How To Improve WPA2 Security with Antivirus?
Sometimes, you have to connect to the public Wi-Fi at coffee shops or the airport to reply to the important emails. But as you all know that if you connect your device to insecure links or networks, then this will lead to data loss and also loss of financial credentials. That is why, it is very essential to use the right Wi-Fi security measures. Because people make transactions over the internet or they access their sensitive data which needs to be safeguarded from unauthorized access. Hence, it is essential to use the encryption processes and technologies to prevent illegal access to your data. Webroot team just wants its user to improve WPA2 security. The customer can install this antivirus software through It quickly detects and blocks the emerging threat. In this blog, you will read about how to improve WPA 2 security.
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA): ď ľ
Wi-Fi protected access is an improvement over WEP. It gives enhanced security of key handling and user authorization process. It provides security for insecure WEP networks without using any additional hardware. It uses temporal key integrity protocol (TKIP) for encryption, which modifies the keys used. TKIP make it more difficult for hackers to decode. It brings the next type of wireless encryption standard, that is WPA2.
Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2): WPA2 is basically the upgraded version of WPA and totally based on the robust security network (RSN) mechanism. It has two modes — personal (pre-shared key or PSK) mode which is used for homes or enterprise (EAP/Radius) mode which is for corporate environment. Both of these modes depend upon the AES-CCMP which makes it very difficult for attackers listening in on the network.
Tips to Improve WPA2 Security:Â ď ľ
Most of the computer users use WPA2 personal in their home and also for their small business network to access the internet. These are some of the tips which keep your communication secure:
Keep your devices patched and up to date: It is highly recommended that you should update the operating system on all client devices on the network for improving WPA2 security. It also secures your devices with the latest patches against known vulnerabilities.
Use strong and unique passwords along with password length: You should use special characters, numbers, uppercase, and lowercase letters to increase the complexity of the password. You should also make sure that no default credentials are used like admin credentials on a router.
Enter IP address to access router settings by using a web browser: Remember under the firmware settings, you should check for any available updates which are pending to install on your router. You should also enter IP address to access router settings. Keep in mind, that the modern Wi-Fi systems like Google Wi-Fi also has a feature for installing automatic updates.
Disable remote access to your router: You should make sure that your router settings cannot be changed with over a wireless connection, and also disable access over Wi-Fi so you can make changes by plugging in through an ethernet cable.
The above method will help you to improve WPA2 security with Webroot Antivirus. If the user need more details, then just visit to the site of Webroot through
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