If You Cannot Remove Keyboard Language on Window 10! How To Fix it?
Sometimes, user faces this issue when the platform’s regional settings aren’t configured correctly. To fix this issue, you should change the System locale settings, remove keyboard languages with PowerShell, or you should do some registry editing. For more information, just tap on www.office.com/myaccount. In this blog, you will read the solution to fix the issue if you cannot remove keyboard language on Window 10.
Method to Fix If you Cannot Remove Keyboard Language:
Rearrange Listed Languages:
First, you should tap on search button on Windows 10’s taskbar. After this, you should type the keyword keyboard language in the search text box. Now, you should select Edit language and keyboard options in order to open the window. Here, you have to choose the listed keyboard language layout which you wish to remove. Then, you need to tap on the down arrow button just to move the selected keyboard language to the bottom of the list. At last, you should press the Remove button for keyboard language.
Change Current
System Locale Setting: You should open run by right-clicking on the Start taskbar button and then choose accessory on the menu. After this, you should type this text into Run: Control Panel. Now, you need to tap on OK button to open the Control Panel’s window. At this point, you should choose Category option on the Control Panel’s View by dropdown menu. Here, you need to tap on Clock and Region in the Control Panel. Next, you need to tap on Region in order to open the window. Then, you should choose the Administrative tab. Now, you should press the Change system locale button just to open a Region Settings window. In the Current system locale drop-down menu, you should select the keyboard language which you want to remove and just choose a different one. After this, you should select the Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for Worldwide Language Support checkbox and just hit on OK button on the Region Settings window. At this point, you should tap on Apply on the Region window just to save the newly selected options. Lastly, restart your PC.
Remove Keyboard
Language with PowerShell:
For this, first you need to open Windows 10’s. In the search bar, you should enter Windows PowerShell as the search keyword. After this, you need to tap on PowerShell in order to open its window. Then, input this command and tap on Enter key: Get-WinUserLanguageList
Remove Keyboard
Language with PowerShell: It is advised you should copy the language tag for the keyboard language layout which you want to remove. Now, you should input the following four separate commands into PowerShell and tap on Enter key after each: $LangList = Get-WinUserLanguageList $MarkedLang = $LangList | where LanguageTag -eq <languagecode> $LangList.Remove($MarkedLang) Set-WinUserLanguageList $LangList -Force At the end, Restart your PC when you enter the above commands.
The above method will help you to fix the issue if you cannot remove Keyboard language on Window 10. If the customer wants more detail, then visit to the Microsoft via office.com/setup.
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