pg 1
Hello, and congratulations on your engagement! My name is Emma, and I wanted to take a quick moment to thank you. Your wedding day will be one of your biggest days of your life and while you have so many options for who to choose, I wanted to thank you for considering me as your wedding photographer. I’m beyond grateful and honored that you are here right now, and I hope that I can help make planning your wedding a little e asier. This guide will teach you a little more about me, my style, and how I will ap proach your wedding day. Let the adventure begin! Cheers,
pg 2
He y t here! I’m Emma . I’m a sassy, sarc asti c re dhe ad and also a c ompl e t e sap. To keep it s ho rt, I v a lu e re l ati onshi ps and e xpe r i e nc e s above nothi ng e l se (a ltho u gh s o me w o u ld say I have a se r i ous We st El m and pi zza addi c tio n a s w ell). I lo v e remi ni sc i ng and thi nk some of the be st ni g ht s i n v ol ve s ha ring a b o ttle o f wi ne wi th ol d f r i e nds and laug hi ng about all of ou r p a s t a d v entu res (w hi l e pl anni ng ne w one s too!). Whe n I thi n k abou t it, I kno w I w a s meant to be a we ddi ng photog r aphe r - be c ause I adm ire yo u r rela tio ns hip , unde r stand how i mpor tant thi s j our ne y t o m ar r i a ge is fo r yo u tw o a nd unde r stand the i mpor tanc e of doc ume nti ng i t. I prom is e to b e w ith yo u ev er y ste p of the way. I’ l l be the re wi th you whe n y ou st a rt yo u r w ed d ing p la nni ng, and c an g i ve you advi c e , ve ndor re f e r r al s, or of fer my o p inio n o n w hat style br i de smai d dre ss wor k s be st f or your v i si on . I p ro mis e I w ill b e the re wi th you to doc ume nt your e ng ag e me n t se ssi on a nd help yo u p la n some thi ng that totally sc re ams “you g uys”. I prom i se I w ill b e there w ith you on your we ddi ng day, she ddi ng a te a r du r i n g yo u r v o w s . A nd I p romi se I wi ll be the re wi th you to bust a move on t h e d a nce flo o r a nd ea t a sli c e of c ake dur i ng your re c e pti on. Af ter y ou r w ed d ing, I p ro mis e to be the re and de l i ve r i mag e s that wi l l make re m i n is cing a b o u t yo u r w ed di ng day bi tte r swe e t - swe e t be c ause i t was the be st da y ev er, b itter tha t you c an’ t do i t ove r ag ai n and ag ai n and ag ai n . A n d w ho kno w s w here life w ill take us ne xt, but I promi se I c an be the re t o doc u m ent a nniv ers a ries , gro wi ng f ami li e s, and e ve r y li f e e ve nt i n be twe e n.
lets connect i n st a gra m: @ emma leep hotog r aphy | f ac e book : / PhotosByEmmaLe e pho ne: 9 28.83 0.6 3 6 4 | e mai l: he llo@e mmale e photog r aphy.c om
pg 3
pg 4
“In Life, It’s Not Where You Go, It’s Who You Travel With” –
Charles Schulz
pg 5
collection one
collection two
collection three
4 hours of wedding day coverage
Engagement session
Engagement Session
200+ high resolution JPEG images
6 hours of wedding day coverage
8 hours of wedding day coverage
via online galler y
350+ high resolution JPEG images
Second photographer on wedding day
Reprinting Rights for Personal Use
via online galler y
550+ high resolution JPEG images
Reprinting Rights for Personal Use
via online galler y
$1 350
$2 3 60
$3 3 7 5
$200 Print Credit Reprinting Rights for Personal Use
collection four $42 7 5 Engagement Session 10 Hours of wedding day coverage Second photographer on wedding day 750+ high resolution JPEG images delivered via online galler y & USB Guest Book $200 print credit Reprinting Rights for Personal Use
I love to travel and document weddings all over the globe. If you are planning a destination wedding, check out the next section for more informtaion.
