How You Can Insert Animated GIF Images in Excel?
Excel application of Microsoft Office is very easy to use. This application of MS Office is used in schools, offices, colleges and in organization etc. You can install this amazing application of MS Office through It is very easy to insert pictures in Excel application, for this you just have to go to insert option and then choose picture. But if you want to insert animated gif images into Excel then this process will not work, this process will insert the GIF image but without any animation effect. GIF image animation will work when the image is inserted within a control by using Control Toolbox, Design mode and
Steps to Insert Animated GIF Files In Excel Spreadsheet:
If you want to insert an animated GIF file in the Excel Spreadsheet then it is essential that you should know the complete path and name of the GIF image.
For this, you should browse the folder which has the animated GIF image folder which you wish to insert in Excel. Now, you have to write the complete path of the GIF folder and also the name of its file. Like, if file is there in the subfolder of C: drive which is named Pictures and image file is bear.gif. Then, the path name will be c:\pictures\bear.gif. After this, you have to open your MS Excel spreadsheet in which you wish to add your animated GIF image. Now, you have to click on the “View” menu from the Excel menu ribbon. And after this, you should choose the “Toolbars” option and the click on the “Control Toolbox” option.
Then, you have to click on the top button which is there in “Control Toolbox,” which will activate the “Design Mode” in Excel. “Design Mode” feature will help you to draw an item structure in your Excel workbook which will accept the object like animated GIF. Here, you have to click on the bottom button which is there in the “Control Toolbox”. From the drop-down menu, you require to select the “Microsoft Web Browser.” And this helps to activate “Microsoft Web Browser” through which you can see your animated GIF. At this point, you have to left-click from your mouse button on your Excel spreadsheet where you want to insert your animated GIF image. It is advised that you should draw a large size box which can properly contain your animated GIF image.
After this, you should click on “Design Mode” option again just to disable the design mode. And then you should close the opened toolbar “Control Toolbox”. Then you should hold the “Alt” key and just press the “F11” key. It will open Microsoft Visual Basic window in your Excel sheet. Here, just double-click in the worksheet where you wish to add the animated GIF image. Then, from the Project list which is in upper left side of the VB window. This helps to open code window of visual basic. Just copy and paste the code in the open code window. Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() End Sub You should assign the appropriate filename and path name in the quotes for the GIF file. You should click on the different Excel worksheet and again click on the worksheet in which you have added your GIF image. You can the animated
Read Also – How You Can Easily Export Data To Excel? etup The above method helps you to insert the animated GIF image in Excel. If you need assistance then just go to the site of MS Office via