Martinez color theory

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ABOUT ME Hello my name is Emma Martinez, I major in Architecture and I’m currently in my last year of the Master’s degree program. I’m currently taking Design 10 studio and looking forward to the Master’s project. I have previously worked in the Architectural and Civil Engineering industries for several years, doing design and drafting work. I was born in Cuba and have lived in Miami for over 20 years. I speak and write both Spanish and English fluently. I like to travel and will like to do it more in the near future, I have mostly visited places within the states such as Las Vegas, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Tennessee… and oversees Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Jamaica. On my spare time I like to do activities with my daughter like going to the park and the beach, and I like to exercise and watch movies. My favorite color is hot pink! I like it mostly for anything but specially for graphics, I think it’s a very vibrant color that just reflects me in the inside. I also like neutral colors and grayscale, I’m not tied to one color specifically, however I enjoy experimenting to obtain pleasant, classical and inspiring color combinations.




Color + Theory

Color + Designers

Color + Film




Color + Travel

Color + Rhythm

Color + Retail




Reference: Book: Color + Design by Ron Reed Martinez


Color + P/S & UH

Color + Hospitality

Color + Application




Color + Workplace

Color + Culture



The End


Reference: Book: Color + Design by Ron Reed Martinez


COLOR + THEORY Color theory is the study and practice of a set of principles used to understand the relationships among colors. In Additive Color the primary colors red, green, and blue are mixed. When these three color of light are mixed white light is the result and the absence of them is black. Subtractive Color is where red. Blue and yellow are identified as the primary colors. The combination of the subtractive primaries will result in the secondary colors violet, green and orange. Hue is pure color, is the property of light by which the color of an object is classified as red, blue, green or yellow as seen by the visible spectrum. Value refers to the lightness or darkness of a color. Chroma refers to the purity of a color, completely absent of any white, gray or black that would lessen its intensity or saturation. Chroma is represented by the horizontal scale on the color tree. Tint is the addition of any amount of white to a color. Tone is obtain by adding gray to a color. Shade is obtain by adding black to a color. A pure hue is a color void of any white, gray or black and is at its highest intensity or brightness. Martinez


Chromatic refers to all colors minus black, white and gray. Achromatic refers to black, white and gray each of which is without color. Primary Hues are red, blue and yellow, each color cannot be produced by any combination of the three. Secondary hues are violet, green and orange, each made from combining two primaries. Tertiary Hues are red-violet, blue-violet, blue-green, yellowgreen, yellow-orange and red-orange each made by combining a secondary hue with one of the primaries. Complementary colors result from two colors opposite one another on the color wheel: red/green. Blue/orange, and violet/yellow. Analogous color schemes result from two or more colors adjacent to one another on the color wheel: blue/bluegreen/green. Split complimentary color scheme is similar to the complementary scheme however it's composed of three colors consisting of one main hue plus the two hues each adjacent to tis complement. Monochromatic color scheme is based on variations of particular hue. Martinez







Born in Utrecht, Netherlands in 1888, he was a designer, artist and a painter. Gerrit was trained as a cabinet maker by his father and as a jewelry designer in the studio of C.J. Begeer. He was then self employed while going to school and started his career as an independent architect in 1919. Architect Robert van’t Hoff brought Rietveld in contact with the Stijl (the Style) concept, founded in 1917. By 1919, Gerrit had joined Theovan Doesburg, Piet Mondrain and other artists to found “De Stijl”. De Stijl advocated for pure abstraction based upon the interrelationship in space of rectangles of primary colors. The movement ideal reduced a geometric arrangement of horizontals and vertical and a palette consisting of the primary colors red, yellow and blue with the addition of black and white. This principles were applied both to two dimensional and there dimensional work.




Rietveld designed the house in 1924, building on his own designs and De Stijl principles, the house is a three-dimensional, asymmetrical composition. It has seamless transitions from inside to out, it uses primary colors and a clever division of surface that allow for an active living space. In the living room the area can be partitioned into different spaces using flexile walls. In the interior, there is no static accumulation of rooms, but a dynamic, interchangeable open space.




The “Red and Blue” chair consist of straight boards and battens; the seas is blue and the back is red. The cut surfaces of the frame battens are yellow; the battens themselves are black. Rietveld called the chair as a “spatial creation”, designating a sculpture in space, rather than a piece of furniture.




Rietvelds’s design was based on the Stijl principles of achieving ultimate simplicity and abstraction through which they could express a Utopian idea of harmony and order. The harmony and order was established through a reduction of elements to pure geometric forms and primary colors. De Stijl movement limits itself to the use of color to the basic red, yellow and blue. These colors are chosen manly because it goes with the concepts of simplicity and they symbolically contrast and therefore, when used together and universal.




