How to Clear Old Memory and Increase RAM on Window 10? Microsoft Office is the great productivity suite which helps the common user to work as a professional. It is used on devices like Mac, Computers, Laptops, Window OS and Android Phones. You can install this software program through It includes many apps and all the application serves different purpose for the convenience of the user. It gives great technical support to its user so they do not have to face any kind of trouble. The experts are available all the time for the assistance of the user. In this digital world, when people are totally dependent on the computer for their work. But it’s very annoying if the system is working slowly. This, waste lots of your time. In this blog, you will read how to clear the old memory and increase RAM on Window 10. Clear Old Memory and Increase RAM on Window 10: 1. RAM Hogs: For this, first you have to right click on the Windows task bar and then select Task Manager. After this, just click on the Processes tab. Now you have to sort the processes by Memory and then look for programs which are mention at the top of the list which you don’t recognize. If you find any problem applications, then you have to go to the Control Panel, and click on Programs and Features options. Now, just uninstall those problem applications. 2. Cleanup Start Programs: In the Task Manager, you have to click on the Startup tab. Then, you have to sort the list with the Startup impact field. Now you can identify the applications which you don’t recognize or you do not require. After this, you have to right-click on the application and then select Disable. 3. Check For Device Driver Issue: For this, open the Control Panel and then double click on Device Manager. Now you have to expand each branch in the Device Manager and then just look for a yellow explanation mark icon. As this let you know about the driver issue. When you see an alert, you just have to right click on the device and then select Update driver.
4. Disable Window Visual Effect: For this, first you have to open File Explorer, and then right-click on This PC. After this, click on Properties. On the left hand side of this window, you just click on Advanced system settings. Now in the Performance section, you have to click on the Settings button. Here in the Performance Options window, you have to select Adjust for best performance. 5. Clear Page File At Shutdown: First, click on the start menu and then type Regedit. Now, just click on the Regedit run command. Here it will open the Registry Editor. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management. After this, double-click on the ClearPageFileAtShutdown key which is on the right and just set the Value data field to 1 and then click OK. When you restart your computer, you will see the page file is clear. This process helps to clear old memory and boost RAM on Window 10. But if you want more details, then you can visit to the site of MS Office through Www.Office.Com/Setup. For expert help, you can call on the toll free number.