How You Can Fix AVG Error Code 0xe001f96c? AVG.Com/Retail AVG antivirus is the well known antivirus which gives protection against all kind of cyber threat like malware, spyware, Trojans, rootkits, ransomware and also from phishing attacks. You can install this antivirus through It is very easy use but some users face some Avg error code 0xe001f96c. The causes of this error code are the active program window crashes; your PC frequently crashes, Windows responds slow to any activity and runs sluggishly and reboots on its own and also PC frequently “freezes” at periodic intervals. Fix AVG Error Code 0xe001f96c: 1. Repair Registry: For this, first you have to click on the “Start” button and then type “command” in the search box without pressing “Enter” key. After this, press “CTRL”, “Shift” and “Enter” keys all together. Then it will prompt for the permission, just click on “Yes” option. Here you have to type “regedit” in the opened window and then press “Enter” key. Now in the Registry Editor, just select the key which you want to back up. After this, select “Export” from the “File” menu. Then in the “Save In” list, you have to select the location where you want to save the backup key. Now you have to Enter a name for the back-up file in the “Filename” box. Just select the “Selected branch” option in the “Export Range” menu. At the end, click on “Save” and it will saved with a .reg file extension. 2. Complete Malware Scan: You should do a Malware scan on your PC to remove any malicious infection in your PC. This will remove all the malwareassociated programs and registry entries from your computer system. 3. Run Disk Cleanup: For this, just click on the “Start” button and type the“command” in the search box without pressing “Enter” key. After this, press “CTRL”, “Shift” and “Enter” keys altogether. They will ask for the permission, and then click on “Yes”. Now type “regedit” in the opened window and then press “Enter” key. Disk Cleanup will calculate the space on each drive. Then it will ask to select the categories to clean up the junk files.
Here you can choose “Temporary Files”. You can select the checkboxes against the categories which you want to clean and then click on “OK”. The entire Temporary and junk files are cleaned up from your PC. 4. Update Device Drivers: For this, you have to select the “Start” option, and then enter Device Manager in the search box and just select it from the results displayed. After this, just click on the Expand icon and then select your device from the category. Now you have to right-click and then select “Update Driver”. At the end, just select Search automatically for the updated driver software. 5. Use System Restore: For this, you have to click the Start button. Then in the search box, you have to type “System Restore” and then click on “Enter” key. After this, you have to click “System Restore”. Now you have to Enter administrator passwords. Here you have to follow the steps in the Wizard to choose a restore point. At the end, restore your computer. 6. Uninstall and Reinstall AVG antivirus: For this, just go to start option and then open Programs and Features. Then just click on Control Panel which is on the right side menu. After this, just click on Programs and then click on Programs and Features. Now, locate the AVG Antivirus Error associated program under the Name column. Then you have to click on the AVG Antivirus associated entry. Now just click the Uninstall button which is on the top menu ribbon. Follow the instruction to complete the un-installation process and then Reinstall AVG antivirus. If you are still facing issue then you can call the customer care executive anytime anywhere on their toll free number. You can also visit to the official website via