How To Switch Off Video Autoplay in App Store and YouTube on iOS 11? WWW.MCAFEE.COM/ACTIVATE
YouTube iOS 11 – iPhone is known for its lavish features which makes it more comfortable for the user to access the mobile. There is a huge variety of apps which make an iPhone a perfect example of providing an end-to-end solution. However, a lot of apps in iPhone plays videos automatically without your permission. On the other hand, autoplay is quite disturbing so turn off video autoplay in iOS 11. For example, you are sitting at a peaceful place and the place which is gathered with a lot of people around. You decided to operate your phone and suddenly, an automatic video starts to play with huge volume. However, that will get all the eyes on you, isn’t it awkward? It’s better to disable this option.
Firstly, Go to Setting.
· Secondly, Select the iTunes and App store.
· Afterward, click on video audio play.
· Click Turn off video autoplay in iOS 11
· If you wish to enjoy the video play automatically without wasting your mobile data, you select the Wi-Fi only option.
IMPROVED APPLICATIONS OF IOS 11 The automatic audio player is only possible if you have the iSO 11. Let’s take a look at how beneficial the iSO 11 is and what changes are felt with it: IMPROVED VISUAL EXPERIENCE The software is much smoother and rounded with the attractive widgets and display. Also, beautiful screen lock gives a soothing vision to the eyes each time when you look at the screen. In addition, you can freely expand and edit the widgets according to your requirements.
HOMEKIT APP The Home kit app is quite interesting and attention seeking. Meanwhile, you can easily manage your smart home without getting into any confusion. Smooth functioning with no requirement of a third-party app to access the home kit in this version. For detailed information, connect at IMESSAGE There are several things added in the iMessage and video sharing facility is much more interesting. Bigger emoji and stickers are one of the features which seems improved in this version. The highlighted changes are the visual appearance. IMAGE IMPROVISATIONS High-definition album art is jaw-dropping. A flawless upgrade to this feature is given. Also, a touch of Google photo is offered which makes it more organized and visible. Also, you can Turn off video autoplay in iOS 11.
SIRI IS THE BEST ASSISTANCE NOW No doubt, Siri is one of the finest things in the iPhone but, an upgrade to Siri took the things at another level. However, You can ask her the questions which you wish to. Furthermore, you are now asking the Siri to access the third-party application. Just like you need a cab, just tell Siri and she will do everything for you. ADVANTAGES OF ISO11 One of the most amazing benefits of this version is the Siri. It has the access to run the third-party app and do the things for you there. A 3D notification is popped-out on the locked screen Again, this is the most attractive thing. You can react to the app just right away. In other words, Just with a touch, you can make replies to the messages and open an image. Photo and music are also the eye-catching features which now comes with the improved version. Finally, Well organized photos seen and this also makes it more easy to access. However, if you are facing difficulty to explore the features, feel free to connect the 24/7 supportive team at Mcafee. (Mcafee.Com/Retailcard)
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YouTube iOS 11