8 Different Natural Stone Decking Ideas for Your Swimming Pool

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8 Different Natural Stone Decking Ideas for Your Swimming Pool

Introduction • The Northern Hemisphere is approaching summer at snail pace somewhere while like a tornado in most regions. The thermometer bar is getting up-n-up week-by-week. Sweltering heat pushes people to prefer outdoor living. The outdoor pool patios, garden swimming pool decks, and backyard pool decks are favorite choices to spend summer days in most of the States.

Know Something About Pool Decking • Structurally, the swimming pool design consists of three major design elements: • Water pool with a waterproof bottom and side walls plus water input, filtering, and drainage system behind the curtain! • Pool coping is a cap around the edges of the pool at the water pool/storage side. We have already learned about the pool coping previously. • The swimming pool deck is an essential utility to carry a variety of activities on it. • It means the beauty and utility of a swimming pool is in the design, material, and planning of the pool deck. Let’s check everything one-by-one basis.

Pool Deck Planning • In the planning, we have to figure out the footprint area for an in-ground pool. The standard formula for calculating the Base Wide in the USA is adding eight (8) feet each-side (Width & Length) of the pool. • Keep in mind that the minimum pool deck width is four (4) feet and maximum could be the size of your yard area. The on-theground pool needs up to one- or two-feet deck width only because the utility area is on the ground. • It can give you sufficient space for walking around, as well as take a start to jump into the pool. Moreover, you can place lounge chairs and tables to enjoy your leisure, accomplish a breakfast, or even a mini party with friends or family, and when the patio paving area is attached to the pool area seamlessly.

Pool Deck Materials • Today, we have multiple options to choose the material for pool deck construction. Natural options like wood, bricks, and stones. Synthetic materials are impervious porcelain tiles, RCC slabs & pavers, including blocks & bricks, and artificial turf. • Of course, woods are a cheaper option, but not long-lasting one and tough to maintain in always wet spaces. A mix of cementconcrete and stone aggregates have several disadvantages. Synthetic material like porcelain tiles are a delicate option and have low-aesthetic values against natural stones and woods of high-quality sources.

What Is the Best Option for Decking Material? • My vote would be to the natural stones. Do you know why I cling on it? • “Natural stones are waterproof, sturdy, durable, heat & frost resistant, and slip-resistant (with antiskid surface finishes) material for pool decking.” • “Natural stones are stunningly beautiful with plenty of design & color options. Stones are sustainable products and easy to clean, maintain, and replace material for swimming pool decking.” • With these insights about the natural stone selection in swimming pool decking, let me introduce you to the different types of natural stones used in the construction of swimming pool deck in the USA and around the world.

1 – Travertine Natural Stone Decking

2 – Slate Natural Stone Swimming Pool Decking

3 – Limestone for Natural Stone Pool Deck

4 – Sandstone for Natural Stone Swimming Pool Deck

5 – Granite Natural Stone Pavers for Swimming Pool Decking

6 – Quartzite Natural Stone Decking

7 – Coral Stone Pool Stone Deck

8 – Bluestone Natural Stone Pavers for Decking

Looking for a Huge Natural Stone Inventory for Pool Decking? • World of Stones USA is enjoying an outstanding reputation for being a leading natural stone supplier in the USA. Enough variations in the colors, styles, sizes, patterns, and shapes are available to meet your bespoke needs for various pool decking projects. • Stone suppliers and distributors can deliver your custom order at your doorsteps. You can select your stones online and fix order with us with assured high-quality delivery and excellent postpurchase services.

Thank You Contact Us https://worldofstonesusa.com info@worldofstonesusa.com

Source • https://worldofstonesusa.com/blog/natural-s tone-decking-swimming-pool

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