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One Drive is the cloud storage application of Microsoft Office which is developed by Microsoft. It helps in storing and transferring personal files in the cloud. It protects your data from hardware failure and also from cyber threat. You can enjoy this app of MS Office by installing MS Office software in your device through www.office.com/setup. You can use this software for home and office purpose. It gives user friendly interface and you can install this software on Window OS, Mac, Computer, Laptop, and Android Phone. Sometimes, One Drive fails to work and user faces One Drive error code 0x8004de40. This error occurs basically when there was a problem connecting to One Drive. In this case, you should check and change some setting in Internet connection. In this blog, you will read the solution of One Drive Connectivity Error Code 0x8004de40.
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H T T P S : / / W W W. O F F I C E - C O M - S E T U P. C O M /
Solution To Fix One Drive Connectivity Error Code 0x8004de40
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• Check Your Internet Connection: First, you should check the cable is properly plugged in. In case, if it is a wireless connection, then see your router is running smoothly. You can also reboot your router. After this, go to your web browser and open web pages. If web pages open up easily, this means there is no problem with your internet connection. • Change the Internet Properties: For this, first you have to press Windows + R key to open Run. Then you have to type inetcpl.cpl and then just click OK button to open the Internet Properties window. Now in the Internet Properties window, you have to open the Advanced tab. Then under Settings, you have to scroll down and then just find the options and check their boxes: Use TLS 1.0 Use TLS 1.1 Use TLS 1.2 Now you have to click on Apply option and then tap on OK to save the changes. At the end, reboot your computer and then just check the error. • Disable the Proxy Settings: For this, press Windows + R key together to open Run. Then, you have to type inetcpl.cpl and then press Enter key. After this, you have to go to the Connections tab and then click on LAN settings. Now you have to mark the Automatically detect settings option and then unmark the option Use a proxy server for your LAN. At the end, click on Apply and then tap on OK button to save the changes.
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• Reset Window Socket: For this, first you have to type cmd in the search box. Then you have to right-click on Command Prompt option and after this, you have to select Run as Administrator. Now, in the Command Prompt, you have to type the command and just press Enter key. netsh winsock reset catalog After this, you have to close the command prompt and then you have to restart your PC. • Reset One Drive: For this, first you have to press Windows + R key to open Run. Then you have to Enter or paste the command: %localappdata %\\Microsoft\\OneDrive\\onedrive.exe /reset in the box and then press Enter key. After this, paste this command: %localappdata %\\Microsoft\\OneDrive\\onedrive.exe in the Run dialog box and press OK. This will launch One Drive after the reset process.
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This will fix the One Drive error but if you are facing any problem then you can contact to the customer care executive of MS Office via office.com/setup . Read Also Enable Phishing Email Protection in MS Outlook
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