Chapter Seven JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATION Section I. The Judicial Council ¶ 2601. Duties and Responsibilities of the Judicial Council—The Judicial Council is the highest judicial body in The United Methodist Church. The Judicial Council shall have authority as specified in the Constitution, ¶¶ 55-57, and in ¶¶ 2609-2612. ¶ 2602. Members—1. Composition and Term—The Judicial Council shall be composed of nine members and should reflect the diversity of The United Methodist Church, including racial, age, ethnic, gender, jurisdiction and central conferences, and congregational size. In the year 2000 and each sixteen years thereafter, there shall be elected three laypersons and two ordained clergy other than bishops. In 2004 and each eight years thereafter, there shall be elected two ordained clergy other than bishops and two laypersons. In 2008 and each sixteen years thereafter, there shall be three ordained clergy other than bishops and two laypersons. The laypersons shall be professing members of The United Methodist Church. Elections shall be held at each session of the General Conference for only the number of members whose terms expire at such session. A member’s term of office shall be eight years. A member may serve a maximum of two consecutive eight-year terms, with a minimum of four years before reelection to the council. 2. Nominations and Election—Members of the council shall be nominated and elected in the manner following: At each quadrennial session of the General Conference, the Council of Bishops shall nominate by majority vote three times the number of ordained ministers and laypersons to be elected at such session of the General Conference. The number to be elected shall correspond to the number of members whose terms expire at the conclusion of such session. Each of the jurisdictions and the central conferences as a group shall be represented by at least one nominee, but it shall not be a requirement that each of the jurisdictions or the central conferences as a group be represented by an elected member.11 At the 1 See Judicial Council Decision 540.
same daily session at which the above nominations are announced, nominations of both ministers and laypersons may be made from the floor, but at no other time. The names of all nominees, identified with the conference to which each belongs, and a biographical sketch that does not exceed one hundred words shall be published by the Daily Christian Advocate at least forty-eight hours prior to the time of election, which shall be set by action of the General Conference at the session at which the nominations are made; and from these nominations the General Conference shall elect without discussion, by ballot and majority vote, the necessary number of ministerial and lay members. ¶ 2603. Alternates—There shall be six alternates for the clergy members and six alternates for the lay members, and their qualifications shall be the same as for membership on the Judicial Council. The term of the alternates shall be for four years. The alternates shall be elected in the following manner: From the clergy and lay nominees remaining on the ballot after the election of the necessary number of members of the Judicial Council to be elected at sessions of the General Conference, the General Conference shall by separate ballot, without discussion and by majority vote, elect the number of clergy and lay alternates to be chosen at such session of the General Conference. ¶ 2604. Vacancies—1. If a vacancy in the membership of the council occurs during the interim between sessions of the General Conference, a clergy vacancy shall be filled by the first-elected clergy alternate and a lay vacancy by the first-elected lay alternate. The alternate filling such vacancy shall hold office as a member of the Judicial Council for the unexpired term of the member whom the alternate succeeds. In the event of any vacancy, it shall be the duty of the president and secretary of the council to notify the alternate entitled to fill it. 2. In the event of an absence of one or more members of the council during a session of the Judicial Council, such temporary vacancy among the clergy members may be filled for that session or the remainder thereof by the clergy alternates in order of election who can be present, and such temporary vacancy among the lay members by the lay alternates in order of election who can be present; but inability or failure to fill a vacancy does not affect the validity or any action of the council so long as a quorum is present. ¶ 2605. Expiration of Term—The term of office of the members of the council and of the alternates shall expire upon the adjournment of the General Conference at which their successors are elected.
¶ 2606. Ineligibility of Members—Members of the council shall be ineligible to serve as delegates to the general, jurisdictional, or central conference or to serve in any general, jurisdictional, or central conference board or agency.2 ¶ 2607. Confidentiality and Ex Parte Communication—1. The members of the Judicial Council will not permit discussion with them on matters pending before them or that may be referred to them for determination, save and except before the Judicial Council in session. Questions of procedure may be raised with the presiding officer or secretary of the Judicial Council. While strictly observing the intent of the preceding paragraph, a member of the council to whom a case has been assigned by the president may request that the secretary secure from persons and agencies concerned directly or indirectly with the case pertinent facts, briefs, and statements shall be sent promptly by the secretary of the council to other members of the council as is deemed necessary.3 2. Prior to the decision of a case in question, members of the Judicial Council shall not discuss with any party matters of substance pending in the judicial process unless all parties are privy to the discussion. Nor shall members of the Judicial Council or staff allow to be published or communicated, including electronic communications, to third parties any matters of substance pending in the judicial process. The Judicial Council shall in all cases in which a decision or memorandum is issued set forth the specific provisions of the Constitution or the Discipline that provide the basis of the decision and the rationale that led to the conclusion. ¶ 2608. Organization and Procedure—1. The Judicial Council shall provide its own method of organization and procedure, both with respect to hearings on appeals and petitions for declaratory decisions. All parties shall have the privilege of filing briefs and arguments and presenting evidence under such rules as the council may adopt from time to time; provided that at the time of filing, copies of such briefs are delivered to all parties of record. The council shall employ a part time clerk to assist the council in all matters designated by the council as needed, but no more than an average 20 hours per week, and shall in consultation with GCFA provide an office for the clerk suitable to maintain records and conduct business as the council shall direct. Funds for the operations of the clerk’s office shall be appropriated by the General Conference. In selecting the location of the clerk’s office, consideration shall be given to a location that provides visibility and reasonable accessibility to the church and parties. The council shall also give consideration to visibility and accessibility to the church and parties in selecting the places it holds sessions. 2 See Judicial Council Decision 196; and Decision 3, Interim Judicial Council. 3 See Judicial Council Decision 763.
2. Time and Place—-The council shall meet at the time and place of the meeting of the General Conference and shall continue in session until the adjournment of that body, and at least one other time in each calendar year and at such other times as it may deem appropriate, at such places as it may select from time to time. Seven members shall constitute a quorum except on questions of the constitutionality of acts of General Conference in which case a quorum shall be nine members or alternates duly seated according to the rules established by the Judicial Council. An affirmative vote of at least six members of the council shall be necessary to declare any act of the General Conference unconstitutional. On other matters, a majority vote of the entire council shall be sufficient. The council may decline to entertain an appeal or a petition for a declaratory decision in any instance in which it determines that it does not have jurisdiction to decide the matter. ¶ 2609. Jurisdiction and Powers—1. The Judicial Council shall determine the constitutionality of any act of the General Conference upon an appeal by a majority of the Council of Bishops or one-fifth of the members of the General Conference. 2. The Judicial Council shall have jurisdiction to determine the constitutionality of any proposed legislation when such declaratory decision is requested by the General Conference or by the Council of Bishops. 3. The Judicial Council shall determine the constitutionality of any act of a jurisdictional or central conference upon an appeal by a majority of the bishops of that jurisdictional or central conference or upon an appeal by one-fifth of the members of that jurisdictional or central conference.4 4. The Judicial Council shall hear and determine the legality of any action taken by any body created or authorized by the General Conference or any body created or authorized by a jurisdictional or central conference, upon appeal by one-third of the members thereof or upon request of the Council of Bishops or a majority of the bishops of the jurisdictional or central conference wherein the action was taken. 5. The Judicial Council shall hear and determine the legality of any action taken by any body created or authorized by a General Conference or any body created or authorized by the jurisidictional or central conference on a matter affecting an annual or a provisional annual conference, upon appeal by two-thirds of the members of the annual or provisional annual conference present and voting.5 6. The Judicial Council shall pass upon and affirm, modify, or reverse the decisions of law made by bishops in central, district, annual, or jurisdictional 4 See Judicial Council Decision 338. 5 See Judicial Council Decision 463.
conferences upon questions of law submitted to them in writing in the regular business of a session; and in order to facilitate such review, each bishop shall report annually in writing to the Judicial Council on forms provided by the council all the bishop’s decisions of law. No such episcopal decision shall be authoritative, except in the case pending, until it has been passed upon by the Judicial Council, but thereafter it shall become the law of the Church to the extent that it is affirmed by the council. Normally, the bishop shall rule before the close of the annual conference session during which the question was submitted, but in no case later than thirty days after the close of the session. The annual conference secretary shall enter in the annual conference journal an exact statement of the question submitted and the ruling of the bishop.6 7. The Judicial Council shall hear and determine any appeal from a bishop’s decision on a question of law made in a central, district, annual, or jurisdictional conference when said appeal has been made by one-fifth of that conference present and voting.7 8. The Judicial Council shall have power to review an opinion or decision of a committee on appeals of a jurisdictional or central conference if it should appear that such opinion or decision is at variance with the Book of Discipline, a prior decision of the Judicial Council, or an opinion or decision of a committee on appeals of another jurisdictional or central conference on a question of Church law. In the event the committee on appeals decision appears to be at variance with the decision of another committee on appeals, then the following procedure should be followed: a) Any party to the opinion or decision may appeal the case to the Judicial Council on the ground of such conflict of decisions; or b) The committee on appeals rendering the last of such opinions or decisions may certify the case to, and file it with, the Judicial Council on the ground of such conflict of decisions; or c) The attention of the president of the Judicial Council being directed to such conflict or alleged conflict of decisions, the president may issue an order directing the secretaries of the committees on appeals involved to certify a copy of a sufficient portion of the record to disclose the nature of the case and the entire opinion and decision of the committee on appeals in each case to the Judicial Council for its consideration at its next meeting. The Judicial Council shall hear and determine the question of Church law involved but shall not pass upon the facts in either case further than is necessary to decide the question of Church law involved. After deciding the question of Church law, the Judicial Council shall cause its decision to be certified to each 6 See Judicial Council Decisions 747, 762, 763, 799, 879, 978. 7 See Judicial Council Decision 153. 643
of the committees on appeals involved, and such committees on appeals shall take such action, if any, as may be necessary under the law as determined by the Judicial Council. d) All opinions and decisions of jurisdictional and central conference committees on appeal shall be sent to the secretary of the Judicial Council within thirty days after a decision. These decisions shall be made available to those who are involved in trials when needed and for those preparing for trial, but not otherwise. 9. The Judicial Council shall have other duties and powers as may be conferred upon it by the General Conference. 10. All decisions of the Judicial Council shall be final. However, when the Judicial Council shall declare any act of the General Conference then in session unconstitutional, that decision shall be reported to that General Conference immediately. This legislation shall take effect immediately upon passage by the General Conference. œ 2610. Declaratory Decisions—1. The Judicial Council, on petition as hereinafter provided, shall have jurisdiction to make a ruling in the nature of a declaratory decision as to the constitutionality, meaning, application, or effect of the Discipline or any portion thereof or of any act or legislation of a General Conference; and the decision of the Judicial Council thereon shall be as binding and effectual as a decision made by it on appeal.8 2. The following bodies in The United Methodist Church are hereby authorized to make such petitions to the Judicial Council for declaratory decisions: (a) the General Conference;9 (b) the Council of Bishops; (c) any body created or authorized by the General Conference on matters relating to or affecting the work of such body; (d) a majority of the bishops assigned to any jurisdiction on matters relating to or affecting jurisdictions or the work therein; (e) a majority of the bishops assigned to any central conference on matters relating to or affecting the central conferences or the work therein; (f ) any jurisdictional conference on matters relating to or affecting jurisdictions or jurisdictional conferences or the work therein; (g) any body created or authorized by the jurisdictional conference on matters relating to or affecting the work of such body; (h) any central conference on matters relating to or affecting central conference or the work therein; (i) any body authorized or created by a central conference on matters relating to or affecting the work of such body; and (j) any annual conference on matters relating to annual conferences or the work therein.10 8 See Judicial Council Decisions 106, 172, 301, 434, 443, 454, 463, 474, 566. 9 See Judicial Council Decision 889. 10 See Judicial Council Decisions 29, 212, 255, 301, 309, 382, 452, 535. 644
3. When a declaratory decision is sought, all persons or bodies who have or claim any interest that would be affected by the declaration shall be parties to the proceeding, and the petition shall name such parties. Except for requests filed during the General conference, any party requesting a declaratory decision shall file a brief statement of the question involved with the secretary of the Judicial Council. After receiving such request, the secretary of the Judicial Council shall submit a brief statement of the question involved to Newscope, or any publication specified by notice in Newscope, to be included—without cost—in the next edition. The Judicial Council shall not hear and determine any such matter until thirty days after such publication in Newscope. The same information shall also be printed in The Interpreter and be published at the official United Methodist Web site ( or its successor. If the president of the council determines that other parties not named by the petition would be affected by such a decision, such additional parties shall also be added, and the petitioner or petitioners, upon direction of the secretary of the Judicial Council, shall then be required to serve all parties so joined with a copy of the petition within fifteen days after such direction by the secretary of the Judicial Council. In like manner, any interested party may, on the party’s own motion, intervene and answer, plead, or interplead.11 ¶ 2611. Precedential Value—The decisions of the Judicial Council of The Methodist Church heretofore issued shall have the same authority in The United Methodist Church as they had in The Methodist Church, persuasive as precedents, except where their basis has been changed by the terms of the Plan of Union or other revisions of Church law. ¶ 2612. Notification and Publication—The decisions of the Judicial Council on questions of Church law, with a summary of the facts of the opinion, shall be filed with the secretary of the General Conference and with the bishop, chancellor, and secretary of each annual conference. Publication of decisions shall be as follows: 1. Within ninety days following each session of the Judicial Council, the digest of decisions of the Judicial Council shall be published in Newscope and The Interpreter or their successor publications. This requirement for published notice may also be complied with by posting the digests of decisions on official United Methodist Internet Web Sites. 2. The decisions of the Judicial Council rendered during each year shall be published in the General Minutes. 3. The decisions of the Judicial Council shall be at the official United Methodist Web site ( or its successor). 11 See Judicial Council Decision 437.
4. When the Judicial Council shall have declared unconstitutional any provision of the Book of Discipline, the secretary of the Judicial Council shall notify the chairperson of the Committee on Correlation and Editorial revision which phrase or sentence was found to violate the Constitution so that it will not appear in the next edition. All such deletions also shall appear in the Advance Daily Christian Advocate (or successor publication) of the next General Conference for information purposes. Section II. Investigations, Trials, and Appeals Fair Process in Judicial Proceedings ¶ 2701. Preamble and Purpose—The judicial proceedings and the rights set forth in this paragraph commence upon referral of a matter as a judicial complaint from counsel for the Church to the committee on investigation. The judicial process terminates at the end of any appeal or right of appeal. The judicial process shall have as its purpose a just resolution of judicial complaints, in the hope that God’s work of justice, reconciliation and healing may be realized in the body of Jesus Christ. The following procedures are presented for the protection of the rights of individuals guaranteed under Section III, Article IV, of our Constitution and for the protection of the Church. The presumption of innocence shall be maintained until the conclusion of the trial process. Special attention should be given to ensuring racial, ethnic, age, and gender diversity of boards, committees, and courts and the timely disposition of all matters.12 1. Rights of the Complainant (the person filing the complaint) a) Right to Be Heard—In any judicial proceeding, the complainant shall have a right to be heard before any final action is taken. b) Right to Notice of Hearings—Notice of any hearing shall advise the complainant about proposed procedures, with sufficient detail to allow the complainant to prepare. Notice shall be given not less than twenty (20) days prior to the hearing. The complainant shall have the right to be present at any judicial process hearing. c) Right to Be Accompanied—The complainant shall have the right to be accompanied by another person to any interview or hearing to which they are subject. The person accompanying the complainant may be an attorney, but shall not have the right to voice. d) Right to be Informed of Resolution—The complainant shall have the right to be informed of the disposition of the complaint of the judicial proceeding as 12 See Judicial Council Decision 695.
part of a holistic process of healing. Church officials are encouraged, as may be permissible, to include rationale. 2. Rights of the Respondent a) Right to Be Heard—In any judicial proceeding, the respondent (the person to whom the procedure is being applied) shall have a right to be heard before any final action is taken. b) Right to Notice of Hearings—Notice of any judicial process hearing shall advise the respondent of the reason for the proposed procedures, with sufficient detail to allow the respondent to prepare a response. Notice shall be given not less than twenty (20) days prior to the hearing. The respondent shall have the right to be present at any judicial process hearing. c) Right to Be Accompanied—The respondent shall have a right to be accompanied by a clergyperson in full connection pursuant to ¶ 2706.2. The clergy person accompanying the respondent shall have the right of advocacy. The respondent shall be entitled to choose one assistant counsel without voice who may be an attorney. d) Right Against Double Jeopardy—No bill of charges shall be certified by any committee on investigation after an earlier bill of charges has been certified by a committee on investigation based on the same alleged occurrences. e) Right of Access to Records—The respondent and the Church shall have access to all records relied upon in the determination of the outcome of the committee on investigation, trial court, or appeal committee or body.13 3. Rights of the Church a) Right to Be Heard—In any judicial proceeding, the Church shall have the right to be heard before any final action is taken. b) For other rights and responsibilities of the church and counsel for the church see ¶ 2706. 4. Process and Procedure a) Failure to Appear or Respond—In the event that the respondent fails to appear for any judicial process hearing, refuses mail, refuses to communicate personally with the bishop or district superintendent, or otherwise fails to respond to requests from official judicial committees, such actions or inactions shall not be used as an excuse to avoid or delay any Church processes, and such processes may continue without the participation of such individual. b) Communications—In any judicial proceeding, under no circumstances shall one party or counsel, in the absence of the other party or counsel, discuss substantive matters with members of the pending hearing, trial, or appellate body while the case is pending. Questions of procedure may be raised and discussed ex 13 See Judicial Council Decisions 691, 765.
parte, but only with the presiding officer or secretary of the hearing or appellate body. c) Healing—As a part of the judicial process, the bishop and cabinet, in consultation with the presiding officer of the pending hearing, trial, or appellate body then sitting, shall provide for healing if there has been significant disruption to the congregation, the annual conference, or the context of ministry by the judicial matter. This may include a just resolution process for unresolved conflicts, support for victims, and reconciliation for all who are involved. This process may also include the sharing of information by the bishop or a cabinet member about the nature of the complaint without disclosing alleged facts underlying the complaint that might compromise the judicial process. d) Immunity of Participants—In order to preserve the integrity of the Church’s judicial process and ensure full participation in it at all times, the resident bishop, the cabinet, the presiding officer of the trial, trial officers, trial court, witnesses, counsels, assistant counsels, advocates, complainant, committee on investigation and all others who participate in the Church’s judicial process shall have immunity from prosecution of complaints brought against them related to their role in a particular judicial process, unless they have committed a chargeable offense in conscious and knowing bad faith. The complainant in any proceeding against any such person related to their role in a particular judicial process shall have the burden of proving, by clear and convincing evidence, that such person’s actions constituted a chargeable offense committed knowingly in bad faith. The immunity set forth in this provision shall extend to civil court proceedings, to the fullest extent permissible by the civil laws. 5. A Just Resolution in Judicial Proceedings—A just resolution is one that focuses on repairing any harm to people and communities, achieving real accountability by making things right in so far as possible and bringing healing to all the parties. Special attention should be given to ensuring that cultural, racial, ethnic, age and gender contexts are valued throughout the process in terms of their understandings of fairness, justice, and restoration. During the just resolution process, the parties may be assisted by a trained, impartial third party facilitator(s) or mediator(s), in reaching an agreement satisfactory to all parties. Processes that seek a just resolution are encouraged at any time, including through the judicial proceedings. After the referral of a matter as a judicial complaint from counsel for the church to the committee on investigation, if a process seeking a just resolution is used, the appropriate persons, including the counsel for the Church and the counsel for the respondent, should enter into a written agreement outlining such process, including any agreement on confidentiality. If resolution is achieved, a written statement of resolution, including terms and conditions, shall 648
be signed by the same persons who signed the written agreement outlining the process, and they shall agree on any matters to be disclosed to third parties. If the resolution results in a change of ministerial status, the disclosure agreement shall not prevent the disciplinary disclosures required for possible readmission. Chargeable Offenses and the Statute of Limitations ¶ 2702. 1. A bishop, clergy member of an annual conference (¶ 369), local pastor,14 clergy on honorable or administrative location, or diaconal minister may be tried when charged (subject to the statute of limitations in ¶ 2702.4)* with one or more of the following offenses: (a) immorality including but not limited to, not being celibate in singleness or not faithful in a heterosexual marriage;** (b) practices declared by The United Methodist Church to be incompatible with Christian teachings,15 including but not limited to: being a self-avowed practicing homosexual; or conducting ceremonies which celebrate homosexual unions; or performing same-sex wedding ceremonies;** (c) crime; (d) failure to perform the work of the ministry; (e) disobedience to the order and discipline of The United Methodist Church; (f ) dissemination of doctrines contrary to the established standards of doctrine of The United Methodist Church; (g) relationships and/ or behavior that undermines the ministry of another pastor;16 (h) child abuse;*** (i) sexual abuse;17 (j) sexual misconduct*** or (k) harassment, including, but not limited to racial and/or sexual harassment; or (l) racial or gender discrimination.18 * The statute of limitations went into effect as law on a prospective basis starting on January 1, 1993. All alleged offenses that occurred prior to this date are time barred. See Judicial Council Decisions 691, 704, and 723. ** The language beginning “including but not limited to . . . ” first appeared in the 2004 Book of Discipline, effective January 1, 2005. ***This offense was first listed as a separate chargeable offense in the 1996 Book of Discipline effective April 27, 1996. See Judicial Council Decision 691. 2. A bishop, clergy member of an annual conference, or diaconal minister may be brought to trial when the appropriate body recommends involuntary termination.19 3. A professing member of a local church may be charged with the following offenses, and, if so, may choose a trial: (a) immorality; (b) crime; (c) disobedience to the order and discipline of The United Methodist Church; (d) dissemination of 14 See Judicial Council Decision 982. 15 See Judicial Council Decisions 702, 984, 985. 16 See Judicial Council Decision 702. 17 See Judicial Council Decisions 736, 768. 18 See Judicial Council Decision 986. 19 See Judicial Council Decision 767. 649
doctrines contrary to the established standards of doctrine of The United Methodist Church; (e) sexual abuse; (f ) sexual misconduct;* (g) child abuse; (h) harassment, including, but not limited to racial and/or sexual harassment; (i) racial or gender discrimination; or (j) relationships and/or behaviors that undermine the ministry of persons serving within an appointment. 4. Statute of Limitations—No judicial complaint or charge shall be considered for any alleged occurrence that shall not have been committed within six years immediately preceding the filing of the original complaint, except in the case of sexual or child abuse and in the case of immorality or crime, when the alleged occurrence(s) include allegations of sexual abuse or child abuse, there shall be no limitation (¶ 2704.1a).** Time spent on leave of absence shall not be considered as part of the six years. *This offense was first listed as a separate chargeable offense in the 2000 Book of Discipline, effective January 1, 2001. See Judicial Council Decision 691. **See note *** on p. 754. 5. Time of Offense—A person shall not be charged with an offense that was not a chargeable offense at the time it is alleged to have been committed. Any charge filed shall be in the language of The Book of Discipline in effect at the time the offense is alleged to have occurred except in the case of immorality or crime, when the alleged occurrence(s) include allegations of sexual abuse or child abuse. Then it shall be in the language of The Book of Discipline in effect at the time the charge was filed. Any charge must relate to an action listed as a chargeable offense in the Discipline. Procedures for Referral and Investigation of a Judicial Complaint ¶ 2703. Composition of the Committee on Investigation 1. When respondent is a bishop—There shall be a committee on investigation elected by each jurisdictional or central conference. Nominations shall be made by the College of Bishops in consultation with the jurisdictional episcopacy committee. Further nominations may be offered from the floor of the jurisdictional or central conference. The committee shall consist of four clergy in full connection and three professing members (with not more than one person from each annual conference, if possible), and six alternate members, three of whom shall be clergypersons in full connection and three of whom shall be professing members. If additional members or alternates are needed, they may be named by the College of Bishops. Committee members shall be in good standing and should be deemed of good character. The committee should reflect racial, ethnic, and gender diversity. The committee shall elect a chairperson and organize at the jurisdictional or 650
central conference. Seven members or alternates seated as members of the committee shall constitute a quorum. 2. When respondent is a clergy member of an annual conference, a clergy member on honorable or administrative location or a local pastor—There shall be a committee on investigation consisting of four clergy in full connection, three professing members, and six alternate members, three of whom shall be clergy in full connection and three of whom shall be professing members.20 The committee shall be nominated by the presiding bishop in consultation with the board of ordained ministry (for clergy members) and the conference board of laity (for professing members) and elected quadrennially by the annual conference. If additional members or alternates are needed, the annual conference may elect members to serve for the remainder of the quadrennium. Committee members shall be in good standing and should be deemed of good character. The committee should reflect racial, ethnic, and gender diversity. The committee on investigation shall elect a chair and organize at the annual conference. None of the members or alternates shall be members of the board of ordained ministry, the cabinet, or immediate family members of the above. Should a member of the committee on investigation have been a party to any of the prior proceedings in a case that finally comes before the committee, he or she shall be disqualified from sitting on the committee during its consideration of that case, and his or her place shall be taken by an alternate member. Seven members or alternates seated as members of the committee shall constitute a quorum. 3. When respondent is a diaconal minister—In all cases, the pastor, district superintendent or bishop should take supervisory steps to resolve any grievances or complaints. There shall be a committee on investigation consisting of not fewer than four diaconal ministers or professing members of the church, three clergy in full connection, and ten alternate members, five of whom shall be diaconal ministers or professing members and five clergy in full connection. Nominations shall be made by the bishop in consultation with the board of the laity (for professing members) and with the board of ordained ministry (for clergy in full connection and diaconal ministers) and elected quadrennially by the annual conference. If additional members or alternates are needed, the annual conference may elect members to serve for the remainder of the quadrennium. Committee members shall be in good standing and should be deemed of good character. The committee should reflect racial, ethnic, and gender diversity. The committee on investigation shall elect a chair and organize at the annual conference. Seven members or alternates seated as members of the committee shall constitute a quorum. 4. When respondent is a layperson—In all cases, the pastor or district superintendent should take pastoral steps to resolve any complaints. If such pastoral 20 See Judicial Council Decision 887.
