2 minute read
indy is a leadership consultant with broad-based experience in positioning organizations for success within both the private and public sectors. She works with senior executives at the CEO, EVP and SVP levels developing leaders who can execute organizational strategy and drive business results. She offers a wide range of corporate leadership programs including; leadership assessment, executive coaching, succession planning and talent management. Cindy is also an advisor to a number of boards with a focus on CEO succession.
She has consulted to a wide range of corporate sectors including; technology, digital, fintech, financial services, insurance, oil and gas, pharmaceutical, accounting, logistics and technology.
Cindy is a regular contributor to Forbes, Huffington Post, CNN and Chief Executive Officer and recently authored a book on leadership entitled 20 Effective Habits for Mastery at Work. She has also been a regular guest on a variety of podcasts. Cindy can be heard on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Speaker and Anchor FM.

Some of Cindy’s podcasts can also be seen on YouTube. She writes and speaks on a variety of leadership topics that include: Empowering Women, Attracting Top Talent, Leading Remote Teams, Imposter Syndrome and Executive Presence.
Dr. Wahler earned a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the University of Ottawa. She is a Certified Organizational Psychologist with a Major in Leadership Development at Ontario College of Psychologists since 1987.
“I see myself as a serial entrepreneur. I do believe that many of our skills are transferable. It is also very affirming to be able to pivot and add other dimensions to your life and career.
I trained originally as a clinical psychologist. I wanted to start my own business which, looking back, was risky because I had no network and no true business acumen.
Many people around me projected their own fears and wondered whether I would make it out there in a highly competitive world. I hung out my shingle and ran a very successful practice treating adults for what I would call ‘challenges in daily living’. Anxiety, relationship difficulties, depression, work-related stress, etc. From scratch, I built a network of referring physicians and within 16 months I had a waiting list. It was a very rewarding experience helping and supporting others to develop new coping skills.
Which then brought me to my next chapter. After about 10 years I decided to switch gears and transfer my skill set to the corporate arena helping executives on Bay and Wall Street become effective leaders. We know that the ability to drive results is all about influencing others. Interpersonal skills and the right leadership attributes are paramount. It is now over 18 years that I have been running my own leadership consulting practice and I have written over 100 articles, many of which have been published in Forbes and other media.
In addition to running my leadership practice, I am also a published author. 2021 was an extraordinary year for me.
In 2021 I published a book on leadership entitled 20 Effective Habits for Mastery At Work https:// www.amazon.ca/20-Effective-Habits-MasteryWork/dp/1777589401I Along the way I have met some very talented leaders in almost every sector and wanted to share my insights on what constitutes great leadership.
I have had the privileged opportunity to present and speak at many events on key excerpts from my book on what defines successful leaders.
Now, this takes me to my next special moment this past year! Of all crazy things, I launched a home-based custom cookie business. I am on Instagram @bite.me.cookie This endeavour could not be further from my leadership business and provides a different kind of creative outlet.
A year ago I knew nothing about how to create, designand promote a cookie business let alone being familiar with Instagram. The learning curve was steep and daunting. Many people said to me “We don’t get it!” but I am thriving in my cookie business and have expanded to being able to offer over 20 cookie flavours. Additionally, I expanded my offerings to include many other baked goods such as Truffle Brownies, four different types of Cheesecake, which includes Dulche De Leche, Chocolate Ganache, Raspberry, Strawberry, Toffee Explosion Squares and Apple Pie Bars and much more.”