How to Download and Install Webroot Antivirus Business
Endpoint? Webroot Antivirus Business Endpoint Protection is the popular and well known software available in the market for business users. It secures your enterprise from all kind of cyber threat and you can install this software through It has machine learning and cloud computing technology to prevent malware and viruses from damaging your device and data. Webroot Secure Anywhere Business Endpoint Protection monitors and detects threats in real time. So, you do not have to face any performance issues and also it consumes very little space in your gadget. Webroot’s multi-vector protection provides security to endpoints where cyber criminals attack. Webroot Secure Anywhere Business Endpoint Protection gives advanced feature to your device like Real-Time Protection and Fast Scans. In this blog, you will read how to install Webroot Antivirus Business Endpoint Protection. Installation Endpoint: 1. 2.
4. 5. 6.
For this, first you should open your web browser and just click on the site of Webroot via Then, you should click on the download link and then the Webroot installation file i.e. wsainstall.exe will automatically download on your computer system. After this, you should locate the wsainstall.exe file on your computer and then just double-click to start the installation process. When it prompts, then you should enter your keycode. Here, you should follow the instructions which are given on the computer screen. Now, you should create a shortcut to SecureAnywhere on the computer. This option will show you a shortcut icon on the Windows desktop for SecureAnywhere. Then, you should randomize the installed file name. This will changes the name of the Webroot installation file to a random
name, and it also prevents malware from detecting and blocking the Webroot installation file. 8. Now, you should protect SecureAnywhere files, processes, and memory from changes. And this option allows the self-protection and the CAPTCHA prompt. 9. Here, you should Change language. And to change the language which appears in SecureAnywhere, you have to click on the Change Language button and from here, you have to select the supported languages. Remember, you can change the language only during installation not after that. 10. At the end, you should click on Accept and Install.
Read Also – Create Webroot Account For Webroot Business Product and Setup 2 FA You can easily configure Webroot Business Endpoint and it is a simple process. You only have to download the software, then enter your product key and just follow the instructions to complete it. Its firewall setting manages and controls the network traffic which is very beneficial for the non-technical person. This software runs in the background and does not affect your computer system. It gives the alert notification if it found threat or something is wrong. This method helps to install webroot Antivirus Business Endpoint Protection in your device. If in case, you have any kind of issues then you should call the expert of Webroot team from anywhere. The customer care executive of Webroot is available for the user all the time. For detail information, you should visit to the site of Webroot antivirus through