single Seed Experience Design
where fresh food, great company and a barn make lasting memories.
a dining experience that gives you a moment to relax and enjoy a meal.
Take a break for your busy life and head to the countryside.
A fresh meal from local Michigan farmers awaits you.
SOW, REAP, EAT, REPEAT. A refurbished barn is home to A Single Seed in Rockford, Michigan. The exterior and interior are decorated with lights and fresh flowers while the store holds A Single Seed stationery and apparel. A teaser video is shared throughout social media in order to get the word out about this unique farm-totable restaurant.
A Single Seed Experience Design 
We are you. We work too hard. We put others first. We love our families but don’t see them enough. We want to do what’s right for our bodies, for our families and for our community. A KEEPSAKE OF THE EXPERIENCE The app is used as a tool to inform customers on who the featured farmer is for their meal. It also allows them to document their experience during their time at A Single Seed.
EDUCATING THE COMMUNITY The website for A Single Seed explains who we are and the process it takes to keep the restaurant running from weekend to weekend.
A Single Seed Experience Design
2. Concept We are differentiating ourselves by supporting and promoting Michigan beginning farmers who run their farms with ethical farming practices.
1. Insight There is a common concern: the average age of Michigan farmers have increased, making the number of Michigan farmers decrease. Due to lack of interest in agriculture from younger generations, there is a small community of beginning farmers who believe in ethical farming practices.
A Single Seed Experience Design 
Process Book
A Single Seed Experience Design
Redex Industries
Problem Generous Lotions, formerly known as Udderly Smooth Udder Cream, struggled telling their story to a large audience due to a poor shelf presence.
Solution A new brand was developed to highlight the endurance these lotions have to moisturize dry skin all day long while promoting the company's philanthropic Project Name  values of giving backMaterials to their community.
improving skin. improving lives. body + spirit
new baskerville small caps New Baskerville Italic Frutiger 45 Light
Generous Lotions Package Design 
Brand Elements 
A VARIETY OF BOTTLES A minimal product packaging reflects the simplicity of ingredients used in Generous Lotions. Body crème, face moisturizer and hand lotion come in a variety of sizes to meet the customers needs.
STONE MEETS SATIN Generous Foot Crème includes a pumice stone cap to make feet soft and smooth. The bottle includes a pumice stone as part of the product so it doesn’t have to be purchased separately from the foot crème.
BOTTLED TAGLINES The back of the product bottles hold information about lotion characteristics, ingredients, company information and the company's philanthropic values.
ONE WEBSITE, THREE COUNTRIES The website acts as an online store where Generous Lotions can be purchased throughout the world. The site is responsive and caters to customers needs from desk, lap and palm viewpoints.
Generous Lotions Package Design 
Digital Experience 
MINT PATTERNS OF GENEROSITY The Generous Lotions business identity uses a delicate pattern throughout the system. A letterhead, envelope, business card with lotion sample and a thank you letter complete the system.
Bill Kennedy ceo registered pharmacist
a 1176 Salem Pkwy. Salem, Ohio 44460 e p 330.332.9800 w
1176 Salem Parkway Salem, Ohio 44460 330.332.9800
Mr. Adam Franklin Operation Gratitude 16444 Refugio Road Encino, California 91436
Hello Mr. Franklin, Roughly 5,000 U.S. military service members in hostile regions around the world will soon be receiving care packages in the mail containing a little music, Joe Bruin’s favorite apparel and a lot of gratitude, compliments of UCLA’s new freshman class.
improving skin. improving lives.
An incoming first-year student packages UCLA apparel, an iTunes gift card and a handwritten letter for U.S. military service members.
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
As a powerful introduction to UCLA’s commitment to volunteerism, incoming first-year students are assembling Bruin care packages destined for U.S. service members that contain UCLA apparel, iTunes gift cards and letters students have written to express their appreciation for the invaluable service these men and women are providing.
winston churchill
“I’m glad to have the opportunity to take part and show my appreciation to the troops since I haven’t had the chance to do so on my own,” said Karen Lively, an incoming comparative literature major, who was part of an assembly line putting together the packages. “It’s a good introduction to service at UCLA, especially in discovering new ways to give back to the community.” Part of the new student orientation, the program was organized by the UCLA Volunteer Center and UCLA Summer Orientation Program in partnership with Operation Gratitude, a volunteer-run, nonprofit group based in Van Nuys that has sent more than 500,000 care packages to troops all over the world. It is the first time that Operation Gratitude has partnered with a university on this scale, said David Bloome, campaign director for the Volunteer Center. Sincerely,
Bill Kennedy ceo registered pharmacist
Generous Lotions Package Design
Business System
1176 Salem Parkway Salem, Ohio 44460 330.332.9800
Mr. Adam Franklin Operation Gratitude 16444 Refugio Road Encino, California 91436
GUIDELINES FOR CONSISTENCY A set of brand guidelines for Generous Lotions keeps every touchpoint consistent with the values and voice of the company. Typeface, color palette, product details and social media standards are a few elements established for the brand.
