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Welcome to the Strongroom, a boutique legal firm located in Calgary. Strongroom LLP provides bespoke solutions to families seeking assurance that all opportunities available are maximized to enhance and protect their legacy. Many families working with Strongroom LLP are referred to us by their accountants, lawyers, investment advisorsand other trusted professionals who understand that a traditional Will is not an estate plan for entrepreneurs and distinguished families of means.
Fair vs. equal where one or more children are not active in the family enterprise, ensuring tax efficient planning to address ever increasing taxation for business and estate assets and the protection of assets to avoid loss prior to or following the transition between generations are all concerns addressed through proper estate planning.
For a patron of Stately Magazine, intergenerational wealth is often a focus. Eliminating probate for our parents and our own estates, inheriting through trusts to protect assets for children from claims by former spouses or other creditors, are a preferred approach to estate planning.

A common concern for entrepreneurs is the disruption of the business through the imposition of two tiers of tax exceeding 60% in relation to corporate assets without advanced planning. An estate freeze and other advanced tax strategies will enhance the business by minimizing taxation.

The Strongroom LLP estate planning process involves several sessions focusing on goals, objectives and family dynamics. The integration of these elements with the legal and tax strategies available through Strongroom LLP safeguards and enhances legacy. If you do not understand, or cannot assert, that you are confident that taxes during your lifetime are minimized, that the plans for your legacy will not be frustrated, or that family harmony will not be disrupted through a lack of planning, a prolonged estate administration process, or challenges to your estate, your planning is incomplete.
Strongroom LLP offers a complimentary consultation to determine the options available to you for your planning and flat fee services for implementation of your estate and tax plan. In conjunction with its strategic partners, Strongroom LLP frequently assists families with a connection, or assets situated, in the United States and United Kingdom. Please contact Strongroom LLP at inquiry@strongroomllp.com.
Q & A

TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF AND YOUR BRAND. have been passionate in the medical aesthetics industry for almost a decade now, working and training under multiple specialists and world-renowned injectors. In 2018, I started training with a nationally recognized company as well as offering private training to other practitioners in the field. Earlier this year, officially opened Onyx Beauty Lab in Kelowna, BC with the intention of offering a personalized and holistic experience to empower our patients to reach their full life’s potential.
HOW DID YOU FARE THROUGH COVID, WAS YOUR BUSINESS AFFECTED? opened near the end of the pandemic which was an interesting time to start a business given the economic state, however, have no grounds for comparison to pre-pandemic. Surprisingly, the industry in this area did see an uptick in procedures. This might be attributed to the “zoom effect” where many people were staring at themselves on camera all day, and becoming more aware of looking tired, angry, or sad.
YOU HAVE A HUGE FOLLOWING ON SOCIAL MEDIA, IT HAS BECOME SUCH A HUGE PART OF MARKETING / BRAND AWARENESS, IS THIS SOMETHING THAT CAME NATURALLY TO YOU? have been active on social media almost since started in the industry. At that time it was a different landscape and there were not as many clinicians offering educating perspectives on the specialty. It has been interesting to watch it change and grow. In my opinion, it has become much more complex and difficult to navigate compared to what it was a few years ago and now work with a social media company to manage the Onyx brand instagram (@onyxbeautylab.com) while I continue to manage my own (@ np.marissa.aesthetics)

