How you can Wipe Your Computer Hard Drive? Usually people think that deleting everything or formatting from the hard drive means they have erased everything. But this is not true. To wipe a hard drive, you have to take the extra step so that all the information stored on your hard drive completely erased. When people format a hard drive, they only delete the file system, or just make the data invisible. This data can be easily recover through, file recovery program or special hardware. But if you want your data to be completely gone forever then you have to wipe your computer hard drive. Webroot team gives some tips how you can wipe your computer hard drive. You can install this advanced antivirus program through Www.Webroot.Com/Safe. It gives protection from malware, spyware, Trojans, rootkits, ransomware and also from phishing attack etc. This antivirus supports the devices like Window OS, Mac, Computer, Laptop and Android Phones. In this article, you will read how to wipe your hard drive. Tips to Wipe Your Computer Hard Drive: 1. Backup the Data of Your Hard Drive: If you decided to wipe your computer’s hard drive then you should take the back up of all your information to the other computer, an external hard drive, or a web service. If you regularly backup your data, it keeps your data completely safe and secure from cyber threat and damage of your device. You can take the back up of your data on thumb drives or USB flash drives, External hard drives or in Cloud storage. If you store your data in Cloud, it is completely safe from cyber threat.
2. Don’t Delete Files From Your Computer: When you move your documents or file to the trash or recycle bin, you think that the file is deleted but actually the file is hidden from your view. But the file is remaining in the computer hard drive and it can be easily recovered through data recovery programs. Hackers can easily access your deleted files by running the data recovery software and can also commit crimes by stealing your identity. 3. Use Program to Wipe Your Drive: You can use a special software programs which can permanently delete the files from your hard drive. These programs overwrite all the deleted files with zeros and this makes it impossible for the data recovery software to recover these files. DBAN is a free data destruction program, which erases files like personal files, operating systems, and installed programs from your hard drive. It is good to use this program to wipe your hard drive. 4. Physically Wipe Your Hard Drive: To wipe your hard drive, you can also use the rare earth magnet which will deform the metal plates in the hard drive. Please use this magnet with caution, because if it is used incorrectly it can cause physical harm. You can also physically dismantle the hard drive with screwdriver. 5. Fresh Installation of the Operating System: Another way is to completely do a clean installation of the Operating System. So, it is important to wipe your computer’s hard drive as this will protect you from cybercriminals to steal your personal data. For more information, you can visit to the website of Webroot antivirus through