response does not result in resolution and a written complaint is made against a professing member for any of the offenses in ¶ 2702.3, the pastor in charge or co-pastors (¶ 205.1) of the local church, in consultation with the district superintendent and the district lay leader, may appoint a committee on investigation consisting of four professing members and three clergy in full connection (both clergy and professing members must come from other congregations, exclusive of the churches of the respondent or the complainant). Committee members shall be in good standing and should be deemed of good character. The committee should reflect racial, ethnic, and gender diversity. When the pastor in charge is (or co-pastors are) bringing the charge, the district superintendent, in consultation with the district lay leader, shall appoint the committee on investigation. Five members shall constitute a quorum. ¶ 2704. Referral of Original Complaint to Counsel for the Church, Who Shall Prepare Judicial Complaint and Supporting Material for Consideration by Committee on Investigation 1. When respondent is a bishop a) Judicial Complaint—A complaint based on allegations that a bishop has committed one or more of the offenses listed in ¶ 2702 shall initially be served on the president and secretary of the College of Bishops. Upon receipt of the complaint the president of the College of Bishops shall forthwith deliver a copy of the complaint to the respondent bishop, notify active bishops of the existence and nature of the complaint, and refer the complaint to an elder in full connection within the same jurisdictional or central conference, who shall serve as counsel for the Church. Counsel for the Church shall represent the interests of the Church in pressing the claims of the person making the complaint. Counsel for the Church shall have the right to choose one assistant counsel without voice who may be an attorney. The counsel for the Church shall draft and sign the complaint as a judicial complaint, forward it to the jurisdictional or central conference committee on investigation (¶ 2704), and represent the Church in the judicial process. The fair process provisions in ¶ 2701 shall apply to this judicial process. The statute of limitations in ¶ 2702.4 should be considered prior to the referral of a judicial complaint.21 b) If a written complaint is made against a bishop for any of the offenses in ¶ 2702.1, the counsel for the Church, as appointed under ¶ 2704.1a, shall prepare, sign, and forward the judicial complaint and all documentary evidence under consideration to the chairperson of the committee on investigation, the person making the original complaint, and the bishop being 21 The statute of limitations for bishops went into effect as law on a prospective basis on April 27, 1996. All alleged offenses that occurred prior to this date are time-barred. See Judicial Council Decisions 691, 704, and 761. 652
charged (respondent). The respondent shall be given an opportunity to submit to the committee on investigation a written response to the judicial complaint within thirty days of receipt of the judicial complaint. The chairperson shall convene the committee on investigation within sixty days of receiving the judicial complaint. c) If five or more members of the committee on investigation so recommend, the jurisdictional committee on the episcopacy may suspend the respondent pending the outcome of the judicial process. d) For the purpose of this paragraph, the United Methodist bishops of the central conferences shall constitute one College of Bishops. 2. When respondent is a clergy member of an annual conference, clergy on honorable or administrative location or a local pastor a) Judicial Complaint—If the bishop determines that the complaint is based on allegations of one or more offenses listed in ¶ 2702.1, the bishop shall refer the complaint to the counsel for the Church, who shall be appointed by the bishop. The counsel for the Church shall be a clergyperson in full connection and shall have the right to choose one assistant counsel without voice who may be an attorney. The counsel for the Church shall draft and sign a judicial complaint, attaching as exhibits all relevant written materials, including but not limited to information from the supervisory process and a suggested list of witnesses as deemed appropriate, forward the judicial complaint to the committee on investigation and represent the Church in the judicial process. The statute of limitations in ¶ 2702.4 should be considered prior to the referral of a judicial complaint. b) If a written complaint is made against a clergyperson for any of the offenses in ¶ 2702.1, the bishop shall appoint a clergyperson in full connection as counsel for the Church (see ¶ 361.1d[1]). Counsel for the Church shall prepare, sign, and refer the judicial complaint, with all relevant material, to the chairperson of the conference committee on investigation and represent the interests of the Church in pressing the claims of the person making the original complaint in any proceedings before the committee. A copy of the complaint and documentary evidence under consideration shall be sent to the respondent, the person making the original complaint, and the bishop. The respondent shall be given an opportunity to submit to the committee on investigation a written response to the judicial complaint within thirty days of receipt of the judicial complaint. The chairperson of the conference committee on investigation shall have sixty days to convene the committee on investigation after receiving the judicial complaint. c) If five or more members of the committee on investigation so recommend, the bishop may suspend the person charged from all clergy responsibilities 653
pending the outcome of the judicial process. The respondent retains all rights and privileges as stated in ¶ 334. 3. When respondent is a diaconal minister a) If a written complaint is made against a diaconal minister for any of the offenses in ¶ 2702.1, the supervisory response should be initiated and a just resolution process may be used. (See ¶ 361.1(b) for a discussion of a just resolution.) If the supervisory process does not result in resolution, the respondent’s district superintendent may appoint a clergyperson in full connection or diaconal minister as counsel for the Church. Counsel for the Church shall prepare, sign, and refer the judicial complaint, with all relevant material, to the chairperson of the conference committee on investigation for diaconal ministers and represent the interests of the Church in pressing the claims of the person making the original complaint in any proceedings before the committee. A copy of the complaint and documentary evidence under consideration shall be sent to the respondent, the person making the original complaint, and the bishop. The respondent shall be given an opportunity to submit to the committee on investigation a written response to the judicial complaint within thirty days of receipt of the judicial complaint. The chairperson of the conference committee on investigation shall have sixty days to convene the committee on investigation after receiving the judicial complaint. b) If at least two-thirds of the committee on investigation so recommend, the bishop may suspend the person charged from all professional responsibilities pending the outcome of the judicial process. 4. When respondent is a layperson a) In all cases, the pastor or district superintendent should take pastoral steps to resolve any grievances or complaints. Such steps may include a just resolution process. See ¶ 361.1(b) for a discussion of a just resolution. If after such steps have been taken and have not resulted in a resolution and a written complaint is made against a layperson for any of the offenses in ¶ 2702.3, the pastor in charge or co-pastors (¶ 205.1) of the local church, in consultation with the district superintendent and the district lay leader, may appoint counsel for the Church, who shall be a United Methodist. Counsel for the Church shall prepare, sign, and refer the judicial complaint, with all relevant material, to the chairperson of committee on investigation. b) If five or more members of the committee so recommend, the pastor may suspend the charged professing member from exercising any Church office pending outcome of the judicial process. c) All complaints against a professing member under ¶ 2702.3 shall be submitted in writing, signed by the person(s) making the original complaint, and 654
delivered to the pastor in charge of the local church of which the respondent is a member, and a copy shall be sent to the respondent. d) The member shall be given an opportunity to submit to the committee on investigation a written response to the judicial complaint within thirty days of a receipt of the judicial complaint and the appointing of the committee and before consideration of the judicial complaint by the committee. e) The district superintendent shall preside at all meetings of the committee, shall be given a copy of the judicial complaint and any response, and shall have the right to be present and to speak at all meetings of the committee. ¶ 2705. The Form of the Judicial Complaint—The judicial complaint shall be prepared and signed by counsel for the Church. The complaint should explain to the committee on investigation the alleged events surrounding and relating to one or more chargeable offense(s). All relevant documents and other exhibits supporting the judicial complaint may be attached; and a true copy of the complaint and reproducible documents and exhibits shall be sent by counsel for the Church to the respondent and his/her counsel at the same time as they are sent to the Committee on Investigation. The judicial complaint should include the appropriate chargeable offense(s) based on the list in ¶ 2702 and proposed specifications. ¶ 2706. Committee on Investigation—Procedures 1. Introduction—The role of the committee on investigation is to conduct an investigation into the allegations made in the judicial complaint and to determine if reasonable grounds exist to bring a bill of charges and specifications to trial. If so, it shall prepare, sign and certify a bill of charges and specifications. The committee’s duty is only to determine whether reasonable grounds exist to support the charges. It is not the committee’s duty to determine guilt or innocence. 2. Parties and Counsel—The parties are the respondent and the Church. a) Counsel for the Church—Counsel for the Church shall be appointed as provided in ¶ 2708.7. Counsel for the Church shall be entitled to choose one assistant counsel without voice who may be an attorney. b) Committee on Investigation—The committee on investigation may have legal counsel present, who shall not be the conference chancellor, for the sole purpose of providing advice to the committee. c) When respondent is a bishop, a clergy member of an annual conference, clergy on honorable or administrative location, a local pastor, a clergyperson, or a diaconal minister—A respondent who is a bishop, a clergyperson, or a diaconal minister shall be entitled to select a clergyperson in full connection to serve as respondent’s counsel. A respondent shall be entitled to choose one assistant counsel without voice who may be an attorney. 655
d) Investigation of a respondent who is a layperson—A lay respondent shall be entitled to select a lay member or clergyperson to serve as respondent’s counsel. A respondent shall be entitled to choose one assistant counsel without voice who may be an attorney. 3. Preliminary Meeting—Basic procedural decisions shall be made in a preliminary meeting. During this meeting, the respondent and the respondent’s counsel, the person making the original complaint, and the counsel for the Church shall have the right to argue procedural points before a decision is made by the chair. All advance procedural decisions and such unanticipated decisions as may come in the course of the meeting of the committee on investigation shall be rendered in writing so as to be available for consideration in all further possible stages of the case. 4. Hearing before the Committee on Investigation a) If possible, the respondent and the person(s) bringing the original complaint shall be brought face to face, but the inability to do this shall not invalidate an investigation. Notice of the hearings shall be given to all parties, and the person(s) bringing the original complaint and they all shall be permitted to be present during testimony, but not during deliberations. Proceedings in the investigation shall be informal. No oaths shall be taken. All procedural decisions shall be made by the chairperson. b) Interview of witness prior to or outside of hearing—The chairperson shall have the power, whenever it is appropriate in the committee’s own discretion, to appoint a member(s) of the committee to interview any witness(es), provided that all parties may be present (without voice) and that three days notice of the time and place of such interview shall have been given to all parties. The person(s) so appointed shall create a verbatim record of the interview and certify the record by signature for transmittal to the chairperson. c) Examination of witnesses—The committee on investigation may call and question such persons or request such written information, including but not limited to materials from the supervisory process, as it deems necessary to establish whether or not there are reasonable grounds for formulating a charge or charges. The committee may receive from the counsels suggested lists of persons to be questioned, sources of written material or questions. There shall be no right of cross-examination by either the respondent or the person(s) bringing the original complaint. d) Evidence—The committee should only consider testimony or evidence which is relevant and reliable. The chairperson or presiding officer, after consultation with counsel for both parties, shall rule on challenges to relevance and reliability. The introduction of any material relating to events barred by the statute 656
of limitations (¶ 2702.4) as evidence, as preface to evidence, or as build-up for evidence in the procedures of the committee on investigation or the trial proceedings shall be permitted when the presiding officer, after consultation with counsel for both parties, rules that such material is relevant and reliable. e) Verbatim transcript—There shall be a verbatim record of all proceedings of the committee on investigation, except when the committee meets in executive session. The term executive session shall mean the committee meeting alone or with its legal counsel. If the complaint is dismissed or returned to the bishop, no verbatim record need be transcribed and the record that exists will be sent to the conference secretary for retention. 5. Bill of Charges and Specifications, Deliberations, Vote, and Referral—A vote on each charge and each specification shall be taken separately. It is incumbent on each member of the committee to base his or her vote solely on whether reasonable grounds exist to support the charges. If there are members who are unwilling to uphold the Discipline for reasons of conscience or otherwise, such members must step aside in this matter and either alternate members or others who are willing to uphold the Discipline must be appointed to the Committee to enable it to complete its responsibility.22 a) Bill of Charges and Specifications—A charge is one of the chargeable offenses listed in ¶ 2702. A charge shall not include more than one such chargeable offense. More than one charge against the same person may be presented and tried at the same time. Each charge must be written, with specifications that support the charge. Each charge must be accompanied by one or more specifications of fact. Each specification, standing alone, must allege a factual occurrence that, if found to be true, would support a finding of guilty on the related charge. The specifications should be as specific as possible with information such as date, place, and specific events alleged to have occurred. b) Finding of reasonable grounds by committee and referral of bill of charges and specifications for trial (1) When respondent is a bishop—A vote to adopt any charge or specification shall require five votes. Any bill of charges and specifications adopted shall be sent to the bishop charged, to the secretary of the jurisdictional or central conference, to the president and secretary of the College of Bishops, to counsel for the Church, and to the chairperson of the jurisdictional committee on the episcopacy. (2) When respondent is a clergyperson other than a bishop— A vote to adopt any charge or specification shall require five votes. Any bill of charges and specifications adopted by the committee on investigations shall be sent by the chairperson within five days to the respondent, the person making the 22 See Judicial Council Decision 980.
complaint, the secretary of the annual conference, the counsel for the Church, and the resident bishop. (3) When respondent is a diaconal minister—A vote to adopt any charge or specification shall require two votes. Any bill of charges and specifications adopted shall be sent to the respondent within five days, the secretary of the annual conference, the chairperson of the board of ordained ministry, the respondent’s district superintendent, counsel for the Church, and the resident bishop. (4) When respondent is a layperson—A vote to adopt any charge or specification shall require five votes. Any bill of charges and specifications adopted by the committee shall be sent to the person charged, the recording secretary of the charge conference, counsel for the Church, the pastor(s), and the district superintendent. c) Findings other than reasonable grounds by committee or other actions (1) If the committee on investigation determines that there are no reasonable grounds for charges, it may dismiss the judicial complaint. When deemed appropriate, it may also refer matters of concern to the proper referring Church official (to the president or secretary of the College of Bishops in the case of bishop, to the resident bishop in the case of a clergyperson or diaconal minister, or to the pastor or co-pastors in the case of layperson) for administrative or other action. Notification of these actions, should be given to the respondent, the person making the original complaint, counsel for the Church and the proper referring Church officials. (2) If the committee on investigation determines that the judicial complaint is not based upon chargeable offenses, or for other good cause, the committee may refer the complaint to the proper referring Church official (see ¶ 2706.5c[1] above) for administrative or other action. Such referral will not constitute a dismissal or double jeopardy under ¶ 2701.5. Notification of these actions should be given to the respondent, the person making the original complaint, counsel for the Church and the proper referring Church officials. (3) Upon recommendation of the counsel for the Church and the counsel for the respondent, the committee may refer the matter to the resident bishop as deemed appropriate for a process seeking a just resolution. The bishop shall institute such a process and may use the assistance of a trained, impartial third party facilitator(s) or mediator(s). Such referral will not constitute a dismissal or double jeopardy under ¶ 2701.5. The appropriate persons, including the counsel for the Church and counsel for the respondent, should enter into a written agreement outlining the process, including any agreements on confidentiality. If resolution is achieved, a written statement, affirming such resolution, including any terms and conditions, shall be signed by the same persons who signed the written agreement 658
outlining the process, and they shall agree on any matters to be disclosed to third parties. If the resolution results in a change of ministerial status, the disclosure agreement shall not prevent the Disciplinary disclosures required for readmission. The written statement affirming such resolution shall be given to the bishop for further action(s) to implement the agreement, if any. If the process does not result in resolution, the matter shall be returned to the committee. 6. Special Investigations—In the event that jurisdiction in a judicial proceeding is ended as a result of the death of, or surrender of credentials by, the respondent in cases where the chargeable offense includes those listed in ¶ 2702.1(h), (i), or (j), the Committee on Investigation may be convened at the request of the presiding bishop to make pastoral inquiry into the charges. The inquiry shall: (a) not be judicial in nature; (b) be empowered to receive witnesses and to consider evidence; and (c) make a report of the inquiry to the body where the respondent’s membership was held, including recommendations if any. Trials ¶ 2707. Fundamental Principles for Trials—Church trials are to be regarded as an expedient of last resort. Only after every reasonable effort has been made to correct any wrong and adjust any existing difficulty should steps be taken to institute a trial. No such trial as herein provided shall be construed to deprive the respondent or the Church of legal civil rights, except to the extent that immunity is provided as in ¶ 2701.9. All trials shall be conducted according to The Book of Discipline in a consistent Christian manner by a properly constituted court after due investigation. ¶ 2708. General Organization and Pre-Trial Procedures 1. Officers of the Court—Officers shall consist of a presiding officer (see ¶¶ 2712.2, 2713.2, 2714.2), who shall appoint a secretary and such other officers as deemed necessary. The presiding officer may have legal counsel, who shall not be the conference chancellor, at the expense of the annual conference holding the trial, for the sole purpose of advice to the presiding officer during the trial. 2. Time and Place of Trial—The official charged with convening the trial shall also fix the time and place for the trial and will notify the presiding officer, the respondent, counsel for the Church and the person making the original complaint. In all cases, sufficient time shall be allowed for these persons to appear at the given place and time and for the respondent to prepare for the trial. The presiding officer shall decide what constitutes “sufficient time,” but in no case shall this time be less than twenty days. 659
3. Pre-Trial Motions and Referrals—All appeals of any procedural or substantive matters that have occurred prior to referral of the charges to trial must be appealed to the presiding officer of the trial court before the convening of the trial. Otherwise, the right to appeal on such matters is forfeited. All objections to and motions regarding the regularity of the proceedings and the form and substance of charges and specifications must be made before the convening of the trial court. The presiding officer may determine all such preliminary objections and motions; in furtherance of truth and justice may permit amendments to the specifications or charges not changing the general nature of the same; and may dismiss all or any part of the bill of charges upon a finding by the presiding officer (1) that all or such part is without legal or factual basis or (2) that, even assuming the specifications to be true, they do not constitute a basis for a chargeable offense. The presiding officer may refer the matter as deemed appropriate for a process seeking a just resolution to the resident bishop upon consultation with the counsel for the Church and counsel for the respondent. The bishop shall institute such a process and may use the assistance of a trained, impartial third party facilitator(s) or mediator(s). Such referral will not constitute a dismissal or double jeopardy under œ 2701.5. If a process seeking a just resolution is used, the appropriate persons, including the counsel for the Church and counsel for the respondent, should enter into a written agreement outlining such process, including any agreement on confidentiality. If resolution is achieved, a written statement, affirming such resolution, and any terms and condition, shall be signed by the same persons who signed the written agreement outlining the process, and they shall agree on all matters to be disclosed to third parties. Such a written statement shall be given to the presiding officer and the presiding officer shall take action consistent with the agreement. If no resolution results, the matter is returned to the presiding officer for further action. 4. Change of Venue—The respondent may request a change of venue. This shall be a written request to the presiding officer of the court within ten days of receipt of notice to appear for trial. The presiding officer shall rule upon the request after hearing arguments by the respondent and the Church. If the motion is approved, the presiding officer shall name the annual conference outside the episcopal area wherein the trial shall be held and shall notify the resident bishop of that conference, who shall convene the court. The cost of prosecution shall be borne by the conference where the case originated. 5. Notice a) All notices required or provided for in relationship to investigations, trials, and appeals shall be in writing, signed by or on behalf of the person or body giving or required to give such notice, and shall be addressed to the person or body 660
to whom it is required to be given. Such notices shall be served by delivering a copy thereof to the party or chief officer of the body to whom it is addressed in person or sent by other delivery system to the last-known residence or address of such party. Proof of notice shall be provided and becomes a part of the record of the case. b) In all cases wherein it is provided that notice shall be given to a bishop or district superintendent and the charges are against that particular person, then such notice (in addition to being given to the accused) shall be given, in the case of a bishop, to another bishop within the same jurisdiction and, in the case of a district superintendent, to the bishop in charge. 6. Trial Scheduling and Continuances—If in any case the respondent, after due notice (twenty days) has been given, shall refuse or neglect to appear at the time and place set forth for the hearing, the trial may proceed in the respondent’s absence. However, if in the sole discretion of the presiding officer there is good and sufficient reason for the absence of the respondent or another essential person, the presiding officer may reschedule the trial to a later date. 7. Counsel—In all cases, a respondent shall be entitled to appear and to select and be represented by counsel, a clergyperson in full connection of The United Methodist Church if the respondent is a bishop, a clergyperson, or a diaconal minister; and a lay or clergy member of The United Methodist Church if the respondent is a lay member. The respondent and the Church shall be entitled to have counsel heard in oral or written argument or both. The official charged with convening the court (see ¶¶ 2712.1, 2713.1, 2714.1) shall, within thirty days after receiving a copy of the charges and specifications, appoint counsel for the Church, if counsel has not been previously appointed. In the case of a trial of a bishop, clergyperson, or local pastor, counsel for the Church shall be a clergyperson in full connection (¶¶ 2704.2a, 2712.4) to represent the interests of the Church in pressing the claims of the person making the complaint. No person who was a member of the cabinet, board of ordained ministry, or committee on investigation who earlier considered the case now before the trial court shall be appointed counsel for the Church or serve as counsel for the respondent or any of the persons bringing complaints in a case. In all cases of trial where counsel has not been chosen by the respondent, counsel shall be appointed by the presiding officer. The counsel for the Church and for the respondent each shall be entitled to choose one assistant counsel, who may be an attorney, without voice. “Without voice” means without the ability to speak to or within the hearing of the trial court. 8. Witnesses—Notice to appear shall be given to such witnesses as either party may name and shall be issued in the name of the Church and be signed by 661
the presiding officer of the trial. It shall be the duty of all clergy and lay members of The United Methodist Church to appear and testify when summoned. Refusal to appear or to answer questions ruled by the presiding officer to be relevant may be considered as disobedience to the order and discipline of The United Methodist Church except when refusal to answer is based on a good faith claim that answering might tend to incriminate the witness under state or federal criminal law or is based on a claim of confidential communication to a clergyperson under ¶ 341.5. 9. Witness Qualifications—A witness, to be qualified, need not be a member of The United Methodist Church. 10. Commissioned Out-of-Court Testimony—The presiding officer of any court before which a case may be pending shall have power, whenever the necessity of the parties or witnesses shall require, to appoint, on the application of either party, a commissioner or commissioners, either a clergy or a layperson or both, to examine the witnesses; provided that three days’ notice of the time and place of taking such testimony shall have been given to the adverse party. The party making this request shall have the burden of showing good cause and shall bear the cost of such commissioned out-of-court testimony. Counsel for both parties shall be permitted to examine and crossexamine the witness or witnesses whose testimony is thus taken. The commissioners so appointed shall take such testimony in writing as may be offered by either party. The testimony properly certified by the signature of the commissioner or commissioners shall be transmitted to the presiding officer of the court before which the case is pending. 11. Amendments to Bill of Charges and Specifications—After consultation with counsels, the presiding officer of the trial may make amendments to the bill of charges, or request that the committee on investigation make amendments to the bill of charges; provided that they do not change the nature of the charges and specifications and do not introduce new matter of which the respondent has not had due notice. When an amendment or amendments to a bill of charges is or are denied by the presiding officer, it or they shall not be introduced in the form of testimony in the trial. Charges or specifications previously considered and dropped by the committee on investigation shall not be introduced in the trial in the form of evidence or otherwise. 12. Open or Closed Trials—The deliberations of the trial court shall be closed. All other sessions of the trial shall be closed, except upon written request to the presiding officer by counsel for the respondent, the trial shall be open. Also, the trial may be opened by the presiding officer, upon written request of either the counsel for the Church or the counsel for the person charged, to 662
family of the person charged, or family of the person making the original complaint, and/or to other personally significant people. Any motions to open the trial should be presented and decided prior to the date of the trial. In addition, the presiding officer may, in his or her judgment on motion of counsel for either party or on the presiding officer’s own motion, declare a particular session of the court to be closed. At all times, however, in the hearing portion of the trial, the presiding officer, the members of the trial court, the person(s) making the original complaint, the person representing the Church as well as counsel for the Church, the respondent, and counsel for the respondent shall have a right to be present. 13. Combined Trials of Multiple Persons—In cases in which a number of persons have allegedly engaged in the same offense at the same time and place, their trials may be combined into one trial for that same offense. The presiding officer shall make the determination on combination of trials. ¶ 2709. Trial Convening and Organization 1. Convening of the Trial—The convenor shall notify the respondent in writing to appear at a fixed time and place no less than twenty days after service of such notice and within a reasonable time thereafter for selection of the members of the trial court. 2. Trial Pool—At the appointed time, in the presence of the respondent, counsel for the respondent, counsel for the Church, and the presiding officer, thirteen persons shall be selected as a trial court out of a pool of thirty-five or more persons selected according to ¶¶ 2712.3, 2713.3, and 2714.3. Special consideration should be given so that the pool includes persons representative of racial, ethnic, and gender diversity. 3. Selection of the Trial Court—No person shall serve as a member of the trial court who was a member of the cabinet, board of ordained ministry, or committee on investigation who considered the case in the process of coming to trial court. The counsel for the Church and the respondent shall each have up to four peremptory challenges and challenges for cause without limit. If by reason of challenges for cause being sustained the number is reduced to below thirteen, additional appropriate persons shall be nominated in like manner as was the original panel to take the places of the numbers challenged, who likewise shall be subject to challenge for cause. This method of procedure shall be followed until a trial court of thirteen members and two alternate members has been selected. 4. Alternates—The two alternate members shall sit as observers of the trial. They shall replace members of the trial court who are not able to continue to serve, so that the trial court shall always consist of thirteen members, unless the respondent and counsel for the Church agree to a lesser number. 663
5. Trial Court Questions—The members of the trial court, including the alternate members, may, subject to the approval of the presiding officer of the court, ask questions on matters on which evidence has been presented. ¶ 2710. Trial Guidelines and Rules 1. Authority of Presiding Officer—After the trial is convened the authority of the presiding officer shall include the right to set reasonable time limits, after consultation with counsel for the Church and counsel for the person charged, for the presentation of the case, provided such time is equal for both. The authority of the presiding officer shall be limited to ruling upon proper representation of the Church and the person charged, admissibility of evidence, recessing, adjourning, and reconvening sessions of the trial, charging the members of the trial court as to the Church law involved in the case at the beginning of the trial and just before they retire to make up their verdict, and such other authority as is normally vested in a civil court judge sitting with a jury, but he or she shall not have authority to pronounce any judgment in favor of or against the person charged other than such verdict as may be returned by the trial court, which body shall have the exclusive right to determine the innocence or guilt of the person charged. 2. Order of Trial—After selection of the trial court, each counsel may make an opening statement to inform the trial court of what the evidence is expected to be. Evidence shall then be offered by questioning of witnesses and by documents shown to be reliable. Each counsel shall have opportunity to make closing arguments before the trial court begins deliberations. Deliberations of the trial court and receiving of the verdict shall follow. 3. Oaths—The administration of oaths shall not be required. At the beginning of the trial, the presiding officer shall remind all parties of the duties and responsibilities of Church membership (¶ 218) and/or the clergy covenant (¶¶ 311.3 f and 334). 4. Entering of the Plea—At the beginning of the trial, the respondent shall be called upon by the presiding officer to plead to the charge, and the pleas shall be recorded. If the respondent pleads “guilty” to the charges preferred, no trial shall be necessary, but evidence may be taken with respect to the appropriate penalty, which shall thereupon be imposed. If the respondent pleads “not guilty” or if the respondent should neglect or refuse to plead, the plea of “not guilty” shall be entered, and the trial shall proceed. The respondent shall at all times during the trial, except as hereinafter provided, have the right to produce testimony and that of witnesses and to make defense. 5. Recess and Trial Procedures—The court may recess from time to time as convenience or necessity may require. During the time of recess, the members of the trial court shall be instructed that under no circumstance will they speak to 664
one another or to others about the trial or observe media reports regarding the case. When, in consultation with counsel for both parties, the presiding officer finds it advisable, the members and reserves shall be sequestered. Threatening or tampering with the trial court or officers of the trial court shall be considered disobedience to the order and discipline of The United Methodist Church. The presiding officer shall remain and preside until the decision is rendered and the findings are completed and shall thereupon sign and certify them. 6. Objections—Objections of any party to the proceedings shall be entered on the record. 7. Exclusion of Witnesses—No witness afterward to be examined shall be present during the examination of another witness if the opposing party objects. Witnesses shall be examined first by the party producing them, then cross-examined by the opposite party and may be questioned by members of the trial court, with the approval of the presiding officer. The presiding officer of the court shall determine all questions of relevancy and competency of evidence. 8. Recording of Proceedings—A verbatim record of all proceedings of the trial shall be by stenograph or other appropriate means and reduced to writing and certified by the presiding officer or secretary. The record, including all exhibits, papers and evidence in the case, shall be the basis of any appeal that may be taken. 9. Evidence—The introduction of any material relating to events happening before the six-year statute of limitation period as evidence, as preface to evidence, or as build-up for evidence in the procedures of the trial proceedings may be permitted when the presiding officer, after consultation with counsel for both parties, rules that such material is relevant and reliable. Documentary evidence deemed by the presiding officer to be relevant and reliable may be in the physical possession of the trial court during deliberations. 10. Instructions and Charges—The presiding officer shall not deliver a charge reviewing or explaining the evidence or setting forth the merits of the case. The presiding officer shall express no opinion on the law or the facts while the court is deliberating. If requested by either party’s counsel, the presiding officer shall instruct the trial court on Church law applicable to the case. Instructions may be given at the beginning of the trial, during the trial, before the trial court begins deliberations or a combination of any of these. If requested by the trial court, instructions may be given during deliberations. The presiding officer shall not review or explain the evidence or comment on the merits of the case. ¶ 2711. Power of the Trial Court 1. Instruction, Disqualification, Voting, and Verdicts—The trial court shall have full power to try the respondent. The trial court shall be a continuing body 665
until the final disposition of the charge. If any regular or alternate member of the trial court fails to attend any part of any session at which evidence is received or oral argument is made to the trial court by counsel, that person shall not thereafter be a member of the trial court, but the rest of the trial court may proceed to judgment. 2. Votes—It shall require a vote of at least nine members of the trial court to sustain the charge(s) and nine votes also shall be required for conviction. Fewer than nine votes for conviction shall be considered an acquittal. The burden of proof for a vote to convict shall be clear and convincing. The trial court shall present to the presiding officer a decision on each charge and each individual specification under each charge. Its findings shall be final, subject to appeal to the committee on appeals of the jurisdictional conference or the central conference, as the case may be. 3. Penalties—If the Trial Results in Conviction. Further testimony may be heard and arguments by counsel presented regarding what the penalty should be. The trial court shall determine the penalty, which shall require a vote of at least seven members. The trial court shall have the power to remove the respondent from professing membership, terminate the conference membership and/or revoke the credentials of conference membership and/or ordination or consecration of the respondent, suspend the respondent from the exercise of the functions of office, or to fix a lesser penalty. The penalty fixed by the trial court shall take effect immediately unless otherwise indicated by the trial court. ¶ 2712. Trial of a Bishop 1. The president of the College of Bishops of the jurisdictional or central conference—or in case the person charged is the president, the secretary of the college—shall proceed to convene the court under the provisions of ¶ 2709. 2. The president of the College of Bishops (or in the case the person charged is the president, the secretary) may preside or designate another bishop to serve as presiding officer. 3. The trial shall be convened as provided in ¶ 2709 with the pool of thirtyfive or more persons to consist of clergy in full connection named by the College of Bishops in approximately equal numbers from each episcopal area within the jurisdictional or central conference. Special consideration should be given so that the pool includes persons representative of racial, age, ethnic, and gender diversity. 4. Counsel for the Church shall be a bishop or another clergyperson in full connection. 5. The secretary of the court shall at the conclusion of the proceedings send all trial documents to the secretary of the jurisdictional or central conference, who 666
shall keep them in custody. If an appeal is taken, the secretary shall forward the materials forthwith to the secretary of the Judicial Council. After the appeal has been heard, the records shall be returned to the secretary of the jurisdictional or central conference. 6. A bishop suspended from office shall have claim on the Episcopal Fund for salary, dwelling, pension, and other related benefits. A bishop removed from office shall have no claim upon the Episcopal Fund for salary, dwelling, pension and other related benefits from the date of such removal. 7. For the purpose of this paragraph, the United Methodist bishops outside of the United States shall constitute one College of Bishops. ¶ 2713. Trial of a Clergy Member of an Annual Conference, Local Pastor, Clergy on Honorable or Administrative Location, or Diaconal Minister 1. The resident bishop of the respondent shall proceed to convene the court under the provisions of ¶ 2709. 2. The resident bishop shall designate another bishop to be presiding officer. 3. a) The trial for a clergy member or a local pastor shall be convened as provided in ¶ 2709 with the pool of thirty-five or more persons to consist of clergy in full connection. If there are not enough persons in appropriate categories in an annual conference to complete the pool, additional persons may be appointed from other annual conferences. All appointments to the pool shall be made by the district superintendents. Special consideration should be given so that the pool includes persons representative of racial, age, ethnic, and gender diversity. b) The trial for a diaconal minister shall be convened as provided in ¶ 2709 and shall consist of a pool of thirty-five or more persons who shall be diaconal ministers or, when necessary, members of the Church. Special consideration should be given so that the pool includes persons representative of racial, ethnic, and gender diversity. 4. Counsel for the Church shall be a clergyperson in full connection. 5. The secretary of the court shall at the conclusion of the proceedings send all trial documents to the secretary of the annual conference, who shall keep them in custody. Such documents are to be held in a confidential file and shall not be released for other than appeal or new trial purposes without a signed release from both the clergyperson charged and the presiding officer of the trial that tried the case. If an appeal is taken, the secretary shall forward the materials forthwith to the president of the court of appeals of the jurisdictional or central conference. If a president has not been elected, the secretary shall send the materials to such members of the court of appeals as the president of the College of Bishops shall designate. After the appeal has been heard, the records shall be returned to the secretary of the annual conference unless a further appeal on a question of law has 667
been made to the Judicial Council, in which case the relevant documents shall be forwarded to the secretary of that body. ¶ 2714. Trial of Lay Member of a Local Church 1. The district superintendent of the person charged shall proceed to convene the court under the provisions of ¶ 2709. 2. The district superintendent may be the presiding officer or may designate another clergyperson in full connection to preside. 3. The trial shall be convened as provided in ¶ 2709, with the pool of thirtyfive or more persons to consist of professing members of local churches other than the local church of the charged layperson within the same district. Appointments to the pool shall be made by the district superintendent, who may consult with the district lay leader. Special consideration should be given so that the pool includes persons representative of racial, age, ethnic, and gender diversity. 4. Counsel for the Church shall be a professing member or clergyperson of The United Methodist Church. 5. The person charged may request a change of venue. This shall be a written request to the officers of the court within ten days of receipt of notice to appear for trial. The presiding officer shall rule upon the request after hearing argument for the defense and the Church. If the motion is approved, the presiding officer shall name another district wherein the trial shall be held and shall notify the district superintendent, who shall convene the court. The thirty-five-member pool shall consist of professing members from that district. The cost of prosecution shall be borne by the annual conference. 6. If the trial court finds that the charges are proven by clear and convincing evidence, then it may impose such penalties as it may determine, including that the professing membership of the charged layperson in The United Methodist Church be terminated; provided that the trial court shall first consider other remedies that would fulfill the provisions of ¶ 221. 7. The appropriate officer of the trial shall, at the conclusion of the proceeding, deposit all trial documents with the secretary of the charge conference. If an appeal is taken, the secretary shall deliver all documents to the district superintendent. After the appeal has been heard, the records shall be returned to the custody of the secretary of the charge conference. Appeals ¶ 2715. Appeal Procedures—General 1. In all cases of appeal, the appellant shall within thirty days give written notice of appeal and at the same time shall furnish to the officer receiving such notice (¶¶ 2716.2, 2717.1, 2718.2) and to the counsel a written statement of the 668
grounds of the appeal, and the hearing in the appellate body shall be limited to the grounds set forth in such statement.23 2. When any appellate body shall reverse in whole or in part the findings of a committee on investigation or trial court, or remand the case for a new hearing or trial, or change the penalty imposed by the trial court, it shall return to the convening officer a statement of the grounds of its action. 3. An appeal shall not be allowed in any case in which the respondent has failed or refused to be present in person or by counsel at the investigation and the trial. Appeals shall be heard by the proper appellate body unless it shall appear to the said body that the appellant has forfeited the right to appeal by misconduct, such as refusal to abide by the findings of the trial court; or by withdrawal from the Church; or by failure to appear in person or by counsel to prosecute the appeal; or, prior to the final decision on appeal from conviction, by resorting to suit in the civil courts against the complainant or any of the parties connected with the ecclesiastical court in which the appellant was tried.24 4. The right of appeal, when once forfeited by neglect or otherwise, cannot be revived by any subsequent appellate body. 5. The right to prosecute an appeal shall not be affected by the death of the person entitled to such right. Heirs or legal representatives may prosecute such appeal as the appellant would be entitled to do if living. 6. The records and documents of the trial, including the evidence, and these only, shall be used in the hearing of any appeal. 7. The appellate body shall determine two questions only: (a) Does the weight of the evidence sustain the charge or charges? (b) Were there such errors of Church law as to vitiate the verdict and/or the penalty? These questions shall be determined by the records of the trial and the argument of counsel for the Church and for the respondent. The appellate body shall in no case hear witnesses. It may have legal counsel present, who shall not be the conference chancellor for the conference from which the appeal is taken, for the sole purpose of providing advice to the appellate body. 8. In all cases where an appeal is made and admitted by the appellate committee, after the charges, findings, and evidence have been read and the arguments conclude, the parties shall withdraw, and the appellate committee shall consider and decide the case. It may reverse in whole or in part the findings of the committee on investigation or the trial court, or it may remand the case for a new trial to determine verdict and/or penalty. It may determine what penalty, not higher than that affixed at the hearing or trial, may be imposed. If it neither reverses in whole or in part the judgment of the trial court, nor remands the case for a new 23 See Judicial Council Memorandum 826. 24 See Judicial Council Decision 3.
trial, nor modifies the penalty, that judgment shall stand. The appellate committee shall not reverse the judgment nor remand the case for a new hearing or trial on account of errors plainly not affecting the result. All decisions of the appellate committee shall require a majority vote. 9. In all cases, the right to present evidence shall be exhausted when the case has been heard once on its merits in the proper court, but questions of Church law may be carried on appeal, step by step, to the Judicial Council. 10. The Church shall have no right of appeal from findings of the trial court. In regard to cases where there is an investigation under ¶ 2702, but no trial is held, egregious errors of Church law or administration may be appealed to the jurisdictional committee on appeals by counsel for the Church. The committee on investigation’s decision not to certify a bill of charges does not alone constitute an egregious error of Church law or administration. When the committee on appeals shall find egregious errors of Church law or administration under this part, it may remand the case for a new hearing, in which event it shall return to the chair of the committee on investigation a statement of the grounds of its action. This is not to be double jeopardy.25 11. Questions of procedure may be raised with the presiding officer or secretary of the appellate body. Under no circumstances shall one party in the absence of the other party discuss substantive matters with members of any appellate body while the case is pending (cf. ¶¶ 2607, 2701.4). 12. In all matters of judicial administration, the rights, duties, and responsibilities of clergy members and diaconal ministers of missionary conferences and provisional annual conferences are the same as those in annual conferences, and the procedure is the same. 13. Contacts with members of any appellate body shall be limited to matters of procedure and shall be directed only to the presiding officer or secretary of the appellate body. Under no circumstances shall matters of substance be discussed. ¶ 2716. Appeal of a Bishop, Clergy Member of an Annual Conference, Clergy on Honorable or Administrative Location, Local Pastor, or Diaconal Minister 1. Each jurisdictional and central conference, upon nomination of the College of Bishops, shall elect a committee on appeals composed of four clergy, one diaconal minister, one full-time local pastor, and three laypersons who have been at least six years successively members of The United Methodist Church, and an equal number of corresponding alternates. This committee shall serve until its successors have been elected. No member shall participate in the hearing of an appeal who is a member of a conference in the episcopal area of the appellant. Any vacancy shall be filled by the College of Bishops. 25 See Judicial Council Decision 985.
