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Our celebrity cover journalist Angela Sara West @angela_sara_west is not just busy interviewing famous faces on red carpets around the world, she’s also passionate about spreading the message of the importance of going green for future generations.

The relentless writer, interviewer, TV producer, co-founder of Surrey Fashion Week and celebrity charity events planner (and mum!) has recently taken on an additional role working alongside the incredible Founder of Think Ocean – Hugo Valdes-Vera at ThinkOcean.earth – in her mission to help save the planet!


Part of the European Commission’s HORIZON MISSION

Think Ocean not only recover plastic waste from the sea and recycle it, but do so much more to restore our precious oceans and waters.

And the high-profile Silver Screen Halloween Ball in London this autumn, which Angela is assisting with (see p.49 for tickets) will debut a fabulous short film from the charity.

Jump on board and help us save the world for generations to come. Think Ocean’s roots lie with a group of environmentalists who in 1992, united several organizations towards a common goal; to stop the whale hunting in the South Pacific, ending with the co-creation of the Southern Ocean

Whale Sanctuary in 1995.

Founding members continued working on environmental projects globally, including San Antonio Wildlife Rescue Centre, “El Nino current” Pacific Ocean emergency and expanded focus in supporting organizations tackling whale hunting, deforestation, wildlife trafficking, conservation and the adoption of CITES treaty of Latin America. Since then, our focus and activity has expanded.

What We Do

We educate new generations. Through our education programs we encourage and inspire younger generations to be innovate and implement solutions for our dying planet before it’s too late. Our future is in their hands!

We collect, recycle and transform waterways and marine litter into meaningful products. Our focus is on the blue economy, working in a multi-dimensional way to further the cause. While we work on one-off efforts such as clean-ups, we also have more of a long-term strategic focus, encouraging truly sustainable practices. Although we’ve worked on one-off efforts over the years, from rescuing whales and setting up cleanups, to research and expeditions, our core mission is saving natural resources and transforming ecosystems and economies through engagement, collaborations and technology, working toward circular economies.

Our Focus

Preventing more plastic from reaching the ocean, treating and transforming it into meaningful products, educating the new generationis to become the answer to our planet’s pollution problem.

The Problem

Every year, 11 billion kilograms of plastic pollution ends up in the ocean. 80% of this pollution flows into our oceans via rivers. Our goal is to remove the plastic before it ever arrives.

Environmental Impact

The presence of plastic in the environment can have grave consequences for ecosystems. Wildlife can become entangled in and immobilised by larger pieces, while smaller pieces may be mistaken as food by birds and aquatic animals like dolphins, turtles and fish. The result: severe health issues leading to the pain, suffering and often death of the afflicted animals


Plastic waste makes up 80% of all marine pollution and around 8 to 10 million metric tons of plastic end up in the ocean each year.

Research states that, by 2050, plastic will likely outweigh all fish in the sea. In the last ten years, we have produced more plastic products than in the previous century. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has stated that basically 100% of all plastics human beings have ever created are still in existence.

Plastic generally takes between 500-1000 years to degrade. Even then, it becomes microplastics, without fully degrading. Currently, there are about 50-75 trillion pieces of plastic and microplastics in the ocean.

For further info, visit: thinkocean.earth © Angela Sara West 2023 Insta: @angela_sara_west : @thinkoceanearth

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