Audiences London Services Guide

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Services Guide Want to know who your audiences are? Want to know who they COULD be? And how to reach them? Ask us ‌

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Working With Us

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Our Commitment

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The Knowledge Bank

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Accessing Services

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Services In Detail

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Services Ratecard

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Subscription Rates 020 7407 4625 Audiences London Unit 7G1 The Leathermarket Weston Street London SE1 3ER


Working With Us With our eye across London’s cultural sector, we support arts and heritage organisations to build dynamic and sustainable audience relationships. We offer advice, insight and audience intelligence through consultancy, research, collaborative projects, events and our website. If you’re thinking about developing your audiences, the chances are we can help you to… • get started with information or advice • understand your audience through research • develop your know-how • exchange ideas and good practice with others

It’s our job to be out and about finding the latest tools, information, examples and partnerships. So, get in touch to tap in to this resource for London.


The Knowledge Bank We hold a “bank” of information about cultural consumers – their profiles, motivations, barriers and more. Bank your audience information and we give it back to you with interest – in the context of London or nationally, comparing it to benchmarks, with advice, or linked to other information. Everyone also benefits from the store of practical casestudies, guidelines and resources built up from our work with over 300 organisations. So long term, we’re all investing in more effective relationships with audiences. We offer information and advice on: • Changes in marketing and audience development practice • Cultural diversity • Disabled and deaf arts and audiences • Becoming family friendly


• London market dynamics and trends • Community engagement • Young audiences • Older audiences • Cultural tourism • Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Trans-sexual issues and access • Digital development • Organisational development and change More detail and case-studies can be found on the website at

Our Commitment By working in close cooperation with arts and heritage organisations Audiences London seeks to apply its knowledge and expertise to provide practical and sustainable solutions.

We believe that thriving organisations develop dynamic relationships with audiences when they understand who they are and what they need.


Accessing Services Everyone can access our services, either with a one-off enquiry or as a subscriber. Audiences London Subscriber Recommended if you or your organisation: • plan to use a number of services over the year. • have resources for audience development. • want ongoing access to research findings and reports. • want to take part in collaborative projects. • are based or work regularly in London. One-off services Recommended if you or your organisation: • have one-off or short-term need for advice and information. • currently have limited resources dedicated to audience development. • rarely present work to audiences, or in London. • are a consultant or agency.


Subscription Subscription gives you a hotline to our Knowledge Bank and a network of colleagues. Starting this year we offer subscribers an annual check to make sure that we are still helping towards audience development objectives and planning the right services. Benefits • Telephone support and ad hoc advice. • Access to the Knowledge Bank through the Audiences London website. • Peer support networks. • Professional development planning. • Influence our advocacy and lobbying work. • Reduced rates on services: research, advice, events. • Access to collaborative projects. • Snapshot London and CultureMap data-sharing initiatives.

These benefits can be accessed by all staff in subscribing organisations. 6

Services in Detail Our services are tailored to the needs of the arts and heritage sectors. Audience Research & Analysis We offer a full range of services to support you in understanding your audiences and the environment in which they live, including: • Primary research, quantitative and qualitative • Patron data analysis, cleaning and profiling • Mapping of patron data • Multi-venue and outdoor-event surveys • Secondary (Desk) research • Profiling and segmentation • Population information • Comparator benchmarking • Snapshot London (analysis of 2.5m culturally active London households) • The London visual arts survey

We work with all our clients to agree the relevant combination of approaches to meet needs within available resources. We’re happy to work with you to develop a brief. 7

Audience Development Planning & Facilitation Talk to us about setting objectives, creating a realistic plan and involving stakeholders. We can respond flexibly, drawing on the Knowledge Bank to support your plans. Community Engagement We can support you to identify, make contact or build sustainable relationships with groups or individuals in your local community. Training, events and networking Our annual programme of seminars, symposia and networking events is open to all. We also offer bespoke in-house training. Project Evaluation We offer an effective evaluation service for audience development and participatory projects and initiatives. Collaborative Projects We facilitate a number of multi-partner projects across a range of art forms and organisation types. See our website for current initiatives or to propose a new one. CultureMap A new online resource that brings together information about cultural provision in London with data about users and audiences.


Services Ratecard Advice, facilitation, consultancy Subscribers: £250-350/day Non-Subscribers: £350-500/day Training delivery and preparation Subscribers: £250-350/day Non-Subscribers: £350-500/day Research development, reporting and presentations Subscribers £250-350/day Non-Subscribers £350-500/day Data analysis and desk research Subscribers: £250/day Non-Subscribers: £350/day Snapshot participation (open to Subscribers only) £500/year


Subscription Rates Subscription Rates Annual Gross Turnover Annual Subscription Rate Touring companies under £100,000 £95 Under £100,000 £150 Between £101,000 and £400,000 £300 Between £401,000 and £2.5 million £450 Over £2.5 million £850 London-based touring companies and non-professional companies are invited to join on a discounted scale. Rates for companies with multiple venues or other subsidiaries arranged by separate negotiation - please contact us to discuss rates.

Email or call 020 7407 4625 or sign up for regular information updates through our website at


For information in an accessible format call 020 7407 4625 or

Registered charity number 1099256 Audiences London is a publicly-funded not-for-profit organisation with financial support from

Disclaimer: All details are correct at the time of going to print. Audiences London reserves the right to change this information at any time. Photography: Stephen Cummiskey, Raphael Helle, Gettyimages, Iain Crockart and Simon Jay Price Design:

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