The committee on appeals shall have full power to hear and determine appeals of bishops, clergy members, clergy members on honorable or administrative location, local pastors, and diaconal ministers from any annual conference, provisional or missionary conference within the jurisdiction or central conference. The committee shall elect its own president and secretary and shall adopt its own rules of procedure, and its decisions shall be final, except that an appeal may be taken to the Judicial Council only upon questions of law related to procedures of the jurisdictional committee on appeals, central conference committee on appeals, or under the provisions of Âś 2609.8. A bishop designated by the College of Bishops shall convene the committee at the site of jurisdictional or central conference for the purpose of electing officers. 2. In case of conviction by a trial court, a bishop, clergy member, local pastor, clergy on honorable or administrative location, or diaconal minister shall have the right of appeal to the jurisdictional or central conference committee on appeals above constituted, provided that within thirty days after the conviction, the appellant shall notify the presiding bishop of the conference (or, when the appellant is a bishop, the president and secretary of the College of Bishops) and the presiding officer of the court in writing of the intention to appeal. 3. When notice of an appeal has been given to the presiding officer of the court, the presiding officer shall give notice of the same to the secretary of the committee on appeals of the jurisdictional or central conference and submit the documents in the case, or in case the documents have been sent to the secretary of the annual conference, instruct the secretary to send the documents to the president of the committee on appeals. The jurisdictional or central conference committee on appeals shall within thirty days give notice to the presiding bishop of the conference from which the appeal is taken (or to the president and secretary of the College of Bishops when the appellant is a bishop) and to the appellant of the time and place where the appeal will be heard. Such hearing shall occur within 180 days following receipt of notice to the committee on appeals. Both the annual conference, missionary conference, or provisional conference and the appellant may be represented by counsel as specified in Âś 2708.7. The presiding bishop of the conference or, in the appeal of a bishop, the president or secretary of the College of Bishops, shall appoint counsel for the Church. 4. All necessary traveling and sustenance expense incurred by the committee on appeals, including any cost for legal counsel retained to advise the committee, in the hearing of an appeal case coming from an annual conference and appearing before any jurisdictional or central conference committee on appeals, shall be paid out of the administrative fund of the central or jurisdictional conference in which the proceedings arise. The president of the committee on appeals shall 671
approve all expenses. Expenses for counsel for the Church shall be paid by the annual conference. Such expenses for counsel for the respondent shall be paid by the respondent, unless in the interest of fairness, the committee on appeals orders the annual conference to reimburse the respondent. ¶ 2717. Appeal of a Lay Member 1. A lay member convicted by a trial court shall have the right of appeal and shall serve written notice of appeal with the pastor and the district superintendent within thirty days of conviction. 2. The district superintendent shall, on receipt of notice of appeal, give written notice to all concerned of the time and place of the convening of a committee on appeals not less than ten nor more than thirty days after such notice has been delivered. 3. The committee on appeals shall be constituted in the following manner: The district superintendent shall appoint eleven professing members of United Methodist churches within the annual conference other than the appellant’s local church, none of whom shall have been members of the trial court, and who hold office either as lay leader or lay member of the annual conference. At the convening of the committee on appeals, from seven to eleven of these shall be selected to serve on the committee. The counsel for the appellant and the counsel for the Church shall have the right to challenge for cause, and the decisions on the validity of such challenges shall be made by the presiding officer, who shall be the district superintendent. 4. The findings of the committee on appeals shall be certified by the district superintendent to the pastor of the church of which the accused is a member. ¶ 2718. Other Appeals 1. The order of appeals on questions of law shall be as follows: from the decision of the district superintendent presiding in the charge or district conference to the bishop presiding in the annual conference, and from the decision of the bishop presiding in the annual conference to the Judicial Council, and from a central conference to the Judicial Council. 2. When an appeal is taken on a question of law, written notice of the same shall be served on the secretary of the body in which the decision has been rendered. It shall be the secretary’s duty to see that an exact statement of the question submitted and the ruling of the chair thereon shall be entered on the journal. The secretary shall then make and certify a copy of the question and ruling and transmit the same to the secretary of the body to which the appeal is taken. The secretary who thus receives said certified copy shall present the same in open conference and as soon as practicable lay it before the presiding officer for a ruling thereon, which ruling must be rendered before the final adjournment of 672
that body, that said ruling together with the original question and ruling may be entered on the journal of that conference. The same course shall be followed in all subsequent appeals. Miscellaneous Provisions ¶ 2719. 1. Any clergy members residing beyond the bounds of the conference in which membership is held shall be subject to the procedures of ¶¶ 2701-2718 exercised by the appropriate officers of the conference in which he or she is a member, unless the presiding bishops of the two annual conferences and the clergy member subject to the procedures agree that fairness will be better served by having the procedures carried out by the appropriate officers of the annual conference in which he or she is serving under appointment, or if retired, currently residing. 2. When a bishop, clergy member, local pastor, or diaconal minister is the respondent to a complaint under ¶ 361.1(d) and desires to withdraw from the Church, the jurisdictional or central conference in the case of a bishop, the annual conference in the case of a clergy member, or the district conference (where there is no district conference, the charge conference) in the case of a local pastor or diaconal minister will ask him or her to surrender his or her credentials and will remove his or her name from professing membership; in which case the record shall be “Withdrawn under complaints” or “withdrawn under charges,” whichever is appropriate. 3. When a professing member of the Church is charged with an offense and desires to withdraw from the Church, the charge conference may permit such member to withdraw his or her name from the roll of professing members, in which case the record shall be “Withdrawn under complaints.” If formal charges have been presented, such member may be permitted to withdraw, in which case the record shall be “Withdrawn under charges.” 4. In all matters of judicial administration, the rights, duties, and responsibilities of clergy members, local pastors, clergy on honorable or administrative location, and diaconal ministers of missions, missionary conferences, and provisional annual conferences are the same as those in annual conferences, and the procedure is the same. 5. For procedural purposes, the judicial process shall be governed by the Discipline in effect on the date a Bill of Charges and Specifications is received by the chair of the committee on investigation.
INDEX The numbers, unless otherwise indicated, refer to paragraphs (¶) and to subparagraphs. Subparagraphs are indicated by the numerals following the decimal points. “Act of Covenanting Between Christian Churches and The United Methodist Church,” ¶ 573 Act of Covenanting with The United Methodist Church, ¶¶ 570.1, 570.2a, 570.4a, 570.4b address, of member, ¶ 228.2b(2) administration budgets, ¶ 614.2 administrative committees, in local churches, ¶ 258 administrative complaints, ¶ 362.1a against bishop, ¶ 413 administrative council, jurisdictional, ¶ 530 administrative general agencies, ¶ 703.6 administrative location, ¶ 363.3 administrative review committee and, ¶ 635 readmission after, ¶ 365 administrative review committee, ¶ 636 administrative location, ¶¶ 363.3, 635 immunity from prosecution, ¶ 362.3 for involuntary leave, ¶¶ 355.10, 636 on provisional membership, ¶ 363.4b
A abandonment, of local church property, ¶ 2548 abortion ministry to those who have experienced, ¶ 161K social principles, ¶¶ 161J, 162V abstinence alcohol, ¶ 806.10 abuse. See also child abuse; sexual abuse social principles, ¶ 161G of women, ¶ 162F accessibility audit, of local church, ¶ 2532.6 accountability closed meeting restrictions, ¶ 721 of discipleship, ¶ 1118.2 Discipleship, General Board, ¶ 702.2 of ordained persons, ¶¶ 303.3, 304.1j of superintendency, ¶ 403.1f accounting procedures, ¶¶ 806.3, 806.7 “Acknowledgment of Transfer of Membership,” ¶ 239 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), ¶¶ 162U, 162V 675
adoption, of children leave of absence for, ¶ 356 social principles, ¶ 161L Adult Ministries, ¶ 1120.3 adult workers Ministries with Young People, Division on, ¶ 1207.1c Advance Committee, ¶¶ 822.4, 822.6 oversight of The Advance for Christ and His Church, ¶ 1312 promoting Advance Specials, ¶ 823.4 The Advance for Christ and His Church, ¶ 821 conference program, ¶ 655 financial support of provisional conference, ¶ 581 marketing/promotion by Communications, General Commission, ¶ 1806.12 mission program, ¶ 1313.6k oversight of, ¶ 1312 Advance Special Gifts, ¶¶ 619.1, 633.4, 655 conference, ¶ 655.1 directives, ¶¶ 821.2, 822 as general fund, ¶ 810.1 general projects, ¶ 1312.3 advocacy, ¶ 2533.5 in extension ministries, ¶ 622 for intellectual life in Church, ¶ 1405.1 in judicial proceedings, ¶ 2701.4d legislative, ¶ 1004 for older-adult concerns, ¶ 1121.2 affiliate membership roll, ¶ 230.4 affiliated autonomous Methodist churches, ¶ 570.2 becoming, ¶ 572 certificates of membership, ¶ 571.1
clergy transfer, ¶ 572.2 cooperation plan, ¶ 572.6 Discipline of, ¶ 572.3 visitation program, ¶ 571.3 affiliated united churches, ¶ 570.3 becoming, ¶ 572 certificates of membership, ¶ 571.1 clergy transfer, ¶ 572.2 cooperation plan, ¶ 572.6 Discipline of, ¶ 572.3 visitation program, ¶ 571.3 affirmative action, ¶¶ 633, 1009, 2103 support of, ¶ 162 Africa Central Conference, ¶ 540.3 Africa University Fund, ¶ 634.4a5 Communications, General Commission marketing, ¶ 1806.12 funding for, ¶ 806.1c The African Methodist Episcopal Church, p. 14 ¶¶ 1903, 1903.8, 2403 The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, p. 14 ¶¶ 1903, 2403 age level, life-span, and family ministries Discipleship, General Board, ¶ 1120 age-level councils, ¶ 257 agencies, ¶¶ 701, 707, 1906.1b. See also annual conference agencies; general agencies; interdenominational agencies; specific agency amenability, ¶ 702 annual conference, ¶ 610 annual reports, ¶ 704 bishops and, ¶ 710.11 in Book of Discipline, ¶ 701.2 borrowing by, ¶ 811.3 central conferences, ¶ 547 Civic Youth-Serving, ¶¶ 256.4, 2302.5 compliance monitoring, ¶ 806.12 676
disabilities, accommodating persons with, ¶ 715.2 dismissal of members and employees, ¶ 711 divisions and subunits, ¶ 709 election of general secretaries of program, ¶ 713 general, ¶ 707 interdenominational, ¶ 2403 international and ecumenical settings, ¶ 719 jurisdictional conferences, ¶¶ 529–35 archives and history, ¶ 532 program agencies, ¶ 531 program coordination, ¶ 530 United Methodist Men constitution, ¶ 537 United Methodist Women constitution, ¶ 536 Youth Ministry Organization Convocation, ¶ 533 meetings, ¶ 707 meetings accommodating disabilities, ¶ 715.2 membership qualifications, ¶ 710 nomination of additional board members, ¶ 706 nondiscrimination policies, ¶ 715 organization, ¶ 708 program accountability, ¶ 702 staff provisions, ¶ 714 travel of staff, ¶ 714.2 United Methodist Publishing House, ¶¶ 1610, 1611 vacancies, ¶ 712 agenda, of annual conference, ¶¶ 605.2, 605.5 aging older-adult ministries, ¶ 1121
rights, social principles, ¶ 162E agriculture, ¶ 160 family farms, ¶ 163H sustainable, ¶ 162Q AIDS. See Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; HIV/AIDS air social principles, ¶ 160A Albright, Jacob, ¶¶ 102, 103, 121 alcoholic beverages, ¶¶ 613.19, 716, 806.10 social principles, ¶ 162L amendments to bill of charges and specifications, ¶ 2708.11 Committee on the Plan of Organization and Rules of order, ¶ 511.3b to the Constitution, ¶¶ 59–61 men’s division, ¶¶ 648, 671 women’s division, ¶¶ 536, 647, 669 American Bible Society, ¶ 2405 American Methodism doctrinal standards, ¶¶ 102 (pp. 52–55) Americans with Disabilities accessibility standards, ¶ 139 animal life social principles, ¶ 160C annual conference, ¶¶ 11, 601–56 agencies, ¶ 610 agenda of, ¶ 605.2 archives and history, conference commission, ¶ 641 board of higher education of, ¶ 634.2 board of trustees, ¶ 640 boundaries of, ¶ 543.8 business of, ¶ 605
Christian unity and interreligious concerns committee (or conference committee), ¶ 642 clergy membership, ¶ 602.1 composition and character, ¶ 602 connectional ministries, ¶ 608 constitutional amendment voting of, ¶ 33 diaconal ministers, ¶ 602.4b director of communications, ¶ 609 district conference, ¶¶ 657–71 Finance and Administration, Conference Council, ¶¶ 611–19 General Conference delegate election by, ¶¶ 34, 35 historian, ¶ 641.3 inquiries of local churches, ¶ 604.8 journal examination, ¶ 543.11 lay leader, ¶¶ 32, 247.14, 604.9, 605.2, 607, 631.3 membership, ¶ 32 organization, ¶ 603 pastoral support, ¶¶ 620–28 pensions, ¶ 1506 powers, duties, and responsibilities, ¶ 1506 purpose, ¶ 601 records and archives, ¶ 606 seating, ¶ 602.9 sexual and gender harassment, ¶ 605.8 standards of, ¶ 543.9 annual conference agencies, ¶¶ 610, 629–56 administrative review committee, ¶ 636 Advance program, ¶ 655 CJAMM, ¶ 656 communications commission, ¶ 646
criminal justice and mercy ministries (CJAMM) committee, ¶ 656 disability concerns, committee, ¶ 653 discipleship, conference board, ¶ 630 district superintendents working with, ¶ 419.1j episcopacy conference committee, ¶ 637 Episcopal residence committee, ¶ 638 Ethnic Local Church Concerns, Conference Committee on, ¶ 632 global ministries, conference board, ¶ 633 group health care plans, ¶ 639.7 higher education and campus ministry, conference board of, ¶ 634 joint committee on incapacity, ¶ 652 laity, conference board, ¶ 631 Native American Ministry, committee, ¶ 654 older-adult ministries, conference council, ¶ 651 Ordained Ministry, conference board, ¶ 635 pensions conference board, ¶ 639 retiree health care access, ¶ 639.5 small membership church, conference commission, ¶ 645 status and role of women, conference commission, ¶ 644 United Methodist Men constitution, ¶ 648 United Methodist Women constitution, ¶ 647 young-adult ministry, conference council, ¶ 650 678
youth ministry, conference council, ¶ 649 annual conference, journal, ¶ 344.4 appointments published in, ¶ 1314.3 archive placement, ¶ 1711.3j contents and divisions, ¶¶ 527, 606.3, 606.5 investment listing, ¶ 1508.7 judicial council, ¶ 2609.6 jurisdictional conference authority, ¶ 527 annual reports, ¶ 704 annuities Discipleship, General Board, ¶¶ 1104.4, 1310 Education, General Board holding, ¶ 1402 Global Ministries, General Board administration, ¶ 1310 Apostles’ Creed, ¶¶ 101, 102, 203, 214 apostolic ministry ordination of, ¶ 302 Appalachian Development Committee Church and Society, General Board relationship with, ¶ 1004 appeals committee, ¶¶ 2712, 2714, 2718 of bishop, clergy member, local pastor, or diaconal member, ¶ 2716 central conference, ¶ 31.7 general procedures, ¶ 2715 Judicial Council review of, ¶ 2609.8 jurisdictional conference, ¶ 27.6 of lay member, ¶ 2717 Pension and Health Benefits, General Board, ¶ 1502.4c appointment-making deacons in full connection, ¶ 435
frequency of, ¶ 434 appointments in annual conference, journal, ¶ 1314.3 of bishops, ¶ 433.2 of cabinets, ¶ 207.6 conference board, ¶ 625.3 of congregations, ¶ 432.1 cooperative parish, ¶ 433.5b deacons, ¶¶ 331, 331.4, 331.8–10, 331.14, 435 district superintendents, ¶¶ 432.1, 432.2 elders and licensed pastors, ¶ 340 elders to institutions, ¶ 344.1a(3) extension ministries, ¶¶ 343–44 frequency of, ¶ 434 general evangelists, ¶ 630.3f interim, ¶¶ 331.7c, 338.3 itinerant ministry, ¶ 342 less than full-time, ¶ 435.7 local pastor, ¶ 337.2 ordained ministry candidacy for licensed and certified candidates, ¶ 314 certified candidates, ¶ 314 to extension ministries, ¶¶ 343–44, 344 ordained deacon in full connection, ¶ 331 to various ministries, ¶¶ 337–42 superintendency, ¶¶ 430–35 apportioned funds conference payment of, ¶ 808 Finance and Administration, Conference Council, ¶¶ 613.3, 615 local church notification of, ¶ 247.14 apportionments. See also conference benevolences; World Service Fund 679
conference payment of, ¶ 808 Episcopal Fund, ¶ 614.1b Finance and Administration, Conference Council, ¶¶ 613.3, 615 pastoral support, ¶¶ 621–22 responsibilities, ¶ 613.3 local church notification of, ¶ 247.14 pastoral support, ¶¶ 621–22 archives central conference, ¶ 545 of churches in merger, ¶ 2545.5 defined, ¶ 1711.1 Archives and History, Central or Jurisdictional Commission on annual conference journal sent to, ¶ 606.2 archives and history, conference commission, ¶ 641 annual conference, ¶ 641 Connectional Table relationship, ¶ 906.1c Archives and History, General Commission, ¶ 606 accountability, ¶ 702.2 as administrative general agency, ¶ 703.6 annual conference journal sent to, ¶ 606.2 archival definitions, ¶ 1711.1 archives, ¶ 1711.1a documentary record material, ¶ 1711.1b general agency, ¶ 1711.1c authorization and establishment, ¶ 1701 central conference Membership, ¶ 705.4c Connectional Table accountability, ¶ 702.2
as custodian of records, ¶ 1711.2 custodianship of records, ¶ 1711.2 executive committee, ¶ 1708 finances, ¶ 1709 general agencies, ¶¶ 703.6, 1711.1c heritage landmarks, ¶ 1712.1b designation of, ¶ 1712.1c present, ¶ 1712.2 quadrennial review, ¶ 1712.1d historic sites, ¶ 1712.1a Historical Society of The United Methodist Church, ¶ 1710 inclusiveness, ¶ 1704.2 incorporation, ¶ 1702 landmarks and heritage, ¶¶ 1703.1, 1708 meetings, ¶ 1705 membership, ¶ 1704 officers, ¶ 1706 personnel policy and practices committee, ¶ 805.4d procedures, ¶ 1711.3 purpose, ¶ 1703 staff, ¶ 1707 armed forces chaplain, ¶ 354.10 Armed Forces Reserve, ¶ 344.5e Articles of Religion, ¶¶ 102 (p. 53), 103 (p. 59–66), 104 central conference interpreting, ¶ 543.18 in Constitution, ¶ 3 General Conference restrictive rules, ¶ 17 Asian American United Methodists, ¶ 906.1 assessment process, local church in transitional communities, ¶ 213 assistant general secretary, ¶ 703.7d professing membership of, ¶ 714.5 680
associate general secretary, ¶ 703.7c professing membership of, ¶ 714.5 associate membership, ¶¶ 227, 233, 237 chair of, on Ordained Ministry Board, ¶ 635.1a missionary conference, ¶ 586.7 ordained ministry, ¶¶ 321, 322 roll, ¶ 230.4 associate pastors, ¶ 258.2 association, ¶ 703.12 Association of Annual Conference Lay Leaders, ¶¶ 264, 607.10, 1117.7 association, term defined, ¶ 703.12 audiovisual materials, ¶¶ 1125, 1313, 1327, 1397, 1602.1, 1711.1 audit accessibility, of local church, ¶ 2532.6 of annual conference financial records, ¶ 617 of church officers, ¶ 2511 of episcopal area offices, ¶ 817.7 of financial records, ¶ 258.4d of general agencies, ¶¶ 806.5, 806.6, 806.12 of General Treasurer’s books, ¶ 809 internal functions, ¶ 806.6 audit and review committee, ¶¶ 805.4b, 806, 809 Pension and Health Benefits, General Board, ¶ 1502.4b audit review committee for annual conference, ¶ 617.4 autonomous Methodist churches, ¶¶ 13.2, 335, 570.1. See also affiliated autonomous Methodist churches becoming, ¶ 572 certificates of membership, ¶ 571.1
clergy transfer, ¶ 572.2 cooperation plan, ¶ 572.6 covenanting, ¶ 570.4b Discipline of, ¶ 572.3 General Conference, ¶ 502 plans of cooperation, ¶ 571.4 transfer of clergy, ¶ 574.2 visitation program, ¶ 571.3 B banking policies, ¶ 806.7 baptism, ¶¶ 103, 226.2a of adults, ¶ 216b elders in full connection availability, ¶ 344.3 of infants and children, ¶ 216 licensed ministry authority and duties, ¶ 316 during new church start, ¶ 259.6 as pastor responsibility and duty, ¶ 340.2b of youth, ¶ 216b baptismal covenant, ¶¶ 215.2, 216.1– 2, 225, 228, 340 base compensation, for pastors, ¶ 622 Equitable Compensation Fund adjustments, ¶¶ 622, 625 Basic Christian Affirmations, ¶ 101 behaviors, undermining, ¶ 2702 bequests, to The United Methodist Church, ¶ 1504.18 bill of charges and specifications, for judicial complaint, ¶¶ 2706.1, 2706.5 amendments to, ¶ 2708.11 investigation committee procedures, ¶ 2707.5a birth control social principles, ¶ 161J 681
bishops, ¶ 52. See also College of Bishops ad interim service, ¶ 817.12 address records, ¶ 807.15 agency meetings, ¶ 710.11 annual conference membership district superintendency committee, ¶ 666.2 Finance and Administration, Conference Council, ¶ 611.2c United Methodist Women, ¶ 631.3 appeals committee of, ¶ 2716 appointments process and, ¶ 433.2 assignment, ¶ 407 central conference matters, ¶ 2201.3 church membership, ¶ 405.2 complaints against, ¶ 413 Conference of Methodist Bishops, ¶ 428 consecration of, ¶ 405 constitutional provisions, ¶¶ 45–54 assignment, ¶ 50 elections, ¶ 55 presiding in sessions, ¶ 52 question of law decisions, ¶¶ 51, 56.2 tenure, ¶ 50 Curriculum Resources Committee membership, ¶ 1127.1a deacons supported by, ¶ 331.14 district superintendents relationship with, ¶ 426 duties of, ¶ 404 election, assignment and termination of, ¶¶ 46, 404–13, 405.2a, 543.2, 543.3 assignment process, ¶ 406 central conference committee on episcopacy, ¶ 406.2 consecration, ¶ 405
episcopal area provisions, ¶ 404 jurisdictional committee on episcopacy, ¶ 406.1 nomination, ¶ 405.1 special assignments, ¶ 406.3 vacancy in offices of, ¶ 407 episcopal decisions of, ¶ 51 evaluation of, ¶ 412 expiration of terms in central conferences, ¶ 411 general boards and agencies membership Archives and History, General Commission, ¶ 1704.2 Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, General Commission, ¶ 1906.1a Church and Society, General Board, ¶ 1006.1d Communication, General Commission, ¶ 1807.1 Discipleship, General Board, ¶ 1105.1 Global Ministries, General Board, ¶ 1311.1 Higher Education and Ministry, General Board, ¶ 1407.2 Pension and Health Benefits, General Board, ¶ 1502.1 Religion and Race, General Commission, ¶ 2003 Status and Role of Women, General Commission, ¶ 2104.1 United Methodist Men, General Commission, ¶ 2303 United Methodist Publishing House, ¶ 1602 housing, ¶ 614.1c incapacity leave, ¶¶ 407, 409.1 682
institution of higher education assignment of retired, ¶ 408.1c interrupted service of, ¶ 817.11 investigations, ¶¶ 2702.5b, 2703.1, 2707.2c involuntary retirement, ¶¶ 408.3, 524.3e judicial complaints of, ¶ 2704.1 Judicial Council action, ¶ 2609.7 jurisdictional conferences of presiding, ¶ 522 jurisdictional transfers, ¶ 49 leadership, ¶¶ 308, 403.1, 414, 524.3a leaves, ¶ 410 leave of absence, ¶ 410.1 renewal leave, ¶ 410.2 sabbatical leave, ¶ 410.3 mandatory retirement, ¶ 408.1 missionaries duty of, ¶¶ 415.6–7 Order of Deacons responsibilities of, ¶ 414.10 Order of Elders responsibilities in, ¶ 414.10 pensions, ¶¶ 406, 817, 1506.2c personal papers in archives, ¶ 1711.3k presidential duties of, ¶ 415 presiding, at jurisdictional conferences, ¶ 522 residence, ¶¶ 614.1c, 638 jointly owned, ¶ 2514 resignation, ¶ 408.4 responsibilities of, ¶¶ 54, 414–16 retired, ¶ 409 retired, appointed to ad interim service, ¶ 817.12 retirement allowance, ¶ 548 review and evaluation of, ¶ 412 role of, ¶ 403
salaries, ¶ 817.4 special ministry not separate order, ¶ 402 spiritual leadership, ¶¶ 308, 414 superintendency offices of, ¶ 402 temporal leadership, ¶ 414 termination of office, ¶ 408 transfer of, ¶ 512.2 travel expenses, ¶ 817.2 whose service is interrupted, ¶ 817.11 Bishop’s Dinner for Scouting, ¶ 2302 Black College Fund, ¶¶ 619, 634.4a5, 815, 1410.5 distribution formula, ¶ 815.1 election, assignment and termination of, ¶ 815.3 funding for, ¶ 806.1c as general fund, ¶¶ 810.1, 815 marketing/promotion by Communications, General Commission, ¶ 1806.12 Black Colleges Council of Presidents, ¶¶ 815, 816.2, 1411.6, 1413.3d, 1420 Black Methodists for Church Renewal, ¶ 906.1 blended ministry, ¶ 206.3b Board of Church Extension of The Evangelical Church Global Ministries, General Board successor to, ¶ 1305.2 Board of Health and Welfare Ministries Global Ministries, General Board controlling work of, ¶ 1305.3 Board of Home Missions and Church Extension Global Ministries, General Board controlling work of, ¶ 1305.3 683
Board of Missions and Church Extension of The Methodist Church Global Ministries, General Board controlling work of, ¶ 1305.3 Board of Missions of The Evangelical United Brethren Church Global Ministries, General Board successor to, ¶ 1305.2 United Methodist Church successor to, ¶ 1305.2 Board of Missions of The Methodist Church Global Ministries, General Board controlling work of, ¶ 1305.3 Board of Missions of The Protestant Church Global Ministries, General Board controlling work of, ¶ 1305.3 Board of Missions of The United Methodist Church Global Ministries, General Board controlling work of, ¶ 1305.3 Board of Publication powers and duties, ¶ 1609 Board of Trustees, ¶¶ 258, 2507 district parsonages and, ¶ 2517 bonding of church officers, ¶ 2511 of conference and conference agency officers, ¶ 618 fidelity, ¶ 1626 of pension handlers, ¶ 1508.9 book editor, of United Methodist Publishing House, ¶ 1628 salary, ¶ 1630 suspension, ¶ 1631 Book of Common Prayer, ¶¶ 101 (p. 45), 102 (p.51–52) Book of Discipline
agency in, ¶ 701.2 central conference making changes in, ¶ 543.7 Connectional Table in, ¶ 705 general funds definition in, ¶ 810 in governance of judicial process, ¶ 2719.5 Judicial Council review of, ¶ 2609.8 Book of Discipline 1992, ¶¶ 338, 602 Book of Discipline 1996, ¶ 1601 The Book of Resolutions of The United Methodist Church, ¶ 1407 boycott guidelines, ¶¶ 510.2, 656, 658.5 editing of, ¶ 510.2 Older-Adult ministries, ¶ 1121.3 Book of Worship, ¶¶ 630.4, 1114 Discipleship, General Board recommendations, ¶ 1114.3 borrowing, by agencies, ¶ 811.3 Boston University School of Theology, ¶ 1422.3a boundaries of annual conferences, ¶ 543.8 of central conferences, ¶¶ 28, 38 of district property sales, ¶ 2517.3 of jurisdictional conference, ¶¶ 37, 39 Boy Scouts of America, ¶ 256.4 boycotts, ¶¶ 510.2, 656, 658.5 British Methodist Conference, ¶ 13.3 budgets, ¶ 614 administration, ¶ 614.2 clergy support, ¶ 614.1 bishop’s housing, ¶ 614.1c pastor compensation, ¶ 614.1d pensions and benefits, ¶ 614.1d conference benevolences, ¶ 614.3 Finance and Administration, Conference Council, ¶¶ 613.1, 614 684