Rietvelds’s use of color was influenced by his design ideals. His most famous works are the Schroder House and the Red, Blue Chair. The Stijl design movement largely influence Rietveld designs. In the Schroder House the use of abstraction, functionality from and space and the universal color pallet are red, blue, black, white and grey are beautiful gathered in his design ideals.






Film Big Fish is about a father that is always telling stories about his life and a son who is fed up of hearing them and does not believe them. The movie is part set on the real time and the other part in the past. As Edward Bloom is on his lying bed his son Will who is about to become a father himself goes to see him and wants to at last come straight with his father and find out why he is always telling these stories if they are not true. He comes to the realization that his fathers stories were most true and that by telling them he will always live on their lives through his stories. This movie has a great use of color. The present world is presented with neutral warm tones such as beige, white, grey, blue and green. While the stories use distinct bright colors such as red, yellow, green, orange‌ There are scenes such as the one with the witch or in the dark woods where they are darkened and colors like dark blue and black are used to create the dark mood. Also, lighter colors such as white and pastels are used to portray a specific group of people that are seen in the “perfect townâ€? scene. I have learned how color is significantly use to emphasize and enhance the idea trying to be portrayed in films.



Scene Analysis

This is the scene where Edward as a child takes on the challenge to go to the witch’s house to get her crystal eye. It is at night and the colors chosen set the mood for a scary and mysterious place. The place is dark and everything is black and blue and her hair and her face is highlighted in white and light blue in order to emphasize the witch as the main character at that scene.

Light Blue Highlight Lighten up


Mysterious Old

Black Scary Evil

Monochromatic Blue

In this scene Edward is attending the perfect town gathering which he incidentally step into. The scene is setup with bright and pastel colors to depict harmony perfection and tranquility. The characters are dressed in light colors whites and light neutrals to show the innocence and harmony of the town setup. Except Edward who is dressed with a red shirt and black pants to make him the focal point and show that he does not belong there.


Pure Perfect Harmony


Happiness Clean Tranquility


Different Outsider Main Rebellious

Martinez Pastels

and Complementary Colors


Scene Analysis

In this scene Edward has just seen for the first time the love of his life his future wife Sandra. He said that time stops when you meet the love of your life and that’s what is trying to be portrayed in this life marking moment scene. By stopping time and lighting up Sandra the main point of the scene and giving her this light pastel blue dress and everything else in the background is given this reddish brownish tone to show that is just one background.

This scene represents love, happiness and future. Everything is brighten up by the yellow the love the romance and the characters have blue outfits that represent peace and future.

Light Blue Heaven Future



Contrast and Complementary

Blue Peace Romance Future Yellow Bright Future Green Healthy Love Martinez



Scene Analysis

In this scene death closeness is displayed by the use of beige as a very earthly color. White and beige are used to show tranquility, order and acceptance to go on to another life.

White Tranquility Cleanliness Brown Earth Calm Beige Sadness

Monochromatic Beige




The movie uses colors to give emphasis to the mood, time and tone of the scene. The fictional and the real blend in at the end.




Balance refers to the relationship of different hues to one another when each is perceived to be equal in perceived visual weight. Symmetry is the arrangement of elements on either side of an implied axis that are equally balance and of the same shape and form. When symmetry is achieved, a state of beauty and balance occurs. Radial Balance is achieved by the equal rotation of design elements around a central axis. Value Contrast (Light/ Dark) Contrast is opposition in order to show or emphasize differences between two objects. Hue Balance (Complements) Complementary colors are those colors that when placed next to one another intensify the other hue, making each to appear brighter.




In this assignment I analyzed color through photography. In my visit to Chicago I took a chance to look at colors and how they define spaces. While visiting the Contemporary Museum of Chicago I was able to observe how color is used in art and architecture. Color emphasizes spaces and it gives it meaning. Also as walking through the city there is color dispersed throughout bringing life to the city.



COLOR + RHYTHM Rhythm is movement, it happens naturally in nature and it can be transferred to interior spaces and can be further emphasized with color . Types of Rhythm: 1- Repetition is the systematic orderly succession of identical design elements (shape, line, color, form) along a define path in space. 2- Alternation occurs when two designs elements are repeated in sequence similar to repetition; however, the difference is that the pattern includes two distinctively different elements as opposed to one element repeating.



3- Progression involves the repetition of similar elements with a continuous change. 4- Continuation or transition refers to the placement of one or more colors throughout an interior to create a continuous movement of the eye through the space. It is the fluid connection among composition parts. 5- Radiation uses a concentric color arrangement instead of objects to unify design elements and create visual movement versus the traditional sense where it is an arrangement of objects in a radial pattern.