WHY IS THERE STILL A BIT OF STIGMA WITH INJECTABLES AND COSMETIC CARE? Years ago, there was a significant stigma attached to injectables and aesthetic surgical procedures. In more recent times, there has definitely been a shift in the younger generations (20-45ish year olds) towards positive aging and transparency about said procedures. However, some stigma still remains. With the increase of these procedures occurring, there is an increase of undesirable outcomes or complications, and often a lot of related media coverage of injectables “gone wrong”, that feeds any negativity surrounding these procedures.
SO MANY CELEBRITIES HAVE FILLERS BUT THEY LOOK AWFUL, ARE THEY GOING TOO FAR OR ARE FILLERS NOT FOR EVERYONE? There can be multiple factors that affect the results of aesthetic treatments. There can be complications that lead to poor results, either temporarily or permanently. Patients may suffer from dysmorphic syndrome and request repeated treatments from multiple providers, each having different ideas and approaches which can lead to a “Frankenstein effect” and the results appear to be pieced together. Even if patients stay with the same clinician, they might have lost sight as to what “normal” looks like, they may have difficulty saying “no” to their patient when asked to do more, or the may overcorrect - trying to address issues such as sagging skin with more filler, when in reality - the patient requires surgery or a different intervention. Are fillers for everyone?
There are definitely contraindications to having these procedures, such as pregnancy and certain medical conditions. If a patient has recently experi - enced a very traumatic situation, is suffering from dysmorphic syndromes, or has unrealistic expectations, then their clinician would likely want those issues to be addressed before proceeding with some treatments. That said, I think there are options for most people who want to undergo any aesthetic treatments whether it be hyaluronic acid fillers or bio-stimulants, or even platelet-rich plasma which uses the patient’s own blood.
Fillers can be used to replace lost volume and support tissue. As you age, you lose deep boney support, resulting in folds and sagging. Fillers can be used to restructure these areas on the face, enhance areas such as lips or cheeks in a younger patient, or even used to treat fine lines and help with skin hydration. Off-label, we have seen fillers used in other areas such as earlobes, hands, and even male enhancement.
TO INJECTIONS? In more recent years, some studies have been published showing neuromodulators (such as BotoxTM) as an effective treatment for depressive disorders and useful in decreasing anxiety. Anecdotally, have been seeing this effect on my patients for years. Interestingly, most of my male patients have specifically commented on how these treatments affect their moods. know from personal experience that when I look better, feel happier, my attitude is more positive, and I am kinder to myself and to others.
Neuromodulators specifically act on muscle activity. They are used to block or weaken muscle contraction in a specific area such as between the eyebrows or on the forehead. Blocking or weakening these contractions can prevent lines in those areas from deepening, and potentially soften existing lines.
WHAT CAUSES WRINKLES? There are different factors that contribute to aging. Lifestyle factors may account for up to 80% of visible aging. Plus we are hard-wired to age in terms of genetics and there are specific physiological changes that take place as we get older. There is a loss of deep bone and fat support, laxity or stretch - ing of skin and ligaments, thinning of skin, and repeated muscular contractions and these all contribute to signs of visible aging.
SUNSCREEN & other sun protection!! I cannot say it enough. Up to 80% of aging can be attributed to lifestyle factors, primarily UV exposure. Other factors that contribute to aging include stress levels, sleep, nutrition, hormonal changes, alcohol intake, and smoking. Generally speaking, minimizing stress, improving sleep, eating an array of vegetables and healthy fats, staying hydrated, decreasing or ceasing alcohol and smoking can all help slow down the signs of aging.
There Symptoms Of Aging Skin
What can we avoid to help slow the look of aging? As we age, skin becomes thinner and loses elasticity. We also start to see old sun damage come out in the form of hyperpigmentation (brown spots) or redness. You can avoid UV exposure by wearing an SPF of at least 30, reapplying throughout the day (every 2 hours if outside), wearing clothing that protects you from the sun, and seeking shade. Avoiding or minimizing smoking, vaping, alcohol, and processed foods can also help.
DO MEN OR WOMEN AGE BETTER? Naturally, men age better. The reason for this is that men have facial hair, so the skin of their face is naturally thicker to support the hair follicles. Thinning skin plays a role in visible aging. This is the reason that women tend to get “smokers lines” or vertical lip lines around their mouth while men do not.
Are The Best Products For Aging
SKIN? The 3 key products that I advise for almost all of my patients include SPF (minimum 30) to be worn daily and reapplied throughout the day, an antioxidant such as Vitamin C every morning to help protect the skin from pollutants and free radicals, and a retinol/retinoid or equivalent to help with cell turnover. Peptides and growth factors are a nice bonus to promote repair and enhance collagen production. Cleansing the skin properly before application is important to ensure products penetrate into the skin, and using a gentle physical exfoliant 1-2 days a week is beneficial. Always discuss options with your provider if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or trying to conceive.
Thank you so much for taking the time to chat with us Marissa. For more information on Marissa’s practice or updates on social media follow at @np.marissa. aesthetics