administration, ¶ 614.2 clergy support, ¶ 614.1 conference benevolences, ¶ 614.3 other apportioned causes, ¶ 614.4 special appeals, ¶ 614.5 Finance and Administration, General Council, ¶¶ 806.1, 806.4 general agencies, ¶ 806.4 provisional annual conferences, ¶ 582.3 building committee, ¶¶ 423.5, 2532, 2543 cost estimates by, ¶ 2543.7 facility approval of district board from, ¶ 2543.5 burial, ¶¶ 230, 316, 340, 2527 C cabinets appointment process, ¶ 207.6 ecumenical shared ministries priorities of, ¶ 211 superintendency, ¶ 429 calendar. See also Special Sundays liturgical sessions, ¶ 1114.1 year designations in curriculum requirements, ¶ 1123 call to ministry of baptized, ¶ 220 calling, ¶ 137 Camp Fire USA, ¶ 256.4 campus minister, ¶¶ 223, 256, 341 in Annual Conference, ¶ 602 clergy appointed as, ¶ 222 campus ministries Annual Conference, ¶ 602.1f information about, ¶¶ 228, 232 as ministry setting, ¶ 335 ordained ministry and, ¶¶ 256.3, 311
candidacy for licensed and ordained ministry. See ordained ministry candidacy mentors, ¶¶ 314, 349.1a–b assignment, ¶ 311.1b Candler School of Theology, ¶ 1422.3a capital punishment, ¶ 164G card index, for membership records, ¶ 233.2 career development, ¶¶ 635.2n, 1421.4a, 1421.4i catholic spirit, ¶ 102 Central and Southern Europe Central Conference, ¶¶ 540.3b, 722 Central Conference Affairs, Commission. See Standing Committee on Central Conference Matters Central Conference Pension Initiative, ¶ 1504.20 central conferences, ¶¶ 10, 540–48. See also Provisional Central Conferences agencies, ¶ 547 annual conference boundaries fixed by, ¶ 543.8 authorization, ¶ 540 bishops in retired relation, ¶ 548 boundaries of, ¶¶ 28, 38 composition of, ¶ 541 historical recordkeeping, ¶ 572.1 language and translation, ¶ 543.17 lay delegate election to, ¶ 36 meetings of, ¶ 30 membership of, ¶ 29 negotiation with Protestant bodies, ¶ 543.21 numbers of, ¶ 28 organization of, ¶ 542 685
powers and duties of, ¶¶ 31, 542.5, 543 presiding officer role, ¶ 542.4 property, ¶ 546 provisional, ¶ 540.4 records and archives of, ¶ 545 rules of procedure, ¶ 543.12 territory divisions, ¶ 543.20 certificate of baptism. See baptism certificate of honorable location. See honorable location certificate of transfer, ¶ 239 certificates for candidacy, ¶ 658.3 certification affiliated autonomous Methodist churches, ¶ 571.1 affiliated united churches, ¶ 571.1 autonomous Methodist churches, ¶ 571.1 certified lay speaker transfer of, ¶ 269 Lay Speakers transfer of, ¶ 269 ordained ministry, conference board responsibility, ¶ 635.1c pastoral care, ¶ 1421.5a certified candidate for licensing or ordination, ¶ 312.3 appointment, ¶ 314 discontinuance, ¶ 313 reinstatement, ¶ 313.2 certified lay minister, ¶¶ 271, 272 compensation, ¶ 271.6 qualifications, ¶ 271.2 recertification, ¶¶ 271.3–4 transfer of recertification, ¶ 271.5 certified lay speaker, ¶¶ 268, 270 training, ¶ 271 transfer of certification, ¶ 269 chancellor of conference, ¶ 603.8
annual conference inclusion, ¶ 602.10 change of venue, ¶¶ 2708, 2714.5 chaplains career development, ¶ 1421.4a continuing education, ¶ 1421.4a military student candidate programs, ¶ 1421.5d Chaplains Supplemental Pension Grant Fund, ¶ 1422.5o charge conference, ¶¶ 12, 247.19. See also church conference authority and local laws, ¶ 2528 authority of local church property, ¶ 2528 church council chairperson, ¶ 251.3 church historian, ¶ 247.5 church officer elections, ¶ 44 committee on records and history, ¶ 247.5b duties of leaders and members, ¶ 251 election of leaders, ¶ 249 general provisions, ¶ 246 joint, ¶ 246.10 lay leader of, ¶ 251 local church, ¶¶ 246–51 membership, ¶ 246.2 organization of, ¶ 43 powers and duties, ¶ 247 quorum for, ¶ 246.6 recording secretary, ¶ 247.4 removal of officers and filling vacancies, ¶ 250 special sessions, ¶ 246.7 chargeable offenses, and statute of limitations, ¶ 2702 charter members, ¶ 259.5 Chartered Fund, ¶¶ 22, 632 686
Pension and Health Benefits, General Board, ¶ 1504.10 child abuse, ¶¶ 312.2, 315.6a, 322.1, 324.12, 340.5, 341.5, 346.2, 347.2, 347.3, 2702 child and dependent care, ¶ 610.7 children adoption of, ¶¶ 161L, 356 baptism of, ¶ 216 care of, ¶ 226 church membership, ¶ 226 rights, social principles, ¶ 162C television viewing, ¶¶ 162S, 1806 children’s ministries, ¶¶ 256, 256.2 children’s council, ¶ 256.2a comprehensive, ¶ 1120 coordinator, ¶ 256.2a The Christian as Minister, ¶ 311 Christian communities social principles, ¶ 161F “Christian Conference” of 1784, p. 12 ¶¶ 102, 723 Christian denominations, ¶ 344.1 recognition of clergy orders from other, ¶ 348 transfer from other denominations, ¶¶ 225, 347.3 Christian discipleship accountable, ¶ 1118.2 General Board financial relationship, ¶ 1118 Small Group Ministries, ¶ 1118.1 Christian education, ¶ 1109 Christian Education Sunday, ¶¶ 265.1, 1110.14 marketing/promotion by Communications, General Commission, ¶ 1806.12 Christian man’s oath, ¶ 103
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, p. 15 ¶¶ 1903.8, 2403.2 Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, General Commission relationship with, ¶ 1903.8 Christian perfection sanctification and, ¶ 103 Christian unity and interreligious concerns committee (or conference committee), ¶ 642 Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, General Commission, ¶¶ 814.2–3, 1901 accountability, ¶ 702.2 The African Methodist Episcopal Church relationship with, ¶ 1903.8 African Methodist Episcopal Zion relationship with, ¶ 1903.8 authority and powers, ¶ 1904 central conference membership, ¶ 705.4c Church and Society, General Board relationship with, ¶ 1903.14 Churches Uniting in Christ memberships, ¶¶ 1906.2–3 relationship with, ¶¶ 642, 1903.5 Connectional Table accountability, ¶ 702.2 relationship, ¶ 906.1c consultations with, ¶ 2401.3 Council of Bishops consulting with, ¶ 2401.3 Division on Ministries with Young People resource, ¶ 1207.2 election of members, ¶ 705.1 Faith and Order Committee, ¶ 1907 Interdenominational Cooperation Fund, ¶ 814 member election, ¶ 705.5 687
members of, ¶ 1906 National Association of Evangelicals consulting on, ¶ 1903.5 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA memberships, ¶¶ 1906.2–3 relationship with, ¶¶ 1903.5, 1903.6 nominations, ¶ 705.1 North Central Jurisdiction membership on boards and agencies, ¶ 1906.1b Northeastern Jurisdiction membership on boards and agencies, ¶ 1906.1b organization, ¶ 1905 personnel policy and practices committee, ¶ 805.4d purpose, ¶ 1902 quorum, ¶ 1905 recruitment, ¶ 1903.2 Religion and Race, General Commission relationship with, ¶ 1903.14 responsibilities, ¶ 1903 South Central Jurisdiction membership on boards and agencies, ¶ 1906.1b Southeastern Jurisdiction membership on boards and agencies, ¶ 1906.1b United Methodist Church and Evangelical Lutheran Church of America Joint Commission, ¶ 1905.8 Western Jurisdiction membership on boards and agencies, ¶ 1906.1b World Conference on Religion and Peace relationship with, ¶ 1903.5 World Council of Churches memberships, ¶¶ 1906.2–3 relationship with, ¶ 1903.5
Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, General Commission relationship with World Evangelical Fellowship, ¶ 1903.5 World Methodist Council, ¶¶ 1903.5, 1903.13 Christian Unity, General Commission, ¶¶ 814.2–3 Christian values media violence and, ¶ 162S Christian Year, ¶¶ 262, 1114.1 Christians, heritage, ¶ 101 Christmas Conference, p. 11 ¶¶ 102, 723 church, ¶¶ 103, 140. See also charge conference; local church admission to, ¶¶ 222–26 central conferences representing, ¶ 543.19 inclusiveness of, ¶ 4 member definition, ¶ 526 nature and mission of, ¶ 101 Church and Community Ministry program, ¶ 633.4b(23) church and community ministry subcommittee, ¶ 633.5d church and society, conference board, ¶ 629 church and society, district director, ¶ 661 Church and Society, General Board accountability, ¶ 702.2 Appalachian Development Committee relationship with, ¶ 1004 bylaws, ¶ 1011 central conference membership, ¶ 705.4c 688
Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, General Commission relationship with, ¶ 1903.14 conference board connection with, ¶ 629.1 Connectional Table accountability, ¶ 702.2 Connectional Table relationship, ¶ 906.1c Division on Ministries with Young People resource, ¶ 1207.2 election of members, ¶ 705.1 financial support, ¶ 1008 headquarters, ¶ 1010 Human Relations Day administration, ¶ 263 incorporation, ¶ 1005 memberships, ¶ 1602.2 name, ¶ 1001 nominations, ¶ 705.1 objectives, ¶ 1003 organization, ¶ 1006 central conference members, ¶ 1006b episcopal members, ¶ 1006c jurisdictional members, ¶ 1006a personnel policy and practices committee, ¶ 805.4d purpose, ¶ 1002 responsibilities, ¶ 1004 secretary participation in Curriculum Resource Committee, ¶ 1127.1c staff, ¶ 1009 vacancies, ¶ 1007 Youth Offender Rehabilitation Program and, ¶ 263.1c church and state relations, ¶ 164C
Church Business Administration, United Methodist Church, ¶¶ 613.16, 807.18 church conference, ¶ 248 building committee presentation, ¶ 2543.7 district superintendent’s responsibilities, ¶ 249 for new church start, ¶ 260.7 church corporations, ¶ 2506 church council chairperson, ¶ 251.3 meetings, ¶ 252.3 membership of, ¶ 252.5 mission and ministry, ¶ 252.2 purpose, ¶ 252.1 quorum, ¶ 252.6 responsibilities of, ¶ 252.4 church historian, ¶ 247.5 Church in mission, ¶¶ 303.4, 332, 1301 church institutions, ¶ 1416.4 trustees of, ¶ 2551 church local conference, ¶ 2526 church location and building, district board, ¶¶ 213.2, 213.3a, 2518 building proposal standards of approval, ¶ 2520 district superintendents administration, ¶ 423.5 duties and responsibilities, ¶ 2519 new local church or mission congregation establishment, ¶ 259 satellite congregations authorized by, ¶ 247.21 church membership, ¶¶ 214–42 accountability, ¶ 221 admission to church, ¶¶ 222–26 affiliate and associate, ¶ 227 689
annual conference power to inquire about, ¶ 604.9 annual report and audit, ¶ 231 charge conference receipt of, ¶ 247.15 of full/preparatory members in colleges/universities, ¶ 232 in autonomous, affiliated united churches, ¶ 571.1 baptism, ¶¶ 4, 215.1 call to ministry, ¶ 220 care of children and youth, ¶ 226 care of members, ¶¶ 228–29 in church universal, ¶ 215.4 in colleges/universities, ¶ 232 definition of, ¶ 215 eligibility, ¶ 214 faithful discipleship growth, ¶ 218 full and preparatory members attending colleges and universities annual report, ¶ 232 in jurisdiction, and number of bishops, ¶ 405.2 lay missionaries in non-United Methodist Churches, ¶ 237 meaning of, ¶¶ 216–21 moving to another community, ¶ 236 mutual responsibility, ¶ 219 neglect in performance of vows, ¶¶ 221.2, 228.2b non-local church settings, ¶ 222 outside of congregational settings, ¶ 224 pastor’s responsibility to encourage, ¶ 340.2 penalty of removal from, ¶ 2711.3 permanent records, ¶ 233 records and reports, ¶¶ 230–34 removal of members, ¶ 235
residing at distance, ¶ 238 restoration of professing membership, ¶ 242 roll of, ¶ 223 transfer from other denominations, ¶ 225 transfer to other denominations, ¶ 249 transfer to other United Methodist Churches, ¶ 239 uniting in, ¶ 217 vows, ¶ 217 withdrawal without notice, ¶ 241 Church of United Brethren in Christ, ¶¶ 803, 1320.3 Home Missions and Church Erection Society, ¶ 1304.2 church officers election of, ¶ 44 church school, ¶ 256 Christian education responsibilities, ¶ 630.2 financial support, ¶ 1107.4 lay missioners provisions, ¶ 270 promoting, ¶ 1110 small group ministries and, ¶ 256.1 superintendent, ¶ 255 young adult ministries and, ¶ 256.4 church school ministries, ¶ 256 Church School Publications Curriculum Resource Committee, ¶¶ 1122, 1632–35 staff responsibility for curriculum development, ¶ 1123 Church School Publications editor, ¶¶ 1126, 1632 board participation, ¶ 1639 curriculum requirements, ¶ 1123 Curriculum Resources Committee publications and, ¶ 1636 690
duties of, ¶ 1633 responsibilities, ¶ 1126 salary, ¶ 1635 secretary participation in Curriculum Resource Committee, ¶ 1127.1c church secretaries, ¶ 807.19. See also Professional Association of United Methodist Church Secretaries church treasurer, ¶ 258 church universal, ¶¶ 4, 6, 203, 215, 403e, 1314.1d, 2406.1 Church Women United, ¶ 1319.9 Churches Uniting in Christ, ¶ 2404.1 annual conference, ¶ 642.4f annual conference seat, ¶ 602.9 Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, General Commission relationship with, ¶¶ 642, 1903.5 equitable compensation, ¶ 625.10 memberships Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, General Commission, ¶¶ 1906.2–3 Discipleship, General Board, ¶ 1105.1e general program board, ¶ 705.4 Higher Education and Ministry, General Board, ¶ 1407.2d pastoral support of clergy from, ¶ 625.10 reports from, ¶ 1903.13 circuit, ¶ 205.2 Civic Youth-Serving Agencies, ¶¶ 256.4, 2302.5 civil action, instituting and defending, ¶ 2509 civil authority Christian duty to, ¶ 103 civil disobedience
social principles, ¶ 164F civil government, ¶ 103 civil obedience social principles, ¶ 164F CJAMM. See criminal justice and mercy ministries committee Claremont School of Theology, ¶ 1422.3a class leaders, ¶¶ 256.1b, 1118.2c classes, ¶ 103 clergy, ¶ 502. See also deacons; elders; local pastor; ordained ministry annual conference membership, ¶ 602.1 definition of, ¶ 141 employment status of, ¶ 142 judicial complaints of, ¶ 2704.2 mentoring, ¶ 349 pensions of, ¶¶ 1506.2b, 1506.3a clergy orders changing, ¶ 309.2 of deacons, ¶ 306 of elders, ¶ 306 membership of, ¶ 309 ordained ministry, ¶¶ 305–9 organization of, ¶ 308 purpose, ¶ 307 in relation to ministry of all Christians, ¶ 305 Clergy Retirement Security Program, ¶ 817.8 clergy session, ¶¶ 316.5, 369.3, 605 commissioning accountable to, ¶ 325 qualifications for election to provisional membership vote of, ¶ 324 clergy support budgets bishop’s housing, ¶ 614.1c pastor compensation, ¶ 614.1d 691
pensions and benefits, ¶ 614.1d cloning social principles, ¶ 162O closed meetings restrictions, ¶ 721 closed session, ¶¶ 258, 721 closed trials, ¶ 2708.12 cluster groups, ¶ 206.3a collateral, for annual conference invested funds, ¶ 2512.3f collective bargaining social principles, ¶ 163B College of Bishops, ¶ 521.2 authority to call special session of jurisdictional conference, ¶ 521.2 bishop assignment consultation, ¶ 407 complaints against bishop submissions to, ¶¶ 413.2–3 constitutional provisions, ¶ 48 episcopal supervision, ¶ 48 Finance and Administration, General Council and, ¶ 805.1 missionary conference supervision of, ¶ 586.1 trial process role of, ¶¶ 2712.1–3 vacancy in office of bishop, ¶ 407 colleges evaluating those related to annual conference, ¶ 634.4a(7) Higher Education and Ministry, Conference Board responsibilities, ¶¶ 634.4b–c Colored Methodist Episcopal Church, p. 15 Come, Let Us Worship: The KoreanEnglish United Methodist Hymnal, ¶ 1114.3 commissioning, ¶ 325
committee on ordained ministry, ¶ 535 committee on pastor-parish relations, ¶ 244 appointment-making and, ¶¶ 431.1, 433 commission on equitable compensation and, ¶ 625.2 consultation and, ¶ 431.1 district superintendents working with, ¶¶ 421, 422.1, 431, 432.1, 435.6–7, 436.10 duties of, ¶ 258.2 elders in full connection evaluation by, ¶ 334.2 election to, ¶ 249 evaluation of pastor by, ¶ 351.1 General Board of Discipleship supporting, ¶ 1117.3 itinerant system and, ¶ 338 lay leader membership, ¶ 251.1c local board of trustees and, ¶ 2532.4 maternity or paternity leave and, ¶ 356 meetings of, ¶ 721 supervisory response and, ¶ 361.1b committee on records and history, ¶ 247.5b committee on women’s work, ¶ 547 communication, ¶ 103. See also Communication, General Commission; information information technology, social principles, ¶ 162T local church coordinator, ¶ 255 training, ¶ 1806.9 multimedia, ¶¶ 1806.2–3 responsibility, ¶ 1806 692
communication, conference commission, ¶ 646 Communication, General Commission, ¶¶ 263, 646, 1801–8 accountability, ¶ 702.2 as administrative general agency, ¶ 703.6 Advance Special promotion, ¶ 822.3 amenability and accountability, ¶ 1804 Black College Fund promotion, ¶ 815.3 central conference membership, ¶ 705.4c Connectional Table accountability, ¶ 702.2 Connectional Table relationship, ¶ 906.1c election of members, ¶ 705.1 Episcopal Fund promotion by, ¶ 817.1 finance, ¶ 1808 General Administrative Fund promoted by, ¶ 813.5 Human Relations Day supported by, ¶ 823.1 incorporation, ¶ 1803 Interdenominational Cooperation Fund promotion, ¶ 814.7 member election, ¶ 705.5 Ministerial Education Fund promotion by, ¶ 816.4 name, ¶ 1802 nominations, ¶ 705.1 One Great Hour of Sharing, ¶¶ 263.2, 823.2, 1801 organization, ¶ 1807 meetings, ¶ 1807.2 membership, ¶ 1807.1
officers, ¶ 1807.3 staff, ¶ 1807.3 Peace with Justice Sunday, ¶¶ 263.5, 823.5 personnel policy and practices committee, ¶ 805.4d purpose, ¶ 1805 responsibilities, ¶ 1806 Special Sunday offerings, ¶ 263 Special Sundays, ¶ 263 United Methodist Student Day, ¶¶ 263.4, 823.3 World Communion Sunday, ¶ 263.3 World Service Fund promotion, ¶ 812.4 World Service Specials promotion, ¶¶ 819.7, 820.3, 820.4, 820.5 Communion elements. See Lord’s Supper Community and Institutional Ministries Program, ¶ 1313.2 compensation. See salaries complaints administrative, ¶ 362 disposition of, ¶ 363 against bishops, ¶ 413 fair process in administrative hearings, ¶ 362.2 judicial, ¶ 362b procedures, ¶ 361 comprehensive Adult Ministries Discipleship, General Board, ¶ 1120.3 comprehensive Children’s Ministries Discipleship, General Board, ¶ 1120 comprehensive Family Ministries Discipleship, General Board, ¶ 1120.4 693
Comprehensive Protection Plan, ¶¶ 346, 357, 358.2, 652c, 652e, 1506.19, 1506.21–22 episcopal pensions, ¶ 817 voluntary retirement, ¶ 358.2 comprehensive Youth Ministry Discipleship, General Board, ¶ 1120.2 concordat agreements, ¶¶ 57, 227, 574 Council of Bishops, ¶¶ 574a, 574b Daily Christian Advocate, ¶ 574b Methodist churches with, ¶ 570.5 conference agencies and boards. See specific agency or board conference benevolences, ¶ 247.14 budgets, ¶ 614.3 Conference Benevolences Fund, ¶ 619 conference grounds, ¶ 2516 conference lay leader. See lay leader Conference of Methodist Bishops, ¶ 428 Conference Presidents of United Methodist Men, National Association of, ¶ 2302.3 conference scouting coordinator, ¶ 631.3 conference treasurer/director of administrative services, ¶ 619 conference treasurer, ¶ 619.1 Conference Benevolences Fund, ¶ 619 World Service Fund, ¶ 619 director of administrative services, ¶ 619.2 conferences. See annual conference; central conferences; charge conference; General Conference; jurisdictional conference; specific conference Confession of Faith, ¶¶ 102, 104
in Constitution, ¶ 3 Evangelical United Brethren Church, ¶¶ 103 (66–71) confessional confidences, ¶ 340.2, 341.5 confidentiality, ¶¶ 361, 363, 413, 635.2l ex parte agreement and, ¶ 2607 confirmation, ¶¶ 216, 226.1, 230, 240 licensed ministry authority and duties, ¶ 316.1 conflict. See JUSTPEACE Center for Mediation and Conflict Transformation conflict of interest conference board of pension policy, ¶ 1508 policies, ¶ 805.1d Congo Central Conference, ¶ 540.3c congregational development joint committee, ¶¶ 1113.13, 1313.1 congregational development subcommittee, ¶ 633.5e congregations. See also local church appointment-making criteria for, ¶ 432.1 appointments criteria for, ¶ 432.1 Congress, of United States, ¶ 1004 connectional responsibilities in ecumenical shared ministries, ¶ 210 Connectional Table, ¶¶ 901–7 accountability to, ¶ 702.2 amenability, ¶ 903 central conference membership, ¶ 705.4c Division on Ministries with Young People resource, ¶ 1207.2 effective date, ¶ 907 694
election of members, ¶ 705.1 elections, ¶ 705.3 evaluating general agencies, ¶ 702.3 incorporation, ¶ 902 membership and general agencies, ¶ 705 name, ¶ 901 nominations, ¶ 705.1 objectives, ¶ 905 organization, ¶ 906 internal structure, ¶ 906.4 meetings, ¶ 906.2 membership, ¶ 906.1 officers, ¶ 906.3 staff, ¶ 906.5 purpose, ¶ 904 connectionalism, ¶¶ 131, 701.1 consecration of bishops, ¶ 405 of local church buildings, ¶ 2544 constituency roll, ¶ 230.3 Constitution, of The United Methodist Church amendment voting of, ¶ 33 amendments, ¶¶ 59–61 articles of religion and confession of faith, ¶ 3 declaration of union, ¶ 1 ecumenical relations, ¶ 6 episcopal supervision, ¶¶ 45–54 general, ¶¶ 1–7 inclusiveness, ¶ 4 judiciary, ¶¶ 55–58 name, ¶ 2 organization, ¶¶ 8–44 property titles, ¶ 7 racial justice, ¶ 5 Constitution, of United Methodist Men, ¶ 648
Constitution, of United Methodist Women, ¶¶ 647, 1326 Consultation on Church Union, p. 19. See also Churches Uniting in Christ consultations bishop assignment, ¶ 407 with Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, General Commission, ¶ 2401.3 Connectional Table membership, ¶ 705.4e(2) with Higher Education and Ministry, General Board, ¶ 1418 of Interdenominational Cooperation Fund, ¶ 2401.3 service to general agencies, ¶ 807.14 superintendency appointment-making, ¶ 431 superintendency appointments, ¶ 431 of University Senate, ¶ 1418 consumerism social principles, ¶ 163D consumption social principles, ¶ 163D continuing education elders, ¶ 334.4 fiscal responsibility of, ¶ 807.19 spiritual growth and, ¶ 351 conveyances, conformance with local law, ¶ 2508 conviction, of crime, ¶¶ 312, 315.6, 324.12, 346.2, 2712.3, 2716, 2717 cooperative ecumenical parish, ¶ 206.3b cooperative parish, ¶ 206 appointment to, ¶ 433.5b board of trustees, ¶ 2527 pastoral charge of, ¶ 205 695
coordinators, ¶ 660 Global Ministries, Conference Board, ¶ 633.4b for specialized ministry groups, ¶¶ 253–56 specialized-ministries groups, ¶¶ 253–67 corporate responsibility social principles, ¶ 163I Council of Bishops, ¶¶ 427, 706.2 Act of Covenanting, ¶ 573.2 bishop assignment to, ¶ 49 central conferences assignments of, ¶ 542.3 churchwide offerings, ¶ 263 concordat agreements, ¶¶ 574a, 574b constitutional provisions, ¶ 47 episcopal visitation of mission fields, ¶ 567 General Conference Commission, ¶ 511 jurisdictional conference meetings determined by, ¶ 26 liaison role, ¶ 2401 power to call General Conference special session, ¶ 14 secretary-designate election, ¶ 504 special assignments, ¶ 406.3 Council of Presidents of Black Colleges, ¶¶ 815, 1420 Council on World Service and Finance, ¶ 803 Counsel for the Church, ¶¶ 362, 2706.2a counseling for abused children, ¶ 161F centers, ¶ 1421.5 as pastor’s responsibility and duty, ¶ 340
post-abortion, ¶ 161K pre-marital/post-marital, ¶ 161C pre-retirement, ¶ 358.4 Course of Study curriculum, ¶¶ 319, 1421.3 Covenant Discipleship Groups, ¶¶ 118.2d, 1118.2b, 1118.2h covenant groups, ¶ 326 covenant of relationship, ¶¶ 570.2a, 2550.1a Covenant Relationship, ¶¶ 326, 2550 in multi-ethnic, multi-language settings, ¶ 2550 support of mission personnel, ¶¶ 1313, 2550 covenanting churches, ¶ 570.4 becoming, ¶ 573 covenanting in ecumenical shared ministries, ¶ 209 credentials bishops of central conferences, ¶ 411 deacons and elders, ¶ 309.3 delegates to General Conference, ¶ 502.6 local pastor, ¶ 320 withdrawal of, ¶¶ 360.3, 360.4 criminal justice, ¶ 164 criminal justice and mercy ministries (CJAMM) committee, ¶ 656 Crusade Scholarship Program, ¶¶ 823.4b, 1421.3h cultures, ¶ 162A ethnic, ¶ 1111.2b nations and, ¶ 165A racial, ¶ 1114.11 social principles, ¶ 162A Curriculum Resources Committee, ¶¶ 1632–35 696
authority to review teaching resources of general agencies, ¶ 1124 Church School Publications relationship with, ¶ 1126 cooperative publications, ¶ 1636 curriculum requirements, ¶ 1123 Discipleship, General Board relationship with, ¶ 1125 duties and responsibilities, ¶ 1122 evangelism inclusion in resources, ¶ 1113.11 United Methodist Publishing House relationship with, ¶ 1125.2 youth materials, ¶ 1120.2a custodian, of records Archives and History, General Commission responsibility, ¶ 1711.2 recording secretary responsibility, ¶ 247.4 D Daily Christian Advocate concordat agreements, ¶ 574b corrections to, ¶ 510.1 as General Conference record, ¶ 1415.4 Judicial Council decisions on Book of Discipline, ¶ 2612.4 Judicial Council nominees biographical sketch in, ¶ 2602.2 petitions to General Conference printed in, ¶¶ 507.7–8 publication of, ¶ 511.4c secretary corrections to, ¶¶ 507.2, 510.3 Deaconess Service, Committee on, ¶ 1316
deaconesses committee on service, ¶ 1316 General Conference legislative power, ¶ 16.2 office for home missioners and, ¶ 1314 program office of, ¶ 1317 deacons. See also Order of Deacons annual conference membership, ¶ 602.1 appointments, ¶ 435 appointments to various ministries, ¶ 331 beyond local church, ¶ 331.4 from other annual conferences, ¶¶ 331.8–10 career development, ¶ 1421.4a continuing education, ¶ 1421.4a financing for, ¶ 351.4 division of, ¶ 635 employment termination, ¶ 331.14e General Conference legislative power, ¶ 16.2 graduate requirements, ¶ 324.4a incapacity leave, ¶ 357 ministry, authority, and responsibilities of, ¶¶ 328–29 orders, ¶ 306 changing, ¶ 309.2 ordination and full connection admission requirements, ¶ 330 performance evaluation of, ¶ 331.14d service of provisional ministers, ¶ 326.1 support when under appointment of bishop, ¶ 331.14 transfer of, ¶ 331.12 death, ¶¶ 161M, 161N. See also suicide 697
social principles, ¶¶ 161M, 161N death penalty. See also capital punishment social principles, ¶ 164G Declaration of Union, ¶ 1 declaratory decisions, of Judicial Council, ¶ 2610 declared candidate, for licensing or ordination, ¶ 311 dedication, of local church buildings, ¶ 2544 deeds conveyances conformity and, ¶ 2508 to federated churches or other evangelical denominations, ¶ 2547 trust clauses in, ¶ 2503 denominations. See Christian denominations depository for annual conference funds, ¶ 616 archival, ¶ 641.1 for pension funds, ¶ 1508.9 deputy general secretary, ¶ 703.7b diaconal ministers candidacy, ¶ 602.2 career development, ¶ 1421.4a continuing education, ¶ 1421.4a judicial complaints of, ¶ 2704.3 ordination as deacons, ¶ 369.3 service records, ¶ 606.6 spiritual formation, ¶ 1421.4a diakonia, ¶¶ 305, 330.3 disabilities, persons with agency meetings accommodating, ¶ 715.2 annual conference location accessibility, ¶ 603.4 clergy, ¶ 1421.4g
discipleship board responsibility for training in ministry for, ¶ 630.1c joint committee on incapacity, ¶ 652 rights, social principles, ¶ 162I Disability Awareness Sunday, ¶ 265.4 marketing/promotion by Communications, General Commission, ¶ 1806.12 disability concerns, conference committee, ¶ 653 disaster response, ¶¶ 633.4b(22), 1313.5c, 1327 health and relief unit, ¶ 1327 Disaster Response Committee, ¶ 633.4b(22) discipleship, ¶ 134. See also Christian discipleship; Discipleship, General Board accountability, ¶¶ 256.1b, 1118.2 formation responsibilities, ¶ 1118 growth in faithful, ¶¶ 218, 219, 1118 meaning of, ¶ 216.2a discipleship, conference board, ¶ 630 responsibilities Christian education, ¶¶ 630.1, 630.2 evangelism, ¶¶ 630.1, 630.3 general, ¶ 630.1 spiritual formation responsibilities, ¶ 630.6 stewardship responsibilities, ¶ 630.5 worship responsibilities, ¶ 630.4 Discipleship, General Board accountability, ¶ 702.2 age level, life-span, and family ministries, ¶ 1120 Adult Ministries, ¶ 1120.3 Children’s Ministries, ¶ 1120 Family Ministries, ¶ 1120.4 Youth Ministry, ¶ 1120.2 annuities, ¶¶ 1104.4, 1310 698