Contrast of Color The different colors of the panties are used to contrast the white and black color of the walls and floor.

Contrast of Value The use of white and black in the ceiling and walls is used to contrast opposite colors.



Contrast of a Design Feature The pink lamp is used as a Design Feature to contrast and emphasize the display. The ceiling is white contrasting with the pink lamp.

Contrast of Texture The black matte ceiling and columns color is contrasted with a smooth, shiny floor tile that has a black and white square pattern.



Focal Point

Focal Points are framed using color contrast. The inner frame including ceiling, walls and floor is pink and then as you move to the room away from the focal point it changes to white. At the background there is another focal point that is also created with color contrast.



COLOR + PROPORTION + SCALE Proportion is defined as the size relationships between elements and the visual composition or space. Scale refers to the size of a shape in relation to a given known, in most cases, the human body and its position within space. Practical Application with Color and Perception of Scale: • Light colors advance and dark colors recede. • Use a hue in two to three close values. • A room with a dark ceiling and a light floor will appear heavy and out of balance. • Small spaces can be made to appear much larger if similar colors are used throughout. • Dark, strong or warm colors like red or dark orange will make the wall seem to advance and make the room feel much smaller. • Cool, dull or light color will appear to stretch space to push the wall outward. • A long corridor will seem shorter if the end wall is painted or covered in a warm color. • A low ceiling will seem higher if it is painted a lighter value that the walls and emphasized with the use of crown molding. • Large pieces of furniture will look smaller if upholstered in the same color value as the walls.



COLOR + UNITY + HARMONY Unity is defined as the repetition of color to achieve a unified whole. Harmony is the result of a perfect balance between individual color relationships. The Seven Color Harmonies: • Monochromatic is the easiest harmony to identify and work with. A single hue is selected with variations in tint, tones and shades to provide variety in the palette. • Complementary color palettes are often chosen for their visual interest, their high contrast and their ability to accent the interior with a dominant hue. • Split Complementary and Double Complementary are much the same; rather than taking the opposite color from the starting hue on the color wheel, you select the two colors on wither side of its complement. • Analogous schemes which incorporate between three and five adjacent hues, allow a designer to vary color while still maintaining a recognizable relationship. • Triadic and Tetrad . Triadic color harmonies include three colors that are equidistant from one another, and tetrad includes four equally spaced colors on the color wheel. • Multi-hue is entirely dependent on the proportion of the colors to achieve the right harmony. • Achromatic or color-neutral schemes are usually based around colors such as gray, ivory, tan, brown, khaki, beige, black and white. Martinez





Discussion Color and Line The use of Lines is best observed in the columns and the glass steel frame. The lines are both vertical and horizontal giving a more contemporary feel to the space. Line is defined as the connection between two points and here in the Mandarin Oriental the high columns represent a vertical accent. The verticality of the columns show strength and stability. At the same time the vertical steel frame have horizontal lines which provides a contrast breaking away from the vertical surfaces planes in order to decrease the height of the space and widen the interior space. The use of different material and color accentuate and distinct the lines.

Color and Shape Color and shape are combined in the use of square and rectangle wood panels that are framing the back wall and the ceiling and the circular shape furniture. This two distinct shapes are used two contrast along with bright colors. The square and rectangular wood panes provide vertical and horizontal lines that give a sense of stability and security to the space, while the circular furniture breaks away and provides a contrast with this representation of fluid movement.



Discussion Color and Texture There are several textures that can be perceived in the Mandarin Oriental. The most noticeable is the bright smooth wood panels and the are rug. Also, the contrast of the wood and the white clean sheetrock celling. Texture is translated as the characteristic visual and tactile of the surface of a metals resulting from the way in which the materials are constructed or combined together. The use of different textures in the space stimulates the ambiance of the space.

Color and Pattern Pattern is defined as the repetitive arrangement of shapes and colors in a systematic horizontal, vertical, diagonal, or organic sequence. In this example color and pattern are observed best in the patterns in the wood panels on the ceiling. The wood panels have a weaving pattern with metal and contrast and adds variety to the space.




The Mandarin Oriental in Miami, Florida, has a contemporary design, which uses a neutral palette, accentuated by the use of colors, lines, materials and textures. In the lobby, one can observe the elongated high wood columns, but contemporary in style which are contrasted with the modern glass and horizontal steel frames. Also, the beautiful wood pattern added to the focal back wall and the ceiling. The furniture uses circular shapes and bright orange color to accentuate the space.




