How Gamers Can Protect Themselves From Against Internet Scams?

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Due to Covid 19 pandemic, people are confined to their homes. So, to pass their time people started playing games on their Smartphones and Tablets. This gives chance to the hackers to steal the personal information of the gamers. As video game industry is very profitable for scammers. Hence, gamers should be alert against fraud and scams. Webroot team has given some tips for gamers so that they can protect themselves from internet scams. The gamers can easily install this security software in their device through This software will protect the gamer’s device against malware and viruses. In this blog, you will read the tips which gamers can us to protect themselves from Internet scams.

T I P S G A M E R S TA K E T O P R O T E C T T H E M S E LV E S F R O M I N T E R N E T S C A M S : Â W E B R O O T. C O M / S A F E

1.You should never respond to email or direct message which asks for your credit card, personal, or banking information. It is advised that you should never disclose your credit card information or bank account numbers to anyone who claims that they are from a video game service. Always remember that legitimate companies never ask for this information through emails. Those who do, there main motive is to steal your personal information.

2. Sometimes the gamers receive an email which claims that your password should be updated. It is advised that you should never click on any links provided in these emails. If in case you click on the link, then you will be redirect to a fake website which asks you to fill your personal and financial information. Then the scammers will use your personal information to access your accounts. You should delete that email which asks you to update your login information.

3. It is advised that you should protect your gaming accounts with strong passwords. Gamers should use passwords which are difficult for hackers to guess. Remember the password should be the combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. You should also do not use the same password for other accounts. Because if the hacker cracks your password of one account, then they cannot use the same password for other accounts.

4. You should use two-factor authentication which will make difficult for hackers to break your video game accounts. When you enabled it, if anybody tries to access your account then they cannot log into your site. In this, first you have to enter your password to log onto your gaming account. Then, a numerical code will send to your Smartphone, after this you have to enter that code before you access your gaming account. This extra step, will provide additional layer of security to your account.

5. You should install and use a VPN when you are playing games as this will hide your IP address. This will protect your identity and prevent attackers from finding your location. The above are some of the tips which help the gamers to protect themselves from internet scams. If you are still finding issues, then you should contact to the customer care of Webroot via #Also Read – What are Internet Scams and How you can Protect Yourself From It?

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