authority of curriculum resources committee to review teaching resources of general agencies, ¶ 1124 Book of Worship recommendations, ¶ 1114.3 bylaws, ¶ 1103 central conference membership, ¶ 705.4c Christian discipleship formation responsibilities, ¶ 1118 Christian education, ¶ 1109 Church School Publications editor, ¶ 1126 Churches Uniting in Christ memberships, ¶ 1105.1e comprehensive Family Ministries, ¶ 1120.4 Connectional Table accountability, ¶ 702.2 relationship, ¶ 906.1c cooperation, ¶ 1111 curriculum authority resources committee review, ¶ 1124 curriculum requirements, ¶ 1123 Curriculum Resources Committee, ¶ 1122 cooperative publications relationship, ¶ 1125 membership, ¶ 1127 Division on Ministries with Young People resource, ¶¶ 1201, 1207.2 education responsibilities and standards, ¶ 1110 election of members, ¶ 705.1 ethnic local church concerns, ¶ 1119 evangelism, ¶¶ 1112, 1113 executive committee, ¶ 1106.4 financial support, ¶ 1107
foundation guidance, ¶ 1115.6 incorporation, ¶ 1104 Laity ministry, ¶ 1117 local church ethnic concerns, ¶ 1119 Ministries with Young People, Division, ¶¶ 1201, 1205 nominations, ¶ 705.1 North Central Jurisdiction membership on boards and agencies, ¶ 1105.1a Northeastern Jurisdiction membership on boards and agencies, ¶ 1105.1a Older-Adult Ministries committee general provisions, ¶ 1121 organization, ¶¶ 1105, 1106 central conference members, ¶ 1105b episcopal members, ¶ 1105c executive committee, ¶ 1106.4 jurisdictional members, ¶ 1105a meetings, ¶ 1106.2 membership, ¶ 1106.1 officers, ¶ 1106.3 unit staff, ¶ 1106.5 Young People’s Ministries division, ¶ 1105c participation in Curriculum Resource Committee, ¶ 1127.1d personnel policy and practices committee, ¶ 805.4d purpose, ¶ 1101 relationship of curriculum resources committee to United Methodist Publishing House, ¶ 1125 responsibilities, ¶ 1102 secretary participation in Curriculum Resource Committee, ¶ 1127.1c South Central Jurisdiction membership on boards and agencies, ¶ 1105.1a 699
Southeastern Jurisdiction membership on boards and agencies, ¶ 1105.1a spiritual formation responsibilities, ¶ 1116 stewardship responsibilities, ¶ 1115 United Methodist Publishing House relationship with, ¶ 1125 Upper Room financial relationship with, ¶ 1108 Western Jurisdiction membership on boards and agencies, ¶ 1105.1a worship responsibilities, ¶ 1114 youth ministry responsibility, ¶ 1120.2 Discipline. See also Book of Discipline central conference, ¶¶ 543.16, 543.17 real or personal property matters, ¶ 2526.2 discontinuation, of local church property, ¶ 2548 discontinued local churches, ¶¶ 229, 423.10 discrimination. See also racial discrimination gender, ¶¶ 161I, 2702.1, 2702.3 inclusiveness denying, ¶ 139 minority rights, ¶ 162B social, ¶ 162H social principles, ¶ 162D of women, ¶ 162F dismissal, of members and employees, ¶ 711 disposal schedule, for records, ¶ 1711.3b distribution system, of United Methodist Publishing House, ¶ 1641 district board of church location and building, ¶ 2518
district conferences, ¶¶ 42, 657–71 boycotts, ¶ 658.5 certificates for candidacy, ¶ 658.3 district director of church and society, ¶ 661 district director of ethnic local church concerns, ¶ 662 district lay leader, ¶ 659 district superintendency committee, ¶ 668 district union, ¶ 658.4 laity, district board of, ¶ 666 Lay Speaking Ministries district committee, ¶ 667 membership, ¶ 658 ordained ministry district committee, ¶ 665 religion and race district director, ¶ 663 United Methodist Men constitution in district, ¶ 670 United Methodist Women constitution in, ¶ 669 witness ministries, ¶ 660 young-adult ministries, ¶ 664 youth ministry district council, ¶ 671 district director of church and society, ¶ 661 of ethnic local church concerns, ¶ 662 of religion and race, ¶ 663 district lay leader, ¶¶ 659, 667 district superintendency committee inclusion of, ¶ 666.1 district office, ¶ 423.2 district superintendents, ¶¶ 661, 662 administration of, ¶ 423 appointments criteria for congregations, ¶ 432.1 700
appointments criteria for pastors, ¶ 432.2 bishops relationship with, ¶ 426 cabinet, ¶ 429 committee on pastor-parish relations working with, ¶¶ 1, 421, 431, 432, 435.6–7, 436.10 community profiles, ¶ 432.3 leaves, ¶ 425 pastoral leadership, ¶ 420 personnel of, ¶ 422 program oversight, ¶ 424 responsibilities of, ¶¶ 419–25 role of, ¶ 403 selection, assignment and term of, ¶¶ 417–18 special ministry not separate order, ¶ 402 spiritual leadership, ¶ 420 supervision, ¶ 421 years of service limitations, ¶ 418 district union, ¶ 658.4 Division of Higher Education, ¶¶ 1410.2, 1412 divorce social principles, ¶ 161C Doctrinal Heritage, ¶ 101 Doctrinal History, ¶ 102 documentary record material, ¶ 1703.1 condition and preservation, ¶ 1711.3c custodianship of records, ¶ 1711.2 definition, ¶ 1711.1b inventorying, repairing, and microfilming, ¶ 1711.3d double jeopardy right against, ¶¶ 2701.2d, 2702.2d Drew University Theological School, ¶ 1422.3a drug use
social principles, ¶ 162L Duke Divinity School, ¶ 1422.3a dying, faithful care of social principles, ¶ 161M E Ecclesiastical Approval, ¶ 1421.5d economic systems, ¶ 163 ecumenical campus ministries, ¶¶ 634.4d, 1410.2 Ecumenical Commitment, ¶ 104 ecumenical organizations Pan-Methodist Cooperation and Union, Commission on, ¶ 2403.2 ecumenical relationships and organizations. See also Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, General Commission American Bible Society, ¶ 2405 central conference membership, ¶ 705.4c Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, General Commission, ¶¶ 814.2–3, 1901 accountability, ¶ 702.2 authority and powers, ¶ 1904 Connectional Table accountability, ¶ 702.2 Connectional Table relationship, ¶ 906.1c Council of Bishops consulting with, ¶ 2401.3 Division on Ministries with Young People resource, ¶ 1207.2 election of members, ¶ 705.1 Faith and Order Committee, ¶ 1907 Interdenominational Cooperation Fund, ¶ 814 701
members, ¶ 1906 election, ¶ 705.5 nominations for, ¶ 705.1 organization, ¶ 1905 personnel policy and practices committee, ¶ 805.4d purpose, ¶ 1902 recruitment, ¶ 1903.2 responsibilities, ¶ 1903 United Methodist Church and Evangelical Lutheran Church of America Joint Commission, ¶ 1905.8 Churches Uniting in Christ, ¶ 2404.1 annual conference, ¶ 642.4f seat, ¶ 602.9 Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, General Commission relationship with, ¶¶ 642, 1903.5 equitable compensation, ¶ 625.10 memberships Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, General Commission, ¶¶ 1906.2–3 Discipleship, General Board, ¶ 1105.1e general program board, ¶ 705.4 Higher Education and Ministry, General Board, ¶ 1407.2d pastoral support of clergy from, ¶ 625.10 reports from, ¶ 1903.13 in Constitution, ¶ 6 Council of Bishops liaison role, ¶ 2401 covenantal and conciliar relationships, ¶ 2404 financial support, ¶ 2402 Methodist Unity, ¶ 2403
National Association of Evangelicals, ¶ 1903.5 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, ¶¶ 1903.5, 1903.6, 2404.2a annual conference, ¶ 642.4f memberships, ¶¶ 1906.2–3 national or regional ecumenical organizations, ¶ 2404.2 worldwide, ¶ 2404.2b Pan-Methodist Cooperation and Union, Commission on, ¶ 2403.2 striving toward union, ¶ 2403.3 World Council of Churches, ¶¶ 1903.5, 2404.3a annual conference, ¶ 642.4f memberships, ¶¶ 1906.2–3 World Evangelical Fellowship, ¶ 2404.3c World Methodist Council, ¶¶ 1903.5, 1903.13, 1906.2–3, 2403.1 annual conference, ¶ 642.4f ecumenical shared ministries, ¶¶ 207–11 cabinet priority, ¶ 211 connectional relationships, ¶ 210 covenanting, ¶ 209 definition, ¶ 208 editor. See Church School Publications editor editorial director, of general publishing, ¶ 1628 education. See also continuing education central conference prescribing study, ¶ 543.15 Mission Education Program Area, ¶ 1313.4 of ordination candidates, ¶ 1423 702
program of local church, ¶ 256.4 requirements for full connection, ¶ 326 right to, ¶ 164E social principles, ¶ 164E Education and Interpretation, Mission Coordinator, ¶ 633.2 elders. See also Order of Elders annual conference membership, ¶ 602.1 division of, ¶ 635 General Conference legislative power, ¶ 16.2 orders, ¶ 306 changing, ¶ 309.2 electronic communications, ¶¶ 1613, 2607.2 mail, ¶ 507.3 petition access, ¶ 507.9 property notice, ¶ 2536 supporting conferences, ¶ 1327.2 electronic signatures, ¶ 507.3 electronic system, for membership records, ¶ 233.2 emergencies, ¶ 614.5 appeals, ¶ 1806.12 in case of, ¶ 49 financial, ¶ 624 retired bishops, ¶ 409 Sustentation Fund, ¶ 626 Emmaus reunion communities, ¶ 264.4 EMS. See Evangelism, Mission, and Spiritual Life endangered species, ¶ 160C social principles, ¶ 160C endowment funds, ¶¶ 811, 2533, 2533.6 energy resources utilization
social principles, ¶ 160B enlarged charge, ¶ 206.3b episcopacy conference committee, ¶ 637 episcopal areas, ¶ 543.5 audit of offices, ¶ 817.7 boundary changes, ¶ 40 in central conferences, ¶ 543.5 provisions for, ¶ 404 Episcopal Fund, ¶¶ 404, 404.2e, 406, 548, 619, 817 amount/distribution of, ¶ 806.1a annual conference apportionment, ¶¶ 614.1b, 808 apportionments, ¶ 808 audit of episcopal area offices, ¶ 817.7 bishops’ salaries, ¶ 817.4 bishops whose service is interrupted, ¶ 817.11 expense reimbursement and honoraria policies, ¶ 817.6 Finance and Administration, General Council support from, ¶ 805.6 as general fund, ¶ 810.1 health care plan, ¶ 817.9 housing expenses, ¶ 817.5 marketing/promotion by Communications, General Commission, ¶ 1806.12 official travel, ¶ 817.6 pensions, ¶ 817.8 proportionality, ¶ 817.3 purpose, ¶ 817 requirements, ¶ 817.2 retired bishops appointed to ad interim service, ¶ 817.12 retirees health care access, ¶ 817.10 703
episcopal residence committee, ¶¶ 613.1c, 638, 817.5 episcopal residences jointly owned, ¶ 2514 episcopal supervision, ¶ 45 equal opportunity employment policies, ¶ 807.13 equitable compensation, commission on, ¶ 625 Equitable Compensation Fund, ¶¶ 342.1, 621, 625.6, 625.8, 625.9 short-term emergency subsidy grant, ¶ 624 utilization, ¶ 625.6 Equitable Compensation of The United Methodist Church, National Association of Commissions on, ¶ 807.20 estates, held by Education, General Board, ¶¶ 1104, 1402 ethnic constituencies, ¶¶ 632, 643.2, 1421.1b, 2002 Ethnic In-Service Training Program, ¶¶ 263.3c, 823.4b ethnic local church concerns, ¶ 1119 conference committee on, ¶ 632 Ethnic Scholarship Program, ¶¶ 263.3b, 823.4b ethnicity rights, ¶¶ 643.3b, 660, 662 social principles, ¶ 162A euthanasia, ¶¶ 161M, 161N social principles, ¶¶ 161M, 161N evaluation of bishops, ¶ 412 of deacons, ¶ 331.14d for ordained ministry, ¶¶ 350–52 Evangelical Church, ¶ 803 doctrinal standards in, ¶¶ 102 (pp. 55–58)
evangelical denominations, ¶ 2547 Evangelical Lutheran Church and United Methodist Church Joint Commission, ¶ 1905.8 Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and United Methodist Church Joint Commission, ¶ 1905.8 The Evangelical Press, ¶ 1620 Evangelical Press dissolution, ¶ 1620 Evangelical United Brethren Church Board of Missions, ¶¶ 1304.2, 1305.2 Confession of Faith, ¶¶ 102, 103 (66–71) donations of, ¶ 1310.2 General Council of Administration, ¶ 803 United Methodist Church relationship with, ¶¶ 50, 723 Women’s Society of World Service of, ¶ 1319.3a Evangelicals, National Association of, ¶ 1903.5 evangelism, ¶¶ 1112, 1113 Evangelism, Mission, and Spiritual Life (EMS), ¶ 2302.2a Evangelization and Church Growth Program, ¶ 1313.1 evidence, ¶¶ 2706.4d, 2709.5, 2710.2 examination, of candidate for provisional membership, ¶ 324.9 executive committee Archives and History, General Commission, ¶ 1708 Discipleship, General Board, ¶ 1106.4 Finance and Administration, General Council, ¶ 805.4a 704
Global Ministries, General Board, ¶ 1306 United Methodist Publishing House, ¶¶ 1606, 1607 executive session. See also clergy session voting, ¶ 369.3 exhorters, ¶ 16 experience, ¶ 104 extended ministry, ¶ 206.3b extension ministries advocacy in, ¶ 622 appointments to, ¶¶ 343–44 clergy serving evaluation, ¶ 350.2 compensation, ¶ 628 links to, ¶ 1421.5j local pastors and, ¶ 316 pastoral care programs, ¶ 1421.5k service of provisional ministers, ¶ 326.3 F failure to appear, or respond, ¶¶ 2701.4a, 2715.3 fair process in administrative hearings, ¶¶ 358.3, 362.2 in judicial proceedings communications, ¶ 2701.4b double jeopardy, ¶ 2701.3d failure to appear or respond, ¶ 2701.4a healing within congregation, ¶ 2701.4c hearing notice, ¶ 2701.1b immunity of participants, ¶ 2701.4d record access, ¶ 2701.3d right to be accompanied, ¶ 2701.1d right to be heard, ¶ 2701.2a fair trade
social principles, ¶¶ 162Q, 163D faith good works and, ¶ 101 Faith and Order Committee, ¶ 1907 authorities and powers, ¶ 1910 membership, ¶ 1911 organization, ¶ 1912 purpose, ¶ 1908 responsibilities of, ¶ 1909 faithful ministry, ¶ 129 family planning, ¶ 162V social principles, ¶ 161A family farms social principles, ¶ 163H Family Life Committee, ¶ 1120.4 Family Ministries, ¶ 1120.4 family violence social principles, ¶ 161G farms, ¶ 163H federated church, ¶¶ 208, 230.6, 2547 Fellowship of Local Pastors, ¶ 635 chair of, on Ordained Ministry Board, ¶ 635.1a constituent contact through gatherings of, ¶ 1421.1b standards of ministry maintenance, ¶ 1421.4h support and accountability, ¶ 1421.4c Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and Worship Arts, ¶ 630.4c fellowships, ¶ 703.12 Finance and Administration, Conference Council, ¶¶ 611–19 administration, ¶ 614.2 amenability, ¶ 612.6 apportionments, ¶ 615 auditing, ¶ 617 705
bonding, ¶ 618 budgets, ¶ 614 central conference membership, ¶ 705.4c clergy support, ¶ 614.1 conference benevolences, ¶ 614.3 conference treasurer/director of administrative services, ¶ 619 depository, ¶ 616 ex officio members, ¶ 612.2c investment and fundraising projects, ¶ 1406.10 membership, ¶ 612.2 officers, ¶ 612.3 organization, ¶ 612.5 other apportioned causes, ¶ 614.4 pastoral support, ¶¶ 620–28 apportionment distribution, ¶¶ 621–22 compensation, ¶ 623 equitable compensation, ¶ 625 expenses and allowances, ¶ 627 extension ministries compensation, ¶ 628 payment obligation, ¶ 624 Sustentation Fund, ¶ 626 purpose, ¶ 612.1 relationships, ¶ 612.7 responsibilities accessibility of programs of local churches, ¶ 613.7 alcoholic beverage restrictions, ¶ 613.19 apportionments of funds, ¶ 613.3 borrowing funds, ¶ 613.10 budgets, ¶ 613.1 business administration, ¶ 613.16 conference cause communications, ¶ 613.4
financial recording and reporting, ¶ 613.14 funding, ¶¶ 613.2, 613.6, 613.9 governing authority, ¶ 613.11 insurance protection for employees, ¶ 613.15 investment of funds, ¶ 613.5 meeting unforeseen needs, ¶ 613.8 personnel issues, ¶ 613.13 treasury designation, ¶ 613.12 special appeals, ¶ 614.5 voting, ¶ 612.4 Finance and Administration, General Council, ¶¶ 801–23 accounting and reporting, ¶¶ 806.3, 806.7 The Advance, ¶¶ 581, 655, 821, 1312, 1313.6k Advance Specials, ¶ 821 agency compliance monitoring, ¶ 806.12 alcoholic beverage funding, ¶ 806.10 amenability, ¶ 804 annual conference journal sent to, ¶ 606.2 annual reports by General Treasurer to annual conferences of all general church expenditures, ¶ 809 audit of episcopal area offices, ¶ 817.7 banking functions, ¶ 806.7 bishops’ salaries, ¶ 817.4 bishops whose service is interrupted, ¶ 817.11 budgets, ¶¶ 806.1, 806.4 church secretaries continuing education, ¶ 807.19 College of Bishops and, ¶ 805.1 706
Committee on Official Forms and Records, ¶¶ 233, 805.4c, 1628 Communication, General Commission on, promotion and funding determination, ¶ 1806.13 conference council cooperation, ¶¶ 612.14–15 conference payments of apportioned funds, ¶ 808 Division on Ministries with Young People resource, ¶ 1207.2 ecumenical organizations, ¶ 2402 employment policies, ¶ 807.13 Episcopal Fund, ¶¶ 619, 805.6, 817 executive committee, ¶ 805.4a expense reimbursement and honoraria policies, ¶ 817.6 financial appeals beyond general funds, ¶ 818 financial management leadership, ¶ 807.4 financial planning/arrangements for national meetings, conferences, convocations, ¶¶ 806.8, 807.14 financial reports form, ¶ 704 financial support, ¶ 805.6 fiscal responsibilities, ¶ 806 funds receipts/disbursement, ¶¶ 806.2, 814.5 general agencies audits, ¶ 806.5 budget review by, ¶ 806.4 consultative service to, ¶ 807.14 general directives, ¶¶ 820, 822 general funds Advance Special Gifts, ¶ 810.1 Africa University Fund, ¶ 810.1 appeals, ¶ 818 Black College Fund, ¶¶ 810.1, 815
definition, ¶ 810 disbursement of funds to ecumenical organizations, ¶ 814.5 Episcopal Fund, ¶ 810.1 General Administration Fund, ¶¶ 810.1, 813 general policies, ¶ 811 Human Relations Day Fund, ¶ 810.1 Interdenominational Cooperation Fund, ¶¶ 810.1, 814 Ministerial Education Fund, ¶¶ 810.1, 816 Native American Ministries Sunday Fund, ¶ 810.1 One Great Hour of Sharing Fund, ¶ 810.1 Peace with Justice Sunday Fund, ¶ 810.1 United Methodist Student Day Fund, ¶ 810.1 World Communion Fund, ¶ 810.1 World Service Fund, ¶¶ 810.1, 812 World Service Special Gifts, ¶ 810.1 Youth Service Fund, ¶ 810.1 health care plan, ¶ 817.9 Higher Education and Ministry, General Board relationship with, ¶ 1406.10 homosexual project funding, ¶ 806.9 housing expenses, ¶ 817.5 incorporation, ¶ 803 internal audit functions, ¶ 806.6 investment oversight, ¶ 806.11 legal steps to protect interests of The United Methodist Church, ¶ 807.9 local church business administration guidance, ¶ 807.18 mailing address records, ¶ 807.15 707
name, ¶ 802 official travel, ¶ 817.6 One Great Hour of Sharing, ¶ 820 operating systems management, ¶ 807.12 ordained ministry division relationship with, ¶ 1421.1k organization, ¶ 805 audit and review committee, ¶ 805.4b committees, other, ¶ 805.4f executive committee, ¶ 805.4a legal responsibilities committee, ¶ 805.4e meetings, ¶ 805.2 membership, ¶ 805.1 officers, ¶ 805.3 Official Forms and Records Committee, ¶ 805.4c Personnel Policies and Practices committee, ¶ 805.4d organizational meetings, ¶ 805.2 other fiscal responsibilities, ¶ 807 annual conference staff leadership, ¶ 807.4 bishop address records, ¶ 807.15 business administration, ¶¶ 807.17, 807.18 church secretary education, ¶ 807.19 compensation guidance, ¶ 807.20 consultative service to general agencies, ¶ 807.14 donations and bequests, ¶ 807.1 General Conference support, ¶ 807.23 information technology, ¶ 807.21 insignia rights and design, ¶ 807.10 insurance programs, ¶ 807.22
name registration and use, ¶ 807.11 operating systems design and implementation, ¶ 807.12 Permanent Fund, ¶ 807.3 personnel policies and practices, ¶ 807.13 property governing, ¶ 807.6 property reporting function, ¶ 807.8 quadrennial review, ¶ 807.7 special day offerings, ¶ 807.5 statistical information, ¶ 807.16 tax-exempt status, ¶ 807.9 World Service participation, ¶ 807.2 pensions, ¶ 817.8 powers and duties, ¶ 543.4 project financing approval, ¶ 806.8 property management, ¶ 807.6 property reporting function, ¶ 807.8 proportionality, ¶ 817.3 purpose, ¶ 817 receipts and disbursements, ¶ 806.2 requirements, ¶ 817.2 retired bishops appointed to ad interim service, ¶ 817.12 retirees health care access, ¶ 817.10 special churchwide financial appeals, ¶ 818 Special Sunday Offerings, ¶ 823 staff, ¶ 805.5 World Service Fund, ¶¶ 806.1b, 812 World Service Specials, ¶¶ 819, 820 finance committee, of local church, ¶ 258 financial accountability of general agencies, ¶ 704 708
financial appeals, churchwide, ¶¶ 614, 818 financial obligations by annual conference, ¶ 604.2 annual conference power to inquire about local church, ¶ 604.8 official approval of, ¶ 546.4 responsibility limitations, ¶ 2510 financial secretary election of, ¶ 249 of local church, ¶ 258.4 fiscal year, ¶ 720.1 food safety social principles, ¶¶ 160G Foreign Missionary Society of the United Brethren in Christ Global Ministries, General Board successor to, ¶¶ 1304.2, 1305.2 United Methodist Church successor to, ¶ 1304.2 Foreign Missions, Board of, ¶ 1305.3. See also Woman’s Board of Foreign Missions foreign workers social principles, ¶ 163F forms, preparation responsibility for, ¶ 805.4c foundations. See also specific foundation of abandoned or discontinued local church, ¶ 2548.5 Discipleship, General Board guidance to, ¶ 1115.6 Finance and Administration recommendations, ¶ 613.17 finance and administration recommendations, ¶ 613.17 property, local church, ¶ 2534
United Methodist Foundations, ¶ 2513 Wesley Foundation, ¶ 1412.2 4-H, ¶ 256.4 free will, ¶ 103 freedoms, basic freedom of information, social principles, ¶ 164D of information, ¶ 164D of press, ¶¶ 1806.1, 1806.5 of religion, ¶ 1806.5 social principles, ¶ 164A full-time local pastor, ¶ 318.1 full-time service, for ordained elders, ¶¶ 338.1, 342 funding for Africa University Fund, ¶ 806.1c alcoholic beverage, ¶ 806.10 for Black College Fund, ¶ 806.1c Communication, General Commission on determination of, ¶ 1806.13 Finance and Administration, Conference Council responsibilities, ¶ 613.2 Higher Education and Ministry, General Board provisions for, ¶ 1409 homosexuality project, ¶ 806.9 for Interdenominational Cooperation Fund, ¶¶ 806.1c, 1903.20 for Ministerial Education Fund, ¶ 806.1c Ministries with Young People, Division, ¶ 1212 for provisional annual conferences, ¶ 582.3 Status and Role of Women, General Commission, ¶ 2107 United Methodist Men, General Commission, ¶ 2303.6 709
gambling social principles, ¶ 163G Gammon Theological Seminary, ¶ 1422.3a Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, ¶ 1422.3a gas leases, ¶ 2505 gay caucus, ¶¶ 613.20, 806.9 General Administration Fund, ¶¶ 619, 619.5, 805.6, 806.1a, 808.1, 810, 813 marketing/promotion by Communications, General Commission, ¶ 1806.12 general agencies, ¶¶ 701.1–3, 705.5 administrative, ¶ 703.6 amenability, ¶ 702 annual conference membership, ¶ 710.9 Archives and History, General Commission, ¶¶ 703.6, 1711.1c audit of, ¶¶ 806.5, 806.6, 806.12 audits, ¶ 806.5 audits by Finance and Administration, General Council, ¶ 806.5 authority of curriculum resources committee to review teaching resources of, ¶ 1124 budget review by Finance and Administration, General Council, ¶ 806.4 Communication, General Commission as administrative, ¶ 703.6 compensation, ¶ 710.7 Connectional Table, ¶ 705 Connectional Table evaluating, ¶ 702.3 Connectional Table membership, ¶ 705 additional members, ¶ 705.4e
additional nominations, ¶ 705.2 central conference, ¶ 705.4c consultation, ¶ 705.4e(2) episcopal, ¶ 705.4d general program board, ¶ 705.4 jurisdictional, ¶ 705.4b liaison representatives, ¶ 705.4f nominations by conferences, ¶ 705.1 consultations service to, ¶ 807.14 Curriculum Resources Committee authority to review teaching resources of, ¶ 1124 Discipleship, General Board authority of curriculum resources committee to review teaching resources of, ¶ 1124 dismissal of members and employees, ¶ 711 divisions and subunits, ¶ 709 elected staff, ¶¶ 714.7–8 elections, ¶ 705.3 of general secretaries, ¶ 713 executive staff titles, ¶ 703.7 Finance and Administration, General Council, ¶ 807.14 audits, ¶ 806.5 budget review by, ¶ 806.4 consultative service to, ¶ 807.14 financial, ¶ 806.5 financial accountability of, ¶ 704 lay employees, ¶ 714.4 mandatory retirement of staff personnel, ¶ 714.3 meetings, ¶ 707 membership qualifications, ¶ 710 nomination of additional board members, ¶ 706 organization, ¶ 708 Pension and Health Benefits, General Board, ¶ 703.6 710
pension credit of, ¶ 1505 program accountability, ¶ 702 program expenditure decisions, ¶ 718 program-related, ¶ 703.5 record maintenance, ¶ 717 Retirement Security Program for, ¶ 714.4 serving limitations, ¶ 710.5 socially responsible investments, ¶ 716 staff provisions, ¶ 714 Staff Retirement Benefits Program, ¶ 714.4 United Methodist Publishing House, ¶¶ 703.6, 1641 distribution system by, ¶ 1641 vacancies, ¶ 712 in membership, ¶ 710.9 voting members, ¶ 710.4 staff, ¶ 714.6 voting restrictions, ¶ 710.8 youth membership in, ¶¶ 705.3c, 710.3 youth representatives, ¶ 710.3 General Board, ¶ 703.2 General Church Membership Roll, ¶ 223 General Commission, ¶ 703.3 General Commission on Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns Interdenominational Cooperation Fund relationship with, ¶ 2401.3 General Conference, ¶¶ 8, 501–11. See also jurisdictional conference autonomous Methodist churches, ¶ 502 central conference meetings, ¶ 542.2 composition of, ¶ 502 Council of Bishops, ¶ 511
Daily Christian Advocate printing petitions, ¶¶ 507.7–8 record of, ¶ 1415.4 deaconesses legislative power, ¶ 16.2 deacons legislative power, ¶ 16.2 definition of powers, ¶ 501 delegate election by annual conference, ¶ 34 delegate election of ordained ministry, ¶ 35 delegates, ¶ 13 designated date for, ¶ 723 elders legislative power, ¶ 16.2 Finance and Administration, General Council supporting, ¶ 807.23 home missioners legislative power, ¶ 16.2 inclusiveness, ¶¶ 502.1a, 706.1, 708.1 joining United Methodist Church, ¶ 575.5 lay members, ¶¶ 13, 511.1 petitions, ¶ 507 legislation effective date, ¶ 508 legislative power over local preachers, ¶ 16.2 meetings, ¶ 14 petitions to, ¶ 507 presiding officers, ¶ 503 quorum, ¶ 506 representation ratio, ¶ 15 restrictive rules, ¶¶ 17–22 rules of order, ¶ 505 secretary duties, ¶ 510 secretary-designate election, ¶ 504 speaking for Church, ¶ 509 special session called by Council of Bishops, ¶ 14 711
United Methodist Publishing House report to, ¶ 1612 voting membership of, ¶ 502 General Conference, Commission, ¶ 511 General Conference delegate election by annual conference, ¶ 35 General Conference of 1808, ¶ 102 General Conference of the United Brethren in Christ (1815), ¶ 102 General Council, ¶ 703.1. See also Connectional Table; Finance and Administration, General Council General Council on Finance and Administration developing investment policies, ¶ 806.11 General Endowment Fund, ¶ 1504.11 General Endowment Fund for Superannuates of The Methodist Episcopal Church, South, ¶ 1504.11 general evangelists appointment as, ¶ 630.3f standards, ¶ 1113.7 general funds Advance Special Gifts, ¶ 810.1 Africa University Fund, ¶ 810.1 Black College Fund, ¶ 810.1 definition, ¶ 810 disbursement of funds to ecumenical organizations, ¶ 814.5 Episcopal Fund, ¶ 810.1 Finance and Administration, General Council financial appeals beyond, ¶ 818 General Administration Fund, ¶¶ 810.1, 813 general policies, ¶ 811 Human Relations Day Fund, ¶ 810.1