34 Martinez

Color Palette


Teal (dark blue and green) is a happy and friendly color that opens lines of communication. Gray is an unemotional color, it is detached, neutral and indecisive since it is between white and black. Blue is a cool and calming color that shows creativity and intelligence. White is associated with pureness, fresh and good.


This image shows the color palette used to render the selected image. Surf tones, such as teal light blues, grey and white are applied to create a cool space.


The colors chosen tend to give tranquility, happiness, freshness and neutrality. They could be used for a summerly house or to create fresh atmosphere.


The 60-30-10 rule it’s very useful resource. In the room the dominant color use in about 60 percent of the room is the light blue. A soothing color that gives the space a sense of tranquility. The teal color is used approximately in 30 percent of the space. The teal color provides contrast and a focal point. Gray and White are used as accent colors To soften the space and contrast. This colors add to the palette Theme purity and neutrality.







DISCUSSION ANALYSIS Variety is the principle of design that is concerned with the combination of one or more color elements with shape, form, pattern and texture to create diversity and contrast in an interior space. Throughout all the spaces the use of lines is accentuated. Lines connects two points in space. The use of horizontal lines is used in this atrium space in order to create movement, to emphasize width and created a restful environments. The horizontal lines are also use to break away from the vertical accent lines of the red frame around the staircase.


In this image circular lamps, curvy furniture and a curvilinear accent piece is used to break away from the horizontality of the room. The circular shape is used to add rhythm and movement to the design.





Texture is added in the conference room by adding carpet to contrast with the glossy finish concrete floor form the hallway. By adding this two different textures the function of the spaces is differentiated.


In this image there are several patterns observed. First the white stone wall has a repetitive pattern. The lamps are place in a way that create a pattern, as well as the back accent wall which displays a pattern by the use of lights.

pattern Martinez


CONCLUSION | EXPERIENCE This workplace uses lines, patterns, textures, colors and shapes in a very simple manner to create clean fun spaces. The use of patterns are observed throughout the spaces . Different colors such as red, blue and green are seen throughout to accentuate areas. The use of vertical and horizontal lines is beautifully executed and circular shapes are used at instances to soften the space and break away from the horizontality.









COLOR + CULTURE Cuba + Italy




My culture and country is Cuba and I have chosen Italy to learn about their culture and how they use color. Cuba’s culture is a melting pot of cultures, primarily those of Spain and Africa. Music and cuisine play an important role on the Cuban culture. Cubans are essentially very happy people and that is seen in the way that they use colors in their culture. I have chosen to talk about Italy because I will like to go visit one day. I have met people that lived there and they usually have a friendly and happy character. I have study Italy’s architecture and art and I think it is a place with a rich culture and history. My country Cuba, is a beautiful island full of friendly people and beautiful landscapes and beaches. Before Cuba was colonized by Spain it was inhabited by American Indian people. For a small country Cuba has a very large soul. It’s culture is rich, diverse and vibrant. That can be observed in the colorful palette that is used throughout the island architecture, clothes, food and art. Red, blue and white are the colors of the flag and they are used widely in attires for cultural events. Cubans like to paint the houses and buildings with vibrant colors such as yellow and green. That represents their happy spirit. For the Italian culture the arts, family, architecture, music and food is very important. Family is very valuable within the Italian culture. Food and dinner time is a feast where many colors are used. In the Italian cuisine many colors are used specially red, white yellow and green. Italians like to use many herbs in their food and also the red wine. People proudly wear the colors of the flags in their attires, red, green and white. Italians are known to be romantics and the pink is used as an accent color to show the importance of love and romance in their architecture. Martinez


Color Palette Cuba






Red is one of the colors of the flags it symbolizes the blood shed in the struggle for independence. Blue is also find in the Cuban flag there it means three colonies. The blue symbolizes the sea that is very important to the island. The white is also seen on the Cuban flag and it symbolizes purity and patriotic cause and independence and freedom.

The color yellow represent the optimism and hope of the Cuban people.

The color green represents nature and the energy that characterizes the Cuban people. Martinez


Color Palette Italy






Red is one of the colors of the Italian flag and it represent the blood shed in the war of Independence. Also it represents charity. The green also a flag color represents hoe and the pains and the hills.

Another of the flag color and it represent faith and the snowy Alps and other mountain regions.

For the Italians yellow represents optimism and hope.

Pink shows universal love and it goes with the Italian romantic culture.



THE END‌ This courser has been a very nice experience. I have learn about colors and how to use them better. I have Learn about the importance of color and the role that it plays in culture, the workplace, retail, hospitably and just for the everyday life.

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