pg 6
pg 7
pg 8
Out of State Wed-
A la Carte
$ 3500
$40 0 0
Individual Hour $375
Outside of Washington
Any Location
8 hours coverage
9 hours coverage
450+ High Res images via USB
450+ High Res images via USB
Travel fee outside of 100
Reprinting Privileges
Reprinting Privileges
mile radius of zip code
Second Photographer - $500 Guest book - $200
98133- $.30 per mile
8x8 album 10 spreads - $250
10x10 album 10 spreads - $325
12x12album 10 spreads - $420
8x8 album 15 spread - $300
10x10 album 15 spreads - $410
12x12album 15 spreads - $500
8x8 album 20 spreads - $365
10x10 album 20 spreads - $485
12x12album 20 spread - $585
Emma went above and beyond as our photographer. She periodically checked in with us throughout our engagement, and was so helpful in directing us
wh enever we had a question about anything! She also was quick to recommend other trusted vendors who she knew or offer ideas when we were stumped on
something. She was like a part time wedding coordinator! As a photographer, Emma is ver y professional. She comes early to ever ything, plans ahead, and captures great moments. I would def initely recommend Emma!” - Mindy
pg 9
“I would like to travel the world with you twice. Once, to see the world. Twice, to see the way you see the world.” –
pg 10
Q: How would you describe your style? A: I like to describe my style as fun, romantic, and honest. What exactly does that mean? That means that while we are shooting you will go from laughing with each other to a snuggling up and back again. I like to capture your genuin e interaction with one another, so instead of focusing on ver y precise poses I will document how you truly feel and interact with your partner. While some people question how you can have both romance and quirkiness all rolled into one, I think “isn’t that what love is?” I’m here to document YOU and know that there are many layers to your relationship. During your c eremony and reception I take on a ver y photojournalistic approach. I will capture moments that tell the stor y of how the day felt, like you embracing your grandmother after the ceremony, your mom shedding a tear during your sister’s speech, or your favorite uncle doing the splits on the dance floor. Whatever unfo lds during your wedding, I will capture it. As far as my editing style, I prefer to focus on the color, and keep it pretty true to real life. I want your images to be timeless and enhance the best parts of your connection with one another. When you look back on your images in 20 years you will still cherish them and not cringe at how “trendy” the style is (think white vignette 80s photo style- eek!).
Q: Do you offer Albums? A: I absolutely adore albums! I think there is nothing better than having memories that you can hold in your hand. My albums are leather covered, and are made to last 100 years (4 generations!) before showing signs of aging.
Q: Is there a print release included in my package and what exactly does that mean? A: Yes, ever y package includes a print release. This means you can use your photos for personal use anywhere you want, like social media. You can also print your images at any lab you choose. This doesn’t mean that you can sell your images or edit them in any way.
pg 11
Q: Do you travel? A: Heck yeah I do! While I’m based out of the PNW, I am able to travel anywhere. My passport is ready and I am excited to drive, fly, uber, swim, or ride a train to where ever you are. Let’s go!
Q: What sort of equipment do you use? A: I use a canon 5dmark4, along with many lenses. My favorites include my 50 mm 1.2 lens. I have wide angles, macros, backups upon backups. I also have an external flash and extra light if I need it.
Q: What is your turnaround? A: Engagement and portrait sessions are 2-3 weeks, and weddings are 4-6 weeks. Sneak peaks come in between!
Q: How many hours do I need? A: The key to having a stress free wedding timeline is to be realistic in how much time ever ything will take on your wedding, and then add in some buffer time. Trust me, while time will fly by on your wedding day, ever y part of the day takes longer than you initially think it will. Turn to page 20 for tips on creating a timeline! Q: What forms of payment do you accept? A: I accept checks (made out to Emma Lee Photography), paypal payments, Venmo, and of course cash .
Q: I’m ready to book! What’s next? A: Whoop whoop! I’m so excited that yo u’ve chosen me to document this chapter in your stor y. To make this facebook off icial, I need a signed contract and a $750 nonrefundable retainer. Let’s chat so I can get all the info I need for your contract.
pg 12
Whenever I meet with a couple for a consultation, I always ask them if they are planning on having a f irst look on their wedding day. Most of the time I am answered with scrunched up eyebrows, quick glances to one another, and “We aren’t sure. We haven’t really thought about it.” Because it’s not often talked ab out, I wanted to take a moment and explain what a f irst look is and why you sho uld consider having one on your wedding day. A f irst look is a moment the couple decides to see each other on their wedding day before their ceremony. It takes place in a private setting with just the two of them, rather than during their ceremony when they walk down the aisle. So what’s the big deal you ask? Well, let’s see why I advise you to have a f irst look on the wedding day.