Interdenominational Cooperation Fund, ¶ 810.1 Ministerial Education Fund, ¶ 810.1 Native American Ministries Sunday Fund, ¶ 810.1 One Great Hour of Sharing Fund, ¶ 810.1 Peace with Justice Sunday Fund, ¶ 810.1 United Methodist Student Day Fund, ¶ 810.1 World Communion Fund, ¶ 810.1 World Service Fund, ¶ 810.1 World Service Special Gifts, ¶ 810.1 Youth Service Fund, ¶ 810.1 general membership roll, ¶ 259.3 General Rule of Discipleship, ¶ 1118.2a general secretary, ¶ 703.7a professing membership of, ¶ 714.5 genetic technology social principles, ¶ 162O Germany Central Conference, ¶ 540.3d gift and task ministry, ¶ 128 Girls Scouts of the USA, ¶ 256.4 global climate stewardship social principles, ¶ 160D Global Ministries, Conference Board, ¶ 633 annual conference representation, ¶ 32 provisional annual conferences, ¶ 583 Global Ministries, General Board, ¶¶ 1301–26. See also Women’s Division, Global Ministries General Board accountability, ¶ 702.2 Advance Committee, ¶ 1312.1 712
administering units, ¶ 1312.3 Director of the Advance, ¶ 1312.2 general Advance Special projects, ¶ 1312.3 authority, ¶ 1304 Central Conference relating to, ¶ 542.6 central conference membership, ¶ 705.4c Connectional Table accountability, ¶ 702.2 relationship, ¶ 906.1c corporate officers, ¶ 1307 Deaconess office, ¶ 1314 Deaconess Service, Committee on, ¶ 1316 Division on Ministries with Young People resource, ¶ 1207.2 elected staff, ¶ 1308 election of members, ¶ 705.1 executive committee, ¶ 1306 financial affairs, ¶ 1310.3 Health and Relief Unit, ¶ 1327 home missionaries, ¶¶ 1314, 1315 incorporation, ¶ 1305 international and ecumenical settings, ¶ 719 membership, ¶¶ 1311.1, 1311.3 mission program areas Community and Institutional Ministries Program Area, ¶ 1313.2 Evangelization and Church Growth Program Area, ¶ 1313.1 Mission Contexts and Relationships Program Area, ¶ 1313.3 Mission Education Program Area, ¶ 1313.4
Mission Personnel Program Area, ¶ 1313.6 Mission Volunteers Program Area, ¶ 1313.5 nominations for, ¶ 705.1 objectives, ¶ 1303 personnel policies, ¶ 1309 selection, ¶ 1309.1 women staff participation, ¶ 1309.2 personnel policy and practices committee, ¶ 805.4d properties, trusts, and annuities, ¶ 1310 former Evangelical United Brethren, ¶ 1310.2 responsibilities, ¶ 1302 secretary participation in Curriculum Resource Committee, ¶ 1127.1c Global Mission Partners, ¶ 1113.6k Global Young People’s Convocation, ¶ 1210 expenses, ¶ 1210.4 legislation, ¶ 1210.2 membership, ¶ 1210.3 purpose, ¶ 1210.1 God, ¶ 103 privilege relationship with, ¶ 135 God and Country award program, ¶¶ 226.4, 226.5, 256.4 Golden Cross offering, ¶ 633.4b(36) Golden Cross Sunday, ¶¶ 265.2, 633.4b(36) marketing/promotion by Communications, General Commission, ¶ 1806.12 good works, ¶ 103 government, ¶ 164 job creation responsibility of, ¶ 163C grace, ¶ 101 713
Grants for Ministries with Young People, ¶¶ 1203.6, 1209 Great Britain Wesleyan Standards in, ¶¶ 102 (pp. 102–3) Grosch, Christopher, ¶ 102 group health care plans, ¶ 639.7 group ministry, ¶ 206.3a H HANA. See Hispanic, Asian, and Native Americans Educational Ministries harassment, ¶¶ 164, 605.8, 2702. See also sexual harassment healing, within congregation, ¶ 2701.4c health certificate of, for candidate for provisional membership, ¶ 324.8 involuntary retirement because of, ¶ 409.3 voluntary retirement because of, ¶¶ 409.3, 409.4 Health and Relief Unit, ¶ 1327 authority, ¶ 1327.1b Health and Welfare Ministries, ¶ 1327.3 purpose, ¶ 1327.1a United Methodist Committee on Relief, ¶ 1327.2 Health and Welfare Ministries, ¶ 1327.3 health care rights, ¶ 714.4 social principles, ¶ 162V hearing clergy rights before administrative location, ¶ 362.2
before involuntary leave of absence, ¶ 355.1 before involuntary retirement, ¶ 359.3 fair process in administrative, ¶ 362.2 provisional member right to, ¶ 327.6 heritage landmarks, ¶ 1712 designation, ¶ 1712.1c present list, ¶ 1712.2 quadrennial review, ¶ 1712.1d Heritage Sunday, ¶ 264.1 (see also Historical Statement, p. 10) Higher Education and Ministry, General Board, ¶ 1401 accountability, ¶ 702.2 amenability and accountability, ¶ 1403 central conference membership, ¶ 705.4c Connectional Table accountability, ¶ 702.2 relationship, ¶ 906.1c Connectional Table relationship, ¶ 906.1c Council of Presidents of Black Colleges, ¶ 1420 Division on Ministries with Young People resource, ¶ 1207.2 divisions, ¶ 1408.1 duties, ¶ 1410 educational institutions responsibilities, ¶ 1412 election of members, ¶ 705.1 financial support for higher education, ¶ 1413 funding provisions, ¶ 1409 General and Annual Conferences responsibilities, ¶ 1411 714
incorporation, ¶ 1402 interpretation office of, ¶ 1408.2 nominations for, ¶ 705.1 objectives, ¶ 1405 offices, ¶ 1408.2 Ordained Ministry, Division of, ¶ 1421 organization, ¶ 1407 additional members, ¶ 1407.2d central conference members, ¶ 1407.2b Episcopal members, ¶ 1407.2c jurisdictional members, ¶ 1407.2a personnel policy and practices committee, ¶ 805.4d purpose, ¶ 1404 responsibilities, ¶¶ 1406, 1410 schools of theology of United Methodist Church, ¶¶ 1422–23 secretary participation in Curriculum Resource Committee, ¶ 1127.1c University Senate, ¶¶ 1414–18 annual reports of approved institutions, ¶ 1417 consultative services, ¶ 1418 institutional affiliation, ¶ 1416 organization and membership, ¶ 1414 purposes and objectives, ¶ 1415 Higher Education Foundation, ¶ 1419 Hispanic, Asian, and Native Americans (HANA) Educational Ministries, ¶ 634.4a5 historian, annual conference, ¶ 641.3 historic sites, ¶¶ 807.8, 1712 historical convocation, ¶ 1703.6 historical records, ¶ 247.5 historical society conference, ¶ 641.2
Historical Society of The United Methodist Church, ¶ 1710 historical statement, pp. 9–20 history. See archives and history, conference commission HIV/AIDS social principles, ¶¶ 162U, 162V Holy Bible, ¶ 103 Holy Catholic Church, ¶ 203 Holy Ghost, ¶ 103 Holy Spirit, ¶¶ 103, 104 Holy Trinity, ¶ 103 home missionaries, ¶¶ 1314, 1315 home missioners, ¶¶ 415.7, 602.4, 1314.1, 1314.2, 1314.4, 1316.2, 1317.3, 1317.4 General Conference legislative power, ¶ 16.2 Home Missions and Church Erection Society of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ Global Ministries, General Board successor to, ¶ 1305.2 Home Missions and Church Extension, ¶ 1305.3 homosexuality/homosexual persons ceremonies for unions, ¶¶ 341.6, 2702 chargeable offenses involving, ¶ 2702.1 gay caucus, ¶¶ 613.20, 806.9 ordination candidacy, ¶ 304.3 project funding, ¶ 806.9 “self-avowed practicing,” ¶¶ 304.3, 2702 social principles, ¶¶ 161H, 162F honorable location, ¶ 359 ordained ministry, conference board responsibility, ¶ 635.2k readmission after, ¶ 364 715
hospice care, ¶ 161M social principles, ¶ 161M housing allowance distribution of costs in multi-church charge, ¶ 247.18 housing for bishops. See bishops housing for pastors. See pastors Human Relations Day, ¶¶ 263.1, 823 marketing/promotion by Communications, General Commission, ¶ 1806.12 Human Relations Day Fund as general fund, ¶ 810.1 human rights social principles, ¶ 164A human sexuality social principles, ¶ 161F hymnals, ¶ 1114.3 Come, Let Us Worship: The KoreanEnglish United Methodist Hymnal, ¶ 1114.3 Korean-English Hymnal, ¶ 1114.3 United Methodist Hymnal, ¶ 630.4b I Iglesia Metodista Autonóma Affiliada de Puerto Rico, ¶ 705.4f Iliff School of Theology, ¶ 1422.3a immigrants rights, social principles, ¶ 162H immorality, ¶ 2702 immunity from prosecution of complaints, ¶ 362.3 immunity of participants and fair process in judicial proceedings, ¶ 2701.4d incapacity joint committee on, ¶¶ 357, 652 leave bishops, ¶¶ 407, 409.1
conference board decisions regarding, ¶¶ 635.2k, 652 conference relationship and, ¶¶ 334.5, 337.1, 353, 357 inclusiveness, ¶¶ 139, 706.1 annual conference membership, ¶¶ 605.3, 610, 612.3 Archives and History, General Commission, ¶ 1704.2 audit review committee, ¶ 617.4 board on church and society, ¶ 629 Communication, General Commission, ¶ 1807.1f conference committee on episcopacy, ¶ 637.3f in Constitution, ¶ 4 district conference, ¶ 658.1 district superintendents, ¶¶ 417, 419, 422, 668.4d election of bishops, ¶ 405.2a equitable compensation commission, ¶ 625 General Conference, ¶¶ 502.1a, 706.1, 708.1 local church tasks and, ¶¶ 243, 244 older-adult ministry council, ¶¶ 651.2, 1121.4 pastor’s responsibilities and, ¶ 340.2c(4) Pension and Health Benefits, General Board duties, ¶ 1504 religion and race, conference commission, ¶¶ 643.3b, 643.3c, 643.3n, 2002, 2008 Status and Role of Women, General Commission, ¶¶ 2102, 2103.9 United Methodist Men, General Commission, ¶ 2303.1g 716
young-adult ministry council, ¶¶ 650.2, 1207.1c incorporation Archives and History, General Commission, ¶ 1702 archiving articles of, ¶ 1711.3f Church and Society, General Board, ¶ 1005 Communication, General Commission, ¶ 1803 Connectional Table, ¶ 902 Discipleship, General Board, ¶ 1104 district union, ¶ 658.4 Finance and Administration, General Council, ¶ 803 Global Ministries, General Board, ¶ 1305 Higher Education and Ministry, General Board, ¶ 1402 legal requirements for, ¶ 2506 newly organized church, ¶ 259.10 Pension and Health Benefits, General Board of, ¶ 1503.1b United Methodist Publishing House, ¶ 1609.3 information communication technology social principles, ¶ 162T information technology in local church, ¶ 245 innocence, presumption of, ¶ 2701 inquiring candidate, ¶ 311.1 insignia of The United Methodist Church, ¶ 807.10 institution of higher education retired bishop assigned to, ¶ 408.1c institutional and voluntary ministries subcommittee, ¶ 633.5c institutional racism, ¶ 162
institutions elder appointment to, ¶ 344.1a(3) employment of ordained minister, ¶ 343.2 insurance, ¶¶ 714.4, 817.9, 817.10 local trustees’ review of, ¶ 2532.2 interdenominational agencies Committee on Family Life and, ¶ 1120.4 Communication, General Commission and, ¶ 1806.4 Discipleship, General Board responsibility, ¶ 1102.8 United Methodist Committee on Relief and, ¶ 1327.2a(3) Interdenominational Cooperation Fund, ¶¶ 619, 814 Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, General Commission consulting on, ¶ 2401.3 ecumenical organizations supported by, ¶¶ 2402, 2406 funding for, ¶¶ 806.1c, 1903.20 General Council on Finance and Administration support from, ¶ 805.6a(2) as general fund, ¶ 810.1 marketing/promotion by Communications, General Commission, ¶ 1806.12 interdenominational local church mergers, ¶¶ 209, 2546 interim appointments, ¶¶ 331.7c, 338.3 interim license as local pastor, ¶ 317 Interjurisdictional Committee on Episcopacy, ¶ 512 International Court of Justice, ¶ 166D international justice, ¶ 166D 717
International Standards of Fair Trade, ¶ 163D Internet General Commission on Communication and, ¶ 1806.21 Judicial Council publication and, ¶ 2612.1 local pastor education and, ¶ 324.6c social principles, ¶¶ 162T, 163G interpretation office, of Higher Education and Ministry, General Board, ¶ 1408.2 The Interpreter Judicial Council notice, ¶¶ 2610.3, 2612.1 investigation, committee on, ¶ 2703 bishop as respondent, ¶¶ 2703.1, 2707.2c, 2707.5b clergy as respondent, ¶ 2707.5b2 clergy member of annual conference as respondent, ¶ 2703.2 clergy member on honorable or administrative location as respondent, ¶ 2703.2 diaconal minister as respondent, ¶¶ 2703.3, 2707.5b3 lay person as respondent, ¶¶ 2703.4, 2707.2d, 2707.5b4 local pastor as respondent, ¶ 2703.2 procedures bill of charges and specifications, ¶ 2707.5a evidence, ¶ 2707.4d hearing before, ¶ 2707.4 introduction, ¶ 2706.1 parties and counsel, ¶ 2706.2 preliminary meeting, ¶ 2707.3 verbatim transcript, ¶ 2707.4e witness examination, ¶ 2707.4c
witness interviews, ¶ 2707.4b investment social principles, ¶ 163J investment policies annual conference developing, ¶ 613.5 annual conference property and, ¶ 2512.3b audits and, ¶ 258.4d conflict of interest and, ¶ 1508 Finance and Administration, General Conference developing, ¶ 806.11 Global Ministries, General Board, ¶ 1310 Higher Education and Ministry, General Board and, ¶ 1406.10 local church board of trustees, ¶ 2532.6 local church permanent endowment funds, ¶ 2533.1 Socially Responsible, ¶¶ 248.19, 716, 1406.11 The Upper Room and, ¶ 1108 Wesley Foundations and campus ministries, ¶ 634.4a(11) involuntary leave of absence, ¶ 355 administrative review committee and, ¶ 636 involuntary retirement, ¶¶ 354.11, 358.3, 363.2c administrative complaint and, ¶ 413.2e administrative review committee and, ¶ 636 bishops, ¶¶ 408.3, 524.3e readmission after, ¶ 368 itinerant ministry, ¶ 321 administrative location and, ¶ 363.3b 718
annual conference oversight of, ¶ 604.4 elders in appointment beyond the local church in, ¶ 342 honorable location and, ¶ 359.1 leave and, ¶ 354.12 pastoral support for, ¶ 620 superintendency and, ¶ 401 J Jesus Christ, ¶ 103 job descriptions for local church staff, ¶ 258.2g(7) joint charge conference, ¶ 246.10 joint committee on incapacity, ¶ 652 journals. See also annual conference, journal archiving of, ¶ 1711 central conference authority to examine, ¶ 543.11 of central conference proceedings, ¶ 545 jurisdictional conference, ¶ 528 judgment future state and, ¶ 103 judicial complaints chargeable offenses, and statute of limitations, ¶ 2702 church rights, ¶ 2701.3 complainant rights, ¶ 2701.1 forms of, ¶ 2705 just resolutions, ¶ 2701.5 miscellaneous provisions, ¶ 2719 process and procedure, ¶ 2701.4 communications, ¶ 2701.4b failure to appear or respond, ¶ 2701.4a healing, ¶ 2701.4c immunity of participants, ¶ 2701.4d
referral and investigation procedures, ¶ 2703 referral of complaint to counsel for church, ¶ 2704 respondent rights, ¶ 2701.2 accompaniment, ¶ 2701.2c double jeopardy rights, ¶ 2701.2d record access rights, ¶ 2701.2e Judicial Council, ¶¶ 55, 2601–12 authority of, ¶ 56 clergy rights, ¶ 58 decisions of, ¶ 57 declaratory decisions, ¶ 2610 duties and responsibilities of, ¶ 2601 meetings time and place, ¶ 2608.2 members, ¶ 2602 alternates, ¶ 2603 composition and term, ¶ 2602.1 confidentiality and ex parte communication, ¶ 2607 ineligibility of, ¶ 2606 nominations and election, ¶ 2602.2 term expirations, ¶ 2605 vacancies, ¶ 2604 notification and publication of decisions, ¶ 2612 organization and procedure, ¶ 2608 precedential value of decisions, ¶ 2611 judicial court, ¶ 547.3 judicial proceedings fair process, ¶ 2701 jurisdictional administrative council, ¶ 530 jurisdictional commission on archives and history, ¶ 532 jurisdictional committee on episcopacy, ¶ 524 jurisdictional committee on ordained ministry, ¶ 535 719
jurisdictional conference, ¶¶ 9, 512–39 accountability, ¶ 523 accounts of, ¶ 520 agencies, ¶¶ 529–35 archives and history, ¶ 532 program agencies, ¶ 531 program coordination, ¶ 530 United Methodist Men constitution, ¶ 537 United Methodist Women constitution, ¶ 536 Youth Ministry Organization Convocation, ¶ 533 annual conference journals, ¶ 527 boundaries of, ¶¶ 37, 39 church member definition, ¶ 526 committee on ordained ministry, ¶ 535 convening date, ¶ 517 delegate election, ¶ 515 deliberations, ¶ 516 equal status, ¶ 513 expenses, ¶ 519 Interjurisdictional Committee on Episcopacy, ¶ 512 journals of, ¶ 528 jurisdictional committee on episcopacy, ¶ 524 lay delegate election to, ¶ 36 meetings of, ¶ 26 membership, ¶¶ 23, 514 powers and duties of, ¶¶ 27, 525 presiding bishops, ¶ 522 representation ratio, ¶¶ 24, 25 rules of order, ¶ 518 special sessions, ¶ 521 jurisdictional council on ministries, ¶ 530
jurisdictional nominating committee, ¶ 705.1 jurisdictional youth ministry coordinator, ¶ 533 just resolution administrative complaints and, ¶ 363 complaint procedures and, ¶ 361 in judicial proceedings, ¶¶ 2701, 2704.3–4, 2706.5c(3), 2708.3 member neglect and, ¶ 228.2b(6) justice criminal, ¶ 164H racial, ¶ 5 restorative, ¶ 164H social, ¶¶ 5, 533.5, 643.3h, 649.3m, 656, 1004, 1504, 1903.14, 2008.10, 2008.19 social principles, ¶ 165D justification, ¶¶ 101 (p. 44–46), 102 (p. 56–57), 103 (p. 61–62) assurance and, ¶ 101 regeneration and, ¶ 103 Justification of Man, ¶ 103 JUSTPEACE Center for Mediation and Conflict Transformation financial support, ¶ 2406.3 mission, ¶ 2406.1 relationships with Church, ¶ 2406.2 K Korean-English Hymnal, ¶ 1114.3 L Ladies’ Aid Societies of The Methodist Episcopal Church, ¶¶ 1319.3a, 1320.3a Global Ministries, General Board controlling work of, ¶ 1305.3 720
laity conference board, ¶ 631 ministry responsibilities, ¶ 641.7 district board of, ¶ 666 Laity ministry, ¶¶ 126, 1117 Laity Sunday, ¶¶ 262, 264.2, 631.2d, 1117.5 landmarks, heritage, ¶ 641.1 annual conference policy on government designation of church property as, ¶ 2512.7 Archives and History, General Commission and, ¶¶ 1703.1, 1708 defining, ¶ 1712.1 present list of, ¶ 1712.2 titles to, ¶ 807.8 larger parish, ¶ 206.3b late-term abortion, ¶ 161J social principles, ¶ 161J law social principles, ¶ 165D law enforcement social principles, ¶ 164H lay employees annual conference, ¶ 1506.26 conference board of pensions and, ¶¶ 639, 641 general agencies, ¶ 714.4 local church, ¶ 258.2g(12) lay leader of annual conference, ¶¶ 32, 247.14, 604.9, 605.2, 607, 631.3 of charge conference, ¶ 251 committee on finance and, ¶ 258.4 committee on nominations and leadership development and, ¶ 258.1 conference committee on episcopacy and, ¶ 636.1
Discipleship, General Board support, ¶¶ 1117.3, 1117.7 district, ¶¶ 659, 666, 2703.4 of local church, ¶¶ 249.5, 250, 251 schools of theology for, ¶ 1422.1 lay leadership local church provisions for, ¶ 243 pastoral support, guidance and training for, ¶ 340.2c(1) lay members, ¶ 251.2 admission into church and, ¶ 224 of annual conference, ¶¶ 32, 33, 251.2, 564, 602.4–7 central conference and, ¶¶ 541, 543.9, 543.12 conference board of laity and, ¶ 631 election of leaders and, ¶ 249 General Conference, ¶¶ 13, 511.1 judicial investigation of appeal, ¶ 2717 counsel selection for, ¶¶ 2706.2d, 2708.7 trial, ¶ 2714 jurisdictional conference elections and, ¶ 526 Ministry of the Laity, ¶ 126 missions and, ¶ 591.3 petitions to General Conference and, ¶ 507 sacraments and, ¶ 340.2b(1) lay minister, certified, ¶ 271 lay missionaries in non-United Methodist Churches, ¶ 237 Lay Missioners, ¶ 270 laypersons judicial complaints of, ¶ 2704.4 Lay Speakers, ¶¶ 266–67 certified, ¶ 268 721
transfer of certification by certified, ¶ 269 Lay Speaking Ministries, ¶¶ 266–71. See also laity, conference board annual conference representation, ¶ 32 committee on, ¶ 631.6 conference director of, ¶ 641.6d district committee, ¶ 667 leader, ¶ 103 leadership. See also lay leadership; pastoral leadership; servant leadership bishops, ¶¶ 308, 403.1, 414, 524.3a commissioning and, ¶ 325 district superintendents, ¶ 420 missionary conference, ¶ 585 ordination and, ¶¶ 301.2, 302, 303.2, 303.4, 308 privileges and responsibilities, ¶ 137 superintendency, ¶¶ 401, 419, 420 leadership in local church. See also administrative committees, in local churches; Board of Trustees duties of, ¶ 251 lay speaking and, ¶ 266 organization and, ¶ 244 primary tasks of, ¶ 243 removal of officers and filling of vacancies, ¶ 250 leases oil, gas, and mineral, ¶ 2505 of unincorporated local church property, ¶¶ 2539, 2540 leave of absence for adoption, of children, ¶ 356 bishops, ¶ 410.1 involuntary, ¶¶ 355, 636 maternity or paternity, ¶¶ 353, 356 renewal, ¶ 410.2
sabbatical, ¶¶ 352, 410.3 voluntary, ¶ 354 lectionary, ¶ 1114.5 legal briefs, ¶ 807.9 legal counsel, ¶¶ 807.9, 2548 appeals and, ¶ 2715.7 committee on investigation and, ¶¶ 2706.2b, 2706.4e trials and, ¶ 2708.1 legal responsibilities committee, ¶ 805.4e legislative advocacy activities, ¶ 1004 Legislative Assembly, Young People’s, ¶ 1210.2 leisure social principles, ¶ 163C less than full-time appointment appointments to, ¶ 435.7 conference board and, ¶ 625.3 for deacon, ¶ 331.7 itinerant system and, ¶ 338.2 ordained elders and, ¶¶ 338.2, 342.2 pension and, ¶ 1506.4b sabbatical leave and, ¶ 352 liaison representatives, ¶ 705.4f license for pastoral ministry, ¶¶ 315–20 life-span ministries, ¶¶ 630.1b, 1120 life-sustaining treatment social principles, ¶ 161M liturgical seasons, of Christian Year, ¶ 1114 Living Prayer Center ministry, ¶ 2303.4g living will, ¶ 2533.5 Loans and Scholarships, Office of, ¶¶ 634.4, 1408.2, 1421.3h local church. See also property, local church 722
abandonment of property of, ¶ 2548 accessibility audit of, ¶ 2532.6 accessibility of programs of, ¶ 613.7 administrative committees, ¶ 258 annual conference inquiries of, ¶ 604.8 apportioned funds notification to, ¶ 247.14 care of members, ¶ 204 charge conference, ¶¶ 246–51 church council, ¶ 252 communications coordinator, ¶ 255 training, ¶ 1806.9 consecration of buildings, ¶ 2544 cooperative parish, ¶¶ 206 dedication of buildings of, ¶ 2544 definition, ¶ 201 Discipleship, General Board ethnic concerns, ¶ 1119 discontinuation of property, ¶ 2548 discontinued, ¶¶ 229, 423.10 district director of ethnic concerns, ¶ 662 ecumenical shared ministries, ¶¶ 207–11 education program of, ¶ 256.4 establishment of church location and building, ¶ 259 ethnic concerns, ¶¶ 632, 1119 function of, ¶ 202 information technology in, ¶ 245 investment policies board of trustees, ¶ 2532.6 permanent endowment funds, ¶ 2533.1 lay employees, ¶ 258.2g(12) lay leader, ¶¶ 249.5, 250, 251 Lay Speakers, ¶¶ 266–67 lay speaking ministries, ¶¶ 266–71
membership, ¶¶ 214–42 mergers, interdenominational, ¶¶ 209, 2546 mutual cooperation of, ¶ 206.1 new church organization, ¶ 259 organization and administration, ¶¶ 243–51 pastoral charge definition, ¶ 205 potential assessment process, ¶ 213 property abandonment, ¶ 2548 building sites and plans, ¶ 2519.1 protection of rights of congregations, ¶ 261 provisions for lay leadership, ¶ 243 relation to wider church, ¶ 203 report to annual conference, ¶ 606.7 Special Sundays, ¶¶ 262–65 specialized ministries, ¶¶ 253–57 staff job descriptions, ¶ 258.2g(7) tasks and inclusiveness, ¶¶ 243, 244 transfer from discontinued, ¶ 229 transfer of, ¶¶ 41, 260 in transitional communities, ¶¶ 212–13 treasurers, ¶ 619.1 unincorporated property leases, ¶¶ 2539, 2540 local church board of trustees report to charge conference, ¶ 2549 local church permanent endowment fund committee, ¶ 2533 local churches administrative committees in, ¶ 258 local laws charge conference authority and, ¶ 2528 church corporations and, ¶ 2506 local church property and, ¶ 2538 723
local pastor, ¶ 318. See also Fellowship of Local Pastors abortion ministry by, ¶ 161K annual conference attendance by, ¶¶ 316.5, 602.1e, 602.8, 605.1, 605.6–7, 610.3 appointment of, ¶ 337.2 associate membership of, ¶ 322.1 board of ordained ministry and, ¶ 635 categories of, ¶ 318 chair of, on Ordained Ministry Board, ¶ 635.1a chargeable offenses by, ¶ 2702 clergy membership of, ¶ 141 committee on investigation and, ¶ 2703.2 conduct, ¶ 605.6 continuance as, ¶ 319 continuing education and spiritual growth of, ¶ 351 discontinuance of, ¶ 320.1 evaluation for continuing formation, ¶ 350 examination of, ¶ 591.6 extension ministries and, ¶ 316 full-time, ¶ 318.1 honorable location as, ¶ 359.2 interim license for, ¶ 317 Internet, ¶ 324.6c investigation of, ¶¶ 2703.2, 2704.2, 2706.2c licensing of, ¶ 315.2 maternity/paternity leave, ¶ 356 mentoring and, ¶ 349 other Methodist denominations and, ¶ 347.2 part-time, ¶ 318.2 pensions of, ¶¶ 1506.3b, 1506.4f
reinstatement of, ¶ 320.4 responsibilities and duties of, ¶ 316 retirement of, ¶¶ 320.5–6, 358 service prior to readmission as, ¶ 365.4 standing of, ¶ 605.7 students appointed as, ¶ 318.3 supervision of, ¶¶ 316.4, 421.1, 421.4 trials of, ¶¶ 320.3, 2713, 2713.3a withdrawal under complaints and charges of, ¶ 320.2 local preachers central conference setting curriculum for, ¶ 543.15 General Conference legislative power over, ¶ 16.2 loose-leaf book, for membership records, ¶ 233.2 Lord’s day, ¶ 103 Lord’s Supper, ¶¶ 103, 328, 363.3 pastor’s responsibility and duty and, ¶ 340.2b(1) M mandatory retirement bishops, ¶ 408.1 of clergy, ¶ 358.1 of general agency staff personnel, ¶ 714.3 marketing, ¶¶ 1805, 1806.11–13 marriage central conference relating to, ¶ 543.14 of ministers, ¶ 103 pastoral responsibility and duty and, ¶¶ 316.1, 340.2a(3), 354.8 records of, ¶¶ 233, 1504.7 social principles, ¶ 161B unfaithfulness in, ¶ 2702.1 724
Master of Divinity, ¶¶ 315.2b, 324.3c, 324.4, 330.3 maternity leave, ¶¶ 353, 356 media violence in, social principles, ¶ 162S working with public, ¶ 1806 mediation, ¶ 221.4 conflict resolution and, ¶ 1004 JUSTPEACE Center for Mediation and Conflict Transformation, ¶ 2406 social principles, ¶ 161C medical experimentation social principles, ¶ 162N medical treatment for the dying social principles, ¶ 161M meetings. See also quorum agencies, ¶ 707 bishops and, ¶ 710.11 disabilities, accommodating persons with, ¶ 715.2 general, ¶ 707 Archives and History, General Commission, ¶ 1705 central conferences, ¶ 30 church council, ¶ 252.3 closed, accountability, ¶ 721 Communication, General Commission organization, ¶ 1807.2 Connectional Table organization, ¶ 906.2 Discipleship, General Board organization, ¶ 1106.2 Finance and Administration, General Council organization, ¶ 805.2 General Conference, ¶ 14 central conference, relating to, ¶ 542.2
investigation, preliminary, ¶ 2707.3 Judicial Council, time and place, ¶ 2608.2 jurisdictional conference, Council of Bishops and, ¶ 26 jurisdictional conferences, ¶ 26 local church board of trustees property discussed at, ¶ 2531 Older Adult Ministries committee, ¶ 1121.5 Pension and Health Benefits, General Board of, ¶ 1502.3 restrictions, closed, ¶ 721 Status and Role of Women, General Commission, ¶ 2106 United Methodist Men, General Commission, ¶ 2303.5 United Methodist Publishing House, ¶ 1603 membership addresses of, ¶ 228.2b(2) annual conference, ¶ 602 election to, ¶ 251.2 Archives and History, General Commission on, ¶ 1704 central conference matters, standing committee on, ¶ 2201.3 central conferences, ¶ 541 provisional, ¶ 564 charge conference, ¶¶ 246.2, 249 Christian unity and interreligious concerns committee, ¶¶ 641.1, 1905, 1906 church and society board, ¶ 629.1 church council, ¶¶ 244.3, 252.5 Communication, General Commission on, ¶ 1807.1 Curriculum Resources Committee, ¶ 1127 725
disability concerns committee, ¶ 653.1 Discipleship, General Board of, ¶ 1105 district conference, ¶ 658.1 district superintendency committee, ¶ 668.1 Division on Ministries With Young People, ¶ 1207 episcopacy conference commission, ¶ 637.1 episcopal residence committee, ¶ 638.2 Ethnic Local Church Concerns conference committee, ¶ 632.3 finance and administration council, ¶ 611 General Conference, ¶ 502 Commission, ¶ 511.1 Committees, ¶ 511.3 global ministries conference board, ¶ 633.2 Global Ministries, General Board of, ¶ 1311 Health and Relief Unit, ¶ 1327.1c Women’s Division of, ¶ 1325 Higher Education and Campus Ministry board, ¶ 634.2 Higher Education and Ministry, General Board of, ¶ 1407 Interjurisdictional Committee on Episcopacy, ¶ 512 joint committee on incapacity, ¶ 652 jurisdictional agencies, ¶ 529 jurisdictional conference, ¶ 514 church members defined in, ¶ 526 laity conference board, ¶ 631.3 laity district board, ¶ 666.2
