To keep your children safe, when they are using internet on family computer. Microsoft has offers parental controls feature. With this feature, you can restrict your children what kinds of applications they can use, which websites they are allowed to visit, and also how much time they can spend on the computer etc. And also you can review the reports of their online activity. You can setup this feature by installing MS Office in your device through
ENABLE, OR DISABLE PARENTAL CONTROLS IN WINDOWS 10 – OFFICE.COM/SETUP First, you should select Start option and then choose Settings. After this, you should choose Accounts and then select Family & Other People. Now, you have to choose Manage Family Settings Online. Then, you have to log in and then just find the child account from the list of accounts. After this, you should select Screen Time below your child’s name just to open the Screen Time tab. Here, you have to make changes to the default Screen Time Settings by using the drop-down lists and daily timelines. Now, just select More Options under your child’s name and then you have to choose Content Restrictions. Here, you should activate Block Inappropriate Apps And Games and Block Inappropriate Website. Then, you have to select the Activity tab and after this, expand Manage. At the end, you have to select Turn On Activity Reporting and Email weekly reports to me so that you can get weekly reports of your child’s activities while online.
PARENTAL CONTROL SETTING IN WINDOWS 8 AND 8.1: In this, first you have to create the child’s account. For this, you should press the Windows key and C key together. Now, just select Change PC Settings. After this, you should select Accounts, choose Other Accounts, and then you should select Add An Account. Here, you have to select Add A Child’s Account. At last, follow the directions to complete the process. To setup Parental Control, you should open Control Panel. And then you have to select User Accounts And Family Safety, and then just select Set Up Parental Controls For Any User. Here, you can select the child’s account. Now, under Parental Controls you have to select Enforce Current Settings. Then under Activity Reporting, you have to select Collect Information About PC Usage. From here, you can select the links like Web Filtering, Time Limits, Windows Store and Game Restrictions and App Restrictions. After this, you will get the email which includes information about the Microsoft Family Safety login page. If your child has a Microsoft Account, then you can view activity reports. Read More – What are the Tips to Repair and Recover XLS/XLSX File?
WINDOWS 7 PARENTAL CONTROLS: For this, you should create a child account for the child in Control Panel. And then you have to select User Accounts and choose Give Other Users Access To This Computer. To set up Parental Control, you should select the Start button and then type Parental Controls in the search window. After this, you should select Parental Controls in the results. And then you have to select the child account. If it ask, then create passwords for any Administrator accounts. Now under Parental Controls, you have to select Enforce Current Settings. You should select the links like Time Limits, Games, and Allow And Block Specific Programs and then you have to configure settings according to your requirement and at last, select Close option.
The above method will help you to setup parental control feature in Windows. For technical assistance, just go to the site of Microsoft Office via