T I M E L I N E I must admit, p art of why I love a f irst look is that it makes the wedding timeline so much easier for photography. Because my clients are seeing each other before the ceremony, we can schedule all the formal shots (the couple, family, and wedding party photos) before the ceremony as well. That means we don’t have to squeeze all of these photos in between the ceremony and reception. This helps if you are wanting a sunset ceremony, because if you want a later ceremony without a f irst look, there won’t be any light left to make beautiful photos. It gives us much more time for photography, and it relieves the stress of crunching it all into a short amount of time. Which brings me to my next point….
pg 13
pg 14
If a couple doesn’t have a f irst look, they must schedule the formal photos in between the ceremony and reception. While they are doing this, the guests are usually away at cocktail hour. In my experience, I have found that when this happens the couple is more worried about their guests than being in the moment. “What’s ever yone doing? Are they having fu n?” “Do they have enough hors d’oeuvres?” “Make sure the wedding planner knows where the gifts should go” “Oh! There’s my old college roomie. She looks so good!” etc., etc. Not to mention that it is incredibl y hard to break away from Aunt Barb and the rest of the gang after the ceremony to go take photos. Wouldn’t it be so much easier if you could go straight into party mode after the ceremony instead of having to focus on your photos? You spent money on that co cktail hour – go enjoy it!
I think one of the most stressful parts of your wedding day is having all eyes on you. Of course it feels amazing to be surrounded by your friends and loved ones, but it can be overwhelming when ever yone wants to have a moment with you. I don’t know about you, but I get a little ner vous when I’m the center of attention. Which is why the idea of a f irst look personally appeals to me. There are going to be so many emotions and thoughts running through your head when you see your other half for the f irst time on your wedding day. Would you rather have an intimate moment with the two of you where you can get all the jitters out and have a moment alone, or would you rather have the moment where you see one another for the f irst time when you are walking down the aisle and 100 of your close friends and family are watching you? I don’t know about you, but I would rather have the privacy.
D O N ’ T
No problem! After all, it is your wedding day and nobody should tell you what you should and shouldn’t do. I encourage you to do whatever you want on your wedding day. So if you forgo the f irst look, just plan on allowing plenty of time in between the ceremony and reception to get all your formal shots done (AT LEAST one hour). And set a ceremony time that allows you to still have enough sunlight to take beautiful pictures before your reception. And last, but not least, no matter what you choose, enjoy the day and stay in the moment.
pg 15
“ Ou r
pi c t u re s
ca p tu re
a ctio n,
en erg y an d e mo tio n o f ea ch s p ecial m o me n t . Sh e’s grea t w ith ca p tu ring d iffe re n t l i g h t a nd giv ing d irectio n to b ig g rou ps w h i l e to ta lly b lend ing into t h e e v e n t . S o meho w Emma q u ickly l ea rne d e v e r y n ame o f o u r w ed d ing p a rty s o s he c ou l d di rect a lmo s t a s a friend” –
pg 16
pg 17
pg 18
Details - 30 minutes Getting ready - 1 - 1.5 hours First look and couple photos 45 minutes to 1.5 hours Weddin g party photos - 30 minutes Family photos - 30 minutes Photo wrap up 30 minutes before ceremony Ceremony -30 minutes to 1.5 hours Reception 2 hours - 6 hours
pg 19
What is your ceremony like/how long? Are you having a short and sweet ceremony, or are you planning a more formal event with a longer ceremony. Are their religious/cultural events that take place during your ceremony? Factor this in, as well as some buffer time (rarely does a ceremony start at the scheduled time).
What do you want captured in your reception? What traditions are you having during your reception (examples can include f irst dance, parent dances, bouquet toss, cake cutting, toasts, etc.)? I recommend that I stay for at least the toasts, the f irst dance, and about 20 minutes of open dance floor time. Depending on what is important to you, you may also want me there for the cake cutting, bouquet toss, any reception games that take place, and the grand exit.
Formal photos Are all your photos happening in the same location? Do you want to head down the street to a beach or park for your photos? Factor in walk/drive time, how long it will take to gather your wedding pa rty/family and get them all in one place, and how many “spots” you want to hit for your portraits. Remember, that park may be a 10 minute walk normally, but have you ever tried walking in a wedding dress? That 10 minute walk just turned into 15-20 minutes
Tr a v e l t i m e i n b e t w e e n v e n u e s Are your ceremony and reception in the same place? Is that also where you are getting your hair and makeup done? If not, factor in how long it takes to get from one location to the next (and then add on 10 minutes to factor in traff ic - it’s your wedding day, you don’t want to be running late) .
pg 20
H E L LO@E M M A L E E P H OTO G R A P H Y.C O M E M M A L E E P H OTO G R A P H Y.C O M PHONE: 928.830.6364
@e mmal e e photog r aphy FACEBOOK: fac e book .c om/photosbye mmale e INSTAG RAM:
pg 21