Lay Speaking Ministries conference committee, ¶ 631.6c Lay Speaking Ministries district committee, ¶ 667.2 local church, ¶¶ 214–42 missionary conference, ¶¶ 586.4–5 Native American ministry committee, ¶ 654 older-adult ministries council, ¶ 651.2 ordained ministry conference board on, ¶ 635.1 district committee on, ¶ 665.1 jurisdictional committee on, ¶ 535 Pension and Health Benefits, General Board of, ¶ 1502.1 pensions conference board, ¶ 639.2 Religion and Race conference commission on, ¶ 643.2 General Commission on, ¶ 2003 secretary, ¶ 234 small membership church conference commission, ¶ 645.2 Status and Role of Women conference commission, ¶ 644.2 General Commission on, ¶ 2104 United Methodist Men, ¶¶ 256.6, 670.4 General Commission on, ¶ 2303 Jurisdictional Committee on, ¶ 537 United Methodist Publishing House, ¶ 1602 United Methodist Women, ¶¶ 256.5, 669.4 Jurisdictional Committee on, ¶ 536.3 weekday ministry board, ¶ 256.2c youth council, ¶ 256.3c 726
youth ministry district council, ¶ 671.2 youth ministry organization convocation, jurisdictional, ¶ 533 men. See also Men’s Ministry Sunday; United Methodist Men; United Methodist Men, General Commission rights, social principles, ¶ 162G Men’s Ministry Sunday, ¶ 264.4 men’s organizations, ¶ 256.6 mentoring and mentors, ¶ 349 candidacy for ministry and, ¶ 311.1 elders in full connection responsibility for, ¶ 334.2c for local pastors, ¶ 316.4 for provisional members, ¶ 327 merged church, ¶ 208 merger of local churches interdenominational, ¶¶ 209, 2546 property and, ¶ 2545 Methodist Bishops Conference, ¶ 428 The Methodist Book Concern, p. 13 The Methodist Church United Methodist Church relationship with, ¶ 50 Methodist Church of Puerto Rico, ¶ 705.4f Methodist churches with concordat agreements, ¶ 570.5 Methodist denominations Annual Conference representatives from other, ¶ 346.1 clergy transfer from other, ¶ 347.2 interdenominational agencies among, ¶ 2403 Methodist Episcopal Church, ¶ 803 Methodist Protestant Church, ¶ 803 Methodist Theological School in Ohio, ¶ 1422.3a
Methodist Unity, ¶ 2403 Methodists Associated to Represent Hispanic Americans, ¶ 906.1 metropolitan commission, ¶ 633.5j Mil Voces Para Celebrar: Himnario Metodista, ¶ 1114.3 military service social principles, ¶ 164H military students chaplain candidate programs, ¶ 1421.5m Miller, George, ¶ 102 mineral leases, ¶ 2505 minerals social principles, ¶ 160A Ministerial Education Fund, ¶¶ 619, 634.4a(5), 816 funding for, ¶ 806.1c as general fund, ¶ 810.1 marketing/promotion by Communications, General Commission, ¶ 1806.12 Service Loans, ¶ 816.1a Ministerial Pension Plan, ¶ 817.8 Ministries with Young People, Division adult workers, ¶ 1207.1c Ministries with Young People, Division on, ¶ 1201 authority and accountability, ¶ 1204 Discipleship, General Board relationship with, ¶ 1205 division funding, ¶ 1212 Global Young People’s Convocation, ¶ 1210 grants, ¶ 1209 project review, ¶ 1209.2 purpose, ¶ 1209.1 purpose, ¶ 1202 resource people, ¶ 1207.2 responsibilities, ¶ 1203 727
staff, ¶ 1211 structure, ¶ 1206 Youth Service Fund, ¶ 1208 ministry, ¶ 301 of community, ¶ 127 duties and responsibilities of, ¶ 1421 faithful, ¶ 129 as gift and task, ¶ 128 of laity, ¶ 126 servant, ¶¶ 134–36 unity of, ¶ 130 ministry groups, ¶ 256.1c Ministry Inquiry Process, ¶ 311 Ministry of All Christians, ¶¶ 125–31 Ministry of the Ordained. See ordained ministry Minority Group Self-Determination Fund, ¶ 2008.7 mission, ¶¶ 590–91 congregation, ¶ 259 definition, ¶¶ 590–91 effectiveness of church in, ¶ 303.4 establishment and administration, ¶¶ 590–91 groups, ¶ 256.1c nurture and, ¶ 101 pastors, ¶¶ 591.3, 591.6 process for carrying out, ¶ 122 service and, ¶ 101 Mission Contexts and Relationships Program, ¶ 1313.3 Mission Coordinator of Education and Interpretation, ¶ 633.2 Mission Education Program Area, ¶ 1313.4 mission of Church, ¶ 120 global nature of, ¶ 123 rationale, ¶ 121 in world, ¶ 124
Mission Personnel Program Area, ¶ 1313.6 Mission Volunteers Program Area, ¶ 1313.5 missional priority, ¶ 703.9 missionaries bishops’ duties and, ¶¶ 415.6–7 Global Ministries, General Board responsibility for, ¶ 1301.3 laypersons, ¶ 237 missionary conference, ¶¶ 585–88 College of Bishops supervision, ¶ 586.1 creating and status change, ¶ 587 definition, ¶ 585 elections, ¶ 586.3 Global Ministries, General Board, ¶¶ 586.1, 586.2 membership, ¶ 586.4a organization, ¶ 586 rights and privileges, ¶ 588 Missionary Society of The Evangelical Church Global Ministries, General Board successor to, ¶¶ 1304.2, 1305.2 The United Methodist Church successor to, ¶ 1304.2 mortgages annual conference property, ¶ 2515 district property, ¶ 2523 district superintendents and, ¶ 423.5 loans United Methodist Development Fund, ¶ 1313.1g local church property, ¶¶ 2539, 2541, 2542 movies and violence social principles, ¶ 162S 728
Mozambique Initiative process, ¶ 1313.3j multi-ethnic/multi-language settings covenant relationships in, ¶ 2550 multimedia, ¶¶ 646, 1613, 1806.2, 1806.7 multiple charge parishes, ¶ 206.3b music leadership, ¶ 1115.13 musicians, ¶¶ 630.4c, 630.4d N National Association of Commissions on Equitable Compensation of The United Methodist Church, ¶ 807.20 National Association of Conference Presidents of United Methodist Men, ¶¶ 648.10b, 2302.3b, 2303.1c, 2303.3 National Association of Evangelicals, ¶¶ 1903.5, 2405.2c Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, General Commission relationship with, ¶ 1903.5 National Association of Schools and Colleges of The United Methodist Church, ¶ 1414.2 National Association of Stewardship Leaders, ¶¶ 630.5i, 1115.6 National Association of United Methodist Foundation, ¶¶ 630.5i, 1115.6, 2533.8 National Association of United Methodist Scouters, ¶ 2302 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, ¶ 2404.2a annual conference, ¶ 642.4f Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, General Commission relationship with, ¶¶ 1903.5, 1903.6, 1906.2–3
National Federation of Asian American United Methodists, ¶ 906.1 National Guard, ¶ 344.5e National Plan for Hispanic Ministries, ¶ 270 national power and responsibility social principles, ¶ 165B nations social principles, ¶¶ 165A, 165B nations and cultures social principles, ¶ 165A Native American International Caucus, ¶ 906.1 Native American Ministries Sunday, ¶¶ 263.6, 634.4a5, 823.6 marketing/promotion by Communications, General Commission, ¶ 1806.12 Native American Ministries Sunday Fund as general fund, ¶ 810.1 Native American Ministry, committee, ¶ 654 natural world social principles, ¶ 160 Network for United Methodist Workers With Young People, ¶ 1203.3 Network for United Methodist Young Adults, ¶ 1203.3 Network for United Methodist Youth, ¶ 1203.3 networking leaders in youth ministry, ¶ 1120.2c new churches annual conference recognition of, ¶ 604.10 General Board of Global Ministries and, ¶ 1313.1 729
Newscope Judicial Council notice, ¶¶ 2610.3, 2612.1 newsgathering General Commission on Communication responsibility for, ¶ 1806.1 nominations and leadership development committee, ¶ 258 nondiscrimination policies, ¶ 715 non-local church settings, ¶ 222 nonsalaried position, ¶¶ 331.6d, 331.14c North Central Jurisdiction constitutional provisions and boundaries, ¶ 37 membership on boards and agencies Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, General Commission on, ¶ 1906.1b Church and Society, General Board, ¶ 1006.1a Communication, General Commission on, ¶ 1807.1b Discipleship, General Board, ¶ 1105.1a Global Ministries, General Board, ¶ 1311.1 Higher Education and Ministry, General Board, ¶ 1407.2a Religion and Race, General Commission on, ¶ 2003.2 Status and Role of Women, General Commission on, ¶ 2104.1a United Methodist Publishing House, ¶ 1602.1b Northeastern Jurisdiction constitutional provisions and boundaries, ¶ 37
membership on boards and agencies Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, General Commission on, ¶ 1906.1b Church and Society, General Board, ¶ 1006.1a Communication, General Commission on, ¶ 1807.1b Discipleship, General Board, ¶ 1105.1a Global Ministries, General Board, ¶ 1311.1 Higher Education and Ministry, General Board, ¶ 1407.2a Religion and Race, General Commission on, ¶ 2003.2 Status and Role of Women, General Commission, ¶ 2104.1a Status and Role of Women, General Commission on, ¶ 2104.1a United Methodist Publishing House, ¶ 1602.1b Northern Europe Central Conference, ¶ 540.3e Notice of Transfer of Membership, ¶ 239 nurture mission of Church and, ¶ 101 nurturing ministries of local church, ¶ 252.2 O oaths in trial, ¶ 2710.3 obligation, ¶ 136 offenses, chargeable, ¶ 2702 Office of Loans and Scholarships, ¶¶ 634.4, 1408.2, 1421.3h officers 730
audit of, ¶ 2511 official documents archiving of, ¶ 1711.3f Official Forms and Records Committee, ¶¶ 233, 805.4c, 1628 oil leases, ¶ 2505 Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference, ¶ 1311.1 Old Testament, ¶ 103 older adults, ¶ 162E social principles, ¶ 162E Older Adult Ministries committee general provisions, ¶ 1121 meetings, ¶ 1121.5 membership, ¶ 1121.4 purpose, ¶ 1121.2 responsibilities, ¶ 1121.3 older-adult ministries, conference council, ¶ 651 One Great Hour of Sharing, ¶¶ 263.2, 820, 823.2, 1801 marketing/promotion by Communications, General Commission, ¶ 1806.12 One Great Hour of Sharing Fund as general fund, ¶ 810.1 open trials, ¶ 2708.12 ordained ministry, ¶ 138 accountability, ¶¶ 303.3, 304.1j appointment of certified candidates, ¶ 314 appointments to extension ministries, ¶¶ 343–44 provisions, ¶ 344 appointments to various ministries, ¶¶ 337–42 elders and licensed pastors responsibilities and duties, ¶ 340 general provisions, ¶ 337
itinerant system, ¶ 338 pastor, definition, ¶ 339 support for elders appointed to pastoral charges, ¶ 342 unauthorized conduct, ¶ 341 associate membership, ¶ 321 election requirements, ¶ 322 Fellowship of Local Pastors and Associate Members, ¶ 323 bishops in retired relation, ¶ 548 candidacy for licensed and, ¶¶ 310–14 appointment of certified candidates, ¶ 314 approved candidates, ¶ 311.2 beginning candidacy, ¶ 311.1 continuation of candidacy, ¶ 312 discontinuance of certified candidates, ¶ 313 entrance procedures, ¶ 310 reinstatement of certified candidates, ¶ 313.2 changes in conference relationship, ¶¶ 353–60 honorable location, ¶ 359 incapacity leave, ¶ 357 involuntary leave of absence, ¶ 355 maternity or paternity leave, ¶ 356 provision for change, ¶ 353 retirement, ¶ 358 voluntary leave of absence, ¶ 354 withdrawal, ¶ 360 clergy from other annual conferences, other Methodist and Christian denominations, ¶¶ 346–48 provisions, ¶ 346 recognition, ¶ 348 transfers, ¶ 347 731
clergy orders in United Methodist Church, ¶¶ 305–9 complaints, ¶¶ 361–62 conduct, ¶ 605.6 continuation of candidacy, ¶ 312 discontinuance of certified candidates, ¶ 313.1 district committee, ¶¶ 535, 606.9, 634.4d(2), 658.3, 665, 1421.1c candidacy for licensing/ordaining and, ¶ 311.1 district committee on, ¶ 665 ecumenical shared ministries, ¶ 345 entrance procedures into, ¶ 310 evaluation for continuing formation of full members and local pastors, ¶¶ 350–52 continuing education and spiritual growth, ¶ 351 sabbatical leave, ¶ 352 General Conference delegate election, ¶ 35 general provisions, ¶ 369 jurisdictional committee on, ¶ 535 mentoring and mentors, ¶ 349 ordained deacon in full connection, ¶¶ 328–36 appointment of, ¶ 331 ministry, authority, and responsibilities of, ¶ 329 ministry of, ¶ 328 requirements, ¶ 330 ordained elder in full connection, ¶¶ 332–35 admission requirements, ¶ 335 in annual conference, ¶ 333 historic examination for admission, ¶ 336 ministry, ¶ 332
ministry, authority, and responsibility of, ¶ 334 pastoral ministry license, ¶¶ 315–20 categories of local pastor, ¶ 318 continuance as local pastor, ¶ 319 exiting/reinstatement/retirement of local pastor, ¶ 320 interim license as local pastor, ¶ 317 responsibilities and duties for, ¶ 316 pensions of, ¶ 1506.3b provisional membership, ¶ 324 commissioning, ¶ 325 eligibility and rights of, ¶ 327 service of, ¶ 326 readmission to conference relationship, ¶¶ 364–67 after honorable or administrative locations, ¶ 365 after involuntary retirement, ¶ 368 after leaving ministerial office, ¶ 366 to provisional membership, ¶ 364 after termination by action of annual conference, ¶ 367 reinstatement of certified candidates, ¶ 313.2 standing of, ¶ 605.7 Ordained Ministry, conference board, ¶ 635 Ordained Ministry, Division of, ¶ 1421 administration, ¶ 1421.1 constituency relationships, ¶ 1421.6 education, ¶ 1421.3 endorsement, ¶ 1421.5 enlistment/candidacy, ¶ 1421.2 support/accountability, ¶ 1421.4 Order of Deacons, ¶¶ 306, 635 bishop responsibilities in, ¶ 414.10 732
chair of, on Ordained Ministry Board, ¶ 635.1a constituent contact through gatherings of, ¶ 1421.b membership in, ¶ 309 participation, ¶ 329.3 standards of ministry maintenance, ¶ 1421.4h support and accountability, ¶ 1421.4c Order of Elders, ¶¶ 306, 635 bishop responsibilities in, ¶ 414.10 chair of, on Ordained Ministry Board, ¶ 635.1a constituent contact through gatherings of, ¶ 1421.b membership in, ¶ 309 standards of ministry maintenance, ¶ 1421.4h support and accountability, ¶ 1421.4c Order of St. Luke, ¶¶ 630.4c, 1114.14 orders of worship, ¶ 1114.4 ordination leadership and, ¶¶ 301.2, 302, 303.2, 303.4, 308 purpose of, ¶ 303 qualifications for, ¶ 304 ordination ministry, ¶ 301 Organ and Tissue Donor Sunday, ¶ 264.3 organ transplant and donation social principles, ¶ 162W organization and administration of local church, ¶¶ 243–51 organization meetings Discipleship, General Board, ¶ 1106.2 Original (or Birth) Sin, ¶ 103 Otterbein, Phillip William, ¶¶ 101, 102, 103, 121
Otterbein Press dissolution, ¶ 1620 outreach ministries, ¶ 252.2 community, ¶ 2550.1c health and welfare, ¶ 1397.3a(4) P Pacific Islanders National Caucus United Methodist, ¶ 906.1 pacifism social principles, ¶ 165I Pan Methodist Cooperation and Union, Commission, ¶¶ 625.10, 705.2b, 2403.2, 2547.2, 2548.3 paper medium for permanent church register, ¶ 233.1 parish and community development committee, ¶ 633.5 parsonage deeds, ¶¶ 2503.3, 2508 disposition and mortgage of, ¶ 2541 district, ¶ 2517 energy efficiency of, ¶ 2519.3 local church committee maintaining, ¶ 258.2g(16) multi-church charge providing for, ¶¶ 248.18, 2527 planning and financing requirements for, ¶ 2543 restriction on proceeds of mortgage or sale of, ¶ 2542 standards for approval of, ¶¶ 2520.1, 2522 trust clause in deed of, ¶ 2503 part-time local pastor, ¶ 318.2 pastor compensation, ¶ 614.1d pastoral care affiliate membership and, ¶ 227 certification for, ¶ 1421.5a 733
elders in full connection providing, ¶ 332 maternal and paternal leave and, ¶ 356.1 ministry settings and, ¶ 337.3 responsibilities and duties to provide, ¶ 340.1 social principles, ¶ 161N specialized training in, ¶ 1421.4e pastoral charge, ¶ 205 pastoral leadership class leaders providing, ¶ 256.1b district superintendent, ¶¶ 420, 433.6 Higher Education and Ministry, General Board study of, ¶ 1421.2c ordained ministers providing, ¶ 138 pastor’s duty of, ¶ 340.2d(2) prayer for, ¶¶ 252.2e, 630.5f pastoral ministry license, ¶¶ 315–20 pastoral support, ¶¶ 620–28 apportionment distribution, ¶¶ 621–22 compensation, ¶ 623 equitable compensation, ¶ 625 expenses and allowances, ¶ 627 extension ministries compensation, ¶ 628 payment obligation, ¶ 624 Sustentation Fund, ¶ 626 pastor-parish relations committee, ¶ 244 appointment-making and, ¶¶ 431.1, 433 commission on equitable compensation and, ¶ 625.2 consultation and, ¶ 431.1 Discipleship, General Board supporting, ¶ 1117.3
district superintendents working with, ¶¶ 421, 422.1, 431, 432.1, 435.6–7, 436.10 duties of, ¶ 258.2 elders in full connection evaluation by, ¶ 334.2 election to, ¶ 249 evaluation of pastor by, ¶ 351.1 itinerant system and, ¶ 338 lay leader membership, ¶ 251.1c local board of trustees and, ¶ 2532.4 maternity or paternity leave and, ¶ 356 meetings of, ¶ 721 supervisory response and, ¶ 361.1b pastors. See also license for pastoral ministry; local pastor associate, ¶ 258.2 compensation, ¶¶ 614.1d, 622 clergy support budgets, ¶ 614.1d Equitable Compensation Fund adjustments, ¶¶ 622, 625 cooperative parish, charge of, ¶ 205 district superintendents appointmentmaking criteria for, ¶ 432.2 marriage responsibility and duty and, ¶¶ 316.1, 340.2a(3), 354.8 mission, ¶¶ 591.3, 591.6 responsibilities and duties of, ¶ 340 visiting, ¶ 420 paternity leave, ¶ 356 payroll policies, ¶ 806.7 peace social principles, ¶ 165C Peace with Justice Sunday, ¶¶ 263.5, 823.5 marketing/promotion by Communications, General Commission, ¶ 1806.12 734
Peace with Justice Sunday Fund, ¶ 810.1 Pension and Health Benefits, General Board, ¶¶ 639.5, 1501–9 as administrative general agency, ¶ 703.6 annual conference administration, ¶ 1506 journal sent to, ¶ 606.2 appeals committee, ¶ 1502.4c audit and review committee, ¶ 1502.4b authorizations, ¶ 1504 Chartered Fund, ¶ 1504.10 committees, ¶¶ 1502.4, 1502.4d, 1502.4e appeals, ¶ 1502.4c audit and review, ¶ 1502.4b executive, ¶ 1502.4a conflict of interest policies, ¶ 1508 depositories and bonding, ¶ 1508.9 election of members, ¶ 705.1 establishment, ¶ 1501 financing programs, ¶ 1507 general agencies as administrative, ¶ 703.6 general agency pension, ¶ 1505 inclusiveness duties, ¶ 1504 incorporation, ¶ 1503.1b investment management policies, ¶ 1508 joint distributing committees, ¶ 1509 authorizations, ¶ 1509.1 organization, ¶ 1509.2 powers, duties, and responsibilities, ¶ 1509.3 legal entities, ¶ 1503 meetings of, ¶ 1502.3 member election, ¶ 705.5
memberships, ¶¶ 1502.1, 1602.2 nominations for, ¶ 705.1 officers, ¶ 1502.2 pension credit of general agency, ¶ 1505 quorum at meetings, ¶ 1502.3c social responsible investments, ¶ 716 pensions, ¶ 1506 bishops, ¶¶ 406, 817 voluntary retirement and, ¶¶ 408.2b, 408.2e full credit, ¶ 1506.4c involuntary leave and, ¶ 355.5 normal conditions for full credit, ¶ 1506.4a proportional credit, ¶ 1506.4b for retired local pastor, ¶ 320.5 retirement and, ¶ 358.2 social principles, ¶ 162J pensions conference board, ¶ 639 authorization, ¶ 639.1 membership, ¶ 639.2 organization, ¶ 639.3 proportional payment, ¶ 639.4 reports to general board, ¶ 639.5 Pentecost Sunday, ¶ 642.4f perfection, ¶ 101 (p. 47) performance evaluation, ¶ 431 Perkins School of Theology, ¶ 1422.3a permanent church register, ¶ 233.1 Permanent Fund, ¶ 807.3 personnel policies of campus ministries, ¶ 634.4d(2) educational institutions and, ¶ 1412.1c of Finance and Administration, General Council, ¶ 714.3 general agency staff, ¶¶ 714.3–4 735
Global Ministries, General Board, ¶ 1309 Personnel Policies and Practices committee, ¶¶ 805.4d, 807.13b Philippines Central Conference, ¶ 540.3f Plan of Organization and Rules of Order Committee, ¶ 511.3b Plan of Union, ¶ 2504 plants social principles, ¶ 160A political responsibility social principles, ¶ 164B population social principles, ¶ 162K poverty social principles, ¶ 163E prayer adoption and, ¶ 161L advocacy and, ¶ 254 Book of Common, ¶¶ 101 (p. 45), 102 (p. 51–52) coordinator for, ¶ 252.2e lay speaker leading, ¶ 266.3b for public authorities, ¶ 164F in public schools, ¶ 164C room for, ¶ 630.6e presbyteros, ¶ 305 presumption of innocence, ¶ 2701 prevenient grace, ¶ 101 (p. 46) prison ministry, ¶¶ 629.3, 656 chaplains in, ¶¶ 335, 1421.5 criminal justice and mercy ministries, ¶ 656 private reprimand, ¶ 363.2j privilege, ¶¶ 135, 136 probe staff, ¶ 206.3a
Professional Association of United Methodist Church Secretaries, ¶ 807.19 professional certification ministry careers, ¶ 1110.11 ordained ministry, conference board responsibility, ¶ 635.2u ordination and, ¶ 324.5 pastoral care and, ¶ 1421.5 program agencies, ¶ 703.11 budgets of, ¶¶ 804, 806.1b Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, General Commission and, ¶ 1903.16 committee on criminal justice and mercy ministries and, ¶ 656 cooperation with, ¶ 1113.4 council benevolences budged and, ¶ 614.3 general secretary election for, ¶ 713 Global Ministries, General Board coordinating, ¶ 719 jurisdictional, ¶ 531 liaison representatives to, ¶ 705.4f meetings of, ¶ 707 staffing of, ¶ 714 Program Council of The United Methodist Church, ¶ 902 program ministries, ¶ 256 program-related general agencies, ¶ 703.5 property, ¶ 103 annual conference, ¶¶ 2512–16 camps, conference grounds, and retreat centers, ¶ 2516 conference trustees, ¶ 2512 jointly owned episcopal residences, ¶ 2514 736
sale, transfer, lease, mortgage, or purchase, ¶ 2515 United Methodist Foundations, ¶ 2513 auditing of church officers, ¶ 2511 bonding of church officers, ¶ 2511 civil actions regarding, ¶ 2509 compliance with law, ¶¶ 2506–10 deeds and conveyances conformity, ¶ 2508 district, ¶¶ 2517–23 appeals, ¶ 2521 authorization and establishment of district boards, ¶ 2518 boundaries of, and sales, ¶ 2517.3 building proposal approval, ¶ 2520 local church building sites and plans, ¶ 2519.1 sale, transfer, lease, or mortgage, ¶ 2523 standards to acquisition, ¶ 2522 financial obligations limitation, ¶ 2510 local laws, ¶ 2506 ownership, social principles, ¶ 163A Plan of Union, ¶ 2504 trust clause requirement, ¶¶ 2501–3 property, local church, ¶¶ 2524–50 board of trustees bequest administration, ¶ 2532.5 chairperson, ¶ 2532.4 charge or cooperative parish, ¶ 2527 elections, ¶ 2525 insurance issues, ¶ 2532.2 meetings, ¶ 2531 organization and membership, ¶ 2529
powers and limitations, ¶ 2532 qualifications, ¶ 2524 removal, ¶ 2530 report to charge conference, ¶ 2549 charge conference authority, ¶ 2528 consecration and dedication of buildings, ¶ 2544 covenant relationships in multi-ethnic and multi-language settings, ¶ 2550 deeding, to federated churches or other evangelical denominations, ¶ 2547 discontinuation, ¶¶ 2548.1–2 disposition of building or parsonage, ¶ 2541 foundations, ¶ 2534 incorporated notice and authorization, ¶ 2536 sale, transfer, lease, and mortgage, ¶ 2539 title and purchase, ¶ 2537 local conference duties, authority, and membership, ¶ 2526 mergers of interdenominational local churches, ¶ 2546 mergers of local United Methodist Churches, ¶ 2545 mortgage of building or parsonage, ¶ 2541 permanent endowment fund committee, ¶ 2533 planning and finance requirements of, ¶ 2543 proceeds of mortgage or sale restrictions, ¶ 2542 shared facilities, ¶ 2550 trust clause requirement, ¶ 2501 unincorporated 737
notice and authorization, ¶ 2536 sale, transfer, lease, and mortgage, ¶ 2539 title and purchase, ¶ 2535 property titles in Constitution, ¶ 7 Protestants, ¶ 101 provisional annual conferences, ¶¶ 580–83 clergy members of, ¶ 581.1 definition, ¶ 580 elections, ¶ 582.4 financial support, ¶ 581.2 funding and budget, ¶ 582.3 Global Ministries Board, ¶ 583 location of, ¶ 582.2 organization, ¶ 582 progress of, ¶ 581.3 provisions, ¶ 581 superintendent, ¶ 582.1 Provisional Central Conferences, ¶¶ 560–67 ad interim provisions, ¶ 563 ad interim provisions for conferences outside United States, ¶ 565 authorization, ¶ 560 episcopal supervision, ¶ 566 episcopal visitation of mission fields, ¶ 567 lay membership, ¶ 564 organization, ¶ 561 powers of, ¶ 562 provisional membership academic credentials and, ¶ 635.2b administrative complaints and, ¶ 363.4 annual conference transfer and, ¶¶ 604.5, 604.7 commissioning, ¶ 325
complaint procedures and, ¶ 361 discontinuance from, ¶ 327.6 district committee recommendation for, ¶ 665.8 eligibility and rights of, ¶ 327 ministry appointment and, ¶ 337.3 mission annual meeting and, ¶ 591.6 missionary conference and, ¶ 586.4g qualifications for election to, ¶ 324 readmission to, ¶ 364 service of, ¶ 326 public worship, ¶ 103 Publication, General Board, ¶ 1608 publishing houses net income restrictive rule, ¶ 22 purchase of annual conference property, ¶ 2515 purgatory, ¶ 103 Q quadrennial review, ¶¶ 807.7, 1712.1d quadrennium, ¶ 720.2 qualifications for ordination, ¶ 304 Quarterly Review, ¶ 1629 questions for the examiners of candidate for deacons orders, ¶ 330.5d of candidate for elders orders, ¶ 335.6 historical examination for admission to full connection, ¶ 336 from Wesley, ¶ 310 quorum Archives and History, General Commission meetings, ¶ 1705 for charge conference, ¶ 246.6 Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, General Commission, ¶ 1905 738
for church council, ¶ 252.6 Committee on Faith and Order meetings, ¶ 1912.5 for Connectional Table, ¶ 906.2 for Council of Bishops, ¶ 805.2 for General Conference, ¶ 506 Judicial Council meetings, ¶ 2608.2 Local Boards of Trustee meetings, ¶ 2531 Pension and Health Benefits, General Board meetings, ¶ 1502.3c United Methodist Publishing House board executive committee, ¶ 1607 board meetings, ¶ 1603 quorum at meetings Archives and History, General Commission, ¶ 1705 R race relations religion and race, conference commission, ¶ 643 racial discrimination chargeable offense, ¶ 2702 social principles, ¶ 162A socially responsible investments and, ¶ 162A racial harassment, ¶ 2702 racial justice in Constitution, ¶ 5 racism institutional, ¶ 162 social principles, ¶ 162A readmission after administrative location, ¶ 365 to conference relationship, ¶¶ 364–67 after honorable location, ¶ 364 after involuntary retirement, ¶ 368
local pastor service prior to, ¶ 365.4 reason, ¶ 104 recertification certified lay minister transfer of, ¶ 271.5 Reconciliation through Christ, ¶ 103 records and archives access in judicial proceedings, ¶¶ 2701.2e, 2701.3d annual conference, ¶ 606 annual conference financial audit of, ¶ 617 annual conferences, ¶ 606 bishops’ mailing addresses, ¶ 807.15 central conferences, ¶ 545 historical, ¶ 572.1 church membership permanent, ¶ 233 reports, ¶¶ 230–34 custodian of Archives and History, General Commission responsibility, ¶ 1711.2 recording secretary responsibility, ¶ 247.4 custodianship of, ¶ 1711.2 Daily Christian Advocate as General Conference, ¶ 1415.4 diaconal ministers service, ¶ 606.6 disposal schedule for, ¶ 1711.3b documentary material, ¶ 1703.1 condition and preservation, ¶ 1711.3c custodianship of records, ¶ 1711.2 definition, ¶ 1711.1b inventorying, repairing, and microfilming, ¶ 1711.3d 739
Finance and Administration, Conference Council responsibilities, ¶ 613.14 financial audit of, ¶ 258.4d general agency maintenance of, ¶ 717 historical, ¶ 247.5 charge conference committee on, ¶ 247.5b marriage, ¶¶ 233, 1504.7 membership card index of, ¶ 233.2 electronic system for, ¶ 233.2 loose-leaf book for, ¶ 233.2 trials, ¶ 2710.8 United Methodist Publishing House, ¶ 1604 records and history, committee, ¶ 247.5b Reformation Sunday, ¶ 642.4f regeneration justification and, ¶ 103 registrar, ¶ 635.3 religion and race, conference commission, ¶ 643 inclusiveness, ¶¶ 643.3b, 643.3c, 643.3n, 2002, 2008 race relations, ¶ 643 religion and race district director, ¶ 663 Religion and Race, General Commission accountability, ¶ 702.2 advisory role, ¶ 2008.16 amenability and accountability, ¶ 2001.1 authorization and establishment, ¶ 2001
Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, General Commission relationship with, ¶ 1903.14 Connectional Table accountability, ¶ 702.2 relationship, ¶ 906.1c Division on Ministries with Young People resource, ¶ 1207.2 election of members, ¶ 705.1 finances, ¶ 2007 member election, ¶ 705.5 membership, ¶ 2003 Minority Group Self-Determination Fund, ¶ 2008.7 nominations, ¶ 705.1 North Central Jurisdiction membership on boards and agencies, ¶ 2003.2 officers, ¶ 2005 personnel policy and practices committee, ¶ 805.4d purpose, ¶ 2002 responsibilities, ¶ 2008 South Central Jurisdiction membership on boards and agencies, ¶ 2003.2 Southeastern Jurisdiction membership on boards and agencies, ¶ 2003.2 staff, ¶ 2006 vacancies, ¶ 2004 Western Jurisdiction membership on boards and agencies, ¶ 2003.2 religion and race, general commission election of members, ¶ 705.1 religious minority rights social principles, ¶ 162B remedial action, ¶ 363.2 renewal leave, ¶ 410.2 reprimand, private, ¶ 363.2j research 740