Generous Lotions Package Design 
Brand Book 
Product Analysis Brand Problem
Primary Users
Company Values
Brand Touchpoints
Brand inconsistency, shelf presence, price
Working women, hands-on workers, chemotherapy patients
Generic bottles, cow spots, weak typography
Greaseless, moisturizing, enduring, altruistic, zealous
Aveeno, Bag Balm, Eucerin
Product packaging, business system, digital experience, brand book, social media
Generous Lotions Package Design 
Conceptual Thinking
Generous Lotions Package Design
3 13 Client
City of Detroit Council
Problem Detroit, MI is home to 66,000 abandoned public spaces filled with vandalism and decay. The buildings and empty lots reflect the struggle and heartache Detroit—and its people—have endured. Solution Establish a volunteer program to reclaim the abandoned public spaces
based off of votes from the community.
Project Name
FROM THE ASHES, WE RISE A website with parallax scrolling mimics the concept behind the campaign. The site first states the problem then scrolls past the dust and rubble to the solution.
Revival 313 Revival gives the people of Detroit a voice. It's a campaign enabling them to reclaim their once significant buildings to bring hope and life back to their tired city.
Detroit Detroit's area code is distinct for anyone familiar with the city. There is a sense of pride in the three numbers despite its current circumstances.
Phoenix The phoenix represents the heart behind this campaign. It’s the symbol of reclamation, rising amongst adversity.
313 Revival Awareness Campaign
MORE THAN A WEBSITE The website continues the awareness campaign by showing the spaces that can be reclaimed through users voting, volunteering and spreading the word with free merchandise.
VOTE FROM YOUR PHONE A responsive site allows users to view the campaign easily on other devices. All information is organized to take the user through the site, giving them the option to clearly see what building they are voting for.
313 Revival Awareness Campaign 
Responsive Site
SPREAD THE MESSAGE Awareness buttons spread the message about the campaign. Strong words promote the people of Detroit to take action and have a say of what happens to their city.
TOGETHER WE CAN A poster series around the city encourages strength in community and guides the viewer to the website to take action.
313 Revival Awareness Campaign 
Free Merchandise 
Big Rapids Theatre Group
Problem The local non-profit theatre group struggles advertising their productions and having a consistent way to communicate with their members.
Solution Produce an identity system and membership materials that highlight the theatre's vibrant personality while being considerate of their budget.
Project Name 
MAKE THE MARK A business system with a warm color palette and stamped logo represents the inviting and personal nature of Storytale Theatre. A logo in the form of a stamp is a cost saver for the non-profit organization.
Storytale Theatre Non-Profit Brand Business System 23
A FOCUS ON MEMBERSHIP New members receive this mailer upon purchasing a Storytale Theatre membership. An events calendar, season tickets and exclusive membership card are included. The brochure is a calendar of yearly productions, workshops and speaking events.
Storytale Theatre Non-Profit Brand 
Membership Mailer
Black shirts don the Storytale Theatre logo for all volunteers to wear at productions, speaking events and workshops.
Banners throughout the community show brand photography and an eye-catching tagline to help spread the word about Storytale Theatre.
Storytale Theatre Non-Profit Brand
Brand Materials
TRAVELING STORIES The traveling theatre has a truck to carry all production sets and stage props to each venue. The logo and tagline are placed on the truck as brand recognition.
ON-THE-GO HELP The Storytale Theatre app acts as an event calendar, map and production review feed. It allows the community to keep track of each production and get directions quickly to attend a show.
Storytale Theatre Non-Profit Brand 
Brand Materials
NO TALES, ONLY FACTS The Storytale Theatre website is a more in-depth look to the people who make up the organization. A photo gallery, production archives, upcoming events and the option to purchase show tickets are all available on the website.
