Usually, many people install more than one web browser in their computer system as they want the fastest browsing speeds. In this blog, you will read how to set the default browser in Window 7,8 and 10 . If the user want technical support, then they can call the expert of Webroot via www.webroot.com/safe.
Set Chrome the default browser in Windows 10: First, you should open the Start menu and then just type Default apps. After this, you should select Default apps. Now in the Default apps menu, you should scroll down till you see your current default web browser, and just click it. Here, Microsoft Edge is the current default browser. Then, you have to choose Google Chrome from the list of web browsers just to set Google Chrome your default browser. Now, you have set Chrome your default browser in Windows 10.
Set Firefox the default browser in Windows 10: Webroot.com/safe First in your Windows Start menu, you should enter the phrase default apps, and then you have to click on Default apps. Now, you should scroll down till you see your current default web browser. And then, you should click it. Here, you should Select Firefox from the list of web browsers. Now, you have successfully set Firefox as your default browser.
Set Microsoft Edge the default browser in Windows 10: For this, first you have to type default apps in the Start menu, and then click on Default apps. After this, you should scroll down till you see your default web browser, and then just click it. Here, you have to select Microsoft Edge from the list of available browsers on your computer system. Now, when you run Microsoft Edge as your default web browser, this will maintain your local privacy and then delete your browsing history.
Set a Default Browser in Windows 7 & Windows 8: You should open the Control Panel from the Windows Start menu. Then in the Control Panel, you should click on Programs. If in case, you cannot see the Programs category, then you should choose to view by Category from the drop-down menu which is located in the upper-right hand side of the window. After this, you should select Default Programs. And then select Set your default programs. Here, from the list of installed programs which is located on the left, you should choose your desired default browser. And then, you should click Set this program as default. If you want to customize which file types your browser will open by default, then you should click on Choose defaults for this program.
The above method will help you to change your default browser in Window 10. If the user needs any sort of assistance, then they can anytime contact to the Webroot Support Team via www.webroot.com/safe. The experts are experienced to solve your problem and are available for the help of the user 24 hours and 7 days a week.