If AVG Firewall Blocking Internet! How to Resolve it?

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AVG Antivirus

If AVG Firewall Blocking Internet! How to Resolve it?


W w w. a v g . c o m / r e t a i l

AVG Antivirus

AV G a n t i v i r u s i s o n e o f t h e b e s t security software which protects your digital life from internet threat like malware and viruses. It can be installed easily in your d e v i c e s t h r o u g h a v g . c o m / r e t a i l. I t timely scans the data and secures your identity from scammers. But sometimes the user faces the error like AV G Fi r e w a l l Blocking Internet. Hence, you will read the s o l u t i o n s t o fi x t h e i s s u e A V G Fi r e w a l l B l o c k i n g I n t e r n e t . Read Also – W h a t a r e t h e S t e p s t o F i x AV G P rotection Error?


Solution to Fix AVG Firewall Blocking Internet:Â Www.avg.com/retail


Check Proxy Server Settings in Internet Explorer: First, you should open Internet Explorer. Now, at the top right hand side of the main window, you have to click on the ‘wrench’ icon. After this, you should select ‘Internet Options’ from the drop-down menu. Here, in the opened window, you should click on the ‘Connections’ tab. Then, you have to click on the ‘LAN settings’ button, which is located in the ‘Connections’ tab. In the ‘Lan settings’ window, you have to make sure that the ‘Use a proxy server for your LAN’ option is not checked. In case it is checked, then you should immediately uncheck the


Check Computer’s DNS Settings For this, you have to click on the start button and then you should select ‘Control Panel’ option from the menu. After this, you should click on ‘Network and Internet’ from the opened window and then just click on ‘View network status and stats’. Now, you have to click on ‘Local Area Connection’ and then just click on the ‘Properties’ button. Here from the Properties window, you should select ‘Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)’ and then just click on the ‘Properties’ button. At the end, you


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Repair AVG Tool

You should visit to Start option and then just click on Control Panel option. After this, you should select Programs and then just click on Programs and Features. Now, you should click on Add or Remove Programs. Here, you have to select AVG Protection in the list of programs just to remove it from your computer system. At this point, you should click on the Change or Change/Remove button and then you have to select Repair option. After repairing AVG antivirus, you should www.avg-com-retail.com update the status of your Internet.

Download and Run AVG Clear Tool Here, you need to download the AVG Clear tool and then just run the setup. After this, you should double-click on the tool to open it. If it prompts the permission to make changes, then you should click on Yes option. You should click on No to Windows safe mode and then you should select installed version of AVG to Uninstall. Now, you should click on Uninstall now option to uninstall AVG and then just click on “Restart computer” and after this, you should check the status.

The above method will help you to solve Firewall Blocking Internet issue. In case, are still facing the error then you immediately call the customer care of team via Avg.com/retail.

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