Storytale Theatre Non-Profit Brand 
Digital Extension 
Personal Project
Problem I started taking nature walks and became curious of my surroundings. What is the cycle of trees? What are their names? Who do their seeds feed? I didn't have a quick and easy resource with me to answer my questions. Solution Create a series of books that could answer my questions in detail
28  while Project Name  Materials out on a walk through the woods.
Mini Guidebook Series
Book Spreads
He said trees are very honest + they don't care much for fancy people. And he said he doesn't know of anything he ever did as important as sitting in that tree. – Byrd Baylor, The Other Way To Listen
– Byrd Baylor The Other Way To Listen
A field guide to the native trees of Michigan
fascicle a small papery wrap that holds a bundle of needles together.
coniferous a tree that bears cones and has needles. Also known as evergreens.
leaf scar the mark left on a twig when a leaf falls.
deciduous a tree that sheds its leaves once a year. Also known as broad-leafed trees.
lobe the rounded edge on a leaf. opposite branching a pattern where side branches, leaves and leaf scars grow
directly across the stem from each other. petiole the stalk that supports a leaf and attaches the leaf to the twig. sinus the space between the lobes on a leaf. simple leaf a type of leaf that has one blade attached to a twig by a petiole.
He said trees are very honest and they don’t care much for fancy people. And he said he doesn’t know of anything he ever did as important as sitting in that tree.
bundle a group of needles held together at the base by a fascicle.
01 opposite branching yellow to bright red in Autumn
alternative names Hard maple Bird’s eye maple Sweet maple
3–5 pointed lobes
habitat Dry to moderately moist forests with rich to sandy soils.
simple leaf
A deciduous tree that is the most common tree in Michigan.
02 opposite branching 5–9 rounded lobes
habitat Usually in oak-hickory forests on rich, well-drained soils.
simple leaf
The strong, durable wood is surprisingly elastic.
Quercus alba
Book Production
habitat Dry, rocky ridges and dunes, swamps and humid sites.
2"–6" long
alternative names Weymouth pine Soft pine Cork pine
soft, straight needles
bundled in groups of 5 03
Mini Guidebook Series
A coniferous tree and Michigan’s state tree.
Each book started as an 8.5x11 sheet of paper and was created based off of specific cuts and folds. Pacing, spread layout and information hierarchy were all considered in order for this mini experience to make a large impact.
Acer saccharum
brown to red in Autumn
alternative names Northern white oak Stave Oak Barrel Oak
Pinus strobus
70#T recycled paper 55#T craft paper 14/16 MrsEaves Italic 8/9.8 Eurostile Medium Eurostile Bold 8/9.8 MrsEaves Roman MrsEaves Italic MrsEaves Small Caps
DISTINCTIVE TABS Information in the book series were organized based on specimen and color-coded to decipher each topic easily. Each page has an illustrated footer to see the cycle taken to reach the intended specimen. A thick container protects the book series from wear.
Mini Guidebook Series 
Book Details 
Katke Golf Course at Ferris State University
Problem The Ferris State University affiliated golf course had a disconnect between their golf course and outdated website. Solution Develop a website that was empathetic towards their users needs while integrating a content management system
for employees to update the site easily.
Project Name 
TWO AUDIENCES IN ONE PLACE The main audience for the Katke Golf Course website are young golfers and Ferris State University students. The website acknowledges the golf course as a practice facility as well as a public golf course.
Katke Golf Course Website Redesign 
Internal Screens 
FIRST IMPRESSION The home page slideshow is bold with large photography and strong headlines. The cycle of pictures and headlines communicate to athletes, families and young golfers who are in contact with the Katke Golf Course website.
Katke Golf Course Website Redesign 
Home Page Slideshow
CLIENT FREEDOM The content management system for the Katke Golf Course website gives the client freedom to change the banner images on the home page as well as the news ticker below it. An image bank and news ticker guidelines are included to ensure brand consistency.
Katke Golf Course Website Redesign 
Content Management System 
ALL IN THE DETAILS The brand book for Katke Golf Course is a detailed set of guidelines for the golf course to follow in order to maintain brand consistency throughout logo application, the website, pro shop apparel and other brand touchpoints.
Katke Golf Course Website Redesign 
Brand Book
We evaluated the user experience to update the Katke Golf Course brand. Attraction
story, tradition, heritage, roots
utility, science, mechanics, sports
playful, explorative, energetic, roam
camaraderie, rough-but-polished, present
excitement, friendship, serenity, memories
Katke Golf Course Website Redesign 
User Experience Model 
37 989.239.0467