archival materials available for, ¶ 1711.3n Church and Society, General Board responsibilities and, ¶ 1004 on communication, ¶ 1903.16 Connectional table role, ¶ 905.6 Discipleship, General Board responsibilities and, ¶¶ 1102.10, 1109.1 Higher Education and Ministry, General Board and, ¶¶ 1405.15, 1406.30 missional priority and, ¶ 704.9 schools of theology and, ¶ 1422.1 Status and Role of Women, General Commission and, ¶ 2103.2 United Methodist Men, General Commission and, ¶ 2303.4f Resurrection of Christ, ¶ 103 retiree health care access, annual conference, ¶ 639.5 retirement counseling prior to, ¶ 358.4 general agencies staff, ¶ 714.3 involuntary, ¶¶ 354.11, 358.3, 363.2c administrative complaint and, ¶ 413.2e administrative review committee and, ¶ 636 bishops, ¶¶ 408.3, 524.3e hearing before, ¶ 359.3 readmission after, ¶ 368 local pastor, ¶¶ 320.5–6, 358 mandatory, ¶ 714.3 bishops, ¶ 408.1 of clergy, ¶ 358.1 of general agency staff personnel, ¶ 714.3 ordained ministry, ¶ 358 pensions and, ¶ 358.2 bishops and, ¶¶ 408.2b, 408.2e
retirement homes pastoral care in, ¶ 1421.5 Retirement Security Program for General Agencies, ¶ 714.4 retreat centers standards and policies for, ¶ 1110.10 title to properties, ¶ 2516 Rio Grande Annual Conference, ¶ 1311.1 rites and ceremonies, ¶ 103 Ritual, ¶¶ 224, 1114.3–4 central conference adaptation of, ¶ 543.13 constitutional provisions, General Conference legislative power, ¶ 16.6 Rules of Order for General Conference, ¶ 505 jurisdictional conference, ¶ 518 rural life social principles, ¶ 162P Rural Life Sunday, ¶ 265.3 marketing/promotion by Communications, General Commission, ¶ 1806.12 S sabbatical leave, ¶¶ 352, 410.3 associate members, ¶ 322.3 bishops, ¶ 410.3 clergy from other denominations, ¶ 346.2 conference board review of, ¶ 635.2k elders in full connection, ¶¶ 335.5, 337.1 pension and, ¶ 1506.3a Sacraments, ¶ 103. See also baptism; Lord’s Supper bishop and, ¶ 402 district superintendent and, ¶ 402 741
elders in full connection and, ¶¶ 322, 340 licensed pastors and, ¶ 340 ordination and, ¶ 303.2 provisional members and, ¶ 326.2 Saint Paul School of Theology, ¶ 1422.3 salaries annual conference pastors, ¶ 604.13 associate members, ¶ 321.3 bishops’, ¶¶ 406, 817.4 leave of absence and, ¶ 410 Church School Publications, ¶ 1636 clergy from other annual conferences, ¶ 346.1 clergy from other denominations, ¶ 346.2 corporate officers, ¶ 1623 deacon, ¶ 331.14b Episcopal Fund requirements and, ¶ 817.2 Finance and Administration, General Council and, ¶ 807.13 involuntary leave and, ¶ 355.5 local church, ¶ 252.4d pensions and, ¶ 639.4a suspension and, ¶ 361.1c theological school faculty and staff, ¶ 816.2a voluntary leave and, ¶ 354.6 Salvation, ¶ 103 sanctification, ¶ 103 Christian perfection and, ¶ 103 perfection and, ¶ 101 schools of theology of United Methodist Church, ¶¶ 263, 344, 635, 823, 1114.11, 1422–23 in central conferences, ¶ 1422.4
deacon or elder candidates attending, ¶ 1422.2 education of ordination candidates, ¶ 1423 globally, ¶ 1422.5 goals, ¶ 1422.1 in United States, ¶ 1422.3 science and technology social principles, ¶ 160F Scouting Ministries, ¶ 2302.5 Scripture, ¶ 104 secretary-designate, ¶ 504 seminaries certification, ¶ 1421.5 United Methodist, ¶¶ 139, 422, 1421.2f, 1421.3f, 1421.3g servant leadership, ¶¶ 133, 137–38 servant ministry, ¶¶ 132, 134–36 Service Loans, ¶ 816.1a service records annual conference journal and, ¶¶ 606.5–6 district committee on ordained ministry and, ¶ 665.7 General Board of Pension and Health Benefits, ¶¶ 1504.7, 1506.6 sexual abuse social principles, ¶ 161H sexual and gender harassment, ¶ 605.8 sexual harassment social principles, ¶ 161I sexual orientation equal rights regardless of, social principles, ¶ 162J shared facilities, ¶ 206.3b shared ministry, ¶ 206.3b sin free will and, ¶ 103 742
after justification, ¶ 103 small membership church annual conference inclusion of, ¶ 610.3 conference commission on, ¶ 645 jurisdictional membership and, ¶ 705.4b lay ministers and, ¶ 271 part-time pastors and, ¶ 318.2 subcommittee on, ¶ 633.3i small-group ministries, ¶¶ 256, 1118.1 Social Creed, ¶ 166 social principles, ¶¶ 101 (p. 49), 160–66 abortion, ¶¶ 161, 161J, 161K, 161V, 162V abuse, ¶ 161G adoption of children, ¶ 161L aging rights, ¶ 162E air, ¶ 160A alcoholic beverages, ¶ 162L animal life, ¶ 160C birth control, ¶ 161J charge conference, ¶ 247.19 children rights, ¶ 162C Christian communities, ¶ 161F civil disobedience, ¶ 164F civil obedience, ¶ 164F cloning, ¶ 162O collective bargaining, ¶ 163B consumerism, ¶ 163D consumption, ¶ 163D corporate responsibility, ¶ 163I cultures, ¶ 162A death, ¶¶ 161M, 161N death penalty, ¶ 164G disabilities, ¶ 162I discrimination, ¶ 162D divorce, ¶ 161C
drug use, ¶ 162L dying, faithful care of, ¶ 161M education, ¶ 164E endangered species, ¶ 160C energy resources utilization, ¶ 160B ethnicity rights, ¶ 162A euthanasia, ¶¶ 161M, 161N fair trade, ¶¶ 162Q, 163D family, ¶ 161A family farms, ¶ 163H family violence, ¶ 161G food safety, ¶¶ 160G foreign workers, ¶ 163F freedom of information, ¶ 164D freedoms, basic, ¶ 164A gambling, ¶ 163G genetic technology, ¶ 162O global climate stewardship, ¶ 160D health care rights, ¶ 162V HIV/AIDS, ¶¶ 162U, 162V homosexuality/homosexual persons, ¶¶ 161H, 162F hospice care, ¶ 161M human rights, ¶ 164A human sexuality, ¶ 161F immigrants rights, ¶ 162H information communication technology, ¶ 162T Internet, ¶¶ 162T, 163G investment, ¶ 163J justice, ¶ 165D late-term abortion, ¶ 161J law, ¶ 165D law enforcement, ¶ 164H leisure, ¶ 163C life-sustaining treatment, ¶ 161M marriage, ¶ 161B mediation, ¶ 161C medical experimentation, ¶ 162N 743
medical treatment for the dying, ¶ 161M men and women, ¶ 161E men’s rights, ¶ 162G military service, ¶ 164H minerals, ¶ 160A movies and violence, ¶ 162S national power and responsibility, ¶ 165B nations, ¶¶ 165A, 165B nations and cultures, ¶ 165A natural world, ¶ 160 older adults, ¶ 162E organ transplant and donation, ¶ 162W pacifism, ¶ 165I pastoral care, ¶ 161N peace, ¶ 165C pensions, ¶ 162J plants, ¶ 160A political responsibility, ¶ 164B population, ¶ 162K poverty, ¶ 163E property ownership, ¶ 163A racial discrimination, ¶ 162A religious minority rights, ¶ 162B rural life, ¶ 162P science and technology, ¶ 160F sexual abuse, ¶ 161H sexual harassment, ¶ 161I sexual orientation rights, ¶ 162J soil, ¶ 160A space, ¶ 160E state relations with Church, ¶ 164C suicide, ¶ 161N sustainable agriculture, ¶ 162Q tobacco, ¶ 162M trade, ¶ 163J urban-suburban life, ¶ 162R
violence in media, ¶ 162S war and peace, ¶ 165C water, ¶ 160A women’s rights, ¶ 162F work and leisure, ¶ 163C young people’s rights, ¶ 162D socially responsible investments, ¶¶ 248.19, 613.5, 716, 1406.11 soil social principles, ¶ 160A South Central Jurisdiction constitutional provisions and boundaries, ¶ 37 membership on boards and agencies Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, General Commission on, ¶ 1906.1b Church and Society, General Board, ¶ 1006.1a Communication, General Commission on, ¶ 1807.1b Discipleship, General Board, ¶ 1105.1a Global Ministries, General Board, ¶ 1311.1 Higher Education and Ministry, General Board, ¶ 1407.2a Religion and Race, General Commission on, ¶ 2003.2 Status and Role of Women, General Commission on, ¶ 2104.1a United Methodist Publishing House, ¶ 1602.1b Southeastern Jurisdiction constitutional provisions and boundaries, ¶ 37 membership on boards and agencies 744
Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, General Commission on, ¶ 1906.1b Church and Society, General Board, ¶ 1006.1a Communication, General Commission on, ¶ 1807.1b Discipleship, General Board, ¶ 1105.1a Global Ministries, General Board, ¶ 1311.1 Higher Education and Ministry, General Board, ¶ 1407.2a Religion and Race, General Commission on, ¶ 2003.2 Status and Role of Women, General Commission on, ¶ 2104.1a United Methodist Publishing House, ¶ 1602.1b space social principles, ¶ 160E Spanish Hymnal Mil Voces Para Celebrar: Himnario Metodista, ¶ 1114.3 special appeals churchwide financial, ¶ 818 special program, ¶ 703.10 Special Sundays, ¶¶ 262, 634.4a5 Annual Conference Observance approved Sundays, ¶ 265 Christian Education Sunday, ¶ 265.1 Disability Awareness Sunday, ¶ 265.4 Golden Cross Sunday, ¶ 265.2 offerings, ¶ 619 with offerings, ¶¶ 263, 823 Human Relations Day, ¶¶ 263.1, 823
Native American Ministries Sunday, ¶¶ 263.6, 823.6 One Great Hour of Sharing, ¶¶ 263.2, 823.2 Peace with Justice Sunday, ¶¶ 263.5, 823.5 promotion of, ¶ 823.7 receipts from, ¶ 823.8 United Methodist Student Day, ¶¶ 263.4, 823.3 World Communion Sunday, ¶¶ 263.3, 823.4 without offerings Heritage Sunday, ¶ 264.1 Laity Sunday, ¶ 264.2 Men’s Ministry Sunday, ¶ 264.4 Organ and Tissue Donor Sunday, ¶ 264.3 Rural Life Sunday, ¶ 265.3 specialized ministries local church, ¶¶ 253–57 St. Paul School of Theology, ¶ 1422.3a Staff Retirement Benefits Program, ¶ 714.4 Standing Committee on Central Conference Matters, ¶ 2201 joining United Methodist Church, ¶¶ 575.4, 575.6 state relations with Church social principles, ¶ 164C status and role of women, conference commission, ¶ 644 central conference membership, ¶ 705.4c Connectional Table accountability, ¶ 702.2 relationship, ¶ 906.1c Division on Ministries with Young People resource, ¶ 1207.2 745
member election, ¶ 705.5 nominations, ¶ 705.1 Status and Role of Women, General Commission, ¶¶ 644, 2101 accountability, ¶ 702.2 central conference membership, ¶ 705.4c Connectional Table accountability, ¶ 702.2 relationship, ¶ 906.1c Division on Ministries with Young People resource, ¶ 1207.2 election of members, ¶ 705.1 funding, ¶ 2107 meetings, ¶ 2106 member election, ¶ 705.5 membership, ¶ 2104 nominations for, ¶ 705.1 officers, ¶ 2105 personnel policy and practices committee, ¶ 805.4d purpose, ¶ 2102 relationships, ¶ 2109 responsibility, ¶ 2103 staff, ¶ 2108 Stewardship Leaders, National Association of, ¶¶ 630.5i, 1115.6 students, appointed as local pastors, ¶ 318.3 Study Committee, ¶ 703.4 suicide social principles, ¶ 161N Supererogation, ¶ 103 superintendency, ¶¶ 401–35 appointments, ¶¶ 430–35 consultation and, ¶ 431 criteria for, ¶ 432 deacons in full connection, ¶ 435 frequency of, ¶ 434
process of, ¶ 433 responsibility, ¶ 430 committee on district, ¶ 668 expressions of, ¶¶ 426–29 cabinet, ¶ 429 Council of Bishops, ¶ 427 Methodist Bishops Conference, ¶ 428 nature of, ¶ 401 offices of bishop and district superintendent, ¶ 402 supply preachers, ¶ 16.2 sustainable agriculture social principles, ¶ 162Q Sustentation Fund, ¶ 626 T
technology social principles science and, ¶ 160F theme, ¶ 703.7f Theological Education, Commission, ¶ 1421 Theological School-Drew University, ¶ 1422.3a Theological Task, ¶¶ 104 (pp. 74–86) theology, ¶ 104 titles to church property trust clause requirement, ¶ 2501 tobacco social principles, ¶ 162M town and country ministries subcommittee, ¶¶ 633.5f, 633.5h trade social principles, ¶ 163J tradition, ¶ 104 transitional communities, ¶ 212 property, ¶ 2548.7 translation, of Church name, ¶ 722 746
traveling preacher, ¶¶ 27.6, 31.7, 604.6 treasurer, ¶ 703.7e professing membership of, ¶ 714.5 trials alternate members, ¶ 2709.4 amendments to bill of charges and specifications, ¶ 2708.11 change of venue, ¶ 2708.4 of clergy member of Annual Conference, ¶ 2713.3a of clergy on honorable or administrative location, ¶ 2713.3a commissioned out-of-court testimony, ¶ 2708.10 convening of, ¶ 2709.1 counsel, ¶ 2708.7 court questions, ¶ 2709.4 diaconal minister, ¶ 2713.3b fundamental principles for, ¶ 2707 guidelines and rules, ¶ 2710 evidence, ¶ 2710.9 instructions and charges, ¶ 2710.10 oaths, ¶ 2710.3 objections, ¶ 2710.6 order of trial, ¶ 2710.2 plea entering, ¶ 2710.4 presiding officer authority, ¶ 2710.1 recess and trial procedures, ¶ 2710.5 recording of proceedings, ¶ 2710.8 witness exclusion, ¶ 2710.7 of local pastor, ¶ 2713.3a multiple person combined, ¶ 2708.13 notice, ¶ 2708.5 officers of court, ¶ 2708.1 open or closed, ¶ 2708.12
pool, ¶ 2709.2 power of trial court, ¶ 2711 conviction penalties, ¶ 2711.3 instruction, disqualification, voting, and verdicts, ¶ 2711.1 votes, ¶ 2711.2 pre-trial motions and referrals, ¶ 2708.3 pre-trial procedures, ¶ 2708 scheduling and continuances, ¶ 2708.6 selection of court, ¶ 2709.3 time and place of, ¶ 2708.2 witnesses, ¶ 2708.8 qualifications of, ¶ 2708.9 trust clauses, ¶ 2501 in deeds, ¶ 2503 trustees, board of. See Board of Trustees trustees, of church institutions standards and requirements, ¶ 2551 U UMCMA. See United Methodist Campus Ministers Association UMCom. See United Methodist Communications UMSM. See United Methodist Student Movement UMVIM. See United Methodist Volunteer in Mission undergraduate degree requirements, for provisional membership, ¶ 324.3 union church, ¶¶ 208, 209 Union, Commission on. See Pan Methodist Cooperation and Union, Commission unions, homosexual, ¶¶ 341.6, 2702 747
The United Brethren Church doctrinal standards in, p.18 ¶¶ 102 (pp. 55–58), United Brethren in Christ. See Church of United Brethren in Christ united church. See affiliated united churches United Methodist name registration, ¶ 2502 United Methodist Association of Church Business Administrators, ¶ 807.18 United Methodist Association of Health and Welfare Ministries, ¶¶ 633.31, 1402.3. See also Health and Welfare Ministries The United Methodist Book of Worship, ¶ 630.4b United Methodist Campus Ministers Association (UMCMA), ¶ 1412.2b The United Methodist Children’s Fund for Christian Mission, ¶¶ 256, 1111 The United Methodist Church Act of Covenanting with, ¶¶ 570.1, 570.2a, 570.4a, 570.4b doctrinal standards of, ¶¶ 102 (pp. 58–59) and Evangelical Lutheran Church of America Joint Commission, ¶ 1905.8 founding date, ¶ 723 historical statement, pp. 9–20 joining, ¶ 575 program and fiscal year, ¶ 720 translation name, ¶ 722 United Methodist Church Secretaries, Professional Association church secretaries, ¶ 807.19
United Methodist Committee on Relief, ¶ 1327.2 One Great Hour of Sharing, ¶ 263.2 refugee ministry, ¶ 633.4b(20) World Hunger/ Poverty Ministry, ¶ 633.4.b(21) United Methodist Communications (UMCom), ¶¶ 606.2, 1802, 1803 Division on Ministries with Young People resource, ¶ 1207.2 United Methodist Development Fund, ¶ 1313.1g United Methodist Foundation, National Association, ¶ 630.5i United Methodist Foundations, establishment, ¶ 2513. See also foundations United Methodist Higher Education Foundation, ¶¶ 634.4a, 1419, 1421 The United Methodist Hymnal, ¶¶ 630.4b, 1114.3 United Methodist Information Technology Association, ¶ 807.21 United Methodist Loan Fund, ¶ 634.4a6 United Methodist Men, ¶ 256.6 annual conference representation, ¶ 32 constitution, ¶¶ 537, 648, 670, 671 Men’s Ministry Sunday, ¶ 264.4 organizations, ¶ 256.6 United Methodist Men, General Commission, ¶ 2301 accountability, ¶ 702.2 central conference membership, ¶ 705.4c Connectional Table accountability, ¶ 702.2 relationship, ¶ 906.1c 748
Division on Ministries with Young People resource, ¶ 1207.2 funding, ¶ 2303.6 inclusiveness, ¶ 2303.1g membership, ¶ 2303 funding, ¶ 2303.6 meetings, ¶ 2303.5 officers, ¶ 2303.3 staff, ¶ 2303.4 vacancies, ¶ 2303.2 personnel policy and practices committee, ¶ 805.4d purpose, ¶ 2302 United Methodist Men, National Association of Conference Presidents, ¶¶ 649, 2302.3b, 2303.1c, 2303.3 United Methodist Publishing House as administrative general agency, ¶ 703.6 agency status, ¶ 1611 annual meeting, ¶ 1603 authority to extend activities, ¶ 1625 authorization and establishment, ¶ 1601 board members as successors, ¶ 1617 Board of Publication, ¶¶ 1608, 1617 powers and duties of, ¶ 1618 board participation, ¶ 1639 book editor, ¶ 1628 salary of, ¶ 1630 suspension of, ¶ 1631 central conference membership, ¶ 705.4c church school publication editor, ¶ 1632 duties of, ¶ 1632 salary of, ¶ 1635 church-school curriculum, ¶ 1634 cooperative publications, ¶ 1640
corporate officers, ¶ 1621 fidelity bonding of, ¶ 1626 president, ¶ 1622 salaries, ¶ 1623 suspension of, ¶ 1627 Curriculum Resources Committee and, ¶¶ 1125.2, 1636 direction and control, ¶ 1614 discipleship, General Board relationship with, ¶ 1125 distribution system by General Agencies, ¶ 1641 Division on Ministries with Young People resource, ¶ 1207.2 election of members, ¶ 705.1 Evangelical Press dissolution, ¶ 1620 executive committee, ¶ 1606 powers and duties, ¶ 1607 financial feasibility, ¶ 1638 financial reports, ¶ 1624 incorporation of, ¶ 1609.3 member election, ¶ 705.5 membership, ¶ 1602 additional members, ¶ 1602.1c central conference members, ¶ 1602.1d division of, ¶ 1602.1f episcopal members, ¶ 1602.1a jurisdictional members, ¶ 1602.1b rotation of, ¶ 1602.1g vacancies, ¶ 1602.1h of young adults, ¶ 1602.1e net income appropriation, ¶ 1615 designation, ¶ 1616 nominations for, ¶ 705.1 objectives, ¶ 1613 Otterbein Press dissolution, ¶ 1620 749
ownership and control of assets, ¶ 1619 quarterly review, ¶ 1629 real estate purchases, ¶ 1642 record of proceedings, ¶ 1604 report to General Conference, ¶ 1612 secretary participation in Curriculum Resource Committee, ¶ 1127.1c service to Church, ¶ 1637 successor in interest, ¶ 1608 tenure of board members and officers, ¶ 1605 trustees of, ¶ 1610 United Methodist related campus ministries and chaplaincies, ¶ 650.3d United Methodist scholarships, ¶¶ 254.4, 905.3 United Methodist Scouters, National Association of, ¶ 2302 United Methodist seminaries, ¶¶ 139, 324.4c, 422, 535, 1421.1e, 1421.2f, 1421.3g United Methodist Student Day, ¶¶ 263.4, 634.4a(5), 823.3 marketing/promotion by Communications, General Commission, ¶ 1806.12 United Methodist Student Day Fund as general fund, ¶ 810.1 United Methodist Student Movement (UMSM), ¶¶ 634.4d(5), 1410.4d United Methodist Volunteer in Mission (UMVIM), ¶ 247.12. See also Volunteers in Mission United Methodist Women, ¶¶ 256.5, 633.2, 633.4b. See also status and role of women, conference commission; Status and Role of Women, General Commission; Women’s Division, Global Ministries General Board
annual conference representation, ¶ 32 constitution, ¶¶ 536, 647, 669, 1326 United Methodist Young Adults, ¶ 666 United Methodist Youth Fellowship, ¶ 256 United Nations, ¶¶ 166D, 1010 United Societies nature, design and general rules, ¶¶ 103 (pp. 72–74) United States conferences outside, ¶ 565 Congress, ¶ 1004 rulers of, ¶ 103 schools of theology of United Methodist Church in, ¶ 1422.3 United Theological Seminary (Dayton, Ohio), ¶ 1422.3a unity of ministry in Christ, ¶ 130 University Senate, ¶¶ 1414–18 annual reports of approved institutions, ¶ 1417 consultative services, ¶ 1418 institutional affiliation, ¶ 1416 organization and membership, ¶ 1414 purposes and objectives, ¶ 1415 The Upper Room Discipleship, General Board financial relationship with, ¶ 1108 spiritual formation responsibilities, ¶ 1116 urban churches, ¶ 213.3 urban ministries subcommittee, ¶ 633.5g urban-suburban life social principles, ¶ 162R vacancies 750
in general agency membership, ¶ 710.9 vacation Bible school, ¶¶ 256.2, 1120 values, Christian, ¶ 162S verbatim transcript, ¶ 2706.4e Veteran Affairs, Department of, ¶ 1121.5d violence. See abuse; family violence visiting, pastor’s responsibility and duty, ¶ 420 voluntary leave of absence, ¶ 354 voluntary retirement, ¶ 358.2 Volunteers in Mission, ¶¶ 1302.14, 1313.5c coordinator, ¶ 633.6 teams, ¶ 247.12 voting, by trial court, ¶¶ 2711.1, 2711.2 voting membership in annual conference, ¶ 602.10 in clergy accepted from other denominations, ¶ 346.2 of elders, ¶ 334.5 of General Conference, ¶ 502 of local pastor, ¶ 316.6 vows, of membership, ¶¶ 203, 214, 216, 221, 222 W war and peace social principles, ¶ 165C water social principles, ¶ 160A wedding ceremonies, same sex, ¶ 2702 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, ¶ 642.4f weekday ministry, ¶ 256.2c Wesley Foundation board of directors, ¶ 633.4a(6)
funding, ¶ 1413.3b Higher Education Division responsibility, ¶ 1412.2 properties and investments, ¶ 1413.3c Wesley, John, ¶¶ 101, 104, 121, 136 examiner questions, ¶ 310 Historic Examination for Admission into Full Connection, ¶ 336 obligation of servant leader, ¶ 137 practice of examining experience, ¶ 104 sermons of, ¶ 103 view on scripture, ¶ 104 Wesley Theological Seminary, ¶ 1422.3a Wesleyan Service Guild, ¶¶ 1319.3a, 1320.3a Global Ministries, General Board controlling work of, ¶ 1305.3 West Africa Central Conference, ¶¶ 540.3, 540.3g Western Jurisdiction constitutional provisions and boundaries, ¶ 37 membership on boards and agencies Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, General Commission on, ¶ 1906.1b Church and Society, General Board, ¶ 1006.1a Communication, General Commission on, ¶ 1807.1b constitutional provisions and boundaries, ¶ 37 Discipleship, General Board, ¶ 1105.1a Global Ministries, General Board, ¶ 1311.1 751
Higher Education and Ministry, General Board, ¶ 1407.2a Religion and Race, General Commission on, ¶ 2003.2 Status and Role of Women, General Commission on, ¶ 2104.1a United Methodist Publishing House, ¶ 1602.1b withdrawal from clergy membership, ¶ 360 under complaints, ¶ 362 witness ministries, ¶¶ 547.5, 660 witnesses in judicial complaints, ¶¶ 2708.8–9 examination, ¶ 2706.4c exclusion, ¶ 2710.7 interviewing, ¶ 2706.4b Woman’s Board of Foreign Missions, ¶¶ 1319.3a, 1320.3a Global Ministries, General Board controlling work of, ¶ 1305.3 Woman’s Board of Home Missions, ¶¶ 1319.3a, 1320.3a Global Ministries, General Board controlling work of, ¶ 1305.3 Woman’s Convention of the Board of Missions, ¶¶ 1319.3a, 1320.3a Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society, ¶¶ 1305.3, 1319.3a Global Ministries, General Board controlling work of, ¶ 1305.3 Woman’s Home Missionary Society, ¶¶ 1305.3, 1319.3a Global Ministries, General Board controlling work of, ¶ 1305.3 Woman’s Missionary Association of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, ¶ 1319.3a
Global Ministries, General Board successor to, ¶ 1305.2 Woman’s Missionary Council of The Methodist Episcopal Church, South, ¶ 1319.3a Woman’s Missionary Society, ¶ 1319.3a Global Ministries, General Board controlling work of, ¶ 1305.3 Woman’s Society of Christian Service of The Methodist Church, ¶ 1319.3a women. See also deaconesses; Status and Role of Women, General Commission; United Methodist Women; Women’s Division, Global Ministries General Board abuse of, ¶ 162F men and, social principles, ¶ 161E rights, social principles, ¶ 162F Women’s Division, Global Ministries General Board, ¶ 1318 assembly, ¶ 1323 authority, ¶ 1320 Constitution of United Methodist Women, ¶ 1326 Division on Ministries with Young People resource, ¶ 1207.2 donations of, ¶ 1310.2 elected staff, ¶ 1308.1b financial affairs, ¶ 1310.3 Global Ministries financial relationship with, ¶ 1324 membership, ¶¶ 1311.2, 1325 organization, ¶ 1321 responsibilities, ¶ 1319 structure, ¶ 1322 unit staff, ¶ 1308.2 Women’s Foreign Missionary Society, ¶ 1320.3a 752
Women’s Home Missionary Society, ¶ 1320.3a Women’s Missionary Association of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ Global Ministries, General Board successor to, ¶ 1304.2 United Methodist Church successor to, ¶ 1304.2 Women’s Missionary Society, ¶ 1320.3a Women’s Society of Christian Service, ¶¶ 1319.3a, 1320.3a Women’s Society of World Service, ¶¶ 1319.3a, 1320.3a women’s work, committee, ¶ 547 work and leisure social principles, ¶ 163C World Communion Fund Communications, General Commission marketing, ¶ 1806.12 as general fund, ¶ 810.1 World Communion Sunday, ¶¶ 263.3, 634.4a5, 642.4f, 823.4 marketing/promotion by Communications, General Commission, ¶ 1806.12 World Conference on Religion and Peace Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, General Commission relationship with, ¶ 1903.5 World Council of Churches, ¶¶ 1903.5, 2404.3a annual conference, ¶ 642.4f Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, General Commission relationship with, ¶¶ 1903.5, 1906.2–3 World Evangelical Fellowship, ¶ 2404.3c
Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, General Commission relationship with, ¶ 1903.5 World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women, ¶ 1319.9 World Federation of Methodist Women, ¶ 546 World Methodist Council, ¶ 2403.1 annual conference, ¶ 642.4f Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, General Commission relationship with, ¶¶ 1903.5, 1903.13, 1906.2–3 World Methodist Historical Society, ¶ 1703 World Service contingency funds, ¶ 806.1b participation, ¶ 807.2 World Service and Conference Benevolences, ¶¶ 258.2b, 614.3d, 619.1, 619.1.819.5 World Service and Finance, ¶ 803 World Service Commission on the Methodist Episcopal Church, ¶ 803 World Service Fund, ¶¶ 247.14, 619, 804, 805.6, 812 Finance and Administration, General Council, ¶ 806.1b as general fund, ¶ 810.1 Higher Education and Ministry, General Board support from, ¶ 1409.2 marketing/promotion by Communications, General Commission, ¶ 1806.12 World Service Special Gifts, ¶ 619 as general fund, ¶ 810.1 marketing/promotion by Communications, General Commission, ¶ 1806.12 World Service Specials, ¶¶ 819, 820 753
world trade, of agricultural products, ¶ 162Q world wide web, ¶ 1806.21 worship as conference discipleship board responsibility, ¶ 630.1b constitutional provisions, General Conference legislative power, ¶ 16.6 as Discipleship, General Board responsibility, ¶ 1114 as pastor’s responsibility and duty, ¶ 340 Y yoked parish, ¶¶ 208, 339 young adult ministries, ¶ 664 church school and, ¶ 256.4 conference council, ¶ 650 district conferences, ¶ 664 inclusiveness, ¶¶ 650.2, 1207.1c young adult organization for networking, ¶ 534 young adults Ministries with Young People, Division on, ¶ 1207.1b organization for networking, ¶ 534 young people rights, social principles, ¶ 162D Young People’s Legislative Assembly, ¶ 1210.2 young people’s ministries, ¶ 256.3 central conference standing committee on, ¶ 547.4 division, ¶ 1105c Young People’s Ministries division, ¶ 1105c young-adult ministry, ¶ 664 conference council, ¶ 650
youth baptism, ¶¶ 216, 226 care of, ¶ 226 as church council members, ¶ 244.3 coordinator of ministries, ¶ 256a council, ¶ 256 membership in general agencies, ¶¶ 705.3c, 710.3 Ministries with Young People, Division on, ¶ 1207.1a relation to church, ¶ 547.4 rights and responsibilities, ¶¶ 162D, 226.5 youth ministry, ¶ 256.3 annual conference coordinator, ¶ 649 comprehensive, ¶ 1120.2 conference council, ¶ 649 Discipleship, General Board responsibility, ¶ 1120.2 district council on, ¶ 671 jurisdictional, organization convocation, ¶ 30 Youth Ministry Organization Convocation, ¶ 533 Youth Offender Rehabilitation Program, ¶ 263.1c Youth Service Fund, ¶¶ 649.3i, 649.3j, 1208 as general fund, ¶ 810.1 marketing/promotion by Communications, General Commission, ¶ 1806.12 organization, ¶ 1208.1 project review, ¶ 1208.2