Incredible Way To Fix AVG Installation Error Window 10
AVG antivirus is the best software which gives complete security to your device from cyber threat like malware and viruses. And it can be easily installed in your device, just by going to its offi cial site i.e. www.avg.com/retail. But some users face issues while installing this software in their device. Hence, in this article you will read the solution of this AVG Installation Error Window 10.
Solution To Fix AVG Installation Error Window 10:
Remove Registry Entries of AVG Antivirus: Many computer users encounter issue that they cannot be able to install AVG antivirus software in their device because there were some problems in the registry. As registry prevents AVG antivirus from installing. So, to fi x it, you should hit on Window + R key from your keyboard just to open the Run dialog box. After this, you just need to write “Regedit” and then tap on “ok” button. Here, in the registry panel, you should visit to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREAVG. And after this, you should click right on AVG. At last, you should click on “Delete” option and then close the editor.
Mandatory Permission: Sometimes, error occurs in your device because you do not have necessary permission to make changes in any folder. To fi x this error, you should go to the installation directory of AVG antivirus software. Then, you have to select “properties” option after you click on the right mouse button. Here, you have to click on “edit” option from the security tab. Now, you should click on the “system” option from the list. At this point, you should check the full control option. Then you should click on Allow option and then tap on Ok button.
Turn off Conflicting Tools: To fi x this error, you should ensure that there is no fi rewall or antivirus open in the background. Because sometimes antivirus or fi rewall blocks the installation of AVG software product. Hence, you should turn off the fi rewall. Then, that you should also disabled or uninstalled other antivirus software.
Install AVG Offl ine Version: You can also download the offl ine version of AVG antivirus software to fi x this issue because an online version sometimes skips certain fi les during installation which results in error. To avoid such errors, you should install offl ine versions.
AVG Remover Tool: When you try to install AVG antivirus in your device then some fi les, stored automatically in your computer system which stops AVG fi le to install. In this situation, you should install the AVG remover tool in your computer system. This tool will removes all the self stored fi les in your system and also resolve AVG installation error in window 10. Now, you can install AVG antivirus software in your device.
Read More – What to Do if AVG Not Finishing Scan? The above method will help you to solve AVG Installation Error Window 10. In case, the user fi nd issues and need some kind of technical help then they can anytime contact to the customer care of AVG antivirus team. For detail information about the installation of AVG product, you can visit to the site of AVG via www.avg.com/retail.