Easy Way to Use Window XP in 2021: If the user is using Window XP, then there security is at risk because Microsoft has not releases the latest updates. So, for security you should install antivirus and keep your drivers up to date. For help, contact Microsoft support team via Office.com/setup. What are the Ways to Use Window XP in 2021? Office.com/setup
1. Install a Security Software: As you all know that Microsoft has no longer releases Windows XP security patches, but you can protect your computer system. Keep in mind, you must download and install free or paid antivirus software. It is advised for better protection of Window XP, you should choose a paid version of antivirus. 2. Keep Software Up-to-Date: It is recommended that you should keep your programs up to date just by installing all the latest official updates. These updates will help you to protect your Windows XP computer from all types of malware infections. Keep in mind, you can secure your software with DriverFix, a tool which will help you to scan your computer and update it with new compatible driver options.
Drivers are very necessary for your PC. If you want to avoid crashes, freezes, and bugs, then you should keep them updated. To safely update your drivers, you should download and install DriverFix. Then, you have to launch the application. At this point, you should wait for DriverFix to identify all your faulty drivers. Here, you will see all the drivers which have issues and just select it to get fixed. Now, DriverFix will download and install the latest drivers. At last, you need to Restart your PC to save the changes. 3. Switch to Better Browser and Go Offline: Remember, on your Windows XP it is advised you should use Opera, because it is a safe and optimized browser which has all the features you require for smooth browsing. Or the other way is you should go offline if possible when you don’t require an internet connection. 4. Use a day-to-day Account: First, you should log in as Administrator. Then, you should set a password and then go to Control Panel. Now from here, you should click on User Accounts and then select your own account. Here, you should create a new password and then type your new pass key twice. After this, you should click on Home, and then tap on Create a new account. You should Save a new name for your account and then tap on Next. Here, you should select Limited and then click on Create Account. Now, you have created a Limited user account. Click Here – Quick Method To Create And Manage Teams in Microsoft Team 5. Use a Virtual Machine: As you all know that some apps and programs only run on Windows XP systems, so you must use a virtual machine on other Windows OS. You should keep in mind installing a virtual machine is not difficult as you can use the software developed by Microsoft. 6. Be Cautious with What you Install: As Windows XP do not receives security updates, so there are many ways through which you can protect your computer against malware. It is advised you should be cautious when you are installing software, if you go online, using your web browser and if you are downloading something on your computer. Always try to install official programs, and use proper antivirus software to remain safe. These are the easy ways to use Window XP in 2021. For assistance, the customer can call the customer care of MS Office through www.office.com/setup.