How To Troubleshoot if “Photoshop Unable to Create New Files or Open Existing Ones?

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How To Troubleshoot if “Photoshop Unable to Create New Files or Open Existing Ones? w w w. o ff i c e . c o m / s e t u p


Click to edit Master title style S o m e u s e r s a re f a c i n g t h e i s s u e o n P h o t o s h o p t h a t t h e y a re n o t a b l e t o c re a t e n e w fi l e s o r e v e n t h e y c a n n o t b e a b l e t o o p e n e x i s t i n g fi l e s . S o , i n this blog you will read the solution o f t h e i s s u e “P h o t o s h o p U n a b l e t o C re a t e N e w Fi l e s o r O p e n E x i s t i n g One”. But if the users need assistance, then they can contact to the M i c ro s o f t team through w w w. o ffi c e . c o m / s e t u p

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Causes of the Error “Photoshop Unable To Create New Files”: The causes of the issue are Photoshop CC Glitch, if Photoshop doesn’t have Admin A c c e s s , i f P h o t o s h o p S e t t i n g Fi l e i s c o r r u p t e d , because of Outdated or corrupted GPU driver, a n d a l s o i f O p e n C L o r G L i s c a u s i n g i n s t a b i l i t y. Visit Here – H o w Yo u C a n F i x P e r s o n a l M a c r o W o r k b o o k Not Opening Issue?

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Solution To Fix If Photoshop Unable to Create New Files or Open Existing Ones:Â


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Click to edit Master title style Create File in Illustrator:Â For this, you have to open a file in Illustrator, and then you have to launch the program. Now, you should use the ribbon bar which is at the top just to select File option and then click on Open. After this, you should go to the location of the Photoshop file and then just select it and now, click on Open. When the file is opened in Illustrator, then you have to access the File menu and then just click on Edit in Photoshop. But for this process, you should have a Creative Cloud subscription which has both Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.

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Click to edit Master title style Open Photoshop With Administrative Access:Â First, you have to close the Photoshop completely. After this, you have to check your tray-bar icon just to confirm that Photoshop or Creative Cloud should not be running in the background. Then you have to right-click on the Photoshop executable and just click on Run as Administrator. If it asks the confirmation by the UAC window, then you should click on Yes option to grant admin access. When the Photoshop is opened, then you should check the issue is solved or not. If it is not occurring, then you should close Photoshop completely once again. Then, right-click on the Photoshop executable once again and then just select Properties from the context menu. When you are in the Properties screen of Photoshop, then you should select the compatibility tab, and after this, just go to the Settings section and then just check the box linked with Run this program as an administrator. At the end, you should click on Apply option and after this, open Photoshop again.

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Click to edit Master title style Disable Open CL/ Open GL: You should open Photoshop and then just wait till the software is fully loaded. After this, you should use the ribbon bar which is at the top just to access the Edit tab, and then you have to select Preferences from the context menu and then click on Performance. When you are in the Preferences settings of your Photoshop application and then just click on Advanced Settings. Now you should uncheck the boxes linked with Use Graphics Processor to Accelerate Computation and Use OpenCL. Then you have to click on Yes option just to save the current configuration. At last, you have to close Photoshop, and then just restart your computer system to ensure that the change is fully enforced. Now, again start Photoshop once and check the same issue is still occurring or not.

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Click to edit Master title style Reinstall Photoshop Application: You should press Windows key + R just to open up a Run dialog box. In this, you should type “appwiz.cpl” in the text box and then just press Enter key just to open up the Programs and Features menu. Now in the Programs and Features window, you will view the list of applications. Here, you have to locate your Photoshop installation and rightclick on it. You have to choose Uninstall / Change. If it prompts for the confirmation by the UAC (User Account Control), then you should click on Yes option to grant administrative privileges. Now from the uninstallation menu, you should follow the instruction to complete the uninstallation process, and then just restart your computer system. After this, login with your Adobe account and then download the latest version of Photoshop. When the installation process is complete, then you should open the application and check the issue is solved or not.

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If the user need any kind of technical assistance, then they can visit to the